Bronchitis: A problem that leads to a lot of issue Bronchitis implies a condition when bronchial tubes present in human beings undergo inflammation. These tubes play a major role in carrying of air to lungs. When tubes become infected or inflamed, they produce mucus i.e. a slimy substance in large amounts. Is Bronchitis Contagious Bronchitis is a contagious type of problem caused in patients. In fact, based on the spread of infections, doctors have categorized the problem further in two different types:-
Chronic Bronchitis In this type of problem, airways of patients suffer irritations repeatedly. This type of problem lasts for about few months or even long time, during repeat on a yearly basis. Chemicals, dust particles, smoke cigarettes or fire and similar other things irritate lungs, which cause chronic bronchitis. Bronchitis of this type is not contagious, but it results in severe health problem requiring for doctor’s appointment.
Acute Bronchitis Acute bronchitis lasts for a period starting from only one week to up to three weeks, which take place because of flu or cold viruses. Moreover, these bronchitis problems are of contagious in nature. Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis Whether the condition is of chronic bronchitis or acute bronchitis, patients would have following signs and symptoms● Cough ● Fatigue ● Production of sputum or mucus, which may be white, clear, green, yellowish gray in color, while it may remain streak with blood rarely ● Breathing shortness ● Slight chills and fever ● Discomfort in chest If you deal with the problem of acute bronchitis, you would deal with the problem of nagging cough that would remain for many weeks after you overcome inflammation. Chronic bronchitis indicates productive cough that remains for about 3 months, while recurring bouts take place for two or more than two consecutive years. Treatment of Bronchitis Treatment of bronchitis problem depends on the type of bronchitis suffered by patients. Acute Bronchitis In most of the cases, patients may recover from the problem of acute bronchitis without taking any medical treatment and that too within only two weeks. However, if the problem is complicated, doctors go for followingMedications Doctors recommend for following medications in some of the circumstances, as mentioned in this article. ● Antibiotics Bronchitis usually cause from viral infection, because of which antibiotics failed to bring any significant effect on health. However, doctors may prescribe antibiotics if they suspect their patients have any bacterial
infection. ● Cough Medicine Doctors always recommend their patients to avoid suppression of cough bringing mucus. This is because; cough helps in removal of irritants from air/nasal passages and lungs. However, if the cough problem prevents patients from sleeping during nighttime, they should try out for suitable cough suppressants while they go to bed. ● Other Medications If any patient has some sort of allergy, problem of asthma or COPD i.e. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease doctor may suggest for suitable inhaler or similar type of medication that allows reduction in inflammation and opening of narrow passages present in lungs. Therapies Patients suffering from the problem of chronic bronchitis may get benefits from pulmonary rehabilitation. This refers to a suitable breathing exercise or a fitness program, where respiratory therapist trains and teaches patients to take breath in relatively more easy way and boost the ability of doing physical exercises. Chronic Bronchitis Treatment associated with curing of chronic bronchitis involves elimination of all sources, which cause irritations in nose. ● Medications and Steroids As the patient's’ lungs suffer damages, the problem of chronic bronchitis never goes away completely and hence; it results in flare-ups. Doctors in this situation, recommend for medications, which include inhalation of agents intended for the opening of nasal airways. Alternatively, doctors use steroids to reduce the problem of inflammation.
● Oxygen Therapy Doctors recommend for oxygen therapy when the problem becomes too much severe. In this procedure, the supply of oxygen is done within a metallic cylinder, and it flows from a tube and within the nose.
â—? Pulmonary Rehabilitation Doctors may prescribe for the treatment of pulmonary rehabilitation, where they teach patients to inhale and exhale in easiest possible manner.