The Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida
Vol. 44 No. 3
Including ALL, Excluding NONE
Faith Unity Hope
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FALL 2013
THE NET Fall 2013 Issue Contents
Feature Story
When Social Justice Takes a Front Seat
3 Bishop’s Column
The Missionary Society & Three Pairs of Shoes
4 Viewpoint
The Very Rev. John Tidy Living on the Ragged Edges
6 Fresh Expressions The diocese is using new ways to meet people where they are... and bring them to Christ.
10 Hadrian’s Wall Path Follow the Rev. Mike Cassell on his spiritual journey through ancient Rome.
11 News & Notes from Episcopal Charities New board members, details about outreach classes & more.
13 Young Adults: Home Sweet Home Our diocesan collegiates tell the story of their journey thus far.
14 Parishes in Progress Clergy updates, Milestone birthdays, Deanery news
15 Parish Profile The Breeze in the Keys
Official Publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, D.D. Diocesan Bishop The Rt. Rev. Calvin O. Schofield, Jr. S.T.D., Retired Bishop The Rt. Rev. John L. Said Retired Bishop Suffragan
Communications Altoria E. White Director of Communications Editor, The Net Kristin Murray Copy Editor
Joe Thoma Production Management
Fina Florez Graphic Designer Kathryn Blanton Convener of Communications Ministry
The Net reports news of parish ministries and activities, as well as commentary on church-related issues and events. Whenever possible, all material should be submitted electronically. Include with all material the name, address, phone number and, email address (if available) of the contributor. Parish affiliation is also requested, when applicable. The Net reserves the right to refuse publication and to edit all contributions. Photographs should be high-resolution digital files or clear prints of film photographs, preferably on glossy paper. Do not send hard prints made from digital photographs. All material—letters, articles or photos—should be submitted electronically to: or by mail to: Altoria E.White, Diocese of Southeast Florida, 525 N.E. 15th St., Miami, FL 33132-1411. THE NET (USPS787-340) is published four times a year by the Diocese of Southeast Florida. Donation subscription of $5, annually. Periodicals postage paid at Miami, FL., and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Address changes to The Net, 525 N.E. 15th Street, Miami, FL 33132-1411. DEADLINES 2013 - 2014 Fall Winter Spring Summer
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The Missionary Society & Three Pairs of Shoes
t may be a new name to describe what was long overdue. This new emphasis is indeed a welcomed change. It may be a surprise for some that missionary is what we really are. Actually, that has been a part of our official name all along, but it was buried in a much longer and perhaps stuffy title: The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America. In our latest meeting of the House of Bishops, held in Nashville, Tennessee, we were urged to pay attention to the heart of our name and truly become a missionary society. We were reminded that many of our efforts have been given to the welcoming aspect of our mission. When we say, “Welcome to the Episcopal Church,” we really mean it, at least most of the time. We keep saying come, but we have not paid much attention to one of the most important commandments of our missionary strategy as given by our Lord Jesus Christ. That commandment is “Go.” In the Gospels we read how Jesus repeatedly kept telling his disciples to “go.” Our Lord didn’t ask them to sit and wait for people to show up when they felt like it. Instead he called them to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Mat. 28:19). Our outward and visible signs may continue being “Welcome to the Episcopal Church,” but our inner and spiritual mode should be “We will go from our Episcopal Church to invite others to be welcomed in our midst.” A couple of months ago a priest in our diocese shared a story with me
that illustrates my point. He saw how one of the local churches of another denomination closed. The closure was due to the diminishing numbers of members. This made it difficult for them to care for the property. After a few months he passed by the vacant building only to noticed a sign that read a new church was being established in the same place. He thought, “they will never make it.” To his surprise a few months later he noticed how the parking lot was full. Then a year and a half later he noticed that the parking lot of the church was not
We keep saying “come, but we have
not paid much attention to one of the most important commandments” only packed, but cars were parked around the block. Later he discovered that on Sunday’s they had a police officer directing traffic because of the many parishioners coming in and out of the church. Our priest friend decided to stop by and talk to the pastor to find out what the secret was of his success. When he asked the pastor, the pastor revealed his secret by saying “three pairs of shoes.” The priest asked, “what do you mean by that?” His answer was the same “yes, three pairs of shoes. That is what I have gone through while going around every home in the neighborhood, talking to every shopkeeper around the area, inviting anyone that passed by this building. It took a lot
of effort but I did not sit on my behind waiting for people to come. I went around and invited them over and over, day after day. My secret is the three pairs of shoes I have gone through.” We need to be aware of those who keep passing by our churches and not coming in. We need to be willing to see what is not working and what has not been compelling to them in the past. We need to learn the language of the youth and how they communicate. We need to stop allowing our ecclesiology from becoming an obstacle of our missiology. It is time to be aware that as a church, we don’t have a mission from God. We are the mission of God. We are a missionary society indeed. It is time for all Episcopalians to stop waiting for people to show up in our midst, but to go out to the world that surrounds us and invite them to be what God wants them to be.
The Rt. Rev. Leo Frade Bishop of the Diocese of Southeast Florida Fall 2013
Living on the
Ragged Edges
By The Very Reverend John H. Tidy, Rector, All Souls’, Miami Beach
“Daring to live on the ragged edges of our lives and claim the high adventure of saying “Yes!” to the Jesus who calls us out into the deep … to step out of the boat and walk on the waves … to cast our nets off the wrong side, to stay on the Path that leads to the mountaintop of our own transfiguration and into the dark gardens of our own betrayals.” Missio © Five Marks | a collaborative project of the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
he parishes of the North Dade Deanery know all too well what it means to live on the “ragged edges” and dare to be a church in the midst of extreme affluence, poverty, diversity and exclusivity, violence and racial tension, disease and civil disharmony. All which strain the bonds that define our common humanity. In the midst of such demographic, economic, cultural and social extremes it is a real test of faith and courage to defy the more popular caricature of Miami Vice that would define us as a frightened and frightening people that dwell in a land of deep darkness and hopelessness. For generations the holy people of God in the North Dade Deanery have faithfully gathered for worship and proclaimed the Good News of the Kingdom. While we recognize that our inheritance is by no means unique, the extreme exaggeration of the culture of our community offers a stark image of opportunities that have formed the ministry and mission of God’s Church in this place. Throughout the history of our Diocese, the churches of North Dade Deanery have welcomed and embraced European immigrants, African-Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, the people of the Caribbean Islands, the Bahamas, and Turks & Caicos their stories, their culture, their joys and their sorrows. We recognize that the richness of this diversity is but a microcosm of our Diocese, of the State of Florida and of our nation. It is reflected to a greater or lesser extent in the composition of each of the parishes throughout Southeast Florida. These are our “ragged edges” where we live and witness to the transforming mission of God. In congregations both great and small and every point in be4
tween, we attest to the shared commitment to the “adventure of saying ‘Yes!’ to the Jesus who calls us out into the deep.” We affirm that mission is the bedrock of all we are, do and say as the people of God. We also acknowledge our limitations – both human and financial – and rejoice with gratitude for the support and assistance offered to us by the Diocese, our Bishop, and Diocesan staff, and its programs and by our sister churches through the common ‘purse’ that is the Diocesan Budget and the Parish Assessment. In the absence of such pastoral The Very Rev. John H. Tidy
“ These are our ‘ragged
edges’ where we live and witness to the transforming mission of God out of congregations both great and small and every point in between.”
care, financial support and oversight and encouragement in exploring new ways of ministry and mission, many of our parishes would not have flourished and thrive as they do today. What some may regard as dependence, we recognize and celebrate as mutual interdependence, a notion that has characterized the Body of Christ from the earliest days of the Church. This notion has enabled all the parts of the Body to function effectively for the good of the whole. This is a thoroughly Pauline view of the Church, springing as it does from the Apostle’s profound insights into the proper working of the body, for “in Christ all are one.”
We acknowledge and affirm the role that the Nehemiah Process and other life-giving initiatives such as Discovering Our Future and Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida have and continue to play in sustaining and encouraging new ways of being a church. These initiatives enable us “to step out of the boat and walk on the waves … to cast our nets off the wrong side, to stay on the path that leads to the mountaintop of our own transfiguration;” and to play our part in the common life of our Diocese. These initiatives and the many other resources available to the parishes of our Deanery and Diocese invite us to look up and look ahead, rather than down and out. They help us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” Daring “to live on the ragged edges of our lives,” living with uncertainty in an uncertain world, all the while serving the poor and the disadvantaged in obedience to Christ, is the stuff of Christian ministry and mission and we are grateful for the strength, vision and stability that being part of the Body of Christ in Southeast Florida affords us.
For these reasons we are troubled and disturbed by rumors and whispers we have heard that would seem to threaten and disrupt the harmony of the Body of Christ in this place, not least as the Diocese prepares to enter into a critical period of transition in the episcopate. We regret that some have seen fit to disturb us by challenging the present direction of the Diocese, currently focused on the ‘Discovering Our Future’ initiative, by means of seeking to persuade us that radical changes should be made in regard to the Diocesan budget and the rate of parish assessments. We believe that such drastic changes at this juncture are ill-timed and would do immense harm to the health and vitality of the Diocese, while Bishop Frade and his leadership team are encouraging and enabling all of us to participate in a process that offers a vision for the future and stability for the present, inviting us to explore and envision new possibilities and opportunities that will take us to “the ragged edges” and equip us for new and continuing ministry and mission beyond the election of a successor. Our Bishop has committed himself to handing on to his successor a Diocese that is vibrant, empowered, equipped and open to explore new ways of ministry and mission that will excite and encourage whomever God and the church calls to carry the joys and burdens of the episcopal office in this Diocese into the next period of years. ‘Troubling’ and ‘disturbing’ is the work of the Holy Spirit, prompting God’s people to move forward, expand their horizons, and be open to the future which is God’s and not ours to define or contain. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving breath of God that binds together the Holy Trinity and holds together the church in the bonds of mutual love and affection. We seek to live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit and be as one in the Spirit, not torn asunder by myopic vision and a meanness of spirit. We seek rather to nurture the fruits of the Spirit in one another and to steward the gifts of the Spirit in ways that will continue to build up and strengthen our communities, equipping us “to step out of the boat and walk on the waves … to cast our nets off the wrong side, to stay on the Path that leads to the mountaintop of our own transfiguration.”
“ We seek to
live in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit and be as one in the Spirit.” We recognize that as a Deanery we may be numerically small and limited in our financial resources relative to others in the diocese, but we celebrate the richness of our diversity and the ability to touch the lives of those who live on the margins of our communities with compassion, love, healing and hope: to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is near you! Equally, we recognize that our ability to do so comes not only from the Spirit who empowers us but also through the generosity of our sisters and brothers who supplement our already stretched resources by giving out of their abundance to support and maintain the Diocesan budget. At this moment of transition and opportunity in the life of the Diocese we are fearful of any attempt to introduce radical changes to a process that until now has demonstrated the New Testament principle of sharing resources in common for the good of the whole. We are a church that is episcopal in its polity, governed by an elected convention, and not congregational in its organization, committed to one another as members of the Body of Christ, understanding that our strength lies in sharing our God-given economic, material and human resources, and recognizing that we share a common mission to the people of God scattered across the length and breadth of our geographically awkward diocese. None of this is to suggest that we are resistant to change. We welcome the call to restructure the Church at both the local and national levels as a response to a growing awareness that we must change or die. It’s not a matter of tradition or change – tradition is change and the stuff of the gospel! We appreciate that engaging with change involves daring to risk so
that we may hardly recognize ourselves when change is effected, but let it be a creative and joyful process rooted in a commitment to Christ and as partners in his mission, rather than an ill-judged response founded on misconceived motives that would have some keep the rich man supposedly secure in his castle and keep Lazarus vulnerable at the gate. Let us understand that in the Kingdom of God true strength lies in our vulnerability, while a sense of security based on shifting sand is the way that leads to self-destruction. Change is effected by vision and clarity of purpose and characterized by boldness and a shared commitment to make it happen. Budgets and assessments are but one of the means to this end, but should neither define nor determine the goal. Rather, it is the vision and its goals, imagined and conceived by the whole body that in its turn informs and shapes the budget and the appropriate rates of assessment, so that as we seek and speak “the truth in love, we [may] grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knitted together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love” (Ephesians 4.15-16). In offering its resolution to our upcoming Diocesan Convention, North Dade Deanery seeks not to stifle debate and discussion around the Diocesan budget and the yet more contentious issue of the rates of parish assessment. We seek rather to refocus the debate on strategies for ministry and mission, underpinned but not defined by the budget discussion. We recognize that much work needs to be done to bridge the gap between where we are now and where we may wish to be in a matter of a few years. Lest we sell Our Lord and ourselves short, we dare to suggest that as we prepare for and anticipate inevitable changes in the wake of the upcoming transition in the episcopate we bide our time, prayerfully waiting on the Lord and graciously caring for one another, in a spirit of gentleness and an atmosphere of calm and stability. Make no mistake; this is not an invitation to passivity, but to engagement in the hard work of discerning together the call of Jesus to mission . . . Fall 2013
Fresh Expressions – Meeting People Where They Are By Altoria E. White, Editor
Andy Raine was skyped in at the Nehemiah fall retreat as he shared his experiences from England.
his year’s annual Clergy Conference created buzzworthy conversation around a generally new and trending way of worship. It’s called Fresh Expressions, and the formal, and quite lengthy definition is: “a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church which will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples, and will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context.” In short, its meeting people where they are. The theme of the conference centered on “listening for the voice of God in a changing culture,” and the clergy were encouraged to get out of the doors of the church, adapt to the shifting community, and invite people inside. As simple as it
“In today’s
culture, church is something that might be alien to many folks.” sounds, it is a foreign concept to some, however all are open to the new and fresh ideas. The facilitators, The Reverend John and Olive Drane, challenged the priests to look outside to the changing culture and emphasized that people aren’t necessarily coming inside to worship therefore the conversation must be adjusted, moved outside, and reflect the community in which we live. Olive spoke candidly in her presentation, commenting, “In today’s culture, church is something that might be alien to many folks, but that does not mean they should be excluded.” The mission is to go where people are and share the good news.”
In the past, the church was the center of the community, which was a typically traditional way of thinking. Everything centered around the church—education, marriage, festivals, sickness, crisis, bereavement and of course, Sunday worship. The focus of the community, in current times, may not be the church, but, John and Olive assured everyone that’s okay. “Start with where things are, and see people’s patterns. See what your community looks like, learn their patterns of leisure, patterns of work, patterns of communication and adapt to that,” said John. “In this consideration,” he continued, “ask yourself where people are today?” This conversation continued over the three-day clergy conference, and actually spilled into the fall Nehemiah retreat in late September. At the fall retreat, attendees (both clergy and lay persons) were given the topic of “Hearing the voices of those who are spiritual but not religious.” They welcomed Andy Raine, live via Skype, from Lindisfarne, England, and
The Rev. John Drane, one of the facilitators, speaks to the clergy at the fall conference.
he expanded the group’s knowledge of serving the needs of a diverse community. Andy has taken Fresh Expressions into the community by dancing, drama and dialogues. His community, the Northumbria Community, is one that lives out with the people rather than in a confined space. One of the major alternatives of expressions of faith was his dancing. Andy and his wife Anna performed the dance of reconciliation, among other intriguing pieces. Look for Fresh Expressions to provide further dialogue for the diocese as more parishes step outside to meet people where they are and make that meaningful connection.
St. Thomas Episcopal Parish Announces the Rev. Mario E. Milián to be Commissioned as Air Force Chaplain By Ann Rose, Parishioner, St. Thomas, Miami
The Rev. Mario Milian, Rector and Associate Rector, the Rev. William Walker
eterans Day Weekend, St. Thomas, Coral Gables will celebrate the commissioning of their rector, The Rev. Mario E. Milián, as a Chaplain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. The Rt. Rev. Calvin O. Schofield, Jr., retired bishop of the Diocese of Southeast Florida, and himself a military chaplain for many years, will commission Fr. Milián. As a parish priest, Fr. Milián will continue to serve St. Thomas Church and School as rector. His appointment orders place him at Homestead Air Force Base as a 1st Lieutenant. Once a month he will have training and chaplaincy duties on the base. He is currently attending Officer Training School, and in his second year he will receive additional training for chaplaincy work. When he is involved in the periods of training and education, the clergy team at St. Thomas will handle parish matters, including the Rt. Rev. Calvin Schofield, Bishop-in-Residence; the Rev. Bill Walker, Assistant Rector; and the Rev. Edward Hammatt, Deacon. For St. Thomas Parish, supporting Fr. Milián’s work as a military chaplain is an opportunity to reach beyond the walls of the local community and be part of a ministry to people of all faiths who frequently face serious, challenging life issues as they serve the country. In the military, there is currently a need for chaplains who represent a specific liturgical background and who are
bi-lingual. Fr. Milián is both. He has been sponsored for chaplaincy with the U.S. Air Force by his own bishop, the Rt. Rev. Leo Frade; by retired diocesan bishop, the Rt. Rev. Calvin Schofield; and on the national level by The Rt. Rev. James Magness, Suffragan Bishop for Federal Ministries. The clergy team at St. Thomas who, along with lay leadership will keep the parish running smoothly during the times when Fr. Milián is serving as an Air Force chaplain. Bishop Schofield has a long history with the military. After his sophomore year in college, he interrupted his studies to go into the Army on active duty for two years and was stationed in southern Germany. His military career lasted for 33 years, starting with the Army years, continuing when he was commissioned as a chaplain in the Naval Reserve while he was in seminary, and ending in 1985 when he retired as a Navy captain. His connection to the military continued past 1985, serving in the House of Bishops as Chairman of the Armed Forces Commission from 1988 to 2000. Serving in the military has been a long clergy tradition at St. Thomas beginning with the first rector, the Rev. Arthur J. Rantz, who was an Army Chaplain during World War II. When Fr. Rantz came to St. Thomas in 1952, the Bish-
op of South Florida was the Rt. Rev. Henry Louttit who had also been an Army Chaplain in World War II. He served in New Guinea until 1945 when he was elected Bishop Coadjutor and was sent by the church to assume that position. In 1951 he became Bishop of South Florida, a year before Fr. Rantz arrived. At the commissioning ceremony during the 10:30 a.m. service on November 10th, Fr. Milián will wear the Air Force service dress uniform, and parishioners who have served in the military will be invited to attend in uniform.
Fall 2013
Members of the audience ask questiions in response to their presentations
When Social Justice Takes a Front Seat A Discussion About Race and Diversity In Our Diocese and In Our Country By Altoria E. White, Editor & Kathleen Walker, President of Union of Black Episcopalians
he Diocese of Southeast Florida has a long-standing history of confronting racial topics head on for many years. With diversity being one of the many strengths, the diocese welcomes the discussion of the hard and troubling truth of the world, the past and present. It was just 30 years ago, in 1983, that the diocese commissioned a study of race relations in the Episcopal Church of Southeast Florida. In this report (adopted by the North Dade Deanery at the time) it was said the diocese “has done a commendable job of setting aside longstanding racial policies and practices…nevertheless, vestiges of racism occasionally rear their heads.” The committee included clergy, laypersons, women, men, as well as racially and ethnically diverse numbers. That was 30 years ago, and although the Diocese of Southeast Florida has truly come a long way in race relations and diversity, the disparity that was felt in the diocese at that time is still being felt in the world today. On Sunday, August 25, 2013 the diocese wanted to again, tackle the topic of race as it has done in the past. This time it was An Inclusive Conversation About Race co-sponsored by the Diocese of Southeast Florida’s Office of Immigration and Social Justice Ministries, the Theodore R. Gibson Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, and the Diocesan Commission on Anti-Racism. The conversation began with a welcome and prayer by The Reverend Errol Harvey, Interim Priest at Church of the Incarnation, in Miami, where the event was held. The panelist’s expertise ranged from ministry, to the law profession, to a member of the Dream Defenders. Kimberly Gonzalez is the President of the Miami Dade College chapter of the Dream Defenders, an organization which gained national attention during the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case. “A few students 8
Members of the panel: L-R: Dr. Gay Outler, Moderator; Atty. Wilfredo Ruiz, CAIR Florida Legal Counsel; Kimberly Gonzalez, Miami Dade College Dream Defenders Campus Organizer; Tamara Lawson, Prof. of Law, St. Thomas Univ.; the Rev. Jack Stanton, Associate Priest, Trinity Cathedral, Miami.
got together on a conference call and decided they wanted to act, instead of just lending their voices,” Gonzalez stated, recalling the frustration after Martin had been killed in a Sanford, Florida neighborhood. It was at that point they marched from Sanford to Daytona, to publically show their interest. Gonzalez was encouraged by the response to the event, which pulled in over 100 people on a Sunday evening. “There is a sense of unity today. People want to fix these disparities. I want to voice the concerns of the youth and what our next steps will be,” she said, when asked about proposed changes to the law. Each panelist discussed their feelings on race relations, and how they have been affected or have seen the world affected by the disparites in the human race. The Reverend Jack Stanton, Priest at Trinity Cathedral in Miami, recounted his feelings in 1963 during the March on Washington. During that time Father Stanton had been ordained into the Episcopal Church and really wanted to be a part of the movement. He felt it was the
right place to be and the right thing to do. “I was trying to decided if I was going to go or not because what we were seeing on television-- the beating, the fighting, did not look safe. However, how could I not go? We have God on our side.” When he arrived, he said, people were very friendly, sharing salutations, food and fellowship. A truly different image than what was being broadcasted. Two other panelists, a professor of law and a practicing attorney received several questions from the audience during the question and answer period. Many were about the Martin/Zimmerman case, which is one of the most high profile race cases in current history, even though many say the case was not at all about race. The attorney’s focused on what we can do from this point moving forward. “What do we tell our teens? What do we teach them?,” one audience member passionately pleaded. The panel and audience agreed that fixing the problem is multifaceted, but it simply must begin with family. The moderator for The Conversation and Chair of the Anti-Racism Commission, Dr. Gay Outler, and The Venerable Dr. J. Fritz Bazin agreed that the evening was a success. “Much was accomplished today. We recognized and focused on strong issues in our community, and we delved into strategies for solutions,” commented Dr. Outler. “There will be further discussions, and conversations around social justice topics in the near future,” assured Archdeacon Bazin. “Gun violence represents a lot of lost opportunities,” the comments from Miami-Dade County Public Defender Carlos Martinez, echoed the sentiments from many during a discussion analyzing criminal activities in September. The forum entitled “Gun Violence: When is Enough Enough?” held on, Wednesday, September 11, 2013, brought together a group of community leaders and activists to examine the current problems plaguing many of the communities in South Florida. Martinez discussed the failures of many in the community to prevent young people from making mistakes that lead to an increased level of violence and imprisonment. He also pointed out that facts show that teenagers who end up in the adult prison system at an early age become more violent criminals more quickly. Community activist and Pastor Jerome Starling pointed out that in the 80’s, drugs became a serious issue in the inner city and the proliferation of guns followed. He encouraged parents to gain stronger control over their children. Starling said that in too many instances kids are calling the shots in the home and this must end. He also stated more educational and vocational programs are needed in impoverished communities. One of the most poignant moments in the evening came during a talk from two members of the Miami-Dade County Boot Camp program. Miami-Dade Police Officer De la Rosa introduced two young adult cadets who were given one last chance before a possible stint in state prison. He said the young men in the program are in a military-styled environment. They exercise and run most of the day. They also attend classes and many have earned their GED. The young men are required to go through a pass and review process, and are mandated to
polish their shoes and keep a neat appearance. They also help keep the building clean once other tasks are complete. One of the cadets said that he has been on both sides of gun violence. He said he was sorry for the victims to which he inflicted pain. He was also appreciative of the audience. He said, their presence indicated, “You care about us and that means a lot.” A second cadet, who just turned 20, said he has had a lot of time to think. He said he had been shot but never shot anyone. He believes that the boot camp has been a motivational place for him and he won’t end up in the prison system again. Both young men indicated that they made bad choices and that over the objections of their mothers, they went down wrong paths. They vowed to turn their lives around and to encourage others to avoid the kind of criminal activity in which they were engaged. Miami-Dade County Police Director J.D. Patterson told the gathering at the Church of the Incarnation that indeed enough was enough. He said “the day I was born into poverty, enough was enough. He told the story of witnessing his father beating
Panel & audience members listen as M.D. Police Director J.D. Patterson tells his story
his mother when he was a child and the tremendous impact that had on his life. During that altercation, his father became angry with an uncle who attempted to end the fight between the parents. Ultimately, the uncle hit the father and later the father shot his uncle in the arm. Both ended up being taken into custody. Patterson, who was appointed director in February of this year, presented startling statistics about a section of Liberty City that has been particularly plagued with homicides in 2013. Ultimately, he said, “we must learn the power of talking, even tough conversations.” The Conversation, Part II was held on Sunday, October 20, 2013 at St. Luke the Physician in South Miami. The national church is also tackling the issue, conducting a webinar entitled “50 Years Later: The State of Racism in America.” Hosted by the Presiding Bishop’s office, the Dioceses of Southern Ohio, Central Pennsylvania and California, and the Church Divinty School of the Pacific will serve as official sites to view the webinar and participate. The Diocese of Southeast Florida will host a viewing at Trinity Cathedral at 1p.m. on Friday, November 15, 2013. Fall 2013
hadrian’s Wall Path By The Reverend Mike Cassell, Former rector, St. Joseph’s Church and School, Boynton Beach
t has been over a year now since I first began checking out the lengthy pilgrimage from the Pyrenees to Santiago on the famous journey to St. James De Compostello in Spain. I was inspired to look because of a movie I saw starring Martin Sheen about a dad who does just that, he hikes the entire thing which typically takes about 35 days. When I watched it, something deep inside of me identified profoundly with this man’s determined efforts, however, at the tender age of 79, I knew I could not pull that off. I have always been strong willed, but my body would never respond, and I knew that.
So, I went to the computer to check out Hadrian’s Wall, the western end of the ancient Roman empire, that divided “civilization” from the northern “barbarians” as the Romans referred to 10 THE NET -
The Rev. Mike Cassell with daughters Mary Cassell & Sue Parkson
“My daughters insisted I purchase a t-shirt that says ‘Old Men Rule’.”
them. My beloved wife, Sharon, and I visited it some years ago on one of our many European tent camping expeditions. It had been a dividing line in Britain holding in place the ever- pressing tribes to the north (Scotland). Trajan, the emperor, began the effort using 5000 legionnaires to haul the rubble, but his stepson, Hadrian, supervised the major effort. The Romans started out in the west, using sod for the wall, but soon it seemed best to use stone. In places it was most imposing at 20 feet in height and 10 feet in depth, all officially beginning in 160 A.D. and completed
10 years later. It was occupied for 300 years with a deep ditch in the front of the wall interspersed with mile markers and 14 forts. This was no nonsense. It is 75 miles away from Solway Firth in the west to Newcastle upon Tyne in the east. Remnants of their efforts are still evident with the remains of forts and chapels along the way. An uninterrupted 10mile stretch of the wall still remains. “I think I could come close to doing that,” I thought. To my utter surprise and pleasure, two of my five children said, “Pop, could we join you?” “Bless you, Mary and Suzie!,” I said. And so from the 11th of July until the 24th, we did. Admittedly, we took a day train ride to Durham Cathedral (climbed their 340 step staircase), toured a fort and castle at the end of our trip in Carlyle and spent a day at a folk music festival at Castle Carrock -all in Northumbria. It was much more difficult than I thought, with ever undulating hills, stones and roots interspersed with short ladders to climb. Most of my preparation had been on flat ground, which does make a difference. There is something in many of us that compels us to leave our comfort zone and test the resources of our inner selves. A cruise to Bermuda just doesn’t always do it. I still continue working full-time in the ecumenical ministry of Food for the Poor, going out across the country each weekend and visiting Episcopal parishes; telling the story of the destitute in the 17 nations there where we work in the Caribbean. When I retired as Rector of St. Joseph’s Church and School in Boynton Beach in 2000, little did I know a brand new ministry would open up that has already lasted as long as I was Rector of St. Joseph’s! God is full of surprises! My daughters insisted I purchase a t-shirt that says “Old Men Rule.” I’d like to think so, however I know better.
News & Notes from Episcopal Charities
Provided by The Rev. Donna Dambrot, ex E.C. Director NEW BOARD MEMBERS Episcopal Charities is pleased to welcome four new members to its Board of Directors. Joining our work of partnering with and empowering congregations in our common journey to live our Gospel lives through outreach ministries, stewardship assistance, and planned giving for the future are:
• Maralee Pope St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Boca Raton • The Rev. Dr. Mary Elizabeth Conroy Rector, St. Philips Episcopal Church, Coral Gables • The Very Rev. Debra Andrew-Maconaughey Rector, St. Columba Episcopal Church, Marathon • The Rev. Jennie-Lou Reid Rector, St. Faith’s Episcopal Church, Cutler Bay Board members of Episcopal Charities represent the large geographic breadth of our Diocese, from the Keys up to Stuart, and voice the needs and concerns of congregations throughout our faith community so that our ministries and programs may better serve all.
HAVE YOU SIGNED UP TO TAKE ONE OF OUR NEW OUTREACH CLASSES? This year Episcopal Charities has partnered with the Diocesan School for Christian Studies to offer a Certificate Program - Beyond the Walls: Outreach Ministry Development, Management and Fundraising. All interested laypersons and clergy are invited to enroll in one or all classes, offered by experts in their respective fields! Take a look at the innovative and creative curriculum on our home page link at Take your outreach ministry to a new level of resources, service and sustainability. For more information, contact President and Executive Director The Rev. Donna Dambrot at
QUILT RAFFLE AT DIOCESAN CONVENTION! Episcopal Charities’ own Deacon Carol Carson has again graciously donated one of her beautifully crafted and homemade quilts for raffle at this year’s Diocesan Convention. All proceeds will benefit the mission and ministry of Episcopal Charities. For more information, contact Business Director Deacon Carol at!
SPECIAL NOTE FOR EPISCOPAL CHARITIES GRANTEES! Programs receiving grants from Episcopal Charities in 2013 can find their Year-End Reports online at Reports are due by November 15. Please complete yours and return to
Program and Grants Director Bonnie Weaver at bonnie@ecsefl. org. Many thanks!
DON’T FORGET TO ACCESS YOUR FREE STEWARDSHIP MATERIALS AT THE EPISCOPAL NETWORK FOR STEWARDSHIP! Episcopal Charities is offering each congregation access the Member Resources at The Episcopal Network for Stewardship at , including their brand new complete Stewardship Program, Flourishing in Faith. Contact The Rev. Donna Dambrot at for access information if you have not already received it. The materials are available through December 31, 2013. Take advantage of this gift today!
HAVE YOU LIKED OUR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER PAGES YET? We are “Friends of Episcopal Charities of Southeast Florida.” Find us on Facebook and become a member to keep up with all our exciting news and events! Or link to our page from our website at! And follow us on Twitter too – we are @ecsefl and look forward to meeting you in cyberspace.
Calling All EFM Mentors! The Commission on Christian Formation and Education will host a Basic-In-Service and a Formation level mentor training on January 10 -11, 2014 at St. Paul’s, Delray Beach
The Formation topic is appropriate for this year of change: Transitions Education for Ministry (EFM) is a satellite program from the University of the South School of Theology designed for lay leaders and learners in the church. Mentors facilitate each program. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or learning more about EFM contact: Krisan Lamberti, or Mandy Frantz,
Fall 2013 11
2013 Youth Convention
A Meeting of the Minds and a Voice for the Future By Eva Ortez, President of the Youth Commission of the Diocese of Southeast Florida
he 2013 Youth Convention was held at the Chapel of St. Andrews, Boca Raton. It was a great day full of fel-
The Youth watch a video about social media trends at a workshop at convention.
lowship, new friendships, and learning. The day began with registration and refreshments, as more youth and adults arrived. One of the first activities we did to keep people moving was an “energizer,” along with playing some of our famous games, that helped us all loosen up and start off the day. As workshops started,
we were split into two groups, the adult group, and the youth group. There was an activity set up for us to do that asked, “What does youth ministry mean to you?” The youth and adults answered that question in their respective groups, and upon completion we came together and discussed what we thought about the answers. This was one of the most important parts of our Youth Convention. There was a lot that the adults wanted to share with us, and a lot the youth wanted to share with them. The discussion lasted about forty minutes but in that short amount of time, everyone understood each other a lot better. Another few hours were spent on worthwhile workshops. The workshops, entitled Social Media and Episcopal Charities opened our eyes to many things that will strengthen our youth ministry tremendously.
Save the Date!
Godly Play Training Comes to South Florida
December 6-8, 2013 St. Stephen’s, Coconut Grove
Godly Play is a method of theological learning aimed at children of all ages. Interested? Contacts: Krisan Lamberti The Reverend Joann Murphy
12 THE NET -
In the afternoon, it was time to vote and choose the new officers of the Youth Commission for this year. After all the speeches were said, and all the votes were cast, the four new officers were announced. They are: President: Eva Ortez, Holy Cross; Vice President: Roger Villatoro, Holy Cross; Secretary: Tonie Renaud, Church of Resurrection, and Administrative Assistant: Savannah Bayer, St. Mary Magdalene. This is a really big responsibility for the four officers, but they will work together and work with the youth of our diocese to build up and strengthen our youth ministry all for His glory. Overall, the Youth Convention was a success! It was a time that was needed between the adults and the youth as well as time for fellowship and worship.
Home Sweet Home
Sewanee Students Share the Experiences of Their Journey
By Altoria E. White, Editor
nown as simply Sewanee by those who are familiar with the school, Sewanee: University of the South, in Tennessee, has rich traditions right here in the Diocese of Southeast Florida. An Episcopal University, Sewanee is governed by 28 southeastern dioceses in the United States. The university welcomes those of all faiths, however many young Episcopalians are drawn to what could be called their home away from home. The Southeast Florida diocese has four students matriculating through Sewanee all the same time. Although all four are at different points in their education, they share the common bond of calling southeast Florida home. When asked about their future alma mater, Michelle Aguilar, Sandy Millen, Michael Sahdev, Nora Vinas had plenty to say. Michelle Aguilar is a Junior, Politics major at Sewanee and a member of Trinity Cathedral, Miami. She is very involved in campus activities, but still stays in touch with church friends and family. “It is important to me to have spiritual support form loved ones,” she says. “I am so thankful for my church that sends prayers in many different ways to help me be grounded in God’s grace.” Michelle says her spiritual life has also grown since beginning her education at Sewanee. She looks forward to graduating in 2015 and perhaps joining a fellowship with the Peace Corps in Latin America; however she also wants to attend law school. When asked what advice she could provide for students who are on the verge of entering college she commented, “Never be afraid of leaving home or leaving your comfort zone. I left my comfort zone (to attend Sewanee) and I didn’t know anyone when I arrived. I now have a great amount of friends and loved ones.” Michelle is inspired by those around her, and she reserves the word “heroes” for her parents. “I realize more and more being away from them, that they have sacrificed so much for me. Their unconditional love and care makes me work harder in all that I do at Sewanee.” Sandy Milien also credits her parents as being her heroes and inspiration. A freshman Psychology and Anthropology major, Sandy says her parents sacrifices have shown her their dedication to her education. “It just makes me extremely proud to have them as my parents,” Sandy beams. “How they deal with their congregations and the dedication they put into the well-being of their congregants makes me want to be like them, and, of course, to always have God in my life.” Sandy says the most difficult part of college is something most have experienced in their own transition to a new environment. “The food, the climate, and becoming a part of this new community. Oh yes, and having to do my own laundry!” She’s hoping it only gets easier from this point forward. Her church members give her the support she needs to succeed at Sewanee. “The Senior Warden of my church (St. Paul et Les Martyrs d’Haiti) said ‘we sent you there for four years or more…nothing less!’ Without the support of my church members, I wouldn’t feel like this is the place for me to
L-R: Nora Vinas, Michael Aguilar, Bishop Leo Frade, Michael Sahdev and Sandy Milien
be.” Sandy calls the college experience “amazing” and says “once I stepped foot on the mountain, I fell in love.” Michael Sahdev just knew he belonged on the mountain, too. After Diocesan Bishop Leo Frade and so many other priests recommended that he research and consider the school, he knew the opportunities for ministry were there and that was where he belonged. Michael, who is a member of St. Benedict’s in Plantation, is a senior Psychology major with a minor in Religion. As of September 14th, he is also a postulant for the Holy Orders to the priesthood and he plans to attend seminary in the fall of 2014. His plans are to return back to the diocese (the greatest diocese in the world, as he calls it), and be a priest. “Being a senior and looking back on my Sewanee experience, I see the vast amount of change and growth I have experienced over the last few years. Sewanee has helped me to cultivate my ministry ability and intellectual capacity, and allowed me the most fun opportunities I have ever had,” Michael reflects. His advice to DIOSEF youth is to prayerfully consider the best place to not only continue their education, but also to grow into the man or woman they want to be. “Find the place that will challenge you intellectually, mold you spiritually, and will offer you a ton of fun!” Nora Vinas has most certainly grown in her spiritual life at Sewanee. A member of Holy Cross, Miami, she chose the liberal arts college because of its Episcopal affiliation, and she thought it would be a wonderful home away from home. “I love Sewanee and everything it has to offer. I’m trying to take advantage of the opportunities, and participate in several organizations and activities. As a freshman, Nora is truly involved. She currently participates in Growing in Grace, a contemporary service at the campus’ chapel, All Saints. When asked to provide advice to those who will follow she simply says, “Dream and Conquer. With God all things are possible.” The diocese cannot wait to see what the future holds for these strong, ambitious, God-fearing young adults. Fall 2013 13
North Dade Deanery Youth Retreat Successful –The North Dade Deanery youth enjoyed a fun weekend at the annual retreat held in August. Every child filled a shoe box with toiletry items, non-perishable food items and even socks, with a hand-made card that will be delivered to servicemen in Afghanistan. Clergy Updates – The Reverend Charles Cannon will begin his ministry as Rector of St. Hilary’s in Ft. Myers on January 5, 2014. Father Cannon’s last day at St. James the Fisherman in Islamorada is December 24, 2013. The Reverend Mandy Lippe has begun her ministry full time at St. Thomas in Coral Gables. She leaves St. Margaret’s & San Francisco de Asis as a Priest Curate. The Reverend Mark Andrew Jones, BSG, has begun his ministry as the third Rector of St. Nicholas in Pompano Beach. The Reverend Paul Kane has begun his ministry as the interim Priest at St. James in the Hills in Hollywood. Deacon Hal Hurley began his ministry at St. Patrick’s in West Palm Beach in September. The Reverend Dr. Mary Ellen Cassini joined St. Christopher’s-by-the-Sea Montessori School in Key Biscayne in September as she was installed as Head of School. The Reverend Pierre Gabaud will be going to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Fr. Gabaud will be the Dean of the School of Theology.
Blessed are the Animals – The Diocese of Southeast Florida celebrated the Feast of St. Francis, also known as the Blessing of the Animals, in October. Check out the online photo album for images from various parishes: http://tinyurl. com/krpk45j 14 THE NET -
Welcome, Bishop! – Bishop Howard Gregory of Jamaica visited with The Reverend Horace Ward, and the Holy Family congregation in August. Pictured here is Archdeacon Bryan Hobbs welcoming Bishop Gregory to the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Happy Birthday! – Canon Tom Huston, Diocesan Treasurer, celebrated his 80th birthday in August! While our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Leo Frade celebrated his 70th birthday in October. What a year of milestones!
St. Joe’s Unplugged “Paints the Town” – Members of St. Joe’s Unplugged community are getting their hands dirty installing and creating a brand new backdrop for their Sunday, 11:45 a.m. service. The Net will have the unveiling in the Winter issue. St. Joe’s Unplugged is a mission of St. Joseph’s in Boynton Beach whose focus is to attract people in their 20s and 30s, the unchurched, the de-churched, and those looking for a Fresh Expression of worship. Check out the website: or their Facebook page: St. Joe’s Unplugged. The Backdrop will serve as a soundboard for the ‘unplugged’ band ‘Live Hymnal,’ it also serves as a visual masterpiece designed by art teacher and parishioner Carly Mejeur.
in the Keys
By Altoria E. White, Editor
alking up to the front doors of St. Columba in Marathon, Florida, it looks to be a small, quaint parish, perhaps only opening its doors on Sunday to the snowbirds who come down south to escape the frigid air of the north in the winter. When in reality, it is quite the opposite. St. Columba is a campus, with several facilities, full of life, love, and energy every day of the week. St. Columba houses several programs, which benefit the community of Marathon, and not just the church community on Sunday.
This parish is one of five parishes in the Keys Deanery, and sits right in the middle of the mostly resort-style area of the Keys. St. Paul’s, St. Peter’s, and St. Francis are to its south, while St. James is to the north. The Very Reverend Debra Andrew Maconaughey leads this 63-year-old parish, which sits off the main US-1 thoroughfare on the Gulf side of the Keys. They are known as a rural parish, which requires specific outreach to their community to gain attendance. “As you can see, there is no one just walking by,” Maconaughey said,
as she peered out the window of the rector’s office on to West 52nd Street. “We’re not allowed to have independent signs on the main road. It’s a law. That law makes it really hard to get people in the doors of St. Columba, but it just means we have to work harder and smarter.” And so they have. St. Columba’s average weekly attendance (AWA) has increased 90% since 2007, when Reverend Debra arrived. When asked to share the secret to the major growth in such a short amount of time, she stated, “Well it’s no secret. Basically, we had to grow or die. We have to be the sign. We have to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.” Of course the parish of St. Columba opted to grow--and grow in a big way. Reverend Debra says this has been her motto, since answering the call at St. Columba. Within the last six years, St. Columba did not only practically double in attendance, but they also purchased the Hammock house, started a summer & spring camp and making it their mission to revitalize the youth at the church. They are also are always trying to meet the needs of the community.
The Hammock house, which is just steps away from the church and parish hall, is where all of the youth activities are held. Any church meetings, and community activities are also housed there. It’s a small single family style home, which became available for sale in 2010. St. Columba decided to attempt to purchase the house, seeing it as a natural fit to grow the youth at the church, and have another facility they could use to help serve the community. Besides, it is only steps away from the church – a perfect compliment to the grounds. With the parishioners and vestry on board, the fundraising effort was underway, but it didn’t last very long. Within six weeks, the parish raised $50,000 for the down payment, and the Hammock House was theirs. After a two-year rental of the home to recoup costs, St. Columba held its first summer camp, utilizing the Hammock House. The growth was continuing at St. Columba, and the parish community could not be happier.
Much of their growth is attributed to the diocese’s Nehemiah Process, which St. Columba has been involved with, and for which has received several rewards. Reverend Debra is a big proponent of the process. “Through Nehemiah we were taught how to get our name out in the community. We always applied for grants, and we still do! Through the Bishop’s Ministry Grants, we were able to have several events to help the growth of St. Columba – particularly with the youth.” Even though St. Columba has officially been through the Nehemiah program several times, when she gets the opportunity, Reverend Debra still likes to go to the meetings and join in the discussion. “We all learn through the experiences of others. I’m still learning more, and more each day.” Although life might look easy, breezy, and beautiful, there is a lot of hard work that goes into making a parish as successful as St. Columba, and the work speaks for itself.
Join St. Columba as they present the Florida Keys Celtic Festival on January 10 – 11, 2014 at Marathon Community Park in Marathon, Florida. A two-day ticket is $25 in advance and $30 at the gate. Log on to for more information. See specifics in the ad on page 7. Fall 2013 15
A G ft of Extraordinary Generosity
By The Very Reverend John H. Tidy, Rector, All Souls’, Miami Beach
n July of this year, quite unexpectedly, Mr. Kent Collins, an attorney in Salt Lake City, contacted The Very Reverend John Tidy, advise him that under the terms of two irrevocable trusts, the Diocese of South Florida was named as a remaining beneficiary of the generosity of George H. Werk and his wife, Julia B. Werk. Originally from Cincinnati, George and Julia Werk had a home on Miami Beach and were members of All Souls’, where they worshipped regularly. George’s family were successful soap manufacturers in Ohio and, it would seem, he was an astute investor given the enormity of his inheritance enjoyed first by his wife and then by his children, Alice and George; now, subsequently, by the University of Miami and our diocese. George H. Werk established the irrevocable trust in his name in 1945 and Julia B. Werk followed his example in 1964. Their children were the initial beneficiaries of the income of the two trusts, but George named the University of Miami and the Episcopal Diocese of South Florida as equal remainder beneficiaries after the deaths of his children or that of their survivors, while Julia named the Diocese of South Florida as sole remainder beneficiary. Neither Alice, who died in 1995, nor George, who died in May of this year, were married, making for an extraordinarily generous gift to the church and the University. Together with Trustee Attorney Collins, the Rector of All Souls’ Episcopal Church is named in both Trusts as the individual responsible party for ensuring that the funds are “to be used among the Episcopal
churches … to the best interests of the Episcopal Church.” Given that the Diocese of South Florida ceased to exist in 1969, making way for the creation of three new dioceses to serve the growing population of south Florida, the foresight and generosity of George and Julia Werk is now to be shared equally between the dioceses of Southeast Florida, Southwest Florida and Central Florida. The first distribution from the George H. Werk Trust has been received and the balance of the funds is currently being processed for final distribution between the three dioceses and the University of Miami. The accounting for the Julia B. Werk Trust has also been finalized and the distribution of funds to each diocese is pending the transfer of stocks and bonds into cash prior to disbursement. The Diocese has already received slightly in excess of a half million dollars, and can anticipate a further gift of at least as much again. Unbeknown to any, George and Julia Werk quietly and responsibly provided both for their children and for later generations of Episcopalians. They also provided for the faculty and students of the University of Miami. We thank God for them and for the wise stewardship of their resources that will now benefit the diocese of Southeast Florida in maintaining and growing the ministry and mission. May the generosity and example of George and Julia Werk be in an inspiration to others in our own time to be similarly wise stewards of the gifts with which they were endowed, for the use of the Episcopal church and the good of all God’s people in Southeast Florida.
CALENDAR November 8-9 Diocesan Convention Trinity Cathedral, Miami December 14 Youth Christmas Ball January 2014 25 Bishop Leo Frade’s 30th Anniversary of his Episcopacy
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