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ISSUE 5 . March 2014

Make everyday Australia Day


Heaps of delicious Easter recipes and ideas to make and share with family and friends

Easter Issue



Hot Cross Buns pg 14


Help save the Bilby pg 8



How the SPC deal with Woolworths is killing Australian industry pg 4


Beetroot, Wild Rice and Herb Salad with Cumin Spiced Grilled Chicken YOU’LL NEED:

For the salad: 2 x 250g Love Beets, chopped into chunks 400g wild rice 1 bunch spring onions, finely sliced 1 small bunch each of mint, coriander and dill (reserve some for garnishing), all roughly chopped Yoghurt to taste For the chicken: Serves 4 chicken breasts 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp cumin seeds, roughly ground 2 garlic cloves, crushed salt and freshly ground black pepper For the dressing: juice & zest of 1 orange 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil salt and freshly ground black pepper



Marinate the chicken by mixing together the olive oil, cumin, crushed garlic, and salt and pepper and rub all over the chicken breasts. Set aside and refrigerate whilst you make the salad. (The chicken can be marinated up to 24hours ahead of time if you want to). For the salad, cook the wild rice according to the packet instructions – it should take between 3040 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold running water. Drain really well and tip into a large bowl. Stir the spring onions, herbs and beetroot though the rice. Mix together the dressing ingredients and taste to check the seasoning. It may need a little more vinegar if the orange juice is particularly sweet. Stir the dressing through the salad. Set aside whilst you cook the chicken.

Heat the oven to 200°C. Heat a frying pan until very hot and sear the chicken on both sides. Transfer to a baking sheet and finish cooking the chicken in the oven – depending on the thickness of the chicken it should take 10-15 minutes. You can also cook the chicken on a barbeque. When the chicken is cooked cut each breast into thick slices. To serve, pile the rice salad onto plates or a large serving platter and arrange the chicken on top. Spoon the yoghurt on top and garnish with a scattering of the reserved dill fronds. Serve immediately. Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 40-50 minutes



What’s inside your Easter edition? 4 7-8

S PC D e al New Produ c ts

1 0 - 1 1 Aust ra lia n Mad e

MakE 2014 a truly auStralIaN

Bilby Easter


ea st er Good i e s


ea st er Cook i ng


Buy Aust ra li an shopp ers gui d e


recip e s

2 8 - 2 9 Hea lt hy Livi ng 30

Clea n Liv i ng

Last issue's winners Staminade WIN A $200 Voucher Denise Kirkham - Forest Hill, Melbourne

Purchasing australian made Pink lady Chocolate Bilbies will help save Bilbies and other endangered australian species a range of Pink lady Chocolate Bilbies can be found in specialty chocolate stores, Big W, Myer, David Jones and selected australia Post outlets Buy Australia has been a leading voice in the promotion of Australian Made brands for over 15 years. If you are keen to be part of this publication, please contact us on the below numbers: Editorial enquiries – 03 9853 7665 Advertising enquiries – 03 8794 9797

Disclaimer Buy Australian Magazine is continually being researched and updated. Consumers are advised that they should always check labels prior to purchase as 'Country of Origin' can change without notice. Whilst every endeavour is made to make this magazine and it's enclosed information as accurate as possible at the date of publication, no responsibility will be taken for any omissions or changes. This publication or any part thereof may not be used, copied, or transmitted without the express permission of the editor.© Copyright 2010.

Pink Lady Chocolates sponsors Save the Bilby Fund by donating the amount of money shown on the swing tag or sticker on each product.





S P C De al

H o w S P C - s t y l e "da r k ” d e a l is k illing Aus t r a lia n in dus t r y

B u y Aus t r a lia n B r a n ds c a mp a ig n

The much celebrated $70 million deal struck between Woolworths and SPC Ardmona has a dark side that nobody has appeared to recognize.

Proudly supported by IGA retailers

By supporting SPC Ardmona Woolworths is actually completing a cynical marketing move by “saving” a company it almost destroyed in the first place. It is Woolworths (and Coles) who started importing tinned fruit at rock bottom prices that created the SPC disaster that required a $22 million bailout by the Victoria Government. The SPC-Woolies partnership will see an extra 24,000 tonnes of fruit, tomatoes and navy beans sourced locally for the last remaining Australian-owned fruit and vegetable processor. The additional volume will require the equivalent of 86,000 fruit trees in the Goulburn Valley. While it looks great the SPC deal is typical of how Australian food manufacturing is being destroyed by the price pressure of the chains and supported by consumers who take the cheapest product without regard for the cost to our future.

Buying imported products by Woolworths made SPC uncompetitive and forced them to the brink of bankruptcy. Then they ride in and buy the products at cost price, and have the cheek to call themselves a champion of Australian manufacturing. This has happened with the vegetable industry too where they have decided “Buy Australian” means buying our farm products at China prices while our farmers struggle to make a living. And it can’t go unnoticed that the fall in the Australian dollar – that makes local products cheaper and imports more expensive – occurred around the same time these deal were being struck. The SPC Ardmona Woolworths deal is typical of how Australian food manufacturing is being driven out of the system by low prices and foreign “competition” and it is being compounded by generic “Australian Made” products.

Woolworths has made enormous capital out of telling the world that its generic tinned fruit comes from SPC – so why would anybody buy the SPC or Ardmona branded product? Woolworths has effectively destroyed the SPC Ardmona brand and placed the company at the mercy of the Australian dollar and international dumping programs all over again.

Are you tired of seeing your favourite brands disappear from supermarket shelves? This is a symptom of something terrible and maybe irreversible happening in our economy. Every time a brand disappears hundreds of jobs disappear too, along with the factories that make them and the investment required to create new jobs for the future. Today everything from a million cars a year to tinned fruit and toilet paper is coming in on huge ships that undermine our economy each time they unload at our ports and return home empty. We need Australian brands to maintain our quality of life and to fill these ships with quality products to sell to the rest of the world. So how do we maintain Australia’s farming and manufacturing industries for the future?

Consumer power Buy Australian Brands Consumers hold the future of our industry in their wallets and purses. I f we all bought ONE MORE Australian branded product each time we shopped we would help our food industry thrive into the future and create jobs. Tell your friends to Buy Australian Brands!

To compound the SPC problem the deal has been struck at a breakeven rate that even the farmers admit is not good for business. Fruit grower Gary Godwill says SPC Ardmona’s supply deal may not be sustainable and believes the company will only break even on the deal. Coles and Woolworths have been accused of pressuring suppliers since launching the crazy price war in 2010 and this SPC deal appears to be a prima facie case.

Continued on page 16 PAGE 4

Go and Like the Buy Australian brands Facebook page and register your protest



Thomas Chipman® chips, Australia’s largest range of organic chips, are made especially for those who prefer organically grown food. And being 100% gluten free means they also satisfy the needs of those who may be gluten intolerant. However, because Thomas Chipman chips taste so darn good, they can be enjoyed by anyone that simply loves delicious chips.





w w w . b u y awww.chipman.com.au usmag.com.au

N E W P ro d ucts

N ew p r o ducts What’s new on your supermarket shelf? Buy Australian brings you the best. “G ing e r Re v o lu t i o n” is h e r e Buderim Ginger, the only major ginger processor still proudly Australian, is declaring a ‘Ginger Revolution’ with an edgy new look set to bring ginger into the spotlight. With over 70 years’ experience creating ginger products, Buderim Ginger has demonstrated they are the experts at bringing flavour to Australian taste buds. However, it is time to shed the old clothes; to step out into the limelight and be noticed!

B la ck m o r e s E xe c u t i v e B St r e ss Fo r mula Stress and tension from our busy lives can put an extra load on the nervous system. During times of stress, the human body has a greater need for some nutrients. Blackmores Executive B Stress Formula helps reduce the symptoms of stress by delivering nutrients important for the body’s response to stress. It contains vitamins B and C – important for the healthy functioning of the nervous system and Passionflower – traditionally used for nervous tension and mild anxiety.

We iss For more than 56 years Australia’s favourite dessert of fruit salad and cream has been immortalised in the iconic all Australian made Weis bar. The original Fruit bar was developed by Les Weis in 1957. The famous Mango bar followed in the 60s. All Weis products are still manufactured in Queensland and use only local Kensington Pride mangoes at the Toowoomba factory.

WINa $200 IGA Voucher

Staminade Tastes Great How much does 600ml of Staminade cost when mixed from the powder? Post your answer on our Facebook site Buy Australian Magazine and Like the site for a chance to win. Search www.staminade.com.au to find out the answer. The winner will be selected at random and notified 1 April 2014.



N E W P ro d ucts

J a lna’s NE W S w e e t a n d Cr e a my Yo g h o ur t The team behind Australia’s best-selling pot set Greek yoghourt has launched NEW Jalna Sweet and Creamy, which is based on Jalna’s Natural Greek Yoghourt recipe. Jalna’s Natural Greek Yoghourt was recently named Champion Natural Yoghourt at the 2013 Australian Grand Dairy Awards, so it’s a natural progression for Jalna to create a sweet twist on this traditional favourite. Sweet and Creamy offers a velvety smooth, heavenly flavour that is less acidic than traditional Greek yoghourts, while still delivering the well-known health benefits of Greek yoghourt. It is lightly sweetened with fruit juice, so there is no added cane sugar or artificial sweeteners - just honest natural goodness.

V ili qua li t y Vili is so conscious of quality in his products he has now implemented his very own meat butchery processing room at his famous South Australian bakery to guarantee the optimum quality meat cuts for the consumer. Vili and his wife Rosemary employ over 300 staff and offer a large range of baked products that are still made by hand. Vili is as active as ever, still training young Australians in his art of making a perfect pie Vili has a strong voice for supporting Australian farmers and keeping young Australians in the work force. Now Vili’s Family Pie plates are available in a fresh new look packaging with the same unique Quality taste. GROWN & MADE in Australia!

S av e t h e B ilb y Fyna Foods Australia Pty Ltd is pleased to be a sponsor of Save the Bilby Fund and have created an alternative to the traditional easter bunny egg – The Easter Bilby. This year Fyna presented a $10,000 cheque to the Save the Bilby Fund raised from people buying the eggs. The donation will be put towards the purchase of 30 of the latest solar powered cameras to monitor the release of captive bred bilbies at Currawinya National Park, QLD. Save the Bilby Fund supports the three main aims of the National Recovery Plan to support research into the biology and ecology of the species to identify the reasons for population and distribution decline. For more information regarding Save the Bilby Fund, or to offer a donation, please visit: www.savethebilbyfund.org

Win a Years supply of Nerada Tea Question: H ow many boxes of tea are on Nerada’s product range page? http://www.neradatea.com.au/product-range To enter post your answer on our Facebook site Buy Australian Magazine and like it for a chance to win! A G E 8 1 May 2014 CompetitionPcloses


N ews



A u s t r al ian M a de

Aus t r a lia n M a d e w e l c o m e s A n t i-D ump ing C o mm issi o n f in ding s Australian Made Chief Executive, Ian Harrison The Australian Made Campaign has welcomed the finding by the Anti-Dumping Commission that more than half of all imported processed tomatoes from Italy have been illegally dumped, and that dumping penalties have been imposed on the offending exporters. We have called for this finding to be publicised widely, so that Australian consumers can become aware of it. There is significant damage being done in the marketplace to companies such as SPC Ardmona, which processes genuine Aussie produce grown by genuine Aussie farmers. Illegal dumping is just another form of cheating but consumers have the ultimate say in what they purchase, and there are consequences if we all increasingly purchase imported products over great Australian produce – further job losses and problems for our farming communities are at the forefront of those consequences. Consumers should look for the green-and-gold Australian Made and Australian Grown kangaroo logos to be sure what they are buying has genuinely been made or grown in Australia. Shoppers buying local products and produce will enjoy great quality, while creating jobs, career opportunities and an improved future for all Australians. www.australianmade.com.au.


A sia A c t i o n P la n The release of the Victorian Government’s Food to Asia Action Plan has been welcomed by food manufacturing representatives. The Victorian Government’s plan is focusing on improved market access, efficient supply chains, support for research and development and innovation, reducing regulatory costs and increased capital investment. The Action Plan’s focus on reducing tariff and technical barriers to trade, in concert with concluding Free Trade Agreements will provide benefits that will flow to a broad range of Australian food and grocery manufacturing companies, large and small,” Mr Dawson said. The AFGC said the Victorian Government’s continued support for the Asia-Pacific Chocolate and Confectionery Centre of Excellence will enhance industry competitiveness and bolster manufacturers’ capacity to take advantage of export opportunities, especially in Asia.

DON’T be a Meal Skipper r o f t a ’I m g re o r L u n ch t s a f k a Bre

Wa r r na mb o o l Ch e e s e a n d B u t t e r ha s b e e n b o ug h t b y C a na dia n da ir y g ia n t S a p u t o . Canadian dairy giant Saputo was successful in achieving 87.92 per cent of voting power in WCB. It won the long battle after Bega's decision to sell its 18.8 per cent stake to Saputo. Saputo was locked in a takeover battle for the strategic asset with farming co-operative Murray Goulburn since September. Bega Executive chairman Barry Irvin said the group was disappointed it had not been able to realise its vision to combine Warrnambool Cheese and Bega Cheese. "It was Bega Cheese's strong preference for Warrnambool Cheese and Butter to remain Australian owned and operated," he said. Warrnambool Cheese and Butter (WCB) has announced a half year net statutory operating profit after tax of $31.3 million, an increase of $16 million or 104.7 per cent compared with the same period last year.



& rals e n i M

great tasting feel full for hours 98% fat free no added sugar Available in the chilled section, next to the flavoured milk.

E A S T E R G oo d i es

Ma c a day a r e b e s t B a r n o n e Australian made, Australian owned ‘Macaday’ bars are made on the same farm where the nuts are grown. The range of tantalizing flavours, each mixed with Macadamia nuts and coated in creamy, milk chocolate, include - Honey & Ginger, Cranberries, Coffee, Rocky Road, Roasted Nuts and Golden Syrup. Macadamias are native to Australia and many of the other ingredients are grown and sourced locally. All Macaday products are gluten free and wheat free so people with gluten intolerance can enjoy them too. If these delicious bars haven’t found their way into the store where you shop, you can buy direct from www.macaday.com.au or, even better, ask your local store to stock them.

Tw o g r e a t Aussi e ch o c o la t e b r a n ds Nestar and Miss Sweetie are two delightful and well loved Australian chocolate brands founded in 2005 by Designer Elizabeth Simaliak and Chocolatier Issy Bilal out of Melbourne. Trained in France and perfecting his skill, Issy is the sole Chocolatier. He only uses extra large 100 year old traditional copper pans, slowly hand panning each piece to create a premium chocolate at an affordable price. Nestar 130g is carefully hand panned nuts, beans & berries while Miss Sweetie 100g is Vegan Dark Chocolate fruit pieces covered in fine smooth dark chocolate. Available at IGA stores.



E A S T E R G oo d i es

Darrel Lea Darrell Lea’s Nougat Easter Eggs have been an Aussie Easter tradition since the thirties. A deliciously thick Milk Chocolate Egg filled with a mixture of yellow and white fluffy Coconut Nougat. Nougat Easter Eggs are the lead line in their range of traditional Easter favourites which includes Filled Half Eggs and Rocklea Road gift boxes. Nougat Eggs are made at the Darrell Lea kitchens in Kogarah, Sydney using traditional confectioners techniques. The Nougat is left to rest before they blend the colours, form the shapes and double enrobe them in the finest Darrell Lea Milk Chocolate.

G o Nu t s w i t h Yummy Yummy Snack Foods™ is proudly a 100% Australian Family owned and operated company which has an extensive range of snack food products under the companies’ premium brand Yummy Fruit & Nut™. The business was established to bring a healthy range of Nuts, Dried Fruits, Snacks, Mixes, Organic, Health Lines, Chocolate and Confectionery products to the consumer through our quality accredited factory. Get your Yummy Nuts today at Drakes Supermarkets, Ritchie’s Supermarkets, Morgan’s IGA Supermarkets, Ryan’s IGA Group and selected Foodland, IGA, SUPA IGA and Independent stores throughout Australia.”

D o n’ t b e a M e a l S k ip p e r Did you know nearly 30% of Aussies skip breakfast or lunch at least three times per week? Meal in a Bottle is a meal replacer designed for the busy consumer. Containing 18 vitamins & minerals, a good source of protein and fibre, Meal in a Bottle has no added sugar – it’s perfect for breakfast or lunch. Meal in a Bottle packs plenty of nutrition that will keep you feeling full for hours and comes in a 290ml bottle available in coffee, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. The product is available in the chilled section in IGA and independent supermarkets nationwide. Visit www.mealinabottle.com.au for more information.



E A S T E R coo k i ng

H o m e m a d e H o t C r o ss B uns Ingredients

Buns 3/4 cup (200ml) warm water (45 degrees C) 60g butter 1 tablespoon dried milk powder 1/4 cup (50g) caster sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 egg white 3 cups (375g) Lion Plain Flour 3 teaspoons dried yeast 3/4 cup (125g) currants 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons water

Icing 1/2 cup (60g) icing sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence 2 teaspoons milk Method 1. Put warm water, butter, milk powder, caster sugar, salt, egg, egg white, flour and yeast in a bowl and mix

together to form a dough. Knead for about 10 minutes. 2. Add currants and cinnamon. Leave in machine until doubled and knead for 5 minutes. 3. Punch down on floured surface, cover and let rest 10 minutes. 4. Shape into 12 balls and place in a greased 22x30cm pan. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, for about 35-40 minutes. 5. Mix egg yolk and 2 tablespoons water. Brush on dough balls. 6. Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees C for 20 minutes. Remove from pan immediately and cool on wire rack.

Icing 1. Mix together icing sugar, vanilla and milk. Brush a cross on each cooled bun.

H o w t o m a ke Ch o c o la t e E a s t e r Eg g s This Easter, try making your own eggs. Pick up an Easter egg mould (available from craft stores, such as Spotlight), melt your choice of chocolate, then follow these steps. Method 1 . Brush an Easter egg mould with vegetable oil to lightly grease. Spoon the melted chocolate into the prepared mould (about 1 1/2 tablespoons each side for a large mould and 2 teaspoons each side for a medium mould). Working quickly, use the back of a teaspoon to spread the

chocolate evenly over the inside of both sides of the mould. 2. Close the mould so the edges join. Use clips to secure. Shake to coat on both sides. Set aside for 5 minutes. Turn over and set aside until almost set (this stops the chocolate setting on one side only.) 3. Place in fridge for 5-10 minutes to chill (this makes it easier to remove the egg from the mould). Remove the clips. Gently press the top and bottom of the mould, one side at a time, to release the egg.

M e l t ing M o m e n t s Ingredients

Butter Icing

1 cup Lighthouse Self Raising flour 1 cup Lion Vanilla Flavoured Custard Powder 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 125g butter

1. Cream all icing ingredients together.

Butter Icing

80g butter 110g icing sugar 1/2 teaspoon Anchor Imitation Vanilla Essence

Assemble 1. Join 2 biscuits together by spreading with icing butter. 2. Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve.

Method 1. Cream butter and sugar. 2. Add well beaten egg. 3. Add sifted flour and custard powder. Mix well. 4. Roll into small balls and press onto a greased tray with a fork. 5. Bake in a moderate oven (160c) for 12-15 minutes.







S P C S Tory Continued from page 4

B u y Aus t r a lia n B r a n ds Woolworths home brand prices undercut branded products A quick look at the Woolworths website clearly shows how the branded SPC and Ardmona products will struggle to compete against the Woolworths generic products. Again the generic products undercut every Australian product to the point where a basket of these groceries costs more than $8 less than the branded products. Shoppers need to register their anger by buying brands and supporting our industries. Don’t spend more, just buy Australian brands.

Regular Price

Woolie homebrand

Regular Price

Spc Apricot Halves In Syrup 825g


Woolworths Select Apricot Halves In Juice Australian 820g


Ardmona Bakers Apricot Halves No Added Sugar 410g


Woolworths Select Apricot Halves In Juice Australian 410g


Spc Fruit Salad Tropical In Natural Juice 825g


Woolworths Select Fruit Salad In Juice 820g


Goulburn Valley Fruit Salad Orchard Variety 3x140g


Woolworths Select Fruit Salad Diced In Fruit Juice 3x140g


Spc Peaches Sliced In Fruit Juice 825g


Woolworths Select Peaches Sliced In Juice Australian 820g


Goulburn Valley Peaches In Fruit Juice No Added Sugar 3x140g


Woolworths Select Peaches Diced Treats In Natural Juice 3x140g


Spc Peaches With Mango Puree 825g


Woolworths Select Peaches Sliced With Mango Puree 820g


Goulburn Valley Two Fruits In Natural Juice 1kg


Woolworths Select Two Fruits Diced In Natural Juice 1kg


Spc Pears Sliced In Natural Juice 825g


Woolworths Select Pears Sliced In Juice Australian 820g


Golden Circle Pineapple Pieces In Natural Juice 440g


Thai Pine Pineapple Slices In Juice 440g


Golden Circle Pineapple Crushed In Natural Juice 440g


Woolworths Select Pineapple Crushed In Juice Australian 440g


Ardmona Duo Tomatoes Finely Chopped Ardmona Duo Tomatoes Finely Chopped 410g


Homebrand Tomatoes DicedHomebrand Tomatoes Diced 400g




Buy Australian Brands! & Reclaim the Aisles! Are you tired of seeing your favourite brands disappear from supermarket shelves?

As Australian consumers we can use consumer spending power to Buy Australian Brands and reject imports and generics.

To top it off the cost of the supermarket price wars is being paid for by the manufacturers not the supermarkets! We will continue to see this erosion of choice unless we take a stand.

If we all do this it will tell the major chains, that are crushing our local food industry, that we have had enough! If every shopper bought one extra Australian branded product each time they shopped it would change the retail landscape.

If we replace generics and imported products in our shopping baskets with Australian Brands consumers will return the market power to our farmers and manufacturers. Strong Australian brands will divert billions into the local economy, provide jobs for the future and insulate them against international takeovers.

Don’t wait for the politicians to act or it will be too late. Australian manufacturing is dying and we need a strong food industry to sustain jobs and agriculture into the future. Even Australian made generic brands erode product innovation and profits while the chains are lining their pockets by slashing consumer choice.

Make your pledge to buy One More Australian Brand each time you shop

• Coles plans to reduce the number of products on its supermarket shelves by 30%!


• Woolworths has more than 2500 Own Brand products

Don’t spend more, just buy Australian Brands



make your pledge to buy one more Australian brand each time you shop

BUY AUSTRALIA N sh opp ers guide Air Fresheners: Bosisto's Eucalytpus Spray - Lavender Spray, Orange Power - Orange, Lime & Lemon, IGA Adore Air Fresheners, Orange power, Proklean, Blossom chemicals, P.O.S.M. Alcohol and mixers: Broo, Coopers. Anti bacterial handwash: Concept laboratories, Organic Care. Asian Foods: Buderim Ginger, Crafty Chef Frozen Snacks & Fingerfood, Nutrisoy Tofu Tempeh - Desserts - Prepared Meals, Soyco Tofu - Plain - Pre-Cooked - Marinated, Taings Steamed Buns, Taings Noodles - Hokkein - Thin Hokkien - Singapore - Thai - Udon - Egg - Rice - Shanghai Noodles, Fantastic Fresh - Tubs of Noodles, Suimin, Homai range, Hong Kong Gold Dim Sims, Hong Kong Chef Spring Rolls, Marathon Dim Sims - Hamburgers - Mini Bites - Spring Rolls - Puffy Dogs Range, IGA Party Spring Rolls, The Curry Makers Indian Meal Bases, Taylors Simmer Sauces and Marinades. Baby Care: Green kids, Purity, Sunsational, Sids and Kids red nose wipes, Vegesorb, Y-Not natural. Baby Food: Bellamy's organic, Food for health, The organic baby food company. Baby Products: Herron Baby Gel, Redwin. Baking: Aunty Kath's Cookie Dough, Buderim Ginger, Copha, CSR Caster Sugar - Brown - Dark Brown - Golden Syrup - Treacle - Pure Icing Sugar - Soft Icing Mixture - Rich Chocolate Icing Mixture - Jam Setting Sugar, Sunny Cane Icing Mixture, J C's Quality Products - Fruit - Nuts - Seeds, Snowflake Icing Sugar, Anchor Semolina - Coconut Baking Powder - Imitation Vanilla Essence, Anchor Breadcrumbs, Lion Pastry Mix, Lion Flour, Fowlers Vacola, Hoyt's Vanilla Sugar, Hoyt's Essences, Sanitarium range including Oat Bran, Rolled Oats, Sultanas, Raisins, Dried Apricots and Nuts, Pampas Pastry, Mountain Valley Maple Flavoured Syrup, Yummy Snack Foods - Yummy Fruit & Nut, Ward's Gelatine - Baking Powder - Icing Sugar, McKenzie's Cream of Tartar - Coconut - Bi Carb - Citric Acid - Tartaric Acid, McKenzie, IGA Minute Oats, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Melrose Golden Flaxmeal, Melrose Organic Omega-3 flax seed, Nuts In Paradise. Bathroom Cleaners: Earth Choice, Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil, Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray, Shower Power, Glitz, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner, Green Choice Toilet, Bath & Shower Cleaner, Orange Power Shower Bath & Tile Cleaner, Bio natural, Envirocare earth, Janola, orange power, rubbedin, Super concentrates. Bath & Shower Gels: SPA, Organic Care, Bathox Bath & Shower Gels- Lavender, Milk & Honey, Anti Stress, Arthritis, Tea Tree oil and many more. Bathox Aromatherapy Bath & Shower Gels Honey & Chamomile. Kids Bubble Mate Bubble Bath, Sud Sational Bubble Bath, Angel Girl Body Wash Exfoliant Bead, Melrose Natures Herbs. Beans, Legumes and Seeds: Hoyt, Natures Selection range, Sanitarium Lentils & Soup Mix, McKenzies Soups - Lentils & Beans, J C's Quality Products - Beans - Legumes & Seeds. Biscuits: Big Sister, Butterfingers, Buttermaid, Carman's Rounds - Apricot & Almond - Classic Fruit & Nut, Dick Smith, Freedom Foods, Jen's Homemade Cookies, Kooka's Country Cookies - Jam & Choc Jam Varieties, Paradise, Real Foods Corn Thins, Kez's Kitchen, Mac's, Unibic RSL Anzac, Go Natural. Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize. Lavosh: Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & Malted. Wheat Lavosh Bites: Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites, Carman's, Dick Smith Foods, Kooka's country cookies, Kurrajong kitchen, Nestar , Real foods, The old colonial cookie company, Tucker's natural. Bleach: Able Westchem, Janola, White King. Bread: Diego's Flour, Omega 3 DHA and Reduced Carb Wraps and Diego's White Corn Tortillas, Gold Coast Bakeries fresh Bread, Rolls, Artisan Bread, Tortillas baked 7 days fresh, La Famiglia Garlic & Herb Bread, Homestyle Bakeries range of Bread, Rolls, Pocket & Specialty Breads, Drake Foodmarkets range of bread products, Foodland, Maypole Foods Crumpets, IGA Bellini Garlic & Herb Breads, Golden Hearth Bakery producer of Organic Wholegrain breads, Fruit loaves and Gluten Free products, Aussie farmers direct, Gold coast bakeries. Bread Mixes and Flour: White Wings Flour, White Wings Organic Flour, Defiance Flour, Defiance Bread Mix, Laucke Flour Mills Bread Mix range, Laucke Flour Mills Flour range, Lion Four , Lighthouse Flour - Bread & Pizza - Cake & Sponge - Biscuit & Pastry - Pasta & Noodle, Light House Bread Mix - Crusty Vienna - Wholemeal - Ancient Grain - Light Rye, McKenzie's Rice Flour - Ground Rice - Arrowroot, IGA Bakers Best Flour. Bread Mixes and Flour: White Wings Flour, White Wings Organic Flour, Defiance Flour, Defiance Bread Mix, Laucke Flour Mills Bread Mix range, Laucke Flour Mills Flour range, Lion Four , Lighthouse Flour - Bread & Pizza - Cake & Sponge - Biscuit & Pastry - Pasta & Noodle, Light House Bread Mix - Crusty Vienna - Wholemeal - Ancient Grain - Light Rye, McKenzie's Rice Flour - Ground Rice - Arrowroot, IGA Bakers Best Flour. Breakfast Cereals: Nuts In Paradise,Dick Smith Bush Foods, Freedom Foods, Golden Fields, Sunraysia Breakfast Prunes, Sunsol, Merriram, Foodland, McKenzie's Natural


Bran, IGA Cocoa Orbits Gluten Free, Carman’s Deluxe Fruit Muesli - Fruit Muesli - Natural Bircher Muesli - Original Fruit-Free Muesli - Premium Traditional Oats, Sanitarium Skippy Cornflakes, Granola Clusters, Honey Weets, Light N Tasty, Weet-Bix Crunch, Weet-Bix, Weet-Bix Fruity, Weet-Bix Hi-Bran, Weet-Bix Kids, Weet-Bix Multigrain, Weet-Bix Organics, Sanitarium Up n Go, Up n Go Energize, Aussie farmers direct, Carman's muesli, Dick Smith foods, Passion8 catering, sunsol, Nu-Vit, Soland, The Muesli company, Food for health. Bottle Water: Nippy's Spring Water, Nuqua Traditional Spring Water, Mountain Ridge Natural Spring Water, Vaqua, Aqua Pura, Aqua Pura Fruitsplash, Frantelle, Drake Crystal Pure Water, Drake Spring Water, Foodland Spring Water, IGA Evita Spring Water, Aqua Fresh Water, Nuts In Paradise. Brooms, Brushes, Mops: Superconcentrates. Butter and Margarine: Meadow Lea, Logicol, Gold 'n Canola, ETA, Olive Grove, Allowrie, Devondale, Tablelands, Gold Standard, Sunbeam, Olive Gold, Vitalite and Miracle spreads, Golden Bounty, Golden Pastures, Harvest, Foodland Butter, Warrnambool Butter, Capel, IGA Country Grove Butter, Melrose OmegaCare spreads. Cake Mixes: Aunty Kath's Cookie Dough, White Wings Cake Mix Range, Go Natural Muffin Mix, Havelock Icing Sugar - Soft Icing Mix, Sunny Cane Icing Sugar - Soft Icing Mix, Lion Scone Mix - Biscuit Base, Laucke CWA Scone Mix, Lion Cake Mixes. Cakes and Puddings: Big Sister Fruit Cakes and Puddings, Betta Bake, Balfours, Fowlers Vacola, Freedom Foods, George & Simpson, Kid's Treats, Nanna's, McKenzie Puddings, Homestyle Bakery, Vili's Cakes, Foodland Cake Range, White Wings Dessert Mix Range, Maypole Foods, Noble Cakes, IGA Range of Cakes - Muffins - Slices, Whittings Fruit & Nut Loaf - Apricot & Raisin Loaf - Traditional Fruit Cake - Apricot Fruit Cake - Carrot Cake Iced - Ginger Cake - Christmas Fruit Cake, Drakes range of cakes - Fruit Mince Pies - Hot X Buns - Fruit Cake, gold coast bakery, melinda's gluten free goodies, Villis cakes. Canned Fruits and Vegetables: Cowra Gold, Dick Smith Asparagus, Freedom Foods, Gourmet Farm Prunes in Juice, Windsor Farm Sliced Mushrooms - Petite Potatoes - Asparagus Creations - Mushy Peas, Sandhurst, Foodland range of canned fruit & vegetables, Ardmona Rich & Thick Tomatoes, SPC Baked Beans and Spaghetti, Goulburn Valley fruit, SPC Fruit, SPC Snack Fruit & Jellies, Ardmona Fruit, Dick Smith Foods, Billabong produce. Car Care: Star Shine Car Wash, Star Shine Car Polish. Carpet Cleaner: Orange power, bio natural, Fontainebleau holdings, Proklean, Super concentrates. Cheese: Dick Smith Cream Cheese Spread, Cracker Barrel, Shape, Coon Block & Slice, Coon Mini Moos, Mil Lel, Fred Walker, Malanda, Australian Farmers, Caboolture, Bega, Cobram, Devondale Block & Sliced, Devondale Squeeze Cheese, Kennilworth Country, Pantalica, Apollo, Jindi, Top Paddock, Tarago River, Foodland, Devondale Cream Cheese, Gippsland, Jaycroix, Kameruka, Warrnambool Cheese, Great Ocean Road Cheese, Capel Choice, Capel Valley Gourmet Cheeses, IGA Country Grove, IGA Country Ridge, Paris Creek Cheeses P/L, Ashgrove cheese, Aussie farmers direct, B.-d Farm Paris creek, Bega, Bulla Dairy foods, Devondale, Liddels, Tamar Valley Dairy. Chicken and Turkey: Aldinga Turkeys, Drake Foodmarkets Turkey Breast, Foodland, Ingham, Cordina Chickens. Chicken and Turkey Value Added Products: Steggles Cooked Wings - Breast Steaks - Nuggets - Chicken Roast - Turkey Thigh and Breast Roast, Aldinga Turkeys Half Oven Roasted Turkey Breast - Frozen Turkey Breast Roll Oven Ready, Foodland, Chickadee, IGA Miranda Chicken Kiev - Schnitzel - Spicy Wingette - Sweet Chilli Strips, IGA Chicken Nuggets. Chocolates/Confectionery: Allseps, Buderim Ginger, Ricci Remond, Pink Lady, Sweet House, Go Natural, Willow Confectionery, Sun Fruits, Aussie Sweets, J C's Quality Products - Chocolate Coated Fruit - Nuts - Confectionery, Australian Nougat Company, Double D medicated and sugar free confectionery, Yummieesc TM No Added Sugar Fruit Jellies, Snow Confectionery, The Jolly Lolly Company, Hilliers Delectable Chocolates since 1914, Newman's - an extensive range of boxed, Christmas and Easter products, Coffler - bulk easter eggs and everyday chocolates, Yummy Snack Foods - Yummy Fruit & Nut, Drake Foodmarkets Party Mix, IGA Fun Confectionery range, Nuts In Paradise, Macaday, Nestar, Zentvelds, Buderim ginger, Macaday, Nestar, Pittsworth confectionary, Zentfelds. Cleaning Products: Advantage cleaning products, Orange power, Amaze products, Australian budget cleaning, Bio natural, Envirocare earth, Mathi products, Nature's organics, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates. Coffee: Grinders Coffee, Aussie farmers direct, Bickfords, Devondale,Fernleigh coffee, Jindebah Hills coffee, Zentfelds. Condiments and Sauces: Buderim Ginger, ETA BBQ Sauce, Cornwells Sauce Range, Cornwells Gourmet Vinegars, Freedom Foods, Three Threes Apple Sauce, Three Threes Mint Jelly, Outback Spirit Sauces, Outback Spirit Mustards & Relish, Anchor Vinegars -


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White - White Malt - Spiced Malt, Wescobee Apple Honey Cider Vinegar, Praise Tartare Sauce, Holbrooks Sauce Range, Taylors Sauces & Marinades, Jensen's Choice, Spring Gully Gherkins and Pickles, Spring Gully Worcestershire sauce and Chilli sauce, Melrose Australian Tahini - Organic Mayonnaise - Dijonnaise - Worcestershire Sauce - Balsamic vinegar, Melrsoe Nut Spreads, Beerenberg - Teriyaki Grill, Plum and Shiraz, Chilli Sauce plus manyothers. Tomato Chutney, Sweet chilli relish, caramelised onion plus many others, Berenberg, Fehlbergs fine foods, fine mustard company,Health rite, The food company,The other Chef fine foods, Whittingtons, Amaze products, Buderim Ginger,Lucky, Sunsol, Nu-Vit, Soland, Saltt Trading, Whittingtons, Beerenberg, Billabong Produce, Buderim ginger, Dick Smith Foods, Dinkum oriental, Piranha, Steric trading, The food company, The other chef fine foods.

Wings Frozen Desserts, Patties Pies, Herbert Adams, Four 'n Twenty, Snowy River, Pampas Pastry, Pampas Frozen Desserts, Sanitarium Vegie Delights. Fruit Juices: Orchard Avenue, Sunraysia Fruit Juices, Nippy's, Purely Australian, Nippy's Fresh Fruit Juices, Nippy's Long Life Fruit Juices, Juice Man, Gourmet Farm Prune Juice, Pure & Natural, Drake Foodmarkets, Foodland Fruit Drink, Fruit Juice & Long Life Juice, Bickfords Classic Juices & Nectar, Bickfords 1litre Fruit Juices, Ward's Fruit Saline, IGA Fruit Juice Drink, Harvey Fresh Range of Fruit Juices, South West 100% Juices range, Tempt Fruit Juice Drink, Taste of Fruit range, Granny's Fruit Juices, Aussie farmers direct, Bickfords, Jolt corporation, Steric trading, Spreyton frsh, Juice Company, The worlds healthiest juice company.

Cosmetics: Australis - an Australian Owned Company - mostly Australian Made products - some are however imported. Cooking Oil - Olive: Olive Grove Extra Virgin, Dandaragan Select - Fruity, Robust and Delicate. Cooking Oils: Crisco, Chefol, ETA, Granada, Dick Smith, Golden Fields, Sanitarium Macadamia Nut Oil, Sunshine, Foodland Range of Cooking Oils, Melrose Kitchen Oils, Beerenberg, Cobram estate, Dick Smooth Foods, Steric trading, Stoney Creek Oil products, The Other Chef fine foods. Cooking Sprays: Crisco Cooking Sprays, Pro Chef, IGA Homestead. Cordial - Plain and Diet: Anchor Treehouse Cordial, Buderim Ginger, Bickford's Ice Tea Cordials, Sunshine, Sunraysia, P & N Blue Ribbon, Ultra C, Foodland, Bickfords Cordial Range, Bickfords Black Currant, IGA Cordial - Flavours, IGA Way of Life Cordial - Flavours, Buderim ginger, Lillyman Bros, Saxbys, steric trading, Tru Blu beverages, Lillyman Bros, Saxbys, steric trading, Tru Blu beverages.

Gluten Free: Diego's Gluten, Wheat and Yeast Free White Corn Tortillas, Golden Hearth Bakery producer of Gluten Free Breads, Rolls, Foccasia, Garlic Bread, Pizza and Muffins, Aunty Kath's Cookie Dough, Carman's Deluxe Fruit Muesli, Thomas Chipman Corn and Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Corn and Potato Chips, Mexicana Corn Chips, Jalna Yoghourt Range, White Wings Gluten Free Flour, Yummy Snack Foods - Yummy Fruit & Nut, McKenzies Italian Style Soup Mix - Bi Carb - Ground Rice - Rice Flour - Baking Powder, IGA Cocoa Orbits, Buderim Ginger, Laucke Easy Bakers Gluten Free Bread Mix range, Patties Gluten Free Range, CSR Pure Icing Sugar - Soft Icing Mixture - Rich Chocolate Icing Mixture Many Spring Gully products, All Melrose products are Gluten free, Nuts In Paradise, Nature's Blend OmegaHoney - OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Smooth, Carman's, Devondale, Dick Smith foods, Food for health, Gold coast bakeries, Macaday, Melinda's gluten free goodies, Nestar, Nu-Vit, Piranha, Soland, The old colonial cookie money. Gravy and Stock: Massel, White Wings Range. Hair Care: Beauty Mate, Envirocare earth, Nature's organics, Super concentrates.

Cottage Cheese: Bulla Cottage Cheese, Blue Cow Cottage Cheese Cream: Bulla Cream, Bulla Sour Cream, Jalna Reduced Sour Cream, Foodland, Devondale Fresh & UHT, Devondale Light Sour Cream, IGA Country Grove Cream, Harvey Fresh Cream Products, B-d. Farm Paris Creek, Aussie farmer's direct, Bulla Dairy foods, Devondale, Liddels, Jalna. Dairy and Traditional Dips: Jensens Organic Salsa Dips, Copper Pot, Chris's Greek Dips - Traditional Homestyle Dips - Chunky Dips - Light & Fresh Dips, Poseidon Black Swan, Foodland, Jaycroix Cheese and Dips, Jean Pierre Pate, Tasmanian Pate, IGA Caville Dairy Dips. Deodorant: Australis Body Sprays, Evoke Body Sprays, Body Choice Aluminium - Free Deodourant, C Eden Organics, Redwin, Redwin Aluminium Free, Super concentrates. Desserts: White Wings Frozen Desserts, Nanna's, Creative Gourmet Fruit, Big Sister, Lion Sago - Custard Powder, Parsons Rice Cream, Tom Piper Rice Cream, McKenzie's Seed Tapioca, Maypole Foods, Noble Cakes, Whittings Cakes & Puddings, Drake Foodmarkets Cakes - Doughnuts - Fruit Mince Pies, Passion8 catering, Simpy Junket, Tamar Valley Dairy. Dish Washing Liquid: Blast, Earth's Choice, Now, Scott's, True Blue, So Gentle, Green Choice, IGA Swift, Hygiene Household Dishwashing Liquid Aloe - Lemon - Citrus, Floral - Sea Blue - Apple, advantage cleaning products, envirocare earth, Nature's organics, Proklean, sunlight, super concentrates. Disinfectant: Advantage cleaning products, Envirocare earth, Bio Natural, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates. Dried Fruit/Nuts: Angus Park, Buderim Ginger, Hole-sum, JC's Quality Dried Fruit - Nuts - Seeds, Mildura, Natures Selection, Sunbeam, Sunraysia Breakfast Prunes, Verity Dessert Maid - JCG - Excello Prune Products and Dried Fruit, Big Sister Cherries, Robern, Drakes Australian Salted Peanuts - Almonds -pistachio -Macadamias, Sanitarium comprehensive range of Dried Fruit & Nuts, Yummy Snack Foods - McKenzie's Coconut, Eltham Valley Pecans, IGA Fruit & Nut Mix, IGA Fun Sultanas - Fruit Packs, IGA Maple Grove Mixed Fruit - Sultanas, IGA Nuts Mixed, IGA Peanuts, IGA Fruit & Nut Mix, IGA Fun Sultanas - Fruit Packs, IGA Maple Grove Mixed Fruit - Sultanas, IGA Nuts Mixed, IGA Peanuts, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Nuts In Paradise, Aussie farmers direct, Beerenberg, Lucky, Sunsol, Nu-Vit, Soland. Eggs: Drake Foodmarkets Plain & Free range, Foodland, IGA Eggs. Entertaining Friends: Bellisimo Fresh Antipasto Selection, Merino Paper Plates/ Napkins, Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize Lavosh - Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt - Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & Malted Wheat Lavosh Bites - Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites. Fabric Softener: Huggie, Natures organics, Envirocare earth, Proklean, Softly, Super concentrates, Sureguard, Wool mix.

Hair Care including Shampoo and Conditioner: Organic Care, Fruits, Redwin, Turning Point, Inprofile Iced Gel - Coloured Gel - Hair Styling Shaper, Monique Hair Spray, Eden Organics, Redwin, IGA Kids Shampoo & Conditioner, IGA Vita Shine Shampoo & Conditioner, Melrose Natures Herbs shampoo and conditioner, Melrose Botanicals Shampoo and conditioner, Melrose Hemp Shampoo. Hand Washes: Bathox Handwash Milk & Honey, Lavender, Industrial. Kids Handwash, Antibacterial Lemon, Antibacterial Olive Oil/Rose Water, Bathox Handwash Lychee/ Cherry, Water Lily/Chamomile, Peppermint/Shea Butter and more. Health Bars: Bellis Fruit Bars, Carman‚ Äôs Classic Fruit Muesli Bars - Original Fruit-Free Muesli Bars - Apricot and Almond Muesli Bars, Freedom Foods, Go Natural, Sunripe, Sun Health Foods, Sun Valley True Fruits, IGA Active Start Muesli Bars & Fruit Bars, IGA Way of Life Fruit & Nut Bars, Carman's, Food for health. Health Foods: Carman's Muesli, Freedom Foods, Diego's Yeast Free Low GI Reduced Carb Wraps and White Corn Tortillas, Diego's Yeast Free -Omega 3 DHA Enriched Wraps, Soyco Tofu - Plain - Pre-cooked - Marinated, Nutrisoy Tofu - Tempeh - Deserts - Prepared Meals, Kialla Pure Foods, JC's Quality Dried Fruit - Nuts - Seeds, Sunsol, Thomas Chipman corn and potato chips, Hole-Sum Corn and Potato Chips, HoleSum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Mexicana Corn Chips, Sanitarium Vitality Blend Range, Sanitarium Dried Fruit, Nuts and Seeds range, Mellow Yellow Dried Fruit, Nuts and Seeds range, Yummy Fruit & Nuts, Eltham Valley Pecans, Laucke WaferGrains with BioFort Selenium, Melrose Nut Spreads, Melrose Flaxseed Oil, Nuts In Paradise, Nature's Blend OmegaHoney - OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter -LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Smooth. Health Personal Care: Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil - Eucalyptus Spray - Tea Tree Oil - Tea Tree Spray - Lavender Oil - Lavender Spray, Organic Care and Natures Organics, Melrose True Blue Organic Eucalyptus Oil, Melrose The Good Oil Organic Tea Tree oil. Herbs and Spices: Anchor Chicken Salt, Hoyt's Herbs and Spices, Windsor Farm Chicken Salt - Bacon Blast Sprinkles - Salt & Vinegar Sprinkles, Hi Qual Chicken Salt, McKenzie's Herbs & Spices - Curry - Grinders and Shakers, Ward's, Spencers Herbs & Spices, Jensens Choice, Saucesetta, G Fresh Range of Herbs & Spices, Clive of India, Heath-Rite Veggie Salt. Herbs & Spices Crushed: Variety Dash- Crushed Ginger - Crushed Garlic, Jensen's Choice Organic Garlic - Chilli - Ginger, amaze products, Buderim ginger, Lucky, Sunsol, Nu-Vit, Soland, Saltt Trading, Whittingtons. Home Brew Kits and Brewers Accessories: Coopers Honey: Beerenberg, Beechworth Honey, R Stephens Tasmanian Honey - Golden Bee - Golden Nectar - Real Leatherwood Honey, Capilano, Barnes, Allowrie, Heather, Smith‚Äôs, Bee Vital, Leabrook Farms, Sanitarium, Wescobee, Superbee, Foodland Blue Gum, Blue Hills Honey, IGA Buzz Bee Honey, Nature's Blend Omega Honey, Beerenberg, Beepower, dick smith foods. Household Chemicals: Diggers, Gelimac Bore Stain Remover, White Knight, Oomph Degreaser - Glue Remover, Pascoes Janitorial Cleaning Chemicals, Mechanix Caustic Soda - Distilled Water - Coolant, Orange Power Sticky Spot & Goo Dissolver, Hillmark

Feminine Hygiene: Femisil Wash - Moisturiser - Talcum Powder. Frozen Food Products: Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit, Arriba Frozen Burritos, White


Fruit and vegetables: Aussie farmers direct, Spreyton fresh.


BUY AUSTRALIA N sh opp ers guide BBQ Stainless Steel Cleaner & Protector - BBQ Enamel & Steel Cleaner - BBQ Grill & Hotplate Grease & Fat Remover, Harpers Borax, IGA Gleen BBQ & Oven Cleaner, IGA Gleen Carpet Stain Cleaner, Solvit Citrus Clean, Grime Goblin, Hand Gienic Hand Sanitiser, Orange Pumice Hand Cleaner, Tuff Degreaser Cleaner. Household General: OzKleen Products, Earth Choice Floor and Surface Cleaner, Toilet Cleaner and Cream Cleanser, Hillmark SteelPower - ScalexPlus - ExpressoKleen Cooktop Scraper - Cerapol - Ceraseal - Rangehood FilterKleen, Stainless Steel BBQKleen - Oven & BBQ Kleen, Selleys Rapid Mould Killer - Oven Plus Heavy Duty Gel - Oven Clean - Sugar Soap, Sugar Soap Disinfectant for Floors - Leather Clean - BBQ Tough Clean BBQ Exterior Clean & Shine - BBQ Area & Furniture - Stone Benchtop Clean - Absorb It- Super Cloth - Super Cloth Twin Pack - Wash Up Wiz -Grout Stain Whitener, Hygiene Household Disinfectant Eucalyptus - Lemon - Lavender - Pine Fresh,Orange Power Spray & Mop Floor Cleaner. Household Pest Control: Talon 150gm Pellets, Talon 75gm Wax Blocks. Household Products: Blossom chemicals, Fischer plastics products, Jiffy, Little Lucifer Firelighters, Kiddies food kutter, Mathi products, Pest free Australia. Household Spray Cleaners: Orange Power Furniture Polish & Restorer, Tonizone Furniture Polish Spray & Trigger - Stainless Steel Polish - Chewing Gum Remover Surface Spray Disinfectant, McLintocks Vanilla Fridge Wipe, Orange Power ‚ Äì Shower - Carpet ‚ Äì Floor & Multi-Purpose, Hillmark SteelKleen, Selleys Super Kleen, Glitz, Scotts, Oomph, Tonizone Shower Cleaner, Tonizone Carnauba Wax Furniture Polish, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner - Mould Killer - Kitchen Cleaner - Cream Cleanser, OzKleen Range, Earth Choice Multi-purpose -Shower Cleaner Window Cleaner, Bosisto's Eucalyptus Spray. Household Wipes: Anti Bac Wipes, Hillmark SteelKleen EziWipes, Selleys BBQ Tough Wipes, IGA Gleen Wipes. Ice Cream: Bulla Ice Cream, Dairy Bell Ice Cream, Golden North, Gelati Italia, Bulla Frozen Yoghurt, Sanitarium So Good Ice Cream, Foodland Ice Cream, Drakes Foodmarkets, Passion 8 catering. Iced Confections: Icy Fruit Sticks, Juicy Fruit Sticks, Skybomber, Snowboy, Bulla dairy goods, Passion8 catering. Ice Cream Toppings: Dick Smith, Buderim Ginger, McKenzies Traditional Topping, Beerenberg, Buderim ginger, Steric trading, The Other Chef fine foods. Insecticides and Candles : Hovex, Tonizone POW Fly & Insect Spray, Rid, Ultra Protect, Tonizone POW Personal Insect Repellent, IGA Fatal Insect Spray. Jam: Buderim Ginger, Beerenberg Jam Range, Jamsetta, Prue Sobers, IXL range of Jams & Spreads, Outback Spirit Spreads, Beerenberg, Buderim ginger, Hanks jams, Dick Smith foods, The other chef fine foods, port maquarie food Co, Ruby's Lou's, Whittingtons. Juice - Lemon or Lime: Sunshine Lemon Juice, Sunshine Lime Juice, Sunraysia Simply Lemon Juice, Nippys Frozen 100% Lemon Juice, Nippys Frozen 100% Lime Juice, Harvey Fresh Lemon Juice 100%. Laundry: Aware Eco, Aware Sensitive, Bluo, Euca Laundry Powder, Orange Power 4X laundry Liquid concentrate,Tonizone Pre-Wash Sprays - Liquid Laundry Starch - Ironing Spray - Spray Starch, So Gentle Laundry Liquid - Fabric Softener - Wool Wash, IGA Swift Ironing Spray - Laundry Liquid - Laundry & Nappy Soaker - Laundry Powder - MultiPurpose Stain Remover - Prewash - Rinse Aid, IGA Adore Fabric Softener - Wool Wash, OzKleen Products, Tonizone Shower Cleaner, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner - Mould Killer - Kitchen Cleaner - Cream Cleanser, OzKleen Products, Silver Star Starch, White Tulip, Bosisto's EucoFresh Laundry Powder - Prewash Stain Remover Allergen Laundry Liquid - Dust Mite Wash., Long Life Fabric Care, Earth Choice Laundry Powders, 1L standard, 4L concentrate, 750ml concentrate, Wool Wash and Fabric Softener, Activ 750ml concentrate, Hillmark ScalexPlus, Aware Eco and Aware Sensitive Powders, Aware 4X Laundry Liquids, Bosisto's EucoFresh Wool Wash. Laundry (others): Amaze products, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates. Meat Pies, Pasties and Sausage Rolls: Patties Pies, Nanna's, Four'N Twenty, Herbert Adams, Tastee, Balfours, Betta Bake, Its Fresh, Big Fella Pies, Footy Pies, Vili's Range of Pies, Pasties, Sausage Rolls, Homestyle Bakeries, Foodland, Maypole Foods Pies, Pasties, Sausage Rolls, Party Pies, IGA Party Pies - Sausage Rolls - Pies, Mrs Mac's Range - Mrs Mac's Microwave Range - Mrs Mac's Multipack Range, Bakewell Range Bakewell Classic Range, Vilis's pies. Meats: Aussie farmers direct, Bundawarrah Pork and lamb, Jervoise organic meats. Mexican Foods: Diego's Range of Authentic Mexican Styled Tortillas, Mexicana Corn Chips, Snackbrands - CC's. Milk: Liddell's Lactose Free, Dutch Jug, Red Cow, Drake Full Cream & Reduced Fat Milk, Foodland, Keiwa, Devondale Fresh, Devondale UHT, Sungold Milk - Fresh, Low Fat,


No Fat, Lite One, O Frothy One, IGA Country Grove, Harvey Fresh Milk, South West Milk, Ferguson Valley Milk, Siciliano Milk, B-d. Farm Paris Creek, Aussie farmers direct, Liddels, Ashgrove farms, Aussie farmers direct, B.-d farm paris creek, Devondale. Milk Drinks: Just Natural, Jacaranda, Chill, Nippy's Flavoured Milk, Keiwa Flavoured Milks, Sanitarium Up n Go, FM Flavoured Milk, Great Ocean Road Premium Flavoured Milk, Sungold Soy Drink, Harvey Fresh Vital Cuppuccino - Fresh Vital Chocolate Siciliano Milk, Aussie farmers direct, Devondale. Milk Shake Mixes/Milk Powders: Aktavite, Dick Smith OzeChoc, Whiles Thick Shakes, Byron Bay Beverages Drinking Chocolate, Devondale Skim Milk Powder, Bickfords Ice Coffee Mix - Milk Shake Mixes, Saunders Malt Extract, IGA Skim Milk Powder. Mouthwash and Gargle: Anti Plaq, Oral Care Mouthwash & Tartar Control. Mouthwash and Mouth Hygiene: Caldent Mouth Washes: Cedel, Eden Organics, Anti Plaq, Oral Care Tartar Control, Mint Fresh, Super Strength, Complete Protection Mouthwash. Multi Purpose Cleaner: Australian budget cleaning, Bio natural, Envirocare earth, Natures organics, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates. Nappy Wash: Proklean, Super concentrates. Organic: Golden Hearth Bakery Organic certified Bread, Jensens Organic Spices Ginger, Garlic and Chilli, Jensens Organic Salsa Dips, Jensens Organic Pasta Sauces ,Thomas Chipman Corn and Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Corn and Potato Chips, Mexicana Corn Chips, Jalna Bio Dynamic Yoghourt Range, Sanitarium Organic Dried Fruit & Nut range, Yummy Snack Foods - Yummy Fruit & Nut, B-d. Farm Paris Creek, Weetbix Organics, Melrose - Flaxseed - Kitchen Oils - True Blue Teatree Oil - Worcestershire Sauce - Balsamic vinegar, Ascend, Buderim ginger, Carman's, Dick Smith foods, Go natural, Food for health, Piranha, Proform, Real foods, Soland, Sunrise health food and store, The cure Medicine company, The worlds healthiest juice company, Wildcraft dispensary juice company. Organic Cleaning Products: Fontainebleau holdings, Bio natural, Hudson marketing, Proklean. Oven Cleaning Products: Advantage cleaning products, Envirocare earth, Proklean, Rubbedin. Pain Relievers: Herron Paracetamol, Herron Blue - Ibuprofen, OsteoEze - Glucosamine, Paralgin Paracetemol. Paper Towels: ABC tissues. Paper Products: IGA Gleen Paper Towels, IGA Toilet Tissue, IGA Facial Tissues, IGA Eden Toilet Tissue. Party, Paper and Plastic: Merino Paper Plates - Zoo Pals, Merino Plastic Plates, Napkins - Merino, Safe, Merino Rugrats. Pasta / Sauces: Jensen's Choice Organic Pasta Sauces, Freedom Foods, Kookaburra Pasta, Rinoldi Pasta, Taings Noodles, Taings Stir-It Sauces, Nanda, Vetta, San Remo range of fresh pasta and pasta sauces, Zafarelli, Stromboli range of Pasta Sauces, Fantastic Noodles, Byron Bay Chilli, Beerenberg, Orgran, San Remo Lasagna Dinner Kit, IGA Bellini Pasta, Pasta with Sauce, Pasta Sauces, IGA Pasta Sauces, Stromboli Pasta Sauces, Taylors Marinades & Sauces, Drakes Foodmarkets Pasta, Aussie farmers direct, Billabong produce. Pavlova: Erica's Kitchen Pavlovas, Pavlova Magic, Drakes Pavlova. Peanut Butter: Dick Smith, Sanitarium Health Foods, Foodland, Nature's Blend OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Smooth. Personal Wipes: Pure & Soft Facial Wipes, Merino Rugrats Moist Wipes, Redwin Natural Beauty Facial. Pet Care: Advantage cleaning products, Bio natural, Advanced pet care Australia, Camelot horse rugs, Envirocare Earth, Hudson marketing, My Pet, Proklean, Skye Park Rugs, Super concentrates,Takari seeds. Pet Food: Advanced pet care Australia, Natural balance,Takari seeds. Pet Food and Accessories: Nature's Gift Australia canned dog food, Nature's Gift Australia dry dog food, Nature's Gift Australia dog treats, The Show'em How Much You Love'em Company, 100% Australian made & owned, Love'em Liver Treats for Dogs and Cats, IGA Degree Dog Food - Canned - Dried - Treats, IGA Degree Cat Food - Canned - Dried - Treats, IGA Cat Litter, Grainfeeds Pty Ltd range of pet food products - Alert Dog Food - Alert Plus + Premium Dog Food - Alert Cat, Melrose OmegaPet, Our Dog Shampoo & Conditioner, Our Dog Spray. Pickled Vegetables: Three Threes range including Pickled Onions - Gherkins - Mustard Pickles, Beerenberg, Aristocrat range of Mustard Pickles - Onions - Spiced Gherkins, Rosella Mustard Pickle & Fruit Chutney, Gardener, Old Country Onions- Mustard


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- Tempeh - Deserts - Prepared Meals, IGA Country Grove Soy Milk, Nuts In Paradise, butter and margarine, Aussie farmer's direct, B.D Farm Paris Creek, Devondale.

Pickles - Gherkins, Pickle King, Blue Banner Pickled Onions, Sandhurst Foods, Foodland Condiment Range, Anchor Onions & Gherkins, Hoyt's range of Pickled Vegetables including Olives, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Gherkins, Pickled Onions, Spring Gully Pickled Onions and Gherkins, IGA Homestead Pickled Onions - Mustard Pickle - Gherkins, Beerenberg Pickled onions, Mustard Pickle, Green tomato pickle.

Sports Drinks: Staminade, Thorpedo, Upper E, Raw Energy, Ward's Fruit Saline, Devondale, Thortz, Proform, Tru Blu beverages, Dick Smith foods, Ascend, Steric trading, Proform.

Pizza: Quattros Pizza Bases, Maypole Foods, IGA Bellini Pizza, IGA Bellini Pizza Bases, Concetta's gourmet cuisine, Byron Bay Pizza Co.

Spreads: Dick Smith, Leabrook Farms Honey Spread, Sanitarium Peanut Butter, Mighty Mite, Temptation Choc Duo, Temptation Fairy Dust, CSR Golden Syrup - Golden Syrup Squeeze - Treacle, Sunny Cane Golden Syrup, Freedom Foods, Devondale Cheese Squeeze, Mountain Valley Maple Flavoured Syrup, Buderim Ginger, Naturals by Melrose Nut Spreads, Aussiemite, Beerenberg, Buderim ginger, Dick Smith foods, Hanks jams, Tuckers natural, Whittingtons.

Prepared Meals: Crafty Chef Indian Meals - Frozen, Foodland, Sanitarium, Sunrice, Hong Kong Gold & Chef, Marathon Dim Sims - Hamburgers - Mini Bites - Spring Rolls Puffy Dogs range, Uncle Harry's Natraburgers, Mrs Crocketts Risotto. Reduced fat: Aussie farmers direct, Bulla dairy foods, Devondale, Prima health solutions.

Stain Remover: Orange power, Bio natural, Fontainebleau holdings, Sheer magic, Nature organics, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates, White king.

Rice Products: Sunrice, Mellow Yellow Rice Crackers, YummySnack foods - Rice Crackers, McKenzie's Rice flour - Ground Rice, Tom Piper Rice Cream, Parsons Rice Cream, IGA Salero Rice Crackers, JC's Quality Rice Crackers

Starter and Meal Bases: The Curry Makers. Sugar: CSR White - Raw - Caster - Raw Caster - Brown - Dark Brown - Jam Setting - Demerara - Coffee Sugar Crystals - Sugar Cubes - Brewing Sugar - SMART, Sugar Australia Graded White, Sunny Cane Icing Mixture - Pure Icing Sugar, Foodland, IGA Maple Grove Sugar - Caster Sugar.

Salad Dressing: Praise Salad Dressing, Praise Mayonaise, Cowra Gold Salad Dressings, Freedom Foods, Anchor Varietal Red, White & Balsamic Vinegars, Cornwells Gourmet Vinegars, IGA Homestead Salad Dressing, Taylors Salad Dressings, Beerenberg - Blue cheese - Caesar - Ranch - Lemon & Herb dressing.

Sun Care: Key Sun Suncare - Zinc, Sports Zinc, Cancer Council, Le Tan, Great Bloc.

Salad Products: Mrs Crockett's, Harvest Fresh, Maypole Foods, Salad Dressings Outback Spirit.

Surface Cleaner: Australian budget cleaning, Envirocare earth, Mathi products, Nature's organics, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates.

Salt: Health-Rite Veggie Salt - Sea Salt - No-Salt, G Fresh range, McKenzie's Salt.

Sweetener: Sugarless Sweetener Sachets - Tablets - Liquid - Café Slims, CSR SMART.

Seafood Products: Aquatas Smoked Salmon,Tassal Pure Tasmania, Tasmanian Smokehouse, Paramount Seafood Range, Thorpedo Tuna Steaks, Spring Smoked Seafood.

Tea: Nerada Tea - 6 varieties, Daintree Tea, Planet Organic Tea, Foodland, Espirit Iced Tea, IGA Tea Bags, IGA Court Yard Tea Bags, Jolt corporation, Bickfords, Daintree tea, The cure medicine company, Wildcraft dispensary.

Shaving: Beauty mate shave, Oscars.

Tissues: ABC Tissue, Pockets, Safe, Bouquets, Elite, Merino - rugrats, Puresoft, Softesse, IGA Facial Tissues, IGA Eden Toilet Tissue.

Skin Care: Natures Organics, Eden Organics, Redwin, Bosisto's Tea Tree Oil -Tea Tree Spray, Beauty mate, Concept laboratories, Envirocare earth, Hepburn Springs, Nature's organics, Proklean, Sunsational, Super concentrates , Y-Not natural, Vegesorb.

Toilet Cleaner: Bio natural, envirocare earth, Nature's organics, Rubbedin, Super concentrates.

Smallgoods: Gerns Continental Smallgoods, Duncan Davis Smallgoods, Paramount Smallgoods, Steggles Chicken & Turkey, Aldinga Turkey, Wintulich's, Foodland, Primo Smallgoods, IGA Deli Gourmet - Leg Ham - Roast Beef - Roast Chicken - Frankfurts - Cocktail, Conroys, Alpine smallgoods, Aussie farmers direct, Concetta's gourmet cuisine, D'Orsogna qualita'.

Toilet Tissue: Autumn Soft, Safe, Bouquets, Bouquets for Kids, Earthwise, Elite, Merino, Naturale, Quiltron, Softly, IGA Gleen Paper Towels, IGA Toilet Tissue, IGA Facial Tissues, IGA Eden Toilet Tissue. Tomato and BBQ Sauce: ETA BBQ Sauce, Beerenberg, Freedom Foods, Foodland, Rosella Tomato, Spring Gully Homestyle sauce, Beerenberg Tomato sauce, Cooper's Ale BBQ sauce.

Smallgoods - Hams: Gerns Continental Smallgoods, Paramount Smallgoods, Foodland. Snack Foods: Snackbrands Potato Chips Range - Samboy, Thins, French Fries, Kettles, Tasty Jacks, Snackbrands - CC's, Cheezels, Real Real McCoy Chips - Jumpy's - Burgerman, Sunripe School Straps - Go Fruits - Fruit & Crumble, Windsor Farm Fruit Straps- Go Fruits - Fruit & Crumble, Byron Bay Chilli Corn Chips & Salsa, Sanitarium Vitality Blend range- Mini Delights, Bellis Fruit Bars, Go Natural, Drake Australian Salted Peanuts, Hoyt's Popping Corn, Thomas Chipman Corn - Potato -Beetroot Chips, HoleSum Corn and Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Mexicana Corn Chips, Mexicana Concho, Äôs, Yummy Snack Foods, Yummy fruit & Nut, Wards Popping Corn, IGA Way of Life Chips 'No Salt', IGA Vibes Thin Cut Chips, IGA Snack a Pack Popcorn, Nuts In Paradise, Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize Lavosh - Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt - Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & MaltedWheat Lavosh Bites - Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites, Beerenberg, Buderim ginger, Bundawarrah pork born and bred, Carman's, Piranha, Real foods, Tucker's natural, Carman's kitchen, Food for health, GO natural, Real food.

Tooth Brushes and Tooth Paste: Eden Organics, Wisdom Toothbrushes, 5 Star and Value, Little Miss and Mr Men.

Soap: Dermasoft, Soul Pattinson, Eden Organics, Redwin, IGA Adore Soap - Handwash, Melrose Organic Castile Soap, enviroCare earth, Natures organics, Lighting cleans, Orange power, LUX, Proklean, Softly. Sunlight, Super concentrates, Velvet.

Yoghurt: Attiki, Chris's Greek Style Yoghurt, Jalna Natural Yoghourt - BioDynamic - Flavoured - Vitalize, B-d Farm Paris Creek, Bulla, Margaret River Yoghurt, Capel Supreme Yoghurt, Aussie farmers direct, B.-d farm Paris creek, Bulla dairy foods, Jalna, Liddels, Tamar, Valley Dairy.

Toothpaste and Tooth Care: AIM, Envirocare, Caldent denture. Vitamins and Supplements: Natures Own, Herron Vita-Mini's, Herron, Herron Osteoezes, Blackmores, Dr Macleod's Formula, Cottage range of Vitamins, Melrose Omega 18/12 Fish Oil, Melrose Vegetarian Glucosamine, Melrose Vitamin C powders, Melrose Clean Green supplements, Nature's Blend OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter, OmegaHoney, Bee power, Super concentrates. Water (mineral and bottled): Aussie farmers direct, Bickfords, Lillyman Bros, Tru Blu beverages. Window Cleaner: Nature's organics, Proklean, Rubbedin, Super concentrates. Wine: Callipari wine. Wool Wash: Envirocare earth, Nature's organics, Wool mix, Proklean.

Soap and Liquid Cleanser: Country life, Pears, Beauty mate, Velvet, Concept laboratories, Envirocare, Natures organics, Proklean, Super concentrates.

Yoghurt - Drinking: Bulla Drinking Yoghurt, Jalna Yoghourt On The Go, Jalna Vitalize.

Soft Drinks: Buderim Ginger, Saxby's, Nippy's Ginger Beer, Nippy's Sparkling Mineral Waters - Fruit Flavours, Bundaberg, P & N Classic Hits, L A Ice Cola, Foodland, Bickfords Old Style Sarsaparilla - Ginger Beer - Lemon, Lime & Bitters - Creamy Soda, Bickfords Original Kola, Spritz Soft Drinks, Espirit, Applemaid Sparkling, Sunraysia, IGA Softdrinks - Cans & Bottles, Bickfords, Buderim ginger, Jolt corporation, Lillyman Bros, Saxbys soft drinks, Piranha, Tru Blue soft drinks. Soup: McKenzie's Soup Ingredients - Starters, Rosella Soup, Mrs Crocketts, Foodland range, Aussie farmers direct, Passion8 catering. Soy Products: Sanitarium So Good Milk & Iced Cream, Sanitarium Organics Milk, Sanitarium Flavoured Soy Milks, So Natural, Australia's Own, Vita Life, Sanitarium Vegie Delights, Pure Harvest, Soyco Tofu - Plain - Pre - Cooked - Marinated, Nutrisoy Tofu


A - Z Health Care Brands: Senna Tabs, Goanna Heat Rubs, Femisil, Cottons sanitary pads and tampons, Dermanol, Polytoxinal, Dick Smith Eucalyptus Throat Lozenges - Chest Rub, McKenzie's Saline, Completely Natural Herbal Medicine Range, Key Sun Lipguard, KidsAllergy, KidsCold, KidsCough, KidsPain & Fever, Isocol, Springwood Bath & Body Products,Bosisto's Sugar-free Medicated Lozenges, Bosisto's Antiseptic Spray, Bosisto's Eucalyptus Rub, Ascend, Buderim ginger, Carman's, Dick Smith foods, Go natural, Food for health, Piranha, Proform, Real foods, Soland, Sunrise health food and store, The cure Medicine company, The worlds healthiest juice company, Wildcraft dispensary juice company.



B B Q R o a s t e d Ra ck o f P o r k w i t h A p r i c o t B B Q S au c e Cooking Time: 1 hour Ingredients 2 tbsp Olive Oil 5–6 Rib Pork Loin Rack Roast, rind on 2 tsp Flaked Sea Salt 400 g can Apricot halves 200 mL Masterfoods BBQ Sauce Method 1. Pre-heat all BBQ Burners on High for 10 minutes prior to cooking 2. Pat Pork Rack roast dry with paper towel and score well using a sharp knife or Stanley knife. 3. Rub Olive Oil into the rind and sprinkle liberally with flaked salt. 4. Place the Pork Roast rack into a heat proof baking dish.

5. Turn off all the centre burners leaving the outer 2 on medium, place the baking dish into the centre of the BBQ and pull down the cover (hood), cook for 25 minutes per 500 g until cooked the way you like it or until juices run clear. 6. Whilst your roast is cooking combine the apricots and BBQ sauce into a medium saucepan and simmer over a medium heat stirring occasionally until thick and pulpy. 7. Remove Pork Rack and rest 10 minutes prior to slicing. 8. Serve sliced into individual chops accompanied with apricot BBQ sauce.

(Notes: Peaches , Pears or Plums maybe used in place of apricots.)

How do you shop? Win! 1 of 6 $50 shopping vouchers To enter To be in with a chance to win 1 of 6 $50 shopping vouchers simply ‘LIKE’ BuyAustralianMagazine on Facebook, subscribe to the magazine at www.buyaustralianmaagzine.com.au and complete the survey.




Over 2000 summer prizes to be won. Simply buy specially marked Family Chef products and peel the sticker off to reveal your unique code. Enter the code at familychef.com.au/summerbbq and you could be an instant winner.

See packs for details.

To enter the competition: i) Purchase a specially marked Family Chef product from a participating independent supermarket in NSW, QLD, ACT, VIC and SA only. ii) Identify the unique code which is concealed on the competition sticker on eligible packs of Family Chef Pork and enter this into the competition page www.familychef.com.au/summerBBQ iii) The entrant will be notified immediately online of their success. All entries must be received by RIVALEA by 5.00pm AEDST on 30/03/14 to be eligible. Entries will only be accepted via www.familychef.com.au/summerBBQ. There are 2001 prizes and the total prize pool is valued at $39,499.00. If a prize is not claimed on or before 5.00pm AESDST 30 March, 2014 by a valid winner, the prize will be forfeited by that winner. If a prize is forfeited by a winner/s, an unawarded prize draw will take place at Level 22, 385 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC 3000 on 11 April 2014 at 10am EST. The unclaimed prize winner(s), if any, will be notified by mail or email within 2 days of the unclaimed prize draw and will have their name and postcode published in ‘The Australian’ newspaper on 18/04/2014. An unclaimed prize draw for any remaining unclaimed prizes will take place at 10.00am AEST Friday 27 June, 2014. The unclaimed prize winner(s), if any, will be notified by mail or email within 2 days of the unclaimed prize PAGE 23 draw and will have their name and postcode published in ‘The Australian’ newspaper on 2/07/2014. This competition is a game of chance. For full terms and conditions go to www.familychef.com. au/summerBBQ. SA Permit No: T13/2231. NSW Permit No: LTPS/13/09642. ACT Permit No: ACT TP 13/04019.1. Vic Permit No: 13/2601.


C h o c o la t e C r a ck l e E a s t e r B unni e s Recipe Rating: Easy Prep Time: 30 minutes Setting Time: 1 hour Servings: 24 Ingredients Easter themed cookie cutter (we used a 6cm bunny shape cutter but you can use any shape you like)

White chocolate crackle 250g (1 block) Copha 200g White chocolate, chopped (not compound) 125g (1-cup) Icing sugar 60g (½ cup) Milk Powder 4 cups Rice Bubbles 100g (1 cup) Desiccated coconut

Dark chocolate crackle 250g (1 block) Copha 200g Dark chocolate (chopped) 125g (1-cup) Icing sugar 60g (½ cup) Cocoa powder 4 cups Rice bubbles 100g (1 cup) Desiccated coconut

Icing 50g Icing sugar 1-2tsp Water Pink food colouring Liquorice strips and pink smarties to decorate Method 1. Line two 30cm x 20cm baking trays with baking paper. 2. In a large bowl combine white chocolate and Copha. Place over a pot of barely simmering water. Stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat. 3. Add rice bubbles, milk powder and coconut. Stir to combine. Pour crackle mix over the biscuit base and spread evenly. Leave on the bench to set. 4. In a large bowl combine dark chocolate and Copha. Place over a pot of barely simmering water. Stir occasionally until melted. Remove from heat.

5. 6.

Add rice bubbles, cocoa powder and coconut. Stir to combine. Pour crackle mix over the biscuit base and spread evenly. Leave on the bench to set. Use a 6cm bunny shaped cookie cutter, cut out the shapes transfer to another tray and leave to set in the fridge for 1 hour.

Icing 1.

Sift icing sugar into a medium bowl. Add a few drops of pink food colouring. Add water one teaspoon at a time, mix until a smooth, thick icing is made.

Assembly 1. Put some icing on the liquorice whiskers and stick down onto the crackle. 2. Then put some icing on the smartie and glue it down to the whiskers. 3. Allow icing to set. 4. Serve.

G lu t e n Fr e e E a s t e r T ir a misu Recipe Rating: Medium Prep Time: 1 1/2 hours Baking Time: 20 minutes Servings: 12 to 16 scoops For best results make this the night before serving. Ingredients

Sponge finger biscuits 50g (¼ cup) diced Copha 5 Eggs separated 160g (2/3cup) Castor sugar 1tsp vanilla essence 150g (1 cup) Gluten free plain flour 75g (½ cup) gluten free selfraising flour ½tsp gluten free baking powder

Mascarpone cream 500ml (2 cups) strong black coffee (hot) 125ml (1/2 cup) Marsala 130g (1/2 cup) Castor sugar 4 Eggs separated 250g (1cup) Mascarpone 250ml (1 cup) Thickened cream Cocoa powder for dusting 50g Dark chocolate, grated PAGE 24


Sponge finger biscuits 1. Pre heat oven to 180°C (fan forced 160° C). Lightly grease and line two 30cm x 40cm / 11in x 15in flat baking trays. Chill serving dish in the refrigerator. 2. Warm Copha in the microwave, just soft enough for creaming. 3. Set aside 2 tablespoons of castor sugar and cream the remaining castor sugar and Copha using an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks in one at a time followed by vanilla essence. 4. Transfer mix to a large bowl and set aside. Beat egg whites using an electric mixer, until soft peaks form. Add the reserved 2 tablespoons of castor sugar and whisk for a further minute. 5. Sift together flours and baking powder. Fold half the egg whites into the

6. 7.

egg yolks; Fold the flour mix into the egg yolks. Fold in remaining egg whites. Fill a piping bag fitted with a 1 cm plain nozzle with the mix and pipe 24 biscuits 8cm (3 ½in) long. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown and

firm. Set aside and allow to cool completely.

Mascarpone cream

Assembly For details on the Marscarpone cream and assembly go to: http://www.copha.com.au/ catalogue/easter/


Check the Australian products buyers guide for Australian Made ingredients

R ec i pes

B reak fa st E as t er egg s A sp a r a g us w i t h P o a ch e d Eg g Ingredients 2 bunches asparagus, woody ends trimmed 2 teaspoons vinegar 4 fresh eggs 25g (1/3 cup) finely grated parmesan Method 1. Bring a large frying pan of salted water to the boil over medium-high heat. Add the asparagus and cook for 2-3 minutes or until bright green and tender crisp. Use tongs to transfer the asparagus to a plate. Cover to keep warm. 2. Add the vinegar to the

water in pan. Reduce heat to medium-low. Crack 1 egg into a small bowl. Use a spoon to stir the water to make a whirlpool. Carefully pour the egg into the centre of the whirlpool. Cook for 4 minutes for a soft yolk or until cooked to your liking. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a plate. Cover with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining eggs. 3. Divide the asparagus among serving plates. Top with an egg. Season with salt and pepper. Top with parmesan to serve.

L unch

Eg g a n d B a c o n P i e Ingredients 1 1/2 cups plain flour 100g butter, chilled, chopped 7 eggs 5 Primo rindless shortcut bacon rashers, diced 
1/3 cup pure cream


2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives Fresh basil leaves, to serve Method 1. Process flour, butter and a pinch of salt until

mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. With motor running, add 1 egg. Process until mixture comes together. Shape into a disc. Wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan-forced. Grease a 6cm-deep, 20cm springform pan. Place two thirds of the pastry between 2 sheets baking paper. Roll out to a 30cm circle. Refrigerate remaining pastry. Line prepared pan with pastry round, ensuring pastry is 4cm up side of pan. Trim edges. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Line pastry with baking paper. Fill with ceramic pie weights or uncooked rice. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove paper and weights or rice. Bake for 10 minutes

or until golden. 3. Scatter bacon over pastry case. Whisk 2 eggs together in a bowl. Reserve 1 tablespoon egg. Add cream and chives to egg in bowl. Whisk to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Pour over bacon. Make 4 evenly spaced wells in bacon mixture. Crack remaining eggs into wells, keeping yolks intact. 4. Place remaining pastry between 2 sheets of baking paper. Roll out to a 20cm round. Brush pastry case edge with reserved egg. Cover filling with pastry round. Press edges to seal. Brush with remaining reserved egg. Bake for 30 minutes or until filling is set and pastry golden. Stand for 5 minutes. Place on a plate. Sprinkle with basil. Serve.



Check the Australian products buyers guide for Australian Made ingredients

LUNCH H o m e -St y l e D o n e r Ke b a b Ingredients 500g lean lamb or pork mince 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tablespoon plain flour 
2 tablespoons each olive oil and chopped parsley 2 teaspoons each ground cumin and cinnamon 3 teaspoons ground coriander 1 egg, beaten Lemon, warmed pita, salad, natural yoghurt and mint, to serve. Method 1. Preheat grill to medium- high. Line base of a 28cm x 8cm

lamington pan with baking paper and lightly grease. Combine lamb, garlic, flour, oil, parsley, spices, egg, salt and pepper in a bowl. Press into an even layer in the pan. 2. Place pan under the grill for 4 minutes or until lightly browned. Drain off any liquid, then invert onto a board. Discard paper, then return meat to pan, sealed- side down, and grill for 2 minutes until cooked through. Slice meat into thin strips, squeeze over lemon, pack into pita with salad, yoghurt and mint.

Proudly Australian owned & grown for over 24 years S e a f o o d in G a r li c B u t t e r Ingredients 2 tablespoons garlic butter spread 
1.5kg black mussels, scrubbed, debearded 
750g prawns, peeled leaving tails intact, deveined 
250ml (1 cup) white wine or fish stock 
1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Mediterranean Herb & Spice Blend 530g loaf rye & seeds sourdough bread Method 1. Melt spread in a large deep saucepan over high heat. Add the mussels, prawns and wine or stock. Cover and cook, shaking the pan, for 8-10 minutes or until mussels are open and prawns are tender. Discard unopened mussels. 2. Use tongs to transfer the mussels and prawns to a deep serving dish. Stir the herb blend into the juices in the pan. Season with pepper. Pour over the seafood. Thickly slice the bread and serve with the seafood.


Frankie Ruffo 4th generation farmer for Tripod Farmers Group

www.tripodfarmers.com.au www.buyausmag.com.au


H o n e y-Min t G la ze d L a mb Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 
1/3 cup honey 
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 
4 x 8-cutlet (500g each) lamb racks Method 1. Combine oil, honey, mint and vinegar in a glass or ceramic baking dish. Add lamb. Turn to coat. Cover. Refrigerate for 20 minutes or overnight, if time permits. 2. Remove lamb from dish, reserving marinade. Preheat

barbecue on high with hood closed. Place lamb on a wire rack in a large disposable baking tray. Reduce heat to medium. Cook lamb, with hood down, using indirect heat, for 25 minutes for medium or until cooked to your liking (see note). Remove from barbecue. Cover with foil. Rest for 5 minutes. 3. Place reserved marinade in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil. Simmer for 3 to 4 minutes or until reduced by half. Cut each lamb rack in half. Serve with sauce.

DI NNEr F ish a n d C h ip s Ingredients 
1 cup (150g) plain flour, plus extra to dust 
1 1/3 cups (330ml) goodquality beer (lager), chilled 4 large floury potatoes (King Edward, russet), peeled 12 (50g each) flathead fillets Sunflower oil, for deep-frying Lemon wedges and tartare sauce, to serve. Method 1. Place the flour, 1 teaspoon sea salt and some cracked black pepper into a large bowl, and make a well in the centre. Slowly start pouring the beer into the well, whisking to combine, until all the beer is added and a smooth batter forms. Strain batter through a fine sieve to remove any small lumps of flour. Place in the fridge for 1 hour. 2. Dry the potatoes with kitchen paper and cut lengthways into chips about 1cm-thick. Half fill a deep-fryer or large


heavy-based saucepan with oil and heat to 160°C. Fry chips in batches for 5-7 minutes or until soft but still pale, then drain. 3. Preheat oven to 170°C. When you are ready to cook the fish, increase the temperature of the oil to 190°C. Fry chips again, in batches, for a further 2-3 minutes or until crisp and golden. Drain on kitchen paper. Keep warm in oven. 4. Maintain the oil temperature at 190°C. Dust the flathead fillets in the extra flour. Dip into batter, one at a time, allowing excess to drain off. Carefully place into the hot oil. Depending on the size of your fryer, cook fish in batches. Fry for 3-4 minutes or until golden brown and crisp, then drain on kitchen paper. 5. Remove chips from oven. Sprinkle fish and chips with salt. Serve with wedges of lemon and tartare sauce.



Healt hy L iving Ve g e s o r b is g r e a t f o r y o ur sk in Vegesorb is a safe, highly tolerated, fragrance free, colour free, apricot and almond oil based moisturiser. Vegesorb is an alternative to other pharmacy brand sorbolenes containing petrochemical by-products such as paraffin, mineral or petrolatum, which were primarily designed to act as barriers.

VEGESORB Sinks in to actually moisturise skin’s top layers

Jalna’s Natural Greek Yoghourt was recently named Champion Natural Yoghourt at the 2013 Australian Grand Dairy Awards, so it’s a natural progression for Jalna to create a sweet twist on this traditional favourite. Jalna yoghourts contain no artificial sweeteners, gums, starches, gluten, gelatine, stabilisers, preservatives, colours or acidifiers, no numbers in the ingredients list or words you don’t understand, just honest natural goodness. Like all quality Jalna products, both Sweet and Creamy and Citrus Splice are packed with more than three million friendly acidophilus, bifidus and casei probiotic cultures in every 100g to help aide digestion, one of the key markers of good health. Jalna yoghourts are Australian made and owned Leading dietitian Karen Inge suggests substituting cream in everyday dessert recipes for Jalna Sweet and Creamy yoghourt; ‘Jalna Sweet and Creamy yoghourt is delicious with stewed apples and a sprinkling of toasted muesli to provide a healthy dessert that offers a good source of calcium, protein and probiotics.’

Outer Skin Layers

TRADITIONAL SORBOLENE Provides a barrier, helping to prevent moisture loss

Outer Skin Layers

Why use Vegesorb? Vegesorb is light, non-greasy and due to the natural physical and chemical properties of apricot and almond oils, is rapidly absorbed by the skin providing quick effective and lasting moisture with compatible natural fatty oils. It is economical and available at a similar price to other pharmacy brand sorbolenes. (Recommended retail 100g tube $8.70, 250g tube $14.30) Consumers report many uses including: Dry skin, itchy skin, sensitive skin situations eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, soap alternative, moisturising dry scalp, make up removal, shaving, after-shave. Used by medical centres, aged care centres and podiatrists and as a base for ointments.


J a lna Yo g h o ur t


Cu t s a l t a n d s t o p h e a r t a t t a ck s Cutting Australia’s salt intake could prevent an estimated 5,800 heart attacks, the National Heart Foundation of Australia has said. The Heart Foundation said research suggested that if intake of salt from processed foods was reduced by 15 per cent over 10 years, it would avert 5,800 heart attacks and 4,900 strokes each year. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure and increased the risk of heart attack and stroke with one in three Australians aged 30 to 65 with high blood pressure. On average, Australian eat around nine grams of salt a day (around one a half teaspoons), far in excess of the Heart Foundation’s recommended maximum of six grams (one teaspoon) for healthy Australians and four grams (two-thirds of a teaspoon) for people with existing high blood pressure or heart disease. About three quarters of the salt we eat comes from everyday “hidden” supermarket foods, rather than salt added at the table, which is why the Heart Foundation is running a campaign, ‘Halt Hidden Salt’, to get hidden salt out of everyday foods before they hit the supermarket shelves. The World Health Organisation has a target of reducing salt consumption by 30 per cent by 2025.

W h o l e di e t a p p r o a ch A study published in The American Journal of Medicine has shown that a whole diet approach, which focuses on increased intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish, has more evidence for reducing cardiovascular risk that strategies that focus exclusively on reduced dietary fat. The new study, undertaken by researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and Northwestern University in Chicago, found that while strictly low fat diets had the ability to lower cholesterol, they were not as conclusive in reducing cardiac deaths.

B u t t e r m a ke s a c o m e b a ck in Aus t r a lia Australian grocery buyers are purchasing more butter than they were five years ago, according to findings from market research organisation Roy Morgan Research. In the 12 months to September 2013, 47 per cent of grocery buyers bought butter in an average four-week period, up from 44 per cent in the year to September 2009. Although butter was not as popular as margarine, its growing sales appeared to have impacted those of margarine, which had declined since 2009, with 54 per cent of grocery buyers purchasing it an average four-week period in 2013 (down from 59 per cent). “The shift towards quality food and ingredients — not to mention the discovery that it’s not as bad for our health as previously believed — have no doubt contributed to butter’s return to favour in recent years,” said Geoffrey Smith, General Manager Consumer Products, Roy Morgan Research.

B ing e dr ink ing Market research organisation Roy Morgan Research has reported that in an average week, 583,000 Australians aged 18 or older (or 3.3 per cent of the adult population) could be classified as binge drinkers . According to Roy Morgan Research, Australian men were roughly six times more likely to be binge drinkers than women, with 5.7 per cent (or 501,000) of men reporting that they drank 35 or more alcoholic drinks in an average seven days, compared to 0.9 per cent or 82,000 women. The NHMRC advises Australians to drink ‘no more than two standard drinks on any day’ if they want to reduce the risk of alcohol-related harm over their lifetime.




CLEANIN G Na t ur e s O r g a ni c s Created in the 1950’s, Natures Organics is an Australian owned and run manufacturing company of environmental household cleaning and personal care products. Natures Organics' motivation is based on a philosophy of creating environmentally responsible products of the best quality, at the lowest possible prices, making the products affordable to Australian families. Natures Organics are aware that ingredients which are considered environmental today may be damaging tomorrow. This has led to them continuing to evolve their product offering. Their company philosophy ensures that they are continuously searching for new technologies as well as ways to improve their products and the impact they have on consumers and the environment. Natures Organics brings you the Earth Choice range of environmentally-responsible cleaning and laundry products, high performance products that don’t cost the earth. From the bathroom to the kitchen, laundry and surface cleaners, making Earth Choice your choice helps to achieve a greener world. It is important to consider the damage cleaning and laundry products are having on our water ways and marine life but also take time to consider the exposure your family has to unnecessary chemicals every day.

Ear th Choice T ips for a Greener World:

1 2

Always wash with a full load Add a cap of Earth Choice In-wash Booster to your regular laundry load and achieve an enhanced wash to


both colours and whites When combating tough stains, combine the Earth Choice Prewash Stain Remover and In-wash Booster

E a r t h Ch o i c e L aun dr y S o a ke r & In-w a sh B o o s t e r Plant & Mineral Based with a powerful performance – cutting through grime and dirt without harsh chemicals No Phosphorus or petrochemicals Cruelty free.

4 5

for optimum stain removal Limit the use of your clothes dryer – the sun’s energy is free Over aggressive detergents can actually reduce the lifespan of your clothing

Not tested on animals Grey water Safe - safe to use on your garden, and does not pollute our waterways Australian made and owned, protecting jobs for Australians 100% Recycled and Recyclable Bottle





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