May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
Ah May, who doesn’t love May? The flowers are finally up here in Canada, the songbirds are back and many of us are starting to spend more time outdoors, staying active and healthy. Here at FLEXAFIT, staying active and healthy has definitely been a theme.
First off we wish to extend a hug thank you to all our participants of the ”Fire In Our Hearts, Ice In Our Veins” Fundraiser benefiting the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. We raised a total of $632! Way to go FLEXAFIT skaters!
May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
We have a list of growing classes including our adult jump classes with adult flexibility and a separate adult conditioning added on. Our adult skaters have been enjoying these classes so much with Jessie! Even though all of our classes have no age limit, adults have been finding our adult specific classes very beneficial and focused for their particular levels of training.
Our adult conditioning class and adult flexibility class on Mondays starting at 6:00 PM EST is for all adults including non skaters. If you as a skating parent have been looking to workout as well, here is your chance. Come join us!
We have also added beginner jump classes as well as our new Resistance Band workout class. Resistance bands are such a wonderful workout tool. They are portable, perfect for coming with you to any location, and offer a level of training that helps to increase muscle, stretch and tone in their own unique way.
Come and join Sarah on Monday evenings at 5:00 PM EST teaching our amazing Resistance Band workout class; try something new and you might find it becomes an integral part of your training routine! Again this class is not just for skaters, all are welcome! See our online class schedule here.
May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
With school almost finished we are actively planning our summer online group class schedule, but we need your help. We need to know what times work for you during your summer training so we can best serve you with our online schedule. Please email our booking manager Maya directly at and let her know what classes and when you want to see them in the schedule. We have the capability to host classes all through the week, evenings and weekends, so let us know and have a say in our summer online group class schedule.
We now offer training for roller skaters - yes roller skaters! @RollerSkaterFitness Like us on Facebook FLEXAFIT Level 1 Certification Course was a huge success! Coaches had a 3 day intensive course on sport specific training, planned programming, off ice jumps and flexibility.
FLEXAFIT® LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION FUNDAMENTALS COURSE JULY 16-18, 2021 OCTOBER 2021 (TBA) For more detailed information please visit Flexible payment arrangements to inquire.
May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
THE ART OF JUMPING IS BACK! And we have more news for coaches! Signe will be running a 5 part Coach’s Seminar. As a coach you can learn all the “how to’s” of how to jump off ice. This informative and interactive seminar will show you how to bring a new safe and effective level of off ice training to your skaters through detailed review of each specific jump. Don’t miss out on this one!
Register ONLINE or email
May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
Testimonials have been coming in. Here is one from a mom whose daughter has been training with one of our certified trainers and participates in FLEXAFIT online classes:
I wanted to share with you all what FlexaFit has done for Whitney’s skating, according to her coach….. “Whitney’s coach is excited by the improvement in Whitney’s jumps on ice because of the time she is putting in off-ice. FlexaFit classes have improved Whitney’s jump height, rotation speed in jumps and landing position. Core classes and on-line flexibility have led to improvements by leaps and bounds in her spins because she can hold the proper position longer and her transition in combinations are much faster and smoother because of the exercises.” Thank you all so much…. Darcey
Please keep your testimonials coming and email or tag us at #myFlexafit. Sharing your experiences is helping to inspire many of our new skaters joining us!
May 2021
Vol 1 Issue 5
And speaking of being an inspiration to others, keep following us on social media where we will be soon giving out further details on our exciting Cover Contest for Figure Skater Fitness Magazine. Here comes your chance to show off your skills and inspire other skaters and athletes with some serious exposure in our magazine!
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We wish you all a very happy Spring! Keep up the awesome training FLEXAFIT-ers!