Filippo Giancola//portfolio

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PORTFOL IO :architecture 2018

Filippo Giancola Selected Works 2012 | 2018

IUAV Master degree Matr.286085

00 INTRO :architecture 2018

“The pencil and the project”

Filippo Giancola. Portfolio IUAV University of Venice Selected Works

Contacts +39 348 26 20 762 Personal details Birth Date:: 14 April 1990 Nationality:: Italy Place of residence:: Asiago, VI, ITA

direction of reading

direction of reading

The volume represents my project experience of my university days. The phrase guide of all my work is in the quote by Alvaro Siza when he says “... more the pencil tip

is refined and more the project is complex and comes close to reality”. This suggestion has taught me day after day to thinking simultaneously multiscale design, thus avoiding the change of pencil but enlarging the sheet.

portfolio // Filippo Giancola


:selected works 2016-2018


title: Atelier City and Landscape professor: Aldo Aymonino, Luigi Latini, Enrico Fontanari, Agostino Cappelli work duties: Urban multiscale project in Sunset Park, NY, USA pp. 4-15


title: Atelier Heritage professor: Mario Piana, Fernanda Demaio, Luisa Berto work duties: riqualification project of “Reale Albergo dei Poveri”, NP, Ita pp.16-23


title: Atelier Sustainability professor: Carlo Magnani, Luigi Schibuola, Antonia Maria Barucco work duties: Urban scale project in Canizzano, TV, Ita pp.24-31


title: Competition project “Progettare Domotico” 2nd price organization: IUAV, Vimar, The Plan work duties: Domotic, innovation and sustainability in one house pp.32-37


BETCHELOR :selected works 2012-2015


title: Workshop 3rd year professor: Felipe Gonzalo Pacheco work duties: common strategies between Venezia and Cartagena pp.38-41


title: Workshop 2nd year professor: Mauro Galantino work duties: Project of the P.le Roma, Ve, Ita pp.42-43


title: Workshop 1st year professor: Francesco Venezia work duties: riqualify and recicle one of the Marghera arbour pier, Ve, Ita pp.44-45

01 EMPHA-SIZE Prof.ri Aldo Aymonino, Luigi Latini, Enrico Fontanari, Agostino Cappelli

“how to break the grid”

The project tries to hold together all the design scales, and consist of specific works in different areas: urban planning, transport, landscape and architecture. The goal is revaluation of the Sunset Park neighborhood and waterfront in Brooklyn, NY, USA. The residencial area is located between the huge Greebwood Park and the waterfront. Here Lies a decadent industrial zone, characterized by piers with views of Manhattan and deposits (many of which are unused or in ruins). The main purpose is to bring the neighborhood closer to water, trying to reactivate the woterfront, majing it accessible, attractive and safe for the population. The title of the project is metaphorical: in fact, the aim is to be able to break the monotony of the grid typical of the New York urban scheme, recognizing hierarchically a size to each direction of movement (from which Sizing).

anno_period: 1st year Master Degree unità didattica_learning unit: Atelier City and Landscape

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03. Linking Potential

Connected Station

Disconnected Station

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

Tram Line

Linking industries, parks and services, it can be used as a mean of transport for work or leisure, with constant flows at all hours of the day

<10 min <20 min <30 min The Triboro is the only metropolitan system to join the marginal neighborhoods of NY without going through Manhattan (with a big saving of time for workers and travellers)


Industrial Area

Urban Facilities

Subway Line

Triboro Railway Line

02. Saving Time

Triboro Masterplan

01. Triboro

the urban study reveals the presence of a railway track no longer in use. It ends in the project area so it is reusable for passenger (triboro). This increase the flows of people and the potential attractivness of the area.

03. Sizing


subway line filter

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Linking industries, parks and services, it can be used as a mean of transport for work or leisure, with constant flows at all hours of the day

02. Linking

Crosswise to the tram line there are woonerf paths: “links� of different sizes trying to bring the neighborhood closer to its waterfront.

Floodable Zone

Safe Zone

01. Protection

link tram-triboro masterplan

the analysis of the area also shows a high risk of overflowing. A new boundary line is outlined, recognizing a safe zone, and a flood risk area. On the limit line a new tramway route is established

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

01. Tram Station

02. Pedestrian Crossing




L Size


New Facilities

03. Woonerf


New Housing


Sunset Link masterplan

04 04. Metro Station one link planivolumetric

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Housing Shops Subway Station

Museum Theatre

axonometry isometric: one link places and paths

Restourant Hotel Tram Station

Car Parking Shops


Offices Expo Space Auditorium Bar Library

Gym Wellness Spa

Co-working Kindergarden

Co-working Dining hall

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

The floodable area is first partially deprived of the floor, in order to guarantee a better drainage of the area. Then it is rebuilt by reusing waste material. The area is a public parc with an industrial vocation in which the deposits are treated as post industrial ruins and become incubators of autochthonous species.

waterfront view

plan//0 lvl: new pavimentation

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- 010 01. Discontinuities analisys

02. Skretches

03. Depaving

04. Staging

05. Plant & let grow!

plan//depaving results

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

The urban project follows the trend of the “link”. The track on the ground also branches off within various buildings imagined as stops of the route, which incorporate public functions. Starting from the subway station then following the woonerf, the path extends untill the waterfront. Once the safety line is crossed, the new building do not rest on the ground, but are raised on concrete supports, which support the grider floors. The projected building is also in comparison with existing buildings, which are reused and redesigned in terms of functionality and accessability.

bird’s eye view// link

new urban forniture// recycled concrete

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- 012 1 Hotel 2 Library 3 Gym + Wellness 5 Kindergarten 6 Dining Hall 4 Expo + Offices 7 Auditorium 8 Offices + Co-Working

Paths Public Private Plaza



exploded isometric// architectural project

plan// 1st lvl

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

perspectiv section//pre-existing attach

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Vierandel beams


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perspectiv section//pre-existing attach

structure scheme

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

New tram station and tower

Facades details

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02 R.A.P.

:Rotture a progetto Prof.ri Fernanda DeMaio, Mario Piana, Luisa Berto

“Restoring Reale

Albergo dei Poveri” PROJECT STRATEGY In 1749 Ferdinando Fuga was entrusted with the project of the Real Albergo dei Poveri, a structure designeg to accomodate the poor of the Kingdom of Naples. Even if the work remains unfinished it is one of the largest monumental buildings all around Europe. Currently, it is in a state of ruin and the structure has been partly occupied illegally. The project aims at a general re-functionalization of the building, supporting the current needs of the city. the building become a new cultural center and promotes local crafts activities. Particularly three parts of the complex are examinated: three interventions (“rotture” in italian) are designed with different approches to guarantee accesibility, stability and coverage of the preexisting construction in the respect of the restoring process (R1, R2, R3). In particularly the aim of R1 is to enhance the access to the appartments and to enshure stability to the existing structure; of R2 is to create a new hall for the library and the museum; of R3 is to rebuild over the most destroyed part of the Reale Albergo dei Poveri to complete the library

anno_period: 1st year Master Degree unità didattica_learning unit: Atelier Heritage

portfolio // Filippo Giancola Lybrary-Museum Offices-Shops Restourant Residence-Atelier Hotel-Kindergarden

ground attach



R2 Isonometric Axonometry// functional plan

territorial sections

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R1 plan//1st lvl

plan// zero lvl

R1//Pedestrian path view

internal facade

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

R1// section type

R1//detail of the outgoing window

R1//detail of the pedestrian suspended path

R1//axonometric detail of the outgoing window

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section//entrance stairs complexity on the model of Ferdinando Fuga

R2//view render of the public access for the library+museum

facade//main access


R4//Pedestrian path view between to loft in the library

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

detail// joints with the original wall and the structure

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concept// inside view allows to see a part of the facade

section//space type of the library

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

plan//2nd lvl

facade// view of the perpect inside the court

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03 WALL JAR Prof.ri Carlo Magnani, Luigi Schibuola, Antonia Maria Barucco

“the wall as

container of places” The project area is located halfway between Treviso and the municipality of Quinto di Treviso. Via Mure, the path that crosses the countryside linking the widespread city to a system of mills in ruins on the Sile, is closed to the sides by lush trees as well as the high wall bordering the deserted barracks of Canizzano. This wall is the imput of this area, both for the way in which the territory is adapted to it, and for the perspective effect that creates by guiding the people to the river. Therefore there is a strong contrast between the sense of privacy that flows into an airy place in the mills place. The first shows an urban analysis. The wall reveals itself as part of a system of fences and delimitations far more extensive, which close portions more or less wide of territory and often even hiding it. At the same time they offer ample design possibilities in their breaking points, of which Via Mure is an example. The aim is to put this way in a slow mobility network, able to get closer to the river and its centrality allows us to establish a monumental relationship with the wall and to reevaluate it, not only as a poetic element, but as a foundational act of the project. Its design in multiple “C “ unite in order to incorporate the plant networks, but broken for the accessibility to the territory, they become also container of places, or the design opportunities studied.

anno_period: 2nd year Master Degree unità didattica_learning unit: Atelier Sustainability

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portfolio // Filippo Giancola

03. new axis from the city to the river

02. New slow mobility net existing paths new paths

urban fences

new slow mobility network

01. invisible walls

urban plan//walls and opportunities

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- 027 -

portfolio // Filippo Giancola boiler

free wall

bench wall

view wall



haunted wall


Accumulatore heat users

market wall


cross wall

The heat pump in district heating uses an electric pump to connect the central to the river and then use the water at a constant temperature. All plumbing is channeled to the base of the wall. Finally, the rooms of the installations are dimensioned and placed according to Italian norms.

cold users


... but it is interesting to disguise the system. In the case of centralized installations we preferred to put them in some ruins. On the one hand the Trigenera-tower whose become a aviary for the Sile’s Fauna, on the other for the heat pump we reuse a small ruin near the river.

Axonometric Plan // walls type and landscape

details//heating pump


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ground attach//River’s mills


plan, facade, section // farmhouse

portfolio // Filippo Giancola


plan, facade // residencial module


section details// residencial module

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plan//burgi museum+restourant


facade, section//burgi museum+restourant+market

portfolio // Filippo Giancola


portfolio // Filippo Giancola

- 031 -

03.1 MAR.VI Filippo Cracco, Filippo Giancola, Robert Vicentini

Vimar +IUAV+The Plan competition project 2nd AWARD “Progettare Domotico”

“Domotic Space Configurator”

As the project area we have developed the only part 3 project that has not been completed: the two mills on the island on the river Sile in Canizzano (TV). The objective is to ensure that it can settle the residence of a painter to maintain both a private and public dimension (casa atelier 1 and 2). One of the main issues is the exploitation of the energy of the River with the recovery of the blades as they were originally, as well as the occasion to make self-sufficient and sustainable. This result was obtained by a milling system conversion to thermal and hydropower instead by the heat pump and cooling system. All integrated home automation system of VIMAR “stand by me” that ensures a constant monitoring of costs and consumption through mobile devices. The articulation of the interior spaces instead demanded special attention due to their small size.

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

a. mills blades b. permanent magnet generator c. elettrical box d. VMC

e. solar pannels f. heating pump (w-w)

installation compartment

Diagrams// electric energy system

installation compartment

Diagrams// thermal energy system

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a. dining table b. stools c. wardrobe

a. tapis roulant b. home cinema c. stools ‘n’ pull-outs

Marvi, lets eat!

Marvi, want to move a bit!

.Loft lvl

Marvi, turn off the light!

motorized shutters

Marvi, I’m going out!

axonometric schemes//Configur*action - house

interaction 1

Marvi, It’s just you and me!

interaction 2

Marvi, make space, we have guests!

portfolio // Filippo Giancola ... The principle followed was to find a deep integration between space and home automation support, to ensure flexibility and livability. This has resulted in a new concept of furniture that moves to change the actual space. The management of its different configurations is entrusted, on the one hand with the use of devices currently in production, the other made more user friendly by introducing a narrator able to perform spatial changes. We called this new device MARVI. The main space on the ground floor of the House, for example, is strongly conditioned by the different positions and furniture arrangements.

Perspective section render//house

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b. shelf tools c. atelier tools

a. expo wall

.Loft lvl

motorized shutters

Marvi, I’m going out!

axonometric schemes//Configur*action - atelier

interaction 1

Marvi, need to expo!

interaction 2

Marvi, let’s work!

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

...To live in the two sides of the Cabinet are on one side a configuration that provides for an extension of the kitchen into the dining room, while on the other a more spacious to accommodate guests or conduct business in a larger living room. In the case of the atelier, the Cabinet divide work space from the expo one. I mean you just have the ready wit!

Perspective section render//atelier

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Prof. Felipe Pacheco

“Venice urban strategies for Cartagena” DESIGN INPUT Which architect at least once in the life you/he/she has not dreamt to create a city on the model of Venice? its complex simplicity and its unmistakable urban strategies, had made her one of the most beautiful cities in the world. However the main theme concerns not on it, but on a Colombian city with a similar historical genesis: Cartagena. It brings some problem : firsable the relationship City-water. PROJECT STRATEGY Analyzing Venice, we have considered the Canal Grande, with Piazza San Marco connects to the Biennal Gardens through Riva degli Schiavoni, as if they were satellites each other, harmoniously water and Fondamenta. Bi-univocal correspondence is find on the shores of Cartagena. Therefore the main theme has been to consider important the presence of the manglar that will invade the whole canalazzo in a near future. This future premonition has become for us a status quo and we has thought to 4 projectual inputs: 1) to restore the shore as public agorà; 2) to break down the wall of mangroves; 3) to make practicable the canalazzo invaded by the mangroves; 4) to bring that state of gravitation among Piazza San Marco and the Gardens. We have finally effected “the Mangrove Operation”, bringing an origami on the form of the Venetian greatest plazas, next to the new cultural center.

anno_period: 3rd year Batchelor unità didattica_learning unit: Workshop 3 concept//bird’s eye canalazzo


the form of “Campo”

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

the connections of “Places”

Project Concept Render

project visualization//new shore with mangrooves

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project visualization//san marco square

portfolio // Filippo Giancola


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Prof. Francesco Venezia

“Mestre into Venice:

the last hinterland station” PROJECT STRATEGY The project is started with a question: What is Piazzale Roma substantially? The project area is a fragment of a complex territory in close contact with the historical city. The unnatural connection with the dry land brings in this area some space-time matters that is entirely extraneous to Venice. Needless to say that the project concerns on this question, and the answer is that this Square brings with itself a union of different histories: Venice and Mestre. They correspond to proton and electron, two opposite parts of a union, forced to gravitate together. This needs therefore a depth look on the fact that today this harmonic conjunction doesn’t happen. The Workshop has held useless to go to modify the actual ground, between cars and bus, therefore we have installed a real forest of pillars, of 7 ms of height, to cover with a plate attic of concrete to grant a complete liberty of movement on its new ground. With this new beginning there is besides the possibility to give a radical turn: move the Calatrava’s Bridge to the Accademia Site, because the heaviness and the push that this bridge practices on the ground, is such to be estranged from the S. Lucia Station the square and the whole island of Santa Chiara. So the project of a new attraction pole can be developed. and this is the starting point of...

anno_period: 2nd year Batchelor unità didattica_learning unit: Workshop 2 concept//Masterplan

portfolio // Filippo Giancola exihibition center restourants commercial area first aid reception/welcome left luggage cinema students hostel library gym

render//project visualization

model//bird’s eye of the area

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06 RECYCLE :MARGHERA Prof. Francesco Venezia

“The Arc, The Cylinder and The Tower” PROJECT STRATEGY Marghera, Venetian harbour tormented by the pollution and by the overbuilding, has been for a long time object of study from the architects. The charm of the industrial ruins, as teaches the Dora Park in Turin, hands to a nostalgic afterthought of such patrimony; This thought is facing to confer a rebirth of this harbour therefore, and to make it “worthy” of the magnificence of Venice. Therefore this brings us to the project area: the south point at the end of the Street of the Industries. Such site didn’t offer a good sight of Venice, so much less a fertile ground, approves the precedents industrial employments of the Fintitans factory. What has pushed us to choose the area, has been a critical and potential thought in the respects of the industrial ruins; The presence of this “hangar” with that splendid ogival arcs that dominates the site, the rusted and abandoned siloses instead that they conclude it, they have been the founders for the thought of: The arc, the Cylinder and the Tower. The lacking wedge is the tower that had to become a belvedere, a lighthouse for the great container ship and an office for the control of the tides. As regards to the single project, I have developed a theme of Sport Citadel, in which the hangar becomes a swimming center, the site becomes an undulated park with a (skatepark), the tower becomes a place of climbing and the cylinders bring with themselves the memory of a respected past through the future.

anno_period: 1st year Batchelor unità didattica_learning unit: Workshop 1 concept//the arch

portfolio // Filippo Giancola

picture//project visualization

masterplan//marghera peninsula

photomerge//cylinder concept

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Filippo Giancola instagram

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