Lifestyle Habits can Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

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Lifestyle Habits can Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that impacts quality of life in the long run. Diabetes is a condition wherein the body causes a rise in the blood sugar levels due to the glucose levels in the blood stream being higher than the normal range. This condition is also known as hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common forms of diabetes. If you are suffering from type 2 forms of diabetes then the insulin hormone in your body is not being utilized correctly. This condition is also known as insulin resistance. First the pancreas makes excess insulin to keep up with the requirements but with time they are unable to make adequate insulin to keep the glucose levels normal. Type 2 diabetes is corrected with certain lifestyle changes, medications and insulin. When glucose levels rises in the blood stream instead of getting into the cells it causes two major issues: • It could cause your cells to get starved for energy. • As time passes and type 2 diabetes develops in your body, it could cause other secondary issues which could impact eyes, kidneys, nerves or the heart. Some people suffering with type 2 diabetes can manage their blood glucose by adopting healthy measures like healthy eating and adopting a healthy lifestyle. In some cases you may also require certain medications both oral or insulin injections that help you achieve the target levels of blood glucose levels. Type 2 form of diabetes worsens with time even if you were not recommended medications to treat the condition at start. Some people have a higher predisposition towards developing this disease as compared to others. Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes There are certain symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes that can help in easy identification of this disease. However, in some cases the symptoms may be seen too late causing the condition to have progressed considerably in a person. Some of the common symptoms associated with this condition are: • Excessive thirst • Increased urge to pass urine especially as night • Excessive hunger • Unexplained tiredness or fatigue • Blurring of vision • Cuts and injuries that don't heal In case you are experiencing any of the above symptoms you would need to speak to your doctor at the earliest. The doctor would also recommend you to

be tested frequently for diabetes. Normally a routine diabetes check up is undertaken at the age of 45 years. Your doctor might suggest a diabetic checkup earlier if you are: • • • • •

Overweight Leading a sedentary lifestyle Affected by high blood pressure Have a family history of type 2 diabetes Belong to a background with ethnic vulnerability to type 2 diabetes

Lifestyle Measure to Control Type2 Diabetes Some oral medicines and insulin injections are often administered to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Effecting management of blood sugar levels with some close monitoring, a healthy diet and exercise is an important part of the treatment. While some people are effectively able to manage their type 2 diabetes with only some exercises, you doctor would be your best guide on the appropriate line of treatment for you. Constantly monitoring blood sugar levels The best way you are able to manage your blood sugar levels is by constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels. In some cases of management of blood sugars, you may have to check your blood sugar levels multiple times in a day. This completely depends upon the treatment plan that has been recommended by your treating doctor. Eating a healthy Diet There are no specific diets that are specific for type 2 diabetes. However, it is extremely crucial that you incorporate various types of fruits, vegetables and whole grains which are low in fat and high in fiber content. You would also need to restrict your sugar intake in the form of sweets, carbohydrates and various animal products. Low-glycemic index foods that help in keeping a check on the blood sugar also help those suffering with type 2 diabetes to manage their symptoms. Your doctor may guide you to a practicing dietician who can work with you to create an effective meal plan to manage your disease and its symptoms better. They could also guide you on monitoring your diet so as to maintain healthy levels of sugar. Increase your Physical Activity A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest risks associated with type2 diabetes. Regular exercise is as important as medications in managing type 2 diabetes. Exercise has to become an integral part of your daily routine if you want to keep your sugar levels under control. You should make exercise a part of your daily routine. Choose activities that you enjoy the most, like walking, swimming or any other form of sports. Make sure you take permission from your treating doctor before you undertake any form of exercise. You can even alternate between various forms of exercise rather than just sticking to one

form of exercise. Another important aspect to remember is that you should monitor your blood sugar before starting any form of exercise. Exercises can lower blood sugar and reduce chances of your blood sugar from worsening. Eating a fruit or a light snack before exercise can prevent sudden drops of blood sugar while exercising. Restrict your alcohol intake Excessive amounts of alcohol can cause weight gain and could also lead to an increase in blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Men should not consume more than two drinks in a day and women should not consume more than one. Drink adequate amounts of water According to studies diseases rich in sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes. However drinking adequate amounts of water and fluids helps you curtail the need of consuming sweetened drinks. Control your stress Being sleep deprived or suffering from poor quality of sleep can lead to a risk of diabetes and obesity. Try some meditation and other ways to get some better sleep. Stress management will go a long way in dealing with type 2 diabetes.

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