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Marúnong Ka Bang Lumingón sa 'Yong Pagkábatà?

(Kids across Generations Just Want to Have Fun)

Isá ka ba sa mga matatandáng mahílig mamuná o mang-insúlto ng kabatáan dáhil ang mga itó ay mahílig sa 'gadgets' at ibá pang libángang teknolohikál?


Nakalimútan mo na ba na, mínsan, ay isá ka ring batà na nahílig sa kung anumáng pampalípas-óras na laruán, gámit, o aktibidádes ang úso o méron noóng panahón mo?

Being a child of the '70s and a teen in the '80s, I stayed all a many nights in the 1980s with my Atari console, trying to discover what was in the end of Pitfall! or to achieve the highest score in PacMan, Asteroids, Missile Command, or Galaxian.

This is one reason I don't look down or laugh at the kid video gamers of the current generation, because I could well relate; and our respective experiences--albeit different--are basically the same. Kids just want to have fun!

Technology has always been in place in any given era. We naturally make use of whatever is available.

If cellphones, PS5, high-end gaming computers were already invented in the 1970s, then I don't see why children in that decade would have not wanted to own one and delight in all the functions that these gadgets could have offered.

The only reason kids in the 1960s or the '80s were not into cellphones, laptops, Netflix, virtual reality games is because these were still unavailable at the time. If they were, then I'm sure that every kid would have had pestered his parents to buy him one.

So, I find it shortsighted, narrowminded, and unempathetic for an adult right now to complain about what most kids are doing these days to have fun, when he had most likely done the same during his own childhood--only with different technology and circumstances. Yes, the goal remains the same--to be entertained and to enjoy one's time.

Sa Madalíng Salitâ

Hálos lahát ng kabatáan--aumán ang dekáda o henerasyóng pinanggalíngan--ay naturál lang na mahílig o maenggányo sa kung anumáng libángan ang méron o magagámit sa panahóng iyón. At waláng masamâ rito--bastá ba hindí sóbra o lábis.

'Coz, kids just want to have fun!

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