FINANCE THINK in a nutshell

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ABOUT US Finance Think is independent economic institute founded in 2012. The three words that characterize Finance

Think are economic thinkers, impact and creativity. We nurture ideas, harness our knowledge and creativity for them to become reality and to change people’s lives. Several defining qualities shine through our young history: the consistent excellence of the research; the institute’s ability to stay fresh and innovative by regularly reinventing itself to stay ahead of the tide of change in the economic environment; and a determination that its work should produce real change in the real world. Those of us who have had the great pleasure to serve this think tank can look forward to the years to come with a real sense of accomplishment and with the expectation of notable contributions to a more economically developed Macedonia and Western Balkan.

Blagica Petreski Chief Economist & CEO


Our mission is to enhance the impact of economic and social trends and policies on citizens in Macedonia and the Western Balkans region, through economic research, evidence-based and data-driven advocacy, and steering critical debate on economic processes.


Our vision is to steer economic thinking for increased wellbeing tomorrow.

PROGRAM AREAS Poverty, employment and skills

Gender and income inequalities

Social entrepreneurship and women

Migration and remittances

Fiscal accountability and transparency

Sectoral economic and social policies

(x a 9 m h m ra )= a 2 2 9 G teg r + 4| -(x -2 = pi | 1 (in 3 + -x = 1models building Regression and econometric QUANTITATIVE | 1 -1 -x x) Forecasting techniques ... 23 ECONOMIC ≥| ( = a − | + | x Monte Carlo simulations b RESEARCH m B2 7 c – IV and propensity score matching m 2) = a a (n | b Experimental design G + 9 + x 1 dt a Reliance on STATA and E-VIEWS B = ) ) = 1 9 (n 1) design x-1 r2 + ( 2 Questionnaire QUALITATIVE + 0 x B 1d -rt t 0) π× a(Expert interviews d b h ECONOMIC b ) (1n ) e m Guideline-based/problem-centered | /3 4 × RESEARCH ½ f) interviews m – group (1 ( a Focus discussions n | = i G |a Delphi id technique to 0 m P ≥ a 5, 0 and MAXQDA Reliance on ( SPSS | yr = T ) V – b n))Ndt ral a g / 1 0 Policy analysis and research POLICY | e r 0 +(x intStakeholder mapping ADVOCACY ( (t1t / Networking and policy advice A rx )) -r ) e = Facilitating dialogue and consultations t2 B f) x) = Monitoring of public policy implementationqr n ( s i + to ma h 2 0 Data analysis TRAINING AND m ( ( 2 rt l) Ga i rMENTORING Economic analysis sq ra p ( Employability skills dx 3 + x / Participatory(2 budgeting process 1 n t = rtsocial entrepreneurship -x l ) Modelq for r 9 bh + *s ^ = 1 2 )e / Dynamic and interactive charts ( VISUALIZATIONS 2) 9 ) f + C Info-graphs and GIFs -in rt2 -(x -2 = = 0 q 1 Short data-driven s P l( videos -x = 1 | a + 1 Web-based techniques -1 2 -x grpresentation e ( = t User-centered data exploration tools t x n qr -i *s



IMPACT Steering public debate and opinion-making

Tangible evidence-based policy recommendations

Economic and social trends and policies Consultative engagement with stakeholders

Field work with immediate groups


ANALYTIC PUBLICATIONS Macro-Monitor Graphometrix FT Comment

POLICY PUBLICATIONS Policy briefs Policy studies FT Opinion

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Articles in impact factor journals Books and monographs Booklets

TAILOR MADE PUBLICATIONS Accustomed to any specific needs








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V= = 3 | 1/ –a | 0 h= 1. HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO ≥ b /7 a| – a/form 1 The Institute endorsed the European Charter of|Researchers 3)of 1 Europe 5 accreditation for research centers and funding 2. institutions (across 1/ 2) = = Awarded by The European Commission e + x+ = 9 n 3 -( -2 co / 1 1 -x = 1 1 1 -1( -x 1/ FIRST PRIZE FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION = = UE x L In the occasion of the celebration of 68 years since the4 establishment of / A the World Organization and 20 years since the accession of the Republic PIof Macedonia EV y in UN



Awarded by the United Nations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia


,00 r3 0 5 = 1 r L SECOND PRIZE IN THE WORLD) pi X CI 3Development / X Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on (4 = Awarded by the Global Development Network and the Government of9Japan 9 r eg t t r in e x( C r AWARD FOR APPRECIATION P =x) = )b 3 For raising the awareness for the importance of economic research and / for contribution to the development of economic thought a( (1 m = Awarded by the University American College, Skopje m | ne Ga o |a c |= a –



FINANCE THINK Economic Research & Policy Institute

Frederick Shopen 1/2 1000 Skopje, Macedonia +389 2 6 156 168 /FinanceThink /company/finance-think

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