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Notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the period ended 31 March 2023

17 Risk management (continued)

Insurance risk (continued)

Experience shows that the larger the portfolio of similar insurance contracts, the smaller the relative variability about the expected outcome will be. In addition, a more diversified portfolio is less likely to be affected across the board by a change in any subset of the portfolio. The company has developed its insurance underwriting strategy to diversify the type of insurance risks accepted and within each of these categories to achieve a sufficiently large population of risks to reduce the variability of the expected outcome.

The Company manages risks through its underwriting strategy, adequate reinsurance arrangements and proactive claims handling. The underwriting strategy attempts to ensure that the underwritten risks are well diversified in terms of type and amount of risk, industry and geography. Underwriting limits are in place to enforce appropriate risk selection criteria.

Capital risk

The Company's objectives when managing capital are:

• To comply with the insurance capital requirements required by UAE Federal Law No. 6 of 2007, as amended, concerning the formation of Insurance Authority of UAE.

• To safeguard the company's ability to continue as a going concern so that it can continue to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders.

• To provide an adequate return to shareholders by pricing insurance contracts commensurately with the level of risk.

In UAE, the local insurance regulator specifies the minimum amount and type of capital that must be held by the company in relation to its insurance liabilities. The minimum required capital (presented in the table below) must be maintained at all times throughout the period. The Company is subject to local insurance solvency regulations with which it has complied with during the period

The table below summarizes the minimum regulatory capital of the Company and the total capital held.

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