Got a question for Gagan Biyani? Use the chat feature above to get it answered live. Biyani is a technology enthusiast and entrepreneur. He co-founded and worked as president ofUdemy, a marketplace for online education. There, Biyani led investor relations, finance, business development, public relations, operations and user acquisition. He raised the company's $4 million in venture capital, hired 10 of Udemy's 20 employees and managed the team that created over $2 million in sales in the platform's first 18 months. Udemy was featured in Bill Gates' annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,The New York Times,The Today Show and over 100 other news publications. Biyani previously wrote forTechCrunch, where he covered mobile technology. One of his articles resulted in an FTC investigation and lawsuit, as reported byThe New York Times. Before that, he held positions at Accenture and Microsoft. #StartupLab is a free virtual mentorship program created byThe Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of over 500 of America's most successful young entrepreneurs who have, collectively, generated tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. #StartupLab offers millions of entrepreneurs, small business owners and startup founders the tactical advice they need to launch and grow new businesses via live, interactive video chats, educational content and mentorship opportunities - right on Facebook.
Scott Gerber Scott Gerber is a serial entrepreneur, author (Never Get a 'Real' Job), TV commentator and founder ofYoung Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most promising young entrepreneur...More
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