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© The Raymond Group
Disclaimer This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this e-book as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography. Also, this ebook provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source. The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by using this e-book. Though thousands have made astronomical amounts of wealth using the contents discussed here, it is not a guarantee that you too will make such kind of wealth since success in any endeavor takes hard work, determination, persistence, skills, time and financial investment.
About the Author and the book Raymond Mvuria is an entrepreneur, an IT specialist, author, life coach and a motivational speaker. His experiences over a fourteen-year period have formed this e-book. This book aims to create principles for personal growth and development available to everyone and to open the eyes of the reader to one of the various available channels of financial freedom that exist but remain undiscovered by millions of people who would have otherwise taken advantage of them and gotten themselves out of financial rut. Life has a tendency to get in the way of the development of our true identity, making it easy to be distracted or fail to perform in areas of life in which our blueprint for success should be proactive. Anything that interferes with developing true personality characteristics for success can be considered to hinder start living our life to its fullest. This is how life goes so don’t get distracted from this book. Today it is important for all of us to spend time working on our Personal Growth & Development. Only through these efforts will you be able to discover your true identity and self. This e-Book will give you practical examples and ideas on how to craft a new kind of an economy despite the financial times in the country you may be living in. This journey will bring you to a life of full potential— something we all deserve. And all you have to do is decide to take action on the steps outlined in this book and gather skills to put it into actionable steps.
PREFACE “There is a difference between wishing for something and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until they believe they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish. Openmindedness is essential to belief… closed minds will not accept the idea, they just won’t.” – Napoleon Hill Truth be told, you have gotten this book because you strongly believe that you will change your circumstances and have no need to go about on an empty wallet almost 80% of the time in a month. Or maybe, you just want to discover some way of making a great income with less stress and more passion. Well, you may be in luck today. You know there’s far more room at the top than there ever will be at the bottom and for this reason I will do the best I can to ensure that you stand a greater chance to win at life than if our paths had not closed. And so I will make a humble request that as you delve into this program, first alter your attitude for that is the only way you will be able to alter your life for the better. Have faith because you are using proven strategies that always give great results to those who apply them and the very essence of getting this book means that you are an ACTION TAKER and your life can never remain the same. Welcome aboard dear friend. Enjoy the journey!
TABLE OF CONTENTS About the Author and the book.................................................................................................................... 4 PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 7 STEP 1: CHANGE YOUR MINDSET................................................................................................................ 12 STEP 2: PITFALLS TO AVOID ........................................................................................................................ 16 STEP 3: GET THE RECOMMENDED FINANCIAL FREEDOM VEHICLE ............................................................ 20 STEP 4: SET UP THE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 24 STEP 5: PUT IN THE FUEL............................................................................................................................. 26 STEP 6: TWEAK, SCALE AND LEVERAGE ...................................................................................................... 28 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................... 29 ACTION PLAN .............................................................................................................................................. 31
INTRODUCTION “I don’t believe in circumstances, the people that get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them” – George Bernard Shaw I really can’t tell whether this is how to begin this dynamite that is destined to launch you into a new life of endless possibilities and opportunities. This portion of this book is probably going to be the most lengthy because I will want to set your mind on the right attitude that will prepare you for an experience that you may have never before experienced in life.
In this book, I will expose a simple system that will leave you wondering whether it really exists or possible but sure enough, with the manner that your mind will get opened, you will start noticing the system being in use almost everywhere. First let us set things right from the get-go, it is your decisions and not your conditions, that determine your financial destiny and so there will be several decisions you will have to make as you go through this system that we will expose here. So let me ask you this question. Are you going to commit yourself in total immersion of developing yourself and change your circumstances or are you going to keep feeding your mind with junk and getrich-quick schemes and remain the same?
Are you really committed? Are you hoping or are you believing? Are you wishing or are you taking massive action about it? You know, it is easy to live life on your own terms and not be in the category of those who daily grind for a living and go to jobs they hate just because the J.O.B (Just Over Broke) pays the bills. It is easy for you to make the next 5 years of your life turn out far much better than your last 5 years by just making a paradigm shift and decide that you will go to the uncharted waters and cut your own path besides the one you have grown up believing to be the ultimate path of life that everyone has to follow. “This kind of mentality goes ALL-IN without reservations and says to itself that you will stick in this without a loss of enthusiasm until you achieve that which you have decided to go for.” Well, my dear friend, you meeting me today is not by chance and I believe that you will definitely keep in touch with me on a personal level so that you squeeze everything out of me that has the power to make your life far much better, sweeter, more free, wild, care-free and every other feeling that says FREEDOM!! I will strongly believe that every direction I will point you towards, you will have the guts to follow it and apply what you learn because definitely, even if I gave you a map to a treasure chest and you sit down and wait for the treasure to come to you, it will be an eternal wait that will meet you dead after your short time here on earth is over. Thus it is of paramount importance that you take action and TAKE IT NOW! You must have the courage to fail and rise up again every time you fail because it basically is just feedback and not failure. If you don’t have such courage, then you don’t deserve success. You must have the nothing-to-lose mentality which requires that you do whatever it takes to create a new story of your life, your family and loved ones and your generations to come. This
kind of mentality goes ALL-IN without reservations and says to itself that you will stick in this without a loss of enthusiasm until you achieve that which you have decided to go for.
And to cap off this part of the book, it comes to memory the story of this man who was on the beach in the Caribbean. As he was taking a stroll by the sea, he came across a fisherman who was catching one of the delicacies enjoyed in that part of the world – crabs. The story goes that as he passed by that fisherman he called his attention to one crab that was being a James Bond and was moving up to reach the brim of the basket in which the fisherman was putting them. This Indiana Jones crab had a goal to be free and swim back into the ocean and was very determined to make it out of the basket and our beach-strolling friend was concerned. On the other hand, the fisherman seemed not to even notice that the crab wanted to get out and so when the man called his attention on that crab, he told the man “Just stand there and wait to see what happens�. And so he stood there for about 2 minutes and waited. Lo! Just a few centimeters when this Bond-crab was about to be fully free and get out of the basket, the other crabs reached out and started biting its feet with their ferocious claws and pulled it back right into the bondage of the basket. The man observed that every other crab that was trying to do the Bond acts, got pulled back right in and this nature of the multitudes of the crabs is what the fisherman banked on and knew that his meal was safe as long as they kept up with the behavior.
The moral of the story: what prevents you from breaking free to your freedom is far much closer than you think. We live in an environment that has more negativity than positivity. We are in toxic environments that rarely support any new idea that you may come up with. These environments can be people you care about such as friends, family, co-workers or yourself. They will always try to talk you out of something you are passionate about or a huge throbbing goal. They will tell you it cannot be done. But it does not have to be that way, I am now here. I don’t care to know how you came across me but what I am about to reveal here is just one of the systems that you can leverage to prove them wrong because you will be working on it secretly and only show them the results when you will have proven them wrong and shown them that you cannot be anything less than successful. Don’t allow the noise in the world to shut down your voice. You better sing to the top of your lungs and make your voice heard. I do know the soul sucking pain of knowing you have so much inside of you, but unable to get it out. The world compounds the matters by then rubbing your nose in failure, doesn’t it? But trust me, inside you is an animal, just waiting for the cage to be unlocked. Don’t quit, whatever you do. Refuse to give up or give in; and I am here giving you the key, right here and right now of how you can create your own economy and make an income on demand with a permanent change set for a life of peace, freedom and prosperity. The next steps in this program will go right into the mechanisms of applying the system to your life and some of them may cover very few pages. This is because, the goal is to give you the meat without the bones so that you are
able to take immediate action and to know of the new sector of the economies of the world that is just in its birth and has the power to drastically change so much about your finances in a very short span of time unlike the traditional sectors of the economy that you have known about since your birth.
STEP 1: CHANGE YOUR MINDSET “Never change things by fighting the existing reality…to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller Growing up, most of us were taught to go to school, get a good job, marry, get kids, take your kids to school, retire, and die on a pension… without having really lived a life of thrill, a life of living on your own terms, a life of retiring from active work at 40, to travel the world, take vacations to wherever you want, whenever you want, live in exotic locations, take your kids to the best schools, enjoy the good things of life, invest in multiple streams of income that give you passive income.
Looks like a dream? Right? I am here to tell you that it is possible. This is because the system revealed here will require lots of commitment at start with you living a few months like most people would not want to live because they love comfort zones but then you get to live the rest of your life like most people will never ever even dream of living because they took the easy path whereas you decided to bet on yourself and launch deeper.
We grew up not being told that we can be whatever we want to be or do and now it is up to you to learn how to shift from an employee mentality to one of controlling your own destiny and taking full responsibility. In schools, we are not taught how to become millionaires. We are taught how to be something which 8 out of 10 is certainly what we will get bored with within 10 years and we find ourselves in that place of being stuck to a job we cannot get out of because there are bills to pay and family to take care of and we feel like caged zoo animals that have no hope of ever going back to the care-free world of wild nature and all seems lost.
It is at this point that most people resign and do nothing about it and wait to die having not feeling fulfilled, satisfied, fully utilized their talents and potential. But there is this other breed that does not wait to ever reach such a point and makes a shift early in life or another breed that realizes that the old story told by parents was all a scam to allow life to just go by and not really live to the fullest. This breed decides that it is time to ask the right kind of questions.
Questions like‌ What if there is a better way? What is the worst that will happen if I dare into the unknown? What if I stopped making excuses and chose to think differently? What if out there, there exists some better model of doing things than the one I have been taught about? What if I dared to be a multimillionaire? How committed are you to hang out around the right kind of people? To read books written by people who have been enlightened. To watch videos of motivation, education and skill building that are being done by the elite in the society? This breed knows that true happiness comes from filling your time and your days with meaningful pursuits that you are passionate about.
Anyone can become part of the elite millionaires and billionaires in the society but there is a limitation wall. That wall is usually in the way you think or in other words your mindset.
To bring down this wall takes time but the moment it is broken down, the only option is to become a millionaire. You get to see opportunities where others see opposition. You see abundance where others see lack. How committed are you to hang out around the right kind of people? To read books written by people who have been enlightened. To watch videos of motivation, education and skill building that are being done by the elite in the society? You see, you don’t need to be near a billionaire or millionaire for you to hang out around them. All you need is go on the internet or book store and read or watch or listen to them virtually and in between the lines you will discover what brought the change in their level in the society. So instead of chasing after the latest movie or video game, why don’t you chase after content that will expand your mind about what is possible for you? Why don’t you choose to stop the excuses and DECIDE that you will do whatever is possible to become an elite in the society? OPEN YOUR EYES NOW…BUCKLE UP THE SAFETY BELT!
Here I reveal the secret system…
STEP 2: PITFALLS TO AVOID “If a person advances confidently in the direction of their dream and endeavors to live the life they have imagined, they will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” – Thoreau Well well well…wooohoooo! Hold it tiger! Or is it tigress! You see, the system I want to introduce to you requires that I first and foremost call to attention some pitfalls that you ought to avoid.
As is the case with everything, your level of skills and knowledge greatly determines the level of your courage in taking action on any new venture. Therefore, I will seek to equip you so much so that any time you meet with any of these pitfalls, you will be wise and rise to the occasion and not allow them stall your progress. Simply just know that there are those of us who care about what you do with your future and I don’t want you to have a future of wasted time, energy, or money. So lean in closely… This new system has its own enemies that are totally out to keep you away from receiving the TOTAL FREEDOM that could be yours and I want to ensure that you receive that freedom without any struggle and as an IT Specialist and this being my area of expertise, you really have to know these nitty-gritty in simple layman’s language so that we make your success to locate you very much easily than if you had no clue about the pitfalls that exist.
Pitfall #1: Shiny Object Syndrome As you get introduced into this new industry of the economy, please don’t get sick with this disease. To describe this disease fully, it is the act of running after every new program that you come across which promises you quick riches and you end up jumping on so many programs without experiencing any success in any of them and at the end of it all, you waste money or get into deep debt because some of those programs are damn costly. What vaccine exists for this syndrome? Stick with the mentors I will be introducing you to because it is through them that I have been able to launch my own program when they showed me each step in a way that is easy to understand and they are mentors who have made millions of dollars and whose vast experience in this new sector of the economy ensures that you don’t make the mistakes they made. Another vaccine is to ensure that you don’t buy every program that comes your way, stick with one or two but not more than five and take action on what they train you. Pitfall #2: Information Overload Being a new kind of an economy, so much information is running around and you may find yourself in a frenzy to want to know everything before taking any action and just when you are about to take action, you find a new piece of information and another and another and another which then leaves you paralyzed and not able to take any action at all. We call that analysis-paralysis. This is only cured by deciding to focus on a very limited number of mentors only and take action as soon as you learn the new information.
Pitfall #3: Not Doing Due Diligence This is whereby, everyone who comes along and tells you that they are this or that, you take it as the faultless truth without doing any research about them and you end up getting scammed of your hard-earned money or did I hear you say borrowed money? Don’t mess yourself up. Research them out, know that they are real people. Search out anything about them. But also on the upside, don’t believe every information you hear which calls them scam because haters do really exist and try to shoot down people who take risks and bet on themselves. However, you are in total benefit because I have done that for you and there are about 3 mentors only whom I will introduce you to who will be all you need for you to start on the path of living life on your own terms and they have proven themselves to be totally legitimate and serious about this new stream of income. Pitfall #4: Analysis Paralysis We have touched on this and simply said, there comes a time when you just have to trust your guts, stop figuring out the whole staircase and take the first step. And this is what is needed and especially in regard to this field of the economy. Pitfall # 5: Inaction One of the worst pitfalls is getting prepared to get prepared. This is brought about by having excuses as to why you are not able to do
something or coming up with justifications as to why something is not right for you whereas your guts are telling you that you are looking at an opportunity that will make things different for you and your loved ones. How do you overcome this? Well inaction breeds doubt. And doubt guarantees that you fear taking a legitimate opportunity that daily sits before your eyes maybe buried in the hard disk of your computer or stored up in your store or book shelf. Thus to overcome this, you simply‌ Get off your butt, today could be the first day to your freedom.
Or maybe to never have a boss? Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful product or service. As Jim Rohn used to say, “You can have the success you want if you help enough people get the success they want�. Simply put, this system starts with having a vehicle and this vehicle is something whose deliverability to your client is both easy, fast, secure and above all of value to your client. You want freedom? You want success? It all comes down to looking deep within you not to some outside force. Look inside you and find the answer. And it will all come down to this one fact, once your mindset has changed, it will be so easy to locate opportunities but for now I will save you some of the pressure and tell you to stop and weigh the options I will lay out for you. To put it in a language that a five year old can understand, the vehicle is simply a useful product or service that people will be willing to pay you for. A product or service that is valuable to them, one that expands their mind to the endless possibilities of what they can become or one that trains them a
new skill or helps them change their lifestyles for the better. Anything can be a vehicle as long as it has the ability to leave a person better or able to challenge the view point or beliefs of the person and a host of other things. I believe it would be right if at this juncture I elaborate to you one of the guiding laws that will help you understand this better. The law is called the Law of Compensation which simply states that: The amount of money you earn will always be in exact ratio to; 1. The NEED for what you do. 2. Your ABILITY to do it. 3. The DIFFICULTY there will be in REPLACING YOU. With that in mind let us sink into the type of product (vehicle) that our system needs. This system has the type of product that you cannot touch with your hands but is able to bring you money. The product is simply information that has the ability to improve lives. Information like the one that I am giving you right now. This type of a product is called an Information Product. It is digitally delivered through a system over the free communication tool called The Internet. This kind of a product is simple to create as time with me will show you and it has various categories of which I will outline in one sentence 4 of these categories. Category #1: E-Books (Digital Book) – this is simply a book that you read using a computer or gadgets like tablets or smart phones. Such as what you are reading right now. Category #2: Webinar – have you ever heard of seminars which you buy tickets or pay some cash to attend? In the internet space, it is also possible to
host an online seminar which in other words we call a webinar (a web seminar). In this type of event, you share your computer screen with thousands of people who have paid for the event and they get to see the notes you have prepared and you explain the notes as in a classroom scenario. Category #3: Membership Sites (Coaching Programs) – this type of program entails having a website that has a subscription-based enrolment whereby content is hidden from the general public and made available only to those who have paid to be members of that particular training program. Category #4: Video/Audio Recordings – these types of products are recordings which instead of being sold in dvds or cds, they are sold on the internet where the person purchasing the product downloads it straight to his/ her computer or tablet and watches or listens after downloading it.
Does it look like a lot of work on your side to create such kind of products? Here is the good news… The new economy allows you to go to some particular websites on the internet that have very good products that you can start selling like your own and apply the steps that follow in the next chapters and you start cashing in between 30% to 100% commissions of the cost of that product. In simple you
become what we call an affiliate. And I am going to introduce you to a mentor who will take you by the hand to show you every of these stages and there is a link provided at the end of this eBook where you will get a program that will take you by the hand to provide you with the skills, action plans and tools to do all this and start making money. But you have got to be hungry…. You see, I don’t want to introduce anyone to that program if you are not an action taker who will simply do whatever it takes to change your life for good. I had to really think of how to separate the serious ones from the jokers by doing the uncommon and I know that those who want to continue living mediocre lifestyles will not even care to check out that program. But there is no way you can allow your time investment go unutilized to the maximum and I know I will have a lot of work to personally respond to the thousands of emails that ACTION TAKERS will be sending to me asking for more expert consultation. But you may not even need to do that if you want to go on the path of creating your own product (for starters, not recommended). However, it is of great benefit if you started cashing in on the products of others by being an affiliate and use that money you earn from there to set up your own system for selling your own products after you have learnt how the experts are doing it all. And that is why, whichever path you take, i.e. your own product or other people’s product, you will still need to understand the remaining part of this book so that you are ready for success within the next few days.
STEP 4: SET UP THE SYSTEM “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell Trying harder is not necessarily the solution for achieving more. It may not offer any promise for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes in fact it’s a big part of the problem. And this is where systems come in handy to eliminate the tiresome work and put everything on autopilot where you don’t need to touch anything after the initial set up. The system in our secret income generator has 2 components: 1. The Client Entry and Follow-Up Component This component includes a tool for capturing the details of your prospective client. This tool is called a Landing Page or a Lead Capture Page which is simply a one page website which has an eyecatching offer that makes the prospect put their email address or maybe even their name depending on what you want from them. Another tool in this component is what we call an email autoresponder (Relationship Builder). What this tool does is to automatically send the prospect constant emails that you had preset to be sent i.e. you set up email messages that will send themselves automatically immediately a prospect puts in their email address. Highly recommended companies that provide both free and trial email autoresponder is GetResponse, SendLane, Aweber and Mailchimp. 2. Authority Building Component This component has only one tool which is simply a website which acts like your home for providing value to both clients and prospects. The building of this tool requires what we call a domain name and a hosting account of which a trusted company for this is Hostgator and
Namecheap. These companies provides both a domain name which is in the format www.your-company-name.com or www.your-name.com which gets hosted in your hosting account. More information about these details is available in the program that I have recommended at the end. So instead of going to surf the internet to learn about domain, hosting, email auto-responder and the other portion of this system that we speak about in the next chapter, why don’t you just pay a visit to that link? Make sure you take massive action or else we won’t be able to help you. This program has all that you need to get you set up fast and earning. You just have to have time and internet, both of which are things you can easily acquire when you want to change your life.
STEP 5: PUT IN THE FUEL “Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein What is the fuel in regard to all this system? The fuel is what we call traffic. This is people visiting the page that captures their details. And you have to know how to send those people to that page or else you won’t make any money. This traffic has to be much targeted. What do I mean with targeted? To put it in a simple language, you would not want to go and sell meat to vegetarians. You have to offer vegetarians, what they NEED and to give meat lovers the meat that they adore. It is the same thing with your information product. You have to sell it to people who are qualified that they need it not just anyone. You have to do what we call market research to craft a product or service that suits the group of people whom you have classified as your target group. Take your mind back to why you requested for this book. It is not a coincidence. You are the right type of client for it because you have a passion to discover a new way to change your life and earn money. And all these things you will learn in depth from the recommended program. However, for your sake in case you decide to prefer the way of the jungle and research about sending traffic from the wide internet, here are a few ways it is done: Article marketing
Press releases Media buying Solo ads Social media marketing: Facebook, twitter, linkedIn etc Google PPC YouTube Videos And so much more What is the secret to traffic? Master only one way of sending traffic, use it to give you results and make sales then you can move on to learn a new way of sending traffic. Traffic can be both paid traffic (you buy it) or free traffic (you use free options of getting traffic e.g. YouTube Videos) ONCE THE SYSTEM IS SET UP, THIS IS THE STEP YOU SHOULD SPEND MOST TIME DOING.
STEP 6: TWEAK, SCALE AND LEVERAGE “Effective people are not PROBLEM-MINDED; they are OPPORTUNITYMINDED. They feed opportunities and starve problems.” – Steven Covey To make this pictorial, let me show you an image of what I mean: Traffic (People) Landing Page
Email Autoresponder
Your Website or an Affiliate Offer
The Product You Are Promoting
To give you a clear understanding of this sixth step, what we mean is that, once you have sent traffic and noticed good results, do more of what works and keep sending more traffic of that traffic that is giving you better results. If marketing on Facebook is bringing you more sales, keep up with it and increase the marketing budget. Leverage is where you can now hire people to do the work and you get yourself out of the picture once the system has begun bringing you enough money to pay people to do the work. The program I recommend at the end has all the details and since it is very highly discounted, it is a no-brainer whether to download it or not.
CONCLUSION “I see only the objective, the obstacles MUST give way” – Napoleon Hill This training is part of a series of many more that are in development stage and any part of it that is not satisfactory, we have in place enough mentors whom we can point you to show you more expert wisdom on any component that you may not have understood. Time and love has been put into this and you can be certain that your investment is worth it all. It is not about the size of the book but the value you get out of it. I have sought to remove all bones and give only meat so that you are able to get the picture in very simple and plain language. As The Raymond Group, we have thousands of materials that shall be provided to you in our members’ area if you want more meat and bones on any of the six steps outlined above. Those materials are in the form of ebooks, videos, and audios thus geographical aspects are not a limiting factor (some are free, others need a small investment). Basically, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that helping people succeed will bring success your way 10 FOLD or 100 FOLD so it is my desire to provide more value to you and the only way I can do that is to let me know where you need more exposure on what has been presented in this book so that you too are able to provide value to others more confidently and succeed. There are two ways your life can go, starting now: Two Choices.. One one hand, you have The Prison Ladder: College > Soul-Destroying Job > Marriage > Kids > Mortgage/No More Sex > Mundane Routine For 35-40 Years > Retire When Old and Tired > Die Quietly.
This is the ladder your parents wanted you to tediously climb, it's what your teachers advised you and it's what you see everyone else around you unconsciously doing.. (Gee whiz...I wonder if they actually didn't have your best interests at heart? But were actually just repeating what they'd been taught? Hmm.) Quiet, deflated men everywhere climb this ladder, painful day by painful day, because they've been told that at the end of the ladder, they'll find happiness, wealth and peace of mind. (Which is obviously a massive crock of shit, btw.) My Choice.. On the other hand, you have the path less taken: The Freedom Path. This is where you go your own way, carving out your own path, DOING WHAT YOU LOVE AND WANT TO DO. This is my path. This was Alexander the Great's path. This is your chance to get the results you desire in the least amount of time and hardship.
ACTION PLAN Worried about where to start? Freedom Step 1: Invest in your daily motivation Watch motivational videos on free YouTube daily. Commit to read at least one book per week by such men like Brian Tracy, Richard Branson, Bob Proctor, Daymond John, Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Tony Robbins and others. Freedom Step 2: Commit to be focused on only one project until you get results. Change your strategy if results don’t show up and not destination. Freedom Step 3: Use your autoresponder to build your list daily. Recommended Program: This program is what will allow you to put it all together. Allow the link to open because it means a lot to your better future www.raymondsuccessuniversity.com/quickinternetprofits
PS: Pay close attention to video 6 in that recommended program and video 7 and you will understand how easy it really easy to find financial freedom using this system.
Yours Truly With love and to your success, Your Brother-In-Arms Against Poverty and Mediocrity Raymond Mvuria CEO and Founder, The Raymond Group www.raymondsuccessuniversity.com