FLEXAFIT Figure Skater Fitness Newsletter

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January 2021

Vol 1 Issue 1




We have certainly all experienced a challenging year in one way or another. Here at FLEXAFITŽ we have learned to pivot our business to meet our skaters’ needs by moving to online training. We continue to evolve as we search for new and inventive ways to make online training fun, engaging and most importantly, effective. We think we have successfully accomplished this by seeing so many new local and international skaters join in on our classes and personal training. WELCOME TO ALL OUR NEW SKATERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!

We have skaters joining us from the USA, Australia, Scotland, Thailand, U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Japan and many more countries! We feel privileged and excited to work with you virtually! Technology has made our world small to be able to connect, yet your accomplishments through these virtual connections are HUGE! Our skaters continue to amaze our trainers. Skaters come to us with different training needs and we create individualized programs to enhance their progress. flexafit.com info@flexafit.com

January 2021

Vol 1 Issue 1

Each skater is beautifully unique. With our methods we are consistently seeing tremendous improvements and goals being surpassed by so many! This year we really want to focus on listening to you. We are welcoming testimonials, both written and video. If you have reason to brag about your skating accomplishments with FLEXAFIT, please send us your stories! Use the hashtag #MyFlexafit on Instagram, Facebook or email us at book@flexafit.com and we will post your successes for the world to see!

There have been so many success stories already, we just simply cannot sit back and NOT share these! As a bonus to you, each testimonial is eligible for a draw to win an issue of our magazine Figure Skater Fitness! And speaking of our Figure Skater Fitness magazine‌ have you checked it out yet? Each quarterly issue is exploding full of interesting articles, exercises, and skating advice! We offer digital ($23.96/year) or printed ($79.99/year) subscriptions to Figure Skater Fitness Magazine.

And here is another great reason to subscribe to our magazine... AN EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR OUR MAGAZINE SUBSCRIBERS

Figure Skater Fitness Magazine is looking for fitness models to be featured in an upcoming issue! This is your chance to really shine with your fit skating lifestyle! If you are interested in entering this contest: 1. You must be a current Figure Skater Fitness Magazine subscriber; 2. You must post a photo or video on Instagram/Facebook and tag #MyFigureSkaterFitness and #FigureSkaterFitnessModel 3. Tell us why YOU should be our next fitness model! flexafit.com info@flexafit.com

January 2021

Vol 1 Issue 1


We have 3 amazing Live Facebook events in January! January 14 6:00 PM EST Totally Possible Speed Rounds by Outdoor Voices January 15 4:00 PM EST All You Want to Know About Off Ice Training with FLEXAFIT® Founder Signe Ronka January 16 11:00 PM EST FLEXAFIT® Jump Class LIVE On Facebook

We also have online classes, lots of them! Discover for yourself if you haven’t yet how valuable and effective online classes can be. Our senior trainers have a good thing going with their attention to skaters’ needs, in an online group setting. Honestly! See for yourself how our sport specific online classes can work just as well for your training as in person. At a range of $15 - $30 they really are amazing value for your money! Jump Classes Plyometric and HIIT Classes Flexibility Classes Dance Classes Adult Classes Core Classes Jump Technique Classes There is a class to suit every skater’s training needs! You can purchase and register for classes here. And of course, as always, we offer private or semi-private personal training with our talented senior trainers, master stretch coach Martha Weizman, or FLEXAFIT® founder Signe Ronka. To book your appointment email book@flexafit.com

flexafit.com info@flexafit.com

January 2021

Vol 1 Issue 1

We have our wonderful website Package Sets where you will find amazing package specials and deals, merchandise and more! Whether you’re just discovering us as a local or international based skater, or you’ve been a part of FLEXAFIT‘s journey already, we welcome you and encourage you to discover all that we have to offer!

Maya, our friendly booking manager is always here to answer any and every question so don’t hesitate to contact her directly at book@flexafit.com

We hope 2021 starts off on a positive note for all our skaters and their families! Thanks for allowing us to be a special part of your figure skating journey! Stay warm and safe this winter.










flexafit.com info@flexafit.com



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