What are the foods to avoid in diverticulitis? Diverticula can be defined as bulging sacs or small blisters that are formed in the lining of the large intestine or colon. Initially when the sac is formed but is not inflamed or infected, this condition is termed as diverticulosis. And when the sac begins to get infected and inflamed, it is known as diverticulitis. Diverticula can be formed anywhere in the digestive track, but it most occurs in the large intestine. Pain experienced in the lower left side of the abdomen can be a sign of diverticulitis particularly if this pain is accompanied with rectal bleeding. This medical condition can be treated but it can reoccur and therefore one needs to take the necessary precautions. If a person is suffering from diverticulitis, the first thing the doctor will suggest is to start eating high-fiber diet. The reason being that fiber is present in the naturally healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and this can help to soften the body’s waste material. The softer the stool the more easily it will pass through the intestines and colon. And this will help to reduce the pressure in the digestive system. Some of the fiber-rich foods are;
Beans (navy beans, black beans and kidney beans)
Whole grains (brown rice, bulgur)
Fruits (Apples, pears, prunes)
Vegetables (Potatoes, peas, spinach)
Earlier, the doctors used to suggest people who are suffering from diverticular disease to avoid eating foods that are difficult to digest, for example nuts, corn, popcorn or seeds. This is because it was perceived that such kind of food can get stuck in the diverticula and this can cause inflammation. But now the latest research states that there is no scientific
evidence to prove that these foods can be increase the risk of diverticulitis. On the contrary, nuts and seeds are components of many foods that are fiber-rich which are usually suggested to people suffering from diverticular disease. Some of the foods one can avoid are as follows;
Bread and pastas, instead one can go for refined enriched breads and cereals
Dairy products, instead one can go for skim milk or low fat yogurt
Fast and refined food like pizza, fried snacks etc.
Spicy, sugary and acidic food
What causes diverticulitis? There is no specific cause that leads to diverticulitis, but eating food that is low in fiber is assumed to be one of the major contributors to the formation of sacs. Eating fiber rich food with proper hydration will help in softening the stools which are easier to pass. A low-fiber food is likely to cause problems like constipation, which will lead to more pressure for passing of stools. Doctors are of the belief that more the colon pressure, more the chances of developing diverticula. When the fecal matter gets blocked in the diverticula and causes infection, it causes diverticulitis. What factors increase the risk of developing diverticulitis? Some of the factors that increase the risk of developing diverticulitis are;
Lack of fiber rich food: This is a common problem in countries where majority of the people eat processed food for example United States.
Obesity: Being obese increases the chance of developing diverticular disease. As per a study the high body mass index and waist circumference lead to diverticular bleeding and diverticulitis.
Age: Older adults above the age of 60 are more at risk and one of the factors could be weakening of the bowels
What are the symptoms of diverticulitis? Some of the signs and symptoms of diverticulitis are;
Pain on the lower left side of the abdomen
Gas or bloating
Loss of appetite
Rectal bleeding
How is diverticulitis treated? Basis the condition and the severity of the problem the doctor may suggest the patient to undergo the treatment at home or in the hospital. Treatment at home This treatment will include the following;
Bed rest that can vary for few days or weeks Following a liquid diet which will allow the bowels to rest and give time for the diverticula to heal Certain prescribed antibiotics
Treatment at the hospital If the patient has developed any complications like blockage in the bowels or abscess (which is sac getting filled with pus), then the doctor will recommend hospital treatment. In the hospital the patient will receive intravenous antibiotics. And in cases of abscess the doctor will drain it out using a needle. In few people, where the diverticulitis reoccurs or when the infection does not respond to the antibiotics, the doctor will recommend a surgery. Through the surgery a part of the intestine that contains the infected diverticula is removed. A complete recovery after the surgery takes several months. How to prevent diverticulitis? 
Eating high-fiber food with proper hydration
Exercising regularly for 30 minutes development of diverticulitis
as this can help to stop