Company Brochure

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Madonna, Claudia Shiffer and Natalie Imbruglia use this method to shape and tone their bodies and to get rid of cellulite.

The Turbo-FIT Vertical Vibration machine

If you follow the Turbo-Fit routine five days a week

vibrates 30 to 50 times a second, which trig-

for eight weeks, you can improve your maximum

gers very rapid muscle contraction. This

aerobic capacity, which measures your body's abil-

means your body works harder when you

ity to consume oxygen, by up to 14%. And you

stand on it while you exercise. And cellulite

can improve you anaerobic capacity, which meas-

melts under vibration therapy.

ures your speed endurance, by up to 28%. This is exceptional.

When you use the Turbo-Fit VVT in a 15 minute workout, you train every muscle in

And if you don’t improve, you have our money-

your body to the same degree every time.

back guarantee‌

Turbo-Fit Exercise Program

And this is more effective than the 45% of muscle fibres used by an average athlete during conventional training. Even better, it also works if you stand still. It can be used to improve conditions of those who are unable to exer-

1 hour

cise rigorously due to age or infirmity.


It even helps reverse the effects of


osteoporosis; it increases production of regenerative and repair hormones;

15 minutes

it improves blood circulation in skin and muscle; it improves lymph drainage and increases basal metabolic rate. In a study conducted by the University of Leuven in Belgium, bone mineral density increased by 1.51% by those using vertical vibration technology.

Turbo-Fit Inc. Lions Gate Business Park 105 Bowser Avenue. North Vancouver, BC, V7P 3H1

A FITNESS PROGRAM FOR BUSY PEOPLE! Only a few people know that the same exercise routine becomes less effective with time. When exercise becomes easy to complete,

increases strength of muscles, tendons, and liga-


ments, potentially improves flexibility, reduces body fat, increases lean body mass, provides positive changes in blood cholesterol, and improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

it ’ s a sign you need to work harder to give

Name Age



Phone Cell

your body a new challenge. The Turbo-Fit

3. Core Exercises to work the 29 core muscles

challenge packs one hour of exercise into

located mostly in your back, abdomen and pel-

15 minutes. It ’ s a body sculpting program

vis. This strengthens the muscles that provide

that alternates short bursts of high-intensity

the foundation for movement throughout your

exercise with gentle recovery periods to

entire body, helps protect and support your


dramatically improve your cardiovascular

back, makes your spine and body less prone

Postal Code

fitness and fat-burning capabilities in a

to injury, and helps you gain greater balance

Level of Fitness

shorter amount of time. It includes:

and stability.


1. Aerobic Exercise to get your heart

4. Developing a Positive Mental Attitude to

Advanced Professional

pumping. This activates your immune

help you put your thoughts into action to get

Do you have any injuries?

system, helps your heart pump blood

the body you want. This state of mind will


more efficiently, increases the amount of

also help you to find the good things in life:

oxygen in your blood, increases your

friends, money and success.

Do you have any doctors restrictions?

stamina over time, and increase endorphins, which act as natural painkillers.

E-mail Address 1 Address 2

Yes 5. Advice on Nutrition to give you ideas on how to feed your body so that it has the

2. Strength Training to exhaust your

energy and the structural components

shoulder, leg, and arm muscles. This

necessary to lead a healthy life.




What is your goal? Weight Loss Fitness Strength


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