Fitness Insider
- Building Strength and Explosive Power in male figure skaters
- Periodization Training guidelines
- What makes a jump successful?
- The 3 Keys to your pre-season plan
In The Spotlight
- The Shibutanis talk of their strength on and off the ice, a strength that starts with family ties.
Injury Prevention
- Estrogen Dominance and 4 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones
- Recovery Understanding the simple science behind what your body needs to recover after training and how to do it!
Train the Mind
- Finding Balance between life inside and
outside the rink
- Play big to Achieve big
Achieving Big Goals Starts by Playing Big in Practice
- Team Building We all need to do it!
Nutrition Insider
- Nutrition and Recovery for Figure Skaters
- Chia Seed Pudding
- High-End Fit & Function For Your High Performance Training
- cb. The latest fashion line for figure skaters!
Skaters Corner
- Feel Good = Perform Better
- Buying Figure Skates 101
- Understanding Jump Harness
---and more