F i l b e r t E t a n tyo
Se l e c t e d A r two rk s 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
F i l be r t E t an tyo
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Se l e c t e d A r two rk s 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
Hello! Welcome to my portfolio. This is a collection of my artworks during the period of 2018 - 2019. These collections varies from different design major such as; branding, motion graphics, and more.
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Curriculum Vitae Name: Filbert Etantyo Address: Jln. Raya Serpong, Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan 15326 Born: Jakarta, October 02, 1997
I’m a Graphic Designer graduated from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. I’ve always been interested to learn more about the whole branding process like the strategies, research and applying it to the brand. For me, the joy of building a brand is like we’re giving a soul and purpose of life for an company. Aside from branding, I also loved to do some motion graphics and some mixture by applying it into to the brand itself, if needed. Although my skill is limited now, I always try hard to learn everything I could to improve myself and get better everyday.
C ur r i c ul u m V itae
Software Skillset
TK Notre Dame
SD Stella Maris
SMP John Paul's School
SMA John Paul's School
Ae Id
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Organization Experience
My Key Value
Anggota Dekorasi J'Cafest 2016
Work hard
Anggota Sakelar 2016
Learn new things to improve
Koor Keamanan Makrab Obscura Gen X
Value relationship with others
Wakil Koor Keamanan Pameran Obscura 2017 Dokumentasi (Video) Starlight S3 Anggota Perlengkapan Inisiasi Obscura Gen XI Koor Dekorasi J'Cafest 2017
Working Experience Internship at Brandkraft Studio Freelance Papermotion Pictures
Anggota Visual IMAGO 2018
Other Personal Interest Sports
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Table of Contents 1
Curriculum Vitae
Motion Graphics Manatas Infographic Video Joy Exchange Halodoc Logo Animation PBNC Entrance Ceremony
Branding Angklung Education Center Esqu Ice Cream Gleg Cafe Alterier Kasedep Anjeun
Others Pocket Book of Graphic Design Batik Nusantara Calendar FKS Group Website Icons
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Bra nd i ng
Angklung Education Center “Rumah Angklung Indonesia” is a foundation-based community that focuses to prosper the Angklung culture. This project aims to re-introduce the “Rumah Angklung Indonesia” in accordance with the focus they had, which is education so they will have a distinctive differentiation among its competition with other Angklung conservation community. With the new name “Angklung Education Center”, I aim to introduce them as cultural education center that focuses on character development, educational welfare and the arts of musical performances through Angklung.
Previous Logo
New Logo
The rebranding process starts from performing a research on how they percieved by the people. In this stage I gathered all the information possible on their advantages, value, market competition, differentiator, and insights about the brand to concludes into the brand strategy. Then continued by sketching and designing the logo. The logo that I look for is the one that can convey all the Big Ideas of the brand itself while being implicit and differentiated from the competitor. The logo itself must resemblance the cultural heritage of Angklung itself and give the vibe of an educational institute, while looking warm and professional.
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B ra nd i ng
A n g k l u ng Ed u catio n Cen ter
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Bra nd i ng
E S Q U Ic e Cream
Esqu Ice Cream Esqu Ice Cream is a local ice cream product based at Tangerang. The rebranding of this ice cream product is made in the concept of “healthy” ,“companion” ,and “energetic”. Thus the bright red color and ine art style was choosen to represent the dynamic of the “energetic” concept as well as to represent the nationality of Indonesia. Also, the arch of the “E” letter was formed around the “squ” letter to represent a pose of embracing for the “companion” keyword. Then, the logo was translated into a slogan that unify the keywords. The slogan is “Your Everyday Healthy Companion”.
Logo & Supergraphics Breakdown
Scoop Melt Melt ice cream
Previous Logo
New Logo
ice cream
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B ra nd i ng
E S QU Ic e Cream
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B ra nd i ng
Gl e g C a fe
Gleg Cafe Gleg is a start up cafe at Serpong. On this project I made the logo of this cafe and some of the outlet kits like banner, lightbox and the table number. The logo was inspired by the sound "gleg" itself when a person is gulping his/her own saliva when they saw something delicious or the sound when they swallow their foods.
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Bra nd i ng
After the creation of the logo, I created the slogan. The slogan took the definition of ‘Gleg’ itself to create a sentence that’s easy to remember and redefine the purpose of this cafe.
These three phrase and words stands for ‘Enjoy’ as in the atmosphere in this cafe. ‘Every Gleg’ as in the experience of what the costumer get in this cafe. And ‘Your Meal’ as in every occasion or time for you to eat.
That sentence consist of three phrase and words; ‘Enjoy’, ‘Every Gleg’ and ‘Your Meal’ combined into one sentence that redefine the cafe’s goal for the costumer to enjoy their meal.
Gl e g C a fe
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B ra nd i ng
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Bra nd i ng
Alterier is a collaborative start-up branding design studio that me and my collague made. On this project I made the motion graphics on the landing web page and the logo itself. Then the logo was made into the collaterals by my partner. These motion and logo design was made in the concept of unity, modern, adaptive, and divergent.
Video links here: https://drive.google.com/open?id= 1aJrYzTS6pV5FQl0kjuaE9u35OE4r kXlK
Creating Difference
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Bra nd i ng
K a se d e p A n jeu n
Kasedep Anjeun
Kasedeup Anjeun is a sausage local brand from Bandung. The new logo are inspired from fire and sausage like the previous logo was. I refreshed the logo by making it with bold outlines to make more impact on the buyers perception towards the sausage brand itself.
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Motion Graphics
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Mo t i o n G rap h ics
Manatas Infographic Video MANATAS (memaksimalkan penggunaan kertas) is a social media campaign on instagram about maximizing paper usage including facts about paper and the 'how to steps' in everyday life that you can do to maximize the usage of paper right away. In these project, I'm in charge of the motion design itself and helps with some of the graphic assets making process.
Video links here: https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=1eBirnL2AADCWP8T1ejj W6Iu12HuEVNKZ
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M o t i o n G rap h ics
Joy Exchange
Joy Exchange is an app to check your cellphone health and value the price of your phone for trade-in purpose accordingly to your phone health itself. It will check the health of your hardware and system. Then give you the checking report that shows the details of your phone status and condition. The purpose of this project is to introduce briefly on the features and how this app works.
Video links here: https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=16g7-kDMaFiSAygHwtW OoZC8ujD6iAF5S
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M o t i o n G rap h ics
Halodoc Logo Animation Halodoc is is a healthcare app created by Indonesian start-up that connects every patient in the country with a doctor. This project is made during my intern period at Brandkraft Studio. The first version of the motion graphic was made to emphasise and to introduce the meaning behind the logo itself.
Video links here: https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=1b2uae9GH0MzCK5Jlyq uDb4qCgyeWVcWY
The second version of the motion graphic was made to show the expressions that can be used in the brand itself and to show Halodoc as a friendly companion.
Video links here: https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=18KrHJi-chqrDf6fTcZqR XQ09gh3xydDH
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Mo t i o n G rap h ics
PBNC Entrance Ceremony PBNC (Point Blank National Championship) is an gaming championship event held by Zepetto. In this particular project, me and my collaborator created 22 team introductory video for the entrance ceremony that will be displayed on the event stage. After the motion graphic video is played the stage door will be opened for the team to enter the stage.
Video links here: Version 1 https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=1h6gJcmhUvXQzpHJuLl XZRemKE_ejOOgy Version 2 https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=1euIaIs7LcTVkW8R3Uiw WttJjt_qaz7MY
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O t he r s
Po c ke t Bo ok o f Grap h ic Desig n
Pocket Book of Graphic Design These pocket book was made for a project on making a handle book for designers or any curious people that is easy to carry around and easy to understand. These graphics on the pocket books was made in concept of the dynamics and the aesthetics of the design style that occurs nowadays.
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Ot he r s
Batik Nusantara Calendar
These Batik themed calendar was a project I made last year on 2017. As the people of Indonesia, sometimes we tend to forget the diversity of our culture itself and washed away in the flow of modernization. I made this project for reminder to myself or others that these nation have a various of culture, tribe or religion that becomes one in the name of “Indonesia�.
The concept of these works is to preserve the traditionality of the various Batik pattern from various area, while making it looks modern and easy to understand.
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Ot he r s
FKS Group Website Icons
This project was made at my internship period at Brandkraft Studio. The goal of this project is to create an icon pack on the website developed for FKS Group. The challenge for this project is to create consistency and for every icons to be able to embody the image of the brand itself. With this direction, I created an icon pack that shows the friendliness and professionalism of the FKS brand itself. This was displayed with the bold line and the rounded edge. Also, the yellow accent mirrors the brand color of the FKS brand itself.
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Thank you for reviewing my portfolio.
Reach me by Phone: +6287788865688 Email: filbertetantyo@gmail.com
F i l b e r t E t a n tyo
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