Sen. DeMint slams Boehner: 'His plan will destroy American jobs'

Page 1!/JimDeMint/status/275962311334838274 Whoa! While Speaker Boehnersnubbed Obama at White House holiday party, Senator DeMint is snubbing and slamming Speaker Boehner. Boehner wasalready taking some heat over purging conservatives from committees. Now, his fiscal cliff offer to Obama is being panned. Boehner getting heat from the right, Americans for Prosperity on todays cliff offer: Sadly this plan leaves Conservatives wanting. - Luke Russert (@LukeRussert)December 4, 2012 Sen. DeMint wasted no time in joining the growing chorus against the offer. GOP Sen. Jim DeMint on fiscal cliff: Boehners plan will destroy American jobs. - Chris Moody (@Chris_Moody)December 4, 2012 Boehners $800 billion tax hike will destroy American jobs & not reduce our $16 trillion debt by a single penny, DeMint -R (SC) - Bryan Zingmark (@Better_Biz)December 4, 2012 DEMINT: end this charade and pass the bill House GOP already passed to extend current tax rates and replace defense cuts - Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter)December 4, 2012 DEMINT: when you take money out of the economy, it destroys jobs...when you give politicians more money, they spend it. - Amanda Carpenter (@amandacarpenter)December 4, 2012 Bingo. Jim DeMints a badass. - Matthew Hurtt (@matthewhurtt)December 4, 2012 Its on RT @jimdemint: Speaker Boehners offer of an $800b tax hike will destroy jobs and allow politicians in Washington to spend even more - Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson)December 4, 2012 Right. RT @thestalwart: Jim DeMint blasts the Boehner - BiasedGirl (@BiasedGirl)December 4, 2012


Some, especially in the media, are pointing out that DeMint had a different view before. Jim DeMint in Sept:'You can't get a deal with Obama without raising taxes...We might as well cut a - Chris Moody (@Chris_Moody)December 4, 2012 But, these Twitter users are thinking about now. If we become too scared to confront the chief problems of our time, there is no hope of ever solving them. Jim DeMint - Mike Hinshaw (@baseballmh)December 4, 2012 Newsflash for the GOP: opposition to taxes and spending is the only reason most of us tolerate you. Barely. - David Burge (@iowahawkblog)December 3, 2012 As is fellow South Carolina Senator, Linsdey Graham. We must have entitlement reform to avoid becoming Greece. - Lindsey Graham (@GrahamBlog)December 4, 2012 Scary, but true. Read more: Sen. DeMint slams Boehner: 'His plan will destroy American jobs' To read more on this topic click here

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