Porfolio CV Filippo Ogliani

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Concept for a 2.0 Museum Type: Personal Project Location: Amsterdam Program: Museum, Library, Leisure Center Dimension: 12.000 sqm This project was conceived from a picture I took in the Amsterdam harbour. From of an old port building photo I imagined a massive superfetetion that could contain an hybrid program of both cultural and leisure function such as museum, a library and a sport. The aim is to create a vibrat meeting place, where culture and leisure blend togheter.

Ground Floor Plan

Seventh Floor Plan

Cross Section

Office Bldg Development in Erbil

Night View

Masterplan of the complex Commercial gross floor area: floor area: storey:

21.000 mq 10.500 mq 1 (double height) + 1: total 2

Business gross floor area:

42.000 mq

floor area: storey:

10.500 mq 4

Housing gross floor area: floor area 1-7: floor area 8-14:

138.600 mq 6.200 mq 13.600 mq

Leisure gross floor area: floor area: storey:

10.000 mq 2.500 mq 4

Detached Houses gross floor area: gross floor area per house: floor area: storey: houses:

3360 mq 280 mq 140 mq 2 12

Villa gross floor area:

920 mq

floor area: storey:

460 mq 2

Top View

Research Center in Parma


Laboratoris and workshops

Laboratoris and workshops

Masterplan Dwelling Units

Outdoor Auditorium

Outdoor Auditorium

House on a Hill Type: Design Studio Location: Parma Program: Double House Dimension: 280 sqm The aim of this residential

project was to design a house for two families on a steeped terrain. I designed two detached houses suspended on a truss structure. This solution creates a floating architecture projected into the landscape. This enhance the lighting and, thanks to the window design, guarantee the privacy of the tenants.



Self-Growing Colony Concept Type: Competition Location: Nowhere Program: Self-Growing Colony Height: 420 m This project was presented at the 2014 edition of the eVolo skyscraper competition.As the program requested, I imagened a highly hypotetical future where the open source technology could created a self-growing and selfsufficiente structure. This building is made of 3D printed cells stacked on each other, each cell has a precise function (dwelling, hydroponic farming, etc) and thus works like living being.

Construction by drones

Dwelling Cells

Aeroponic Agriculture

Cross Section

PLOT. 1.


Patent Aplied For: In the ‘70 the first Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) was created. GMO corn was sold to farmers, but the producer of the seeds kept the ownership over everything derived from them. For the first time copyright was applied to nature. Hyper-private: This led to a singular situation. People didn’t have the complete control over their belonging. Only the creator of the “DNA” of goods had the complete control over those goods and everything derived from them.



Growth of the Colony


Hybrid Rebellion: To avoid the Patent rule, people developed a highly-hybrid building technology. That formula didn’t have any single propriety, since it was created by sharing everyone’s knowledge and material, thus no one could claim its ownership.

Colony: A new colony was set in CRO[atan] island, its name is inspired by the Lost Colony of Virginia. It disappeared in 1587 leaving only the words CRO and CROATAN carved on a tree. Our colony is called CRecOm, to remark he importance of Creative Commons in its conception.

Self-Replication: The colony was an example of self-replicating organism. A modern VonNeumann machine built by drones and 3d-printer.


Streamed Cities: In the following decades this process was extended to almost every men’s labours. Like music-distribution moved from disc to streaming, houses and cities weren’t physically owned but only “streamed” to people, in other words “rented”.




Cellular Automaton: The self-replication was ruled by a tridimensional Cellular Automaton, a set of rules and shapes that control the growth of a system.

Pioneer Species: Like in nature few species colonize an unhabitated land for firsts, the rebels were the first men pursuing a new deal.

Coral: The new settlement was conceived to be similar to a coral, a superstructure where inhabitant literally build it around themselves. The distinction between architecture and people becomes blurry.


Cluster: Like the cells of a body, the colony was organized in clusters according to their function. A e r o p o n i c agriculture, dwelling units, managing and technical modules were stacked one above the other creating functional clusters.

Waterfront Development in Venice Type: Competition Location: Venice Program: Masterplan This project was presented at Chioggia Plus Competition in 2013. The site is 600 m long strip facing Adriatic Sea and nowadays mainly unused. The competition required the designer to think a possible development that is able to embrace all the different user of the site. To achieve this I designed complex and hybrid masterplan with several function and environments (pine forest, park, hotel, housing, dunepark, restaurant , offices, church, landmark tower)

Multi-purpose Hall




Landmark Tower

Restaurant in Milan Type: Commission Location: Milan Program: Restaurant Dimensions: 200 sqm

practise for a client. Here I tried to apply the parametric approach to a real situation. The aim of the design was to make coexist the local building tradition, using light orange bricks, with a contemporary sensibility. The This project was done in the first years of brick are rotated to mimic the shape of a

typical phyllo dough prepared at the restaurant. Grasshopper was utilized to create the algorithm of the rotation using a drape picture as a control device, then it was utilized again to check the area of support of each brick and calculate the overall stability of it.

Parametric Etudes

Parametric Etude #008 Blue Lines y-value control curve - [ Bezier Curve ]

Green Lines y-value control curve - [ Sine Wave ]

Green Lines z-value control curve - [ Parabolic ]

Red Lines y-value control curve - [ Bezier Curve ]

Parametric Etude #009

Bending and Folding Few ideas about architecture, its logic and stereometry.

In the last 15 years or so, probably thanks to the formal results achieved by the, so-called, deconstructive architecture, we have seen the rise of buildings and urban project characterized by non-orthogonal geometries. Those architectures that I’m referring to are neither technically deconstructive, neither purely modern. Their geometries and spaces are not the brutal result of clashing volumes and forces, there is no breakage of the building envelope or stagger structure. The shattering force of deconstructivism, heavily related to the uncertain condition of postmodern man, seems calmed down; probably men have quitted down that strong mankind-centred perspective to embrace a more detached (or probably softer) sight. The vaguely suffering (sometimes more, sometimes less) sculptural form has left space for a decisively hedonistic design. As deconstructivism has clearly taken this way, their sons haven’t opted for such a radical approach. Instead of pushing forward to the their extreme those ideas, or in contrast abruptly purse a flawless purist architecture, they have abandoned any idealistic attempt. Sons of postmodernist have simply killed all the heroes, gently. It’s only pop, not even rock & roll. Since there’s no any ethical-driven desire, architects working across 2000’s took the pleasure of sculpture-like architecture and turn them into ordinary without a clear purpose. With no any precise direction. They just do it (think I’ve already heard before this). Consequentially we have seen growing up serpent-like linear buildings, non-parallel walls, random crossing patterns and irregular quadrilateral (let’s let someone else do heroic architect). The right-angle has never been so fearsome. Anyhow, the lack of any preset target allowed architects to achieve completely unforeseen general results. The wide range of non-orthogonal architecture is obviously chaotic and incredibly difficult to describe easily, the hybrid nature of most of contemporary architecture perlex the scenario a lot. Yes, hybrid. The idea of hybridity is fully integrated in the contemporary vision of the world which is a liquified universe. Hybrid is the opposite of what in italian is described by the word oltranzista (intransigent, uncompromising). And because it deals with the cross of two different ideas, it does not contemplate any one-to-one correspondence. Because hybrid is nothing but the pragmatic result of contingencies. It’s a compromise by definition. Hybrid is a deviation from a standard for. So folding and bending have little to do with curving a sheet of paper, neither they are a mere formal device. I’m addressing a precise set of architectures shaped, or better formed, with a peculiar constructive strategy. Folded and bent geometries taken into account here are the result of an abstract process. I’d think of them as a deformation of a basic form. It’s a matter of logic. Therefore folding and bending in this text are a deformation or contortion of a straightforward thinking process. That’s is why non orthogonally architecture are fully hybrid structure, both because of their cultural origin and their formative process.

Questions on architecture Or more precisely, questions about the words used to describe architecture. Suspicion that most of our interpretations over projects are basically inconsistent. It’s a matter of code, architectural and linguistic.

Does exist a solid relation between a signifier and its signified? According to Saussurre their relation creates a sign. Architecture is a language, in other words a collection of signs in relation, but are those signs logic? Is reasonable develop a logical code to interpret architecture? One of the comments about projects most often heard is: “it was designed for people.” Is enough saying that to make it true (maybe with the little help of crowded renders)? Or, with even more frequency, we hear that: “it was designed in relation with the context”. But how do we know whether it is true or not? Let’s consider Kaufmann House by Frank Lloyd Wright, is that architecture really in relation with its surrounding environment as it has been written by many critics? Could a primitive hut be contexualized as well? Or, could the same project have been designed for another place? With the habitual amount of vagueness we encounter, words and thus concepts, become vacuous. What are precise elements of Fallingwater that yield that relation? Maybe the terraces? What do the cantilevered terraces of Fallingwater really mean? In that case can we consider them as a signifier with a precise meaning to be decoded? Let’s suppose so to verify whether such reasoning fails or not. If the cantilevered terraces of Fallingwater, with their tension toward the forest, represent a relation with the context, therefore every similar formal solution operates in the same way, even in a citycenter. Logic is universal, isn’t it? Can we say that every major protuberance of a building relate it to the context? Not really. On the other hand we can say that every attempt to incorporate natural element within the project, such as the waterfall, could really yield such relation. But this is a rare situation. Moreover, even more sporadically, we encounter into a bijective correspondence. I mention this type of relation since it is the ultimate proof of objectivity within scientific thinking. A seriously solid relation works in both directions indeed. What happens almost everytime is that an observer claims a certain relation but he does not retrace the logical path backward to demonstrate his assertions. Therefore, in most of the cases, we cannot entrust those extra-architectonical elements in order to have a serious objective thinking. The intrinsic weakness of extra-architectonical influences in the logical decoding of an architecture leads me to focus only onto architecture itself. Within the limits of its linguistic code. Like music, architecture is an autonomous language, no external explanations are needed. Internar coherence is stronger than metaarchitectonical ideas. The architecture of Fallingwater is the result of architectonical ideas grown upon the previous history of the discipline, these are linguistic ideas. There could be such relation with the context, but it is arbitrary. Thus Architecture coincide with its language.

FILIPPO OGLIANI - CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Informations Name Surname Residence Telephone E-mail Citizenship Birth

Filippo Ogliani via Gen. Dalla Chiesa 96, Casarile (MI) +39 335 52 49 487 filippo.ogliani@gmail.com Italiana 27/02/1987

Education 2009



Workshops and Competitions

BACHELOR IN SCIENZE DELL’ARCHITETTURA - MI at POLITECNICO DI MILANO Thesis: THE CULTURAL MEANING OF THE GREEK THEATER Relator: Prof. Massimo Venturi Ferriolo Evalutation 105/110 MASTER DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE at POLITECNICO DI MILANO Thesis: NOT ONLY FOOD, SPACES, TIMES AND LANDSCAPE FOR AN AWARE CONSUME. Relator: Prof. Stefano Boeri Evaluation 110/110 MASTER in : ARCHITECTURE, ARCHEOLOGY AND MUSEUM DESIGN consisting of design workshops in: - Verona, Teatro Romano (Prof. Borsotti) - Rome, Caracalla’s Baths (Prof. Ottaviani) - Seville, Archeological complex of Italica (Prof. Pittini) - Athens, Acropolis (Prof. Ferro) - New York, Smallpox Hospital in Roosvelt Island (Prof. Caliari) Thesis: internship at Musei Vaticani


Participation at IIX edition of international competition for students: Piranesi, Prix De Rome Participation and finalist at URBANPROMO GIOVANI 2010 “ Agrindustry” competition Participation at workshop URBANPROMO GIOVANI 2010 “A case study: the riqualification of a complex area in the city of Belfast” Fondazione G.Cini, Venezia professor: Mark Hackett, Urban designer

2011 2012

Participation at MERATEMENTRE competition in collaboration with PILOTI ARCHITETTI Participation at workshop “HAPPINESSIE”, working on the mapping of un-used spaces of Perugia and design of stratgies to re-activate the historical covered market Selected project at Chioggia Renovatio Architecture Competition eVolo Skyscraper Competition Design Competition for Bussa Overpass organized by Milan Municipality

2013 2014

Professional Experiences 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013-present

Internship 100 houres at studio Cavina Castellari Internship 150 hours at studio Leitner Architetti Internship 150 hours at studio Piloti Architetti Organization and assistent at workshop TEMPORARY REUSE DAY organized by Prof. Isabelli Inti (Politecnico di Milano) with the collaboration of Milan Municipality Architect at BAMBOOSTUDIO, Architecture, Design and Communication Studio where I deal with Architecture, Design and Communication strategies (social media, blog, graphic and augmented reality) and foreing relations.

Works a Bamboostudio

2014 - present

Linguistic Capabilities

Research Center in Parma - Plot area 14.2 ha. Gross Floor Area 10,000 sqm - ongoing Residential Towers complex in Erbil - Gross Floor Area 420,000 sqm FAR 4.9 - idea Commercial and Villas complex in Erbil - Gross Floor Area 220,000 sqm FAR 3.5 - idea Villas complex in Erbil - Gross Floor Area 4,500 sqm FAR 0.2 - idea Erbil Stock Exchange - Gross Floor Area 20,000 sqm FAR 2.5 - idea Double House on a hill, Parma - Gross Floor Area 300 sqm - ongoing Commercial Booth for Fastweb - idea Commercial Booth for SmartBox - idea Renovation and Expansion of Salsomaggiore Therme - Renovation 15,000 sqm New 3,000 sqm - ongoing Refurbishment Coffee Shop in Salsomaggiore, Parma - 30 sqm - completed Commercial Center in Parma - Gross Floor Area 38.000 sqm FAR 1.03 - idea Restyling of Restaurant and Shop in Milan - ongoing Collaboration with Gyproc-St.Gobain and Impact Hub Milan to design and install an acoustic insulated booth in order to obviate the lack of privacy of open-space offices such as coworking. Collaboration with Gyproc-St.Gobain and Impact Hub Milan to design and install an acoustic insulated booth in order to obviate the lack of privacy of open-space offices such as coworking. Italian: mother tongue English 2006 Certification Cambridge ESOL First Certificate in English Attended Master in ARCHITECTURE at Politecnico di Milano with lessons and exams completely in english 2014 English Course at British Council in Milan 2015 IBT TOEFL score: 105

Relational Capabilities

Attending several workshop requiring team work with completely new persons allowed me to develop group working attitude, many times in group of persons from different countries. Having attended a completely english Master at the University made me grow in an-international atmosphere where the english language was and essential prerequisite. Working at Bamboostudio was really stimulating because of the different background of each member of the team (among which architects, designers, web developers and communcation managers). This environment helped me to develop an open attitude based on the comparison of different and various points of view. Furthermore for five years I’ve taught music to both individual and multiple classes of students.


Architecture Theory Architecture as a language Parametric Architecture and Design History of Architecture Architecture and Urban Design Rendering - Photo editing - Mattepainting Urban Analisys Parametric Design I use the following Pc and MAC programs with confidence: Office (Word, Power Point, Excel) Autodesk Autocad 2D/3D (proficency) Adobe Photoshop (proficency) Rhinoceros (proficiency) Grasshopper plugin (mid-advance) Adobe Indesign (mid-adavance) Adobe Illustrator (mid-advance) Sketch-Up (proficiency) V-Ray Render (mid-advance) Maxwell Render (proficiency) Cinema 4d (avarage)


Technical Capabilities

Other Interests

Music (Jazz, Rock, Bach) Playing Guitar Modern Art

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