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Functional ingredients have gained in importance in response to COVID-19, and spreads are no exception, as Mintel identified ‘boosting nutritional profile’ as a dominant theme for innovation in the category during 2020.12 It is further suggested that companies could leverage the inherent nutritional value of existing ingredients in spreads, such as nuts or cocoa, or add ingredients associated with health and immunity, such as turmeric, ginger or other plant ingredients.13
The trend responds to consumer demand for added nutritional value. A recent report from the Hartman Group found almost a third (29%) of adults said they consumed more functional foods and beverages in 2020.14
Other trends in spreads include giving consumers “an intense or memorable sensory experience,” Mintel said.15 Examples include a sweet spread with the texture of popcorn and innovations with spicy ingredients.
Darna Delikatesser - Vegan Hummus with Chili, Denmark
Source: Mintel GNPD16
Darna Delikatesser Vegansk Hummus med Chili (Vegan Hummus with Chili) is described as a hummus with added salsa and chili, said to be spicy, fresh and colourful with notes of garlic, bell pepper, herbs and tahini. It can be used on a classic tapas plate with sausages, garlic olives and baked tomatoes, and it is also suitable for BBQ meals, meat and vegan dishes. The product is free from lactose and gluten, and retails in a 175g pack bearing the Green Keyhole logo.16
Mojo Cacao - Chocolate Nut Butter with Popcorn, Russia
Source: Mintel GNPD17
Mojo Cacao Shokoladno-Orekhovaya Pasta Popkorn (Chocolate Nut Butter with Popcorn) is now available. The product is crafted in Moscow, features a 100% plant-based formula, and contains whole ingredients, healthy fats, fibre and protein. It is said to be ideal for toasts, yogurts, smoothies or granola, is free from refined sugar, gluten, soy lecithin, dairy and emulsifiers, and retails in a 200g pack.17
Palm oil has been a sensitive ingredient in spreads for several years, as many consumers associate it with deforestation and habitat loss.18 In the 12 months to May 2020, 6% of new spread launches made a palm oil-free claim, and some companies have moved from using certified sustainable palm oil to cutting out palm oil altogether.19