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AutoPligg Manual


AutoPligg Overview 1.1






Import Directories


Directory Maintenance


7 15

Configuring the CaptchaService What is a Captcha a CaptchaService and how do i use them?


Account Containers 4.1

Container Management



Check Accounts



Register Accounts


Pligg Posting 5.1

Post Story



Post Comments


Using Stats


Stats 6.1



Pligg Directory Containers

3.1 4

General Information about AutoPligg

Config 7.1

General Settings



E-Mail Setup


Backup / Restore 8.1

Keep your Data safe throug backup and restore


AutoPligg Overview

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General Information about AutoPligg Autopligg is a professional linkbuilding solution by Syndk8. With AutoPligg you are the proud owner of one of the industry leading tools to date. Because the internet is always changing, AutoPligg is getting regular updates and you can read about them in the "Welcome Center". If a new Version is available, we highly recommend to update your copy. In Autopligg some things are always working the same way. - Green Output means: It worked - Red Output means: AutoPligg was unable to complete the operation - Using more Threads results in less success if you don't have a fast internet connection -In almost every input field there is Spinner support. A few examples: This is an example comment. The spinner replaces the old comment tag. Just use it like {Hello|Hi|Hey} {stranger|friend|buddy} {what's up|what's going on} -> this would result in: This is an example comment. The spinner replaces the old comment tag. Just use it like Hello friend what's up This is an example comment. The spinner replaces the old comment tag. Just use it like Hey buddy what's up

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Pligg Directory Containers

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Import Directories What is this? The internet is in constant change. Every day some Pligg Sites disappear and new ones get installed and indexed by google. With the "Import Directories" function of AutoPligg you can add new Lists of Pligg Sites to AutoPligg. To get new Lists, you can use a URL Harvester like SerpScraper ( ) The recommended Method for adding directories is the "Import Targets via Textfield" method.

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Import Directories Methods

You can Add Directories in 3 different ways - Import a XML Directoriesfils (a XML list of previously exported Pligg Directories from AutoPligg) - Import a TextFile (a list of Pligg Sites with a Pligg Site on each line stored in a .txt file) - Import via Textfield (you paste your liste of PligSites directly into a field in AutoPligg) AutoPligg Manual - 8

Import XML Directoriesfile

1) First Click on "Pligg Directory Containers" 2) Set the desired number of threads (Number of Parallel tasks - the higher the number faster the import process - most users have best success rates around 50%) 3) You can lookup the google pagerank right when you import the directories. Select this if you are a AutoPligg Manual - 9

believer of the GooglePagerank 4) Click "Import XML Directoriesfile" Select the XML Directoriesfile and press "Open" The importprocess will start immediatly. Wait until the process has finished. That's it.

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Import Targets via Textfile

1) First Click on "Pligg Directory Containers" 2) Set the desired number of threads (Number of Parallel tasks - the higher the number faster the import process - most users have best success rates around 50%) 3) You can lookup the google pagerank right when you import the directories. Select this if you are a AutoPligg Manual - 11

believer of the GooglePagerank 4) Click "Import Targets via Textfile" Select the Textfile and press "Open" The importprocess will start immediatly. Wait until the process has finished. That's it.

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Import Targets via Textfield

1) First Click on "Pligg Directory Containers" 2) Set the desired number of threads (Number of Parallel tasks - the higher the number faster the import process - most users have best success rates around 50%) 3) You can lookup the google pagerank right when you import the directories. Select this if you are a AutoPligg Manual - 13

believer of the GooglePagerank 4) Click "Import Targets via Textfield" 5) In the box that appears, paste in the Pliggdirectory list like shown in the screenshot above. 6) Press Start and wait until the import process has finished operation. Additional note: If you have a list of Pliggdirectories of a certain category for example: adult, you can enter that category as identifier

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Directory Maintenance Directory Maintenance

With the "Directory Maintenance" feature you can verify the Pligg Sites in AutoPligg. 1) Click on "Pligg Directory Containers" 2) Click on "Directory Maintenance" 3) Check "Remove broken directories" if you want to remove the directories that don't work anymore AutoPligg Manual - 15

4) Select the desired number of concurrent Tasks (more means faster, but pay attention here - if your internet connection is slow) 5) Click "Check Now" to start the verification process

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Configuring the CaptchaService

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What is a Captcha a CaptchaService and how do i use them? "A CAPTCHA or Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. The process usually involves one computer (a server) asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to generate and grade. Because other computers are supposedly unable to solve the CAPTCHA, any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human. Thus, it is sometimes described as a reverse Turing test, because it is administered by a machine and targeted to a human, in contrast to the standard Turing test that is typically administered by a human and targeted to a machine. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen." -wikipedia

This might sound a bit complicated, but we all know the pictures you need to read and type in when you register on some websites.

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Captcha Examples

Most of the Pligg directories have captchas in them, at the register process or even at a later point. Some of the simpler captcha types can be solved by AutoPligg, but there are Captchas like ReCaptcha that currently can't be solved good enough by machine code so either set AutoPligg to "Manual Mode" and type in all the Captchas by yourself, or you can use a CaptchaService which is a company that solves the captchas for you by paying them a small fee.

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Using Manual Mode Captcha Solving - you pay with your time

In the captcha dropdownbox on the top of the app, simply select "Manual Solving" and that's it. If you use manual mode, you should NEVER use more than 2 threads at the same time. We highly encourage you to use a captcha solving service like Decaptcher.

Using a Captcha Service

1) Click on the Captcha Settings button

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Using a Captcha Service Part2

1) To use Fully automated captchasolving you need to fill out one of the following services: If you are using - Fill in your username and your password - Fill in the decaptcher Post URL (you can find the url when you login with your account on If you are using - Fill in your username and your password - Fill in the Post URL and key (you can find the url when you login with your account on If you are using - Fill in your username and your password - Fill in the Post URL (you can find the url when you login with your account on If you are using AutoPligg Manual - 21

- Fill in your key (you can find the key in your account when you login to - Fill in your Post URL (you can find that url too in your account) 2) When you are done press OK to save your data

Using a Captcha Service Part3

1) You can now select the configured Captcha Service each time you start registering accounts, posting stories or posting comments.

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Account Containers

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Container Management About Containers

Account Containers/Labels are collections of Registered accounts. Let's say you have 2000 targets in your AutoPligg copy - you can now create a new laben and register accounts for those 2000 targets and use that label for making certain types of posts (For example one label for adult posts, one label for car insurance, ..). This will more likely keep the spam flag low on the AutoPligg Manual - 24

sites you are posting to. So let's say you have 3 labels and 2000 targets. This means you can register a total of 6000 user accounts with 3 different accounts on each target. In case you still don't know what this all is about, you most likely don't need it and you just can use one label. BUT don't skip the "Check Accounts" and "Register Accounts" chapters below!

Add/Delete a new Label

1) Click on "Account Containers" 2) Click on "Container Management"

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To create a new label: 3) Enter a label name and click "Add" To delete a label 4) Select a label from the dropdown box and click "Delete"

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Check Accounts With "Check Accounts" you can remove non working accounts form a certain label

Check Accounts

1) Click "Account Containers" 2) Click "Check Accounts" 3) Choose the label you want to check from the dropdownlist AutoPligg Manual - 27

4) Choose the desired amount of threads (people with a good internet connection can use a lot of threads - people with analog connections shouldn't use more than five threads) 5) Check "Remove Dead Accounts" if you want to remove dead accounts from your list 6) Click "Check" to start the Verification process

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Register Accounts Register Accounts

1) Click "Account Containers" 2) Click "Register Accounts" 3) Select the desired label where you want to store your newly registered targets 4) Optional: Select a category (if you have defined any when you imported targets - otherwise skip thip step) 5) Check "Shuffle Directores" if you want to mix the order of the targets - this is not needed in most cases 6) In the Config tab you can set custom Userdata like Username and Password. Check this box if you have configured a custom Username and Password - otherwise skip this step. 7) Set the desired number of concurrent tasks you want to use - people with good internet connection AutoPligg Manual - 29

can use a higher number of threads. If your registration successrate is low, try a lower number of threads. We recommend using about 20 threads here for avg. Internetconnections 8) If you have already registered accounts with this label, you can resume the registration (Skip the targets you already have used in this label) by checking "Resume Registration" 9) Check "Only use directories with PR >" if you want to register only directories with a Google Pagerank higher as a certain rank (select that rank on the right after checking the box). This feature requires that the pagerank has been looked up in the import process. Only use this feature if you really know what you are doing. 10) You can check "lookup + save pagerank" to store the pagerank along with the registration - this is optional 11) To start the registration click on "Register Accounts"

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Pligg Posting

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Post Story Loading or Saving Stories

1) Click on "Pligg Posting" 2) Click on "Post Story" Load a Story AutoPligg Manual - 32

To LOAD a story click on the open story button (3) as shown on the picture above To Save a Story To SAVE Press the save story button (4) as shown on the picture above

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Configuring the story

1) Select the desired label you want to use for your Posts. The number on the right of the label shows the current accounts count of the label 2) If you want only want to post to sites with a Google Page Rank greater than 0, check this option 3) Type in a name for your postingrun - a name you can remember (you will need that name when you AutoPligg Manual - 34

want to check the logs 4) Type in a title for your Pligg Post. You can use the Spinner here, as described at the beginning of the manual 5) Type in the Story you want to post along with the Pligg post. You can use the Spinnersyntax here too, but DON'T POST URLS! If you type urls in here, your story won't be accepted by the Pligg Sites 6) Type in the links you want to post here. One Link per line. You can also use the spinner syntax here too, but only use it here if you know exactly what you are doing. 7) Enter some tags for your story. Like: insurance, loans, ... You can use the spinner here too 8) Enter some categories you want your story to post in. AutoPligg will try to post into a category matching your wishes. 9) Check this if you don't want to post your story when none of the typed in matches. Using this is not recommended 10) Check this if your category must match exactly. AutoPligg by default looks for categories that come very close to the categories you typed in. Checking this function is not recommended. 11) If you want AutoPligg only to post a limited amount of stories, type in the desired number 12) If you want AutoPligg only to post to a certain TLD (top level domain) choose the tld here. 13) Choose the desired amount of threads. Choose the Threadsnumber as described at the beginning of the manual. 14) Check this if you want to mix the order of your accounts before posting to them 15) Click "Publish" if you want to start the posting process. Before you push the button we recommend to save your story.

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Post Comments Load/Save Comments

1) Click on "Pligg Posting" 2) Click on "Post Comment" Load a Comment AutoPligg Manual - 36

To LOAD a story click on the open comment button (3) as shown on the picture above To Save a Comment To SAVE Press the save comment button (4) as shown on the picture above

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Configuring A Comment Post

1) Select the desired label you want to use for your Comments. The number on the right of the label shows the current accounts count of the label 2) If you want only want to post to sites with a Google Page Rank greater than 0, check this option 3) Type in a name for your postingrun - a name you can remember (you will need that name when you AutoPligg Manual - 38

want to check the logs 4) Type in the Comment you want to post along with the Pligg post. You can use URLS here, but we recoment to use the #link# syntax to replace the links entered in the box below. You can use the Spinner Syntax here, as described in the introduction of the manual. 5) Type in the links you want to post here. One Link per line. You can also use the spinner syntax here too, but only use it here if you know exactly what you are doing. 6) If you want AutoPligg only to post a limited amount of comments, type in the desired number 7) If you want AutoPligg only to post to a certain TLD (top level domain) choose the tld here. 8) Choose the desired amount of threads. Choose the Threadsnumber as described at the beginning of the manual. 9) Check this if you want to mix the order of your accounts before posting to them 10) Click "Publish" if you want to start the posting process. Before you push the button we recommend to save your story.

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Using Stats Learn how to use Stats

1) Click on "Stats" 2) Click "Load Stats" - Some directory statistics will be displayed on the left 3) To see all the links where a story has been posted select the Story in the Dropdown box AutoPligg Manual - 41

4) To see all the links that have been posted by a comment postingrun, select a comment from the dropdown box 5) Once you have selcted something in either step 3 or 4, you can save the data to a file by pressing "Save to File"

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General Settings Learn how to use Settings. Most important: if you don't press "Save" at the end of your configuration process, your setting wont be saved or activated

1) Click "Config" 2) Set the timeout in miliseconds - 1000 miliseconds equal 1second. Usually 15000 is a good setting here AutoPligg Manual - 44

3) Optional: You can define a custom UserAgent here. Only use this if you know what you are doing (Tip: google for "Browser Strings") 4) Optional: You can enter a pinglist here, if you want. One entry per line 5) Optional: If you want to use them, you can use proxies here. Enter one Proxy per line in one of the following formats: http://<proxyIP> http://<proxyIP>:<proxyPort> <proxyIP> <proxyIP>:<proxyPort> 6) Optional: If you have defined some proxies, you can use the fallback to my IP feature to use your own ip if the proxy doesn't work 7) Optional: Don't report bad directories to the Syndk8 Server - check this feature if you don't want to help Syndk8 AutoPligg 8) Optional: Enter a custom Username here. It should be longer than 6 and not longer than 10 chars 9) Optional: Enter a custom Password here. 10) Optional: You can use Email Setup to activate Pligg accounts that require activation - descripbed in the next chapter 11) Press "Save" to store your entered settings

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E-Mail Setup The Email Setup might be a bit confusing, but with the following description you will understand it. As soon as you have added at least one email account to your AutoPligg configuration, AutoPligg will start using them.

Configuring a new Account

- Like it has been described in the last Chapter, goto the "Config" tab - Click "Setup Accounts"

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1) Click "Add Accounts" 2) Type in your Accountdata as described below: ======================================================================== GMAIL: If you are using gmail, you first have to make sure that IMAP is activated on your account. To check this, login into your gmail account and go to Settings -> Enable IMAP After that the syntax you need is the following:

Other Servers: Let's say this is your imap data - if you don't have an imap server, it will not work! Host: Username: myusername Password: mypassword Email Address: Port: 443 Your AutoPligg Add Account Syntax would be: If this doesn't work, you most likely have to use a different port like for example 443. In this case, the syntax would be:

If you have setup a catchall address for your email host use the following syntax: * ..and with custom port: *

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=========================================================================== 3) Click "Add Now" and wait a moment until AutoPligg finds the perfect configuration for you

Verify your account

1) Click on "Accounts" 2) Click "Refresh" - if the account(s) wasn't already there, it will appear now if everything worked. 3) Click "Save" if you made any changes

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Backup / Restore

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Keep your Data safe throug backup and restore Using the Backup / Restore functions

1) Click on "Backup/Restore" Accounts 2) Optional: To backup all your Accounts and Labels, click "Backup Accounts" - this is useful when you plan to upgrade autopligg AutoPligg Manual - 50

3) Optional: To backup all your Targets, click "Backup Targets" - this is useful when you plan to upgrade autopligg 4) Optional: If you upgrade from version 4 or earlier of AutoPligg, you can use this function to import your old database 5) Optional: Use this function if you have updated from a recent Version of AutoPligg and want to Restore your Accounts into the current version. 6) Optional: Use this function if you have updated from a recent Version of AutoPligg and want to Restore your Targets into the new version.

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