International Puppet Underground Film Festival program guide 2013

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Thank You to the People Who Made IPUFF Happen! To the filmmakers who poured so much love into their films; to the tiny but superhuman IPUFF team Amber Christensen and Berny Hi; to the remarkable Gordon Pepper (Filmpool Executive Director); to the Filmpool staff, board and membership; to the wonderful Wendy Peart (Dunlop Curator of Education and Community Outreach); to the super cool Prairie History Librarian May P. Chan of the RPL Prairie History Room; to Xstine Cook (curator, Calgary Animated Objects Society); to Heather Henson (curator, Hanmade Puppet Dreams); to Dr. Curtis Collins (previous Artistic Director, Dunlop Art Gallery), and to the beautiful IPUFF screening Jury -

Thank you! It wouldn’t have happened without you.

Also thanks to all the folks who chipped in in so many ways: Blair Fornwald, Belinda New, Glenn Hubich, Eric Hill, Daniel Suchoboki, Mike Rollo, Rachelle Viader Knowles, Dr. Christina Stojanova, Sarah Abbott, Mark Wihak, and Dr. Kathleen Irwin.


Gordon Pepper: Filmpool Executive Director Chrystene Ells: IPUFF Artistic Director Amber Christensen: IPUFF Festival Curator Berny Hi: IPUFF Technical Director/ Filmpool Production Coordinator Noelle Duddridge: Filmpool Programs Coordinator Kristine Dowler: Filmpool Member Services

My Great Grandmother’s Flowers by Kristen Smith



FILMPOOL FUNDERS In Memory of Jane Henson, Co-Creator of The Muppets, and in celebration of her incredible lifelong contribution to the art of puppetry. June 16, 1934 - April 2, 2013

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