The Effectiveness of Suboxone in the Treatment of Opiate Addiction Opiate addiction can be extremely severe, which in turn can cause tremendous degenerative mental and physical health problems. There are different types of opiates including oxycontin, vicodin and heroin among others. The chemical equation of these opiates and how they interact with opioid receptors in our brain is undeniable. Once the receptors bind with these opiates, the user is bound to feel a euphoric high which later causes addiction. There are many drugs in the market which claim to relieve the patient of addiction, but only some work effectively. Suboxone is one such drug which has the potential to fend off the addiction without becoming addictive itself.
Suboxone in treatment of opiate addiction Duration- Unlike other counter-productive medicines, Suboxone is required to be ingested for a period of 20 to 25 days. The user is not advised to stop taking the medicine after this duration, but the usage needs to be lowered with each subsequent day. Eventually, the addict can win over the urge of consuming opiates with the help of the medicine but at the same time, it is imperative that the dosage is tapered down in a systematic fashion.
Symptoms- There is a reason why addiction to opiates is considered dreadful and is often termed as the serious stage for any addiction. The primary reason is the chemistry between opioid receptors and opiates. Apart from the mental or psychological dependency, the addict begins to suffer on a physical level as well. Without consuming the opiates, an addict will feel a lot of uneasiness. Physically, the patient will feel vulnerable, coupled with a mental craving can make it difficult to quit the drug. Running nose, diarrhea and frequent headaches are some of the symptoms. Suboxone on the other hand is the kind of medicine that eliminates the physical dependency by taking care of these symptoms. Once the physical aspect is taken care of, Suboxone will act as a shield for mental cravings.
Functioning- Unlike natural opiates, Suboxone as a medicine does not work like natural opiates. Even though the medicine contains opiates, the medicine has been created in labs after repeated tests. The presence of naloxone prohibits the euphoric high as this chemical has a function of blocking opiates. In fact, Naloxone is used an opiate blocker in emergency rooms when people OD on opiates. With consumption of this medicine, the user is not going to crave opiates and at the same time, physical dependency is taken care of by regulating the symptoms. All in all, it looks after the mental as well as physical dependence.
Addictive- There has been reports wherein the patients have eventually started using de-addiction medicines on a regular basis, paving THE way for a new type of addiction. Some medicines do not have such a controlled chemical composition, and they start reacting with the mind in a way considered to be favorable or enjoyable for the body. But Suboxone is totally different because primarily, this medicine has a
very long half-life which means it is absorbed through the blood but at a really slow pace. It cannot be snorted because of the presence of naloxone. So, it starts its slow absorption through blood vessels under the tongue. Therefore, it does not really have the addiction potential like other medicines which rapidly join the bloodstream. Additionally, people are also known to take this medicine on recreational basis and the dependence levels are extremely low as the effects of Suboxone are subtle and far from extreme. Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter