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Food companies face the major challenge of improving sustainability for the sake of the planet, people, and their own long-term viability. From high-tech solutions straight out of sci-fi, to operational over-hauls, to re-configured supply chain governance, in every corner of the food industry innovations for sustainability are seeing the light of day.

With the global population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050 (from 7.6 billion in 2018) 1 , the industry is

grappling with the question of how to ensure sufficient, nutritious food for everyone.

To add to the challenge, the extra mouths must be fed without increasing - or ideally reducing - reliance on

fossil fuels and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The food system is responsible an estimated 21-37% of all

CO2 emissions (10.8-9.1 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents per year) from human activities, making it a main

contributor to climate change, according to the UN's International Panel on Climate Change. 2

The sustainability imperative facing the food sector links to the wider global movement for sustainable

development. Together with governments, non-governmental organisations, academics, and other

stakeholders, all industries are called upon to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

17 bold ambitions to turn around the world's fortunes by the year 2030. 3 Many of the goals have a strong

relation to food, whether explicitly or implicitly - including SDG 2 on no hunger, SDG 3 on good health and well-being, SDG 12 on sustainable production and consumption, SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, SDG 13 on climate action, etc.

“Sustainability is the right thing for our businesses, for our society, and for our planet," said Mella Frewen,

Director General of trade association FoodDrinkEurope, at the 2019 launch of an orientation paper on

sustainable food systems. 4

So, what exactly is the food industry doing? Read on for a round-up of innovation in the pipeline - from manufacturers, ingredients companies, research institutes, and other trailblazers.

Sustainable Development Goals

Source: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/3

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