Cristina Rodriguez Finaga (architect cv+portfolio)

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por t f ol i o and CV

cr i st i na r odr í guezf i ñaga chi t ect

a bit about me

As an architect, my biggest goal is to positively contribute to heighten life quality. I consider Architecture as a changing force, creating an emotional impact between people and space. Architecture should create thrill. Design and technical solutions have to come together to add value, ending up in balanced results. I have worked for several ateliers, learning from different projects and team mates. I love to keep on growing and enjoying my job. I am optimistic and curious. I face every challenge with open mind, straightforward attitude and work hard to go through it. I firmly trust in loving what you do and, moreover, facing every job with heart and soul, as if was for yourself.

work experience

2014-cur. JC TEAM architect responsible of dwelling projects

a w a r d s

2012-14 freelance teacher/instructor specialized training for future architects: autocad architectural projects urban planning architectural design

international competition dwelling for young artists córdoba, spain

arquisemia: finalist


2010-12 arquisemia architect



complete architectural project documents in all of its phases, incl. project management and supervision of the works

colective housing and competitions complete architectural project documents in all of its phases

2010 madrid's architects official association collaboration grant assistant on courses and conferences organization


technological campus palmas altas, sevilla landscape design for richard rogers' project


y. león intern drawing and development of architectural project documents


j. m. vera intern



2007-08 rogers stirk harbour + partners m. medina + g. marañón architect spanish mother tongue english C1 swedish A2 german A1

virtual models, drawing and development of architectural project documents

s o f w a r e education + training autocad instructor



project management architects official association, madrid postgraduate courses

building construcion management architectural projects management real-state valuation risk and quality analysis 2010

univ. accessibility and design for all architects official association, madrid postgraduate courses


revit sketch up photoshop cype energy and noise insulation

presto gest office

grant holder 2009

architect, master degree


erasmus student lund, sweden

master architect (+34) 626 17 42 33

cristina rodríguez fiñaga


3d s max

CampusPal masAl t as Sevi l l a,Spai n M.Medi na+ G.Mar añón Roger s St i r k Har bour+ Par t ner s

78dwel l i ngs Val debebas,Spai n JC TEAM

48dwel l i ngs Val debebas,Spai n JC TEAM

169soci alhousi ng Sanchi nar r o,Spai n JC TEAM

99dwel l i ngs Cast r oUr di al es,Spai n JC TEAM

66dwel l i ngs Sanchi nar r o,Spai n JC TEAM

Dwel l i ngsf oryoung ar t i st s Cór doba,Spai n Ar qui sem i a

academ i c Physi calEducat i onFacul t y Madr i d,Spai n M ast er’ s Degr ee Thesi s


I nhabi t

Proj ect sI NDEX

prof essi onal

Cam pus Pal m as Al t as by Rogers St i rk Harbour + Part ners

M.Medi na+ G.Mar aùón Roger s St i r k Har bour+ Par t ner s Posi t i on:ar chi t ect Col l abor at i oni nl andscapedesi gn,dr awi ng and devel opmentofpr oj ectdocument s

El abor at i onofcompl et ear chi t ect ur alpr oj ectdocument s,aswel las pr oj ectmanagementandsuper vi si onoft hecor r espondi ngwor ks est i mat edcompl et i ondat e:j an2017 Wor ki npr ogr ess

78 dw el l i ngs i n Val debebas,Spai n

JC TEAM Posi t i on:mast erar chi t ect

3bedr oomsdwel l i ng

4bedr oomsdwel l i ng

48 dw el l i ngs i n Val debebas,Spai n JC TEAM Posi t i on:mast erar chi t ect El abor at i onofcompl et ear chi t ect ur alpr oj ectdocument s,aswel las pr oj ectmanagementandsuper vi si onoft hecor r espondi ngwor ks est i mat edcompl et i ondat e:oct2017 Wor ki npr ogr ess

4bedr oomsdwel l i ng

El abor at i onofcompl et ear chi t ect ur alpr oj ectdocument s,aswel las pr oj ectmanagementandsuper vi si onoft hecor r espondi ngwor ks, i ncl udi ngl ocalaut hor i t i esi nt er l ocut or st ar tupdat e:apr2016 W or ki npr ogr ess

169 soci alhousi ng i n Sanchi narro,Spai n

JC TEAM Posi t i on:mast erar chi t ect+ pr oj ectmanager

3bedr oomsdwel l i ng

wor ksbegi nni g dat e:apr i l2016

El abor at i onofcompl et ear chi t ect ur alpr oj ectdocument s,aswel las pr oj ectmanagementandsuper vi si onoft hecor r espondi ngwor ks est i mat edcompl et i ondat e:dec2016 Wor ki npr ogr ess

99 dw el l i ngs i n Cast ro Urdi al es,Spai n

JC TEAM Posi t i on:mast erar chi t ect

Thecompl exconsi st sof2 conf r ont ed U shaped bui l di ngs, pr ovi di ng asol ut i ont ot hehar d sl ope. Bet weenEastand W estbl ocks st andsacommunalgar dent hat l ookst ot hesea.

El abor at i onoft hepr el i mi nar yandschemat i cdesi gn sep 2015

Fort hi spr oj ect ,wepr oposeanU shaped bl ock.The dwel l i ngsopent hei rmai nspacest ot heSout h.Li vi ng r oomsand ki t chenshavebeenr ot at ed t o guar ant ee pr i vacyand openvi ews,howevert hi schangeofdi r ec t i oni s absor bed i nmi nor spacessuchas cor r i dor s. Rooms’i nt er i oror t hogonal i t yi snotaf f ect ed,sousual f ur ni t ur i ng i spossi bl e.

66 dw el l i ngs i n Sanchi narro,Spai n

JC TEAM Posi t i on:mast erar chi t ect

3bedr oomsdwel l i ng

i nhabi t per sonalr ef l ect i ons Ref l ect i onsonci t yvsi ndi vi dualandper sonalr out i nes how ar eweal t er edbyourenvi r onment t hear chi t ect ’ sr ol eonl i f equal i t y 2003

Inhabit: rhythms We are moved by habits, auto imposed or biological rhythms. We are sitting ducks of routine. We are a swarm that doesn't know very well where it's going, just follows the one in front. Walk. Run. Continue. Move forward. To the tube. Tick-tack. Home. Tick-tack. The bus. Again to work. Tick-tack. Car. Car. Car. Rest, no! programmed leisure, collective spare time. Tick-tack. Think, no! Continue. Copy. Climb. You, you, you, yourself, no! Work. We are routine, we need routine. Program. The city's rhythm is the reference. Cellular, horn. Under construction. Disputes. Run.

We are docile sheeps or words apart. Sometimes a madman stands out. No!, don't be head and shoulders above. We need from the group in this ecosystem that we have fabricated. Cloak. Be mass. Arrive, no! Always on the way. Tick-tack. Counter clock, timed. Seem calm. Don't let them see weakness. The strong's rhythm. Everybody's rhythm. We live in prefabricated comfort: prĂŞt-a porter clothing, Mc Donald's, teleeverything. The city's rhythm is nourished from the one-use concept. Noises, machine rhythms, people, superpose. Isolated they mean nothing. We are nobody. We can't reach. We are small, vulnerable, not different from the other beings. We need our preciated happiness substituters to make the music of the city, noise for many, the urbanite's rhythm.

We see the individual immersed in the city's rhythm, which is no more than the superposition of the noises ourselves or our appreciated machines do. Separated they are perceived completely different to the group. Isolated they are nothing, but together they work, just like the rhythms of a song that superposed form the melody. With people happens the same, the group is not the sum of its parts, but interaction creates other product. We live caught in our routine, in this rhythm, and when we face the group we act different than at home. That's why dwellings have to be like the city, with its hermetic rhythm, and in the inside be like the individual, being able to group units as people need, creating the exterior rhythm.

Inhabit: cages Everything moves in the city. I stop. My eyes half closed. There they are: boxes, human lives' containers. Rigid, dark, impersonal, pre-established. Who has the right to impose how people should live? Our containers are not any more our shelter from the weather to turn out to be the city's symbol, madness symbols, sheep's emblem. I move away, let my eyes half closed again: tiles. Our constructions are small tiles of a great collage. I look and see, from my box, my cage, the others' boxes, cages of their lives.

Is it not Art that Men need? What is any form of expression, but the necessity to get out of our materiality, a way to evade ourselves, to create parallel realities.

cr i st i na r odr Ă­ guezf i Ăąaga chi t ect c. r . f i naga@gmai l . com ( +34)626 17 42 33

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