Bloomberg Place London, UK
Bloomberg new headquarters in the city of London. The project includes one of the exits of Bank tube station and the Temple of Mithras where the Roman archeological findings found on site will be displayed for public show. Bloomberg place is currently under construction.
2 1. View from top levels London sky line 2. Scheme model for planning 3. Visual of North building facade 4. Visual of retail arcade between buildings
VietinBank Business Centre Hanoi, Vietnam
300,000 sqm mixed used development in Vietnam characterised by two landmark towers that will accomodate VietinBank's HQ and a five star luxury hotel. The towers are connected by a seven storey podium which houses a range of shops, cafes and roof gardens. 1
4 1. Sketch plan office tower 2. Visual office tower interior atrium 3. Visual interior lobby 4. Visual of scheme exterior 5. Visual reception desk 6. Hidden line of Chairman's office interior
MK20 Interiors
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Interior fit out of selected components of the mixed use mostly residential development in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The project comprised the interior design for the hotel service suites, its ground floor lobby and a recreational pool area located on the roof as well as the design for the soho live work/units and the serviced apartments on the north building. MK20 is currently under construction due to completion in 2016.
1 1. Visual interior serviced suites 2. Exterior view of scheme 3. Model of a service suite
OCT Masterplan Shanghai, China
Proposal for the redevelopment of Shanghai Suzhou Creek envisaged a regeneration of this central area of the city that aims to restore and enhance its historical and cultural landmarks.The sustainable approach embraces the residential, cultural, leisure and retail sectors and includes the recovery of the historical buildings on site. 1
2 1. Sketch masterplan 2. Visual riverfront view 3. Visual retail sunken plaza 4. East view from apartments
Diploma Major Design Project Naples, Italy
Major project entitled 'Grey Areas' aimed to respond to the realities of the Spanish Quarter in Naples, its local informal economies and aberrant practices, in essence the loose spacial fit that permits these ambiguities or grey areas to exist. An empty piazza in the quarter was due to be the site for a new metro connection, the ambition was to incorporate these grey areas and juxtapositions of perception on a proposal to re develop the square through mismatches between appearances and the full spatial story. 1
2 1. Cross section through piazza 2. Entrance to metro 3. Entrance to metro 4. 'Slack' space
Apple Store
Lisbon, Portugal Interior design of an Apple store in Lisbon. The project involved the conversion of two retail areas into a 200sqm space wich allowed for ยงthe shop display, genious bar and an auditorium for product workshops.
2 1. Photo of store display after completion 2. Photo of store after completion 3. Design development model 4. Design development model
BArch Final Design Project
Aesthetics of Absence Clipstone Colliery, Mansfield Study of British landscapes used and disused over time, inspiration on photography of post-industrial sites and by interest in the quality of memory held within sites and buildings which are no longer used. Project brief aims for the design of an habitable monument on the now abandoned Clipstone Colliery in Mansfield.
2 1. Design development sketch 2. Visual of walkway interior 3. Design development sketch 4. Design development sketch