Waaahhh: Humorless liberals whine about Romney camp's Bill Clinton Twitter parody

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http://twitter.com/#!/LastBrainLeft/status/210136035831717888 On Tuesday, the Mitt Romney campaign rolled out a Bill Clinton parody account to chronicle the former presidentsfailures as an Obama surrogate. Fake Joe Biden and Fake Debbie Wasserman Schultz welcomed him to Twitter: Great to see@Bill_Clinton12 has joined Twitter! Welcome. - Joe Biden 2008 (@JoeBiden2008)June 5, 2012 Welcome to Twitter@Bill_Clinton12! - DWSTweets08 (@DWSTweets08)June 5, 2012 Heres a taste of @Bill_Clinton12s tweets: https://twitter.com/Bill_Clinton12/status/210111007232765952 https://twitter.com/Bill_Clinton12/status/210116286406078464 https://twitter.com/Bill_Clinton12/status/210119806739951616 https://twitter.com/Bill_Clinton12/status/210127060436402176 Thank goodness the liberal grownups were around to chastise Romney for this sickening, childish behavior. (Go ahead and pause for an eye roll before reading these tweets.) https://twitter.com/financesusane/status/210161334371889154 I voted for 'That One'>@BarackObama today, for the 3rd time! These FAKES make me sick>@MittRomney#Mtt's fake Acct>@Bill_clinton12 - Maritza Solito (@maritzasolito)June 5, 2012 @140elect@bill_clinton12 @biii_clinton12 Romney's campaign is made up of ridiculous children. Obviously they were never taught manners. - judiballer (@judiballer)June 5, 2012 So, Romney campaign is so (stupidly) desperate that they created a fake Clinton account.@Bill_Clinton12 Stupid and childish. - Matthew Nader (@matthewgnader)June 5, 2012 @PamMcAllister@Bill_Clinton12 This is similar to that crap he pulled when Axelrod was heckled in MASS. Silliness!


- Whitney (@memfisman)June 5, 2012 @Bill_Clinton12 If the real Bill Clinton was twitting it would be so much more entertaining that this lame account. Only Romney is lamer - Simon Gomez (@simongomezv)June 5, 2012 .@Bill_Clinton12 So many inbred jackasses running the Romney campaign. - HumanityCritic (@HumanityCritic)June 5, 2012 @Mama4Obama1 I think a bunch of 10-yr-olds are running@MittRomney's campaign. Can't spell and nothing but childish pranks@Bill_Clinton12 - Amarlie (@marabout40)June 5, 2012 Apparently Obamacare doesnt cover an ailing sense of humor. Read more:http://twitchy.com/2012/06/06/waaahhh-humorless-liberals-whine-about-romney-campsbill-clinton-twitter-parody/ Waaahhh: Humorless liberals whine about Romney camp's Bill Clinton Twitter parody

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