Things you Might Not Know About Autism If you have an autistic child, only you can understand the pain and anxiety that comes with this responsibility. Science has not yet found a cure for it, but many treatment options are available. In a sincere attempt to provide you the most updated and trustworthy information about autism, we have created a list of facts and myths.
Top 10 Autism Facts 1. According to a study (published in October in Molecular Autism) involving 2500 families, autism risk increases as the number of siblings with autism increases. 2. Autism and Cancer Link: Researchers find more than 40 genes common to both of these conditions. 3. Commonly used fungicides such as rotenone, pyridaben, and fenpyroximate could be linked to autism and other neurodegenerative disorders. 4. Autism and Gender: Girls with autism have better social relations than autistic boys. (Remember that autism is more common in boys). 5. Antidepressant use during pregnancy does not increase risk of autism in the baby. 6. Babies born to mothers with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are more likely to develop autism. 7. Bipolar Disorder and autism have been shown to share a number of rare genes. 8. Two key nutrients that may play a major role in autism prevention are: Folic acid and Carnitine. 9. Autism rates in the US have been steady over last two years, says a report from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 10. Famous personalities such as Einstein, Mozart, and Darwin are said to have had Autism or some symptoms indicating autism spectrum disorder (ASD). (Warning: This piece of information should not make you believe that your child is going to be the same. Every individual is different and so is every individual’s disease.)
Top 10 Myths 1. Autism rates in the US are rising alarmingly. (Refer to Fact 9) 2. There is a link between MMR vaccine and autism. (These claims have been debunked. Vaccination is a must for every child)
Further Reading: Is There a Relationship Between Autism and Vaccinations 3. There is a cure for autism. (Believing this can put your child’s health at risk) 4. Autistic people are very intelligent and bear some extraordinary qualities. (With proper care, this might be possible for every child, irrespective of the disease) 5. Autistic people are not sociable and hence pose a threat to the society. (Autistic people have a different pattern of thinking, behavior and communication, but this in no way can be related to a criminal mentality) 6. Autism causes kids to lose their sense of empathy. 7. Autism and mental retardation are the same. 8. Autism is caused by accumulation of mercury in the blood. Therefore, chelation therapy is effective in curing autism. (Warning: Chelation therapy can be life-threatening) 9. Autism in your child has resulted due to lack of parenting skills. (Parenting has nothing to do with autism. A few cases may be linked to unhealthy habit and consumption of certain medications during pregnancy, but autism is essentially a neurodevelopmental disorder. The brighter side is, good parenting skills may improve symptoms of autism) 10. Autism is solely a brain disorder. (Recent studies have revealed it can also affect the digestive system. Remember, providing proper nutrition is most important)
The Bottom line As medical science advances, more and more facts will surface in the days to come. As a responsible parent, you are expected to research anything before you start believing it. There are many ways you can expand your knowledge about autism. You can talk to your doctor, other certified health professionals, or browse through reliable medical health websites. It’s quite normal for you to be skeptical when it comes to health information. You can get authentic health information and expert suggestions about autism through the best doctors in your town at Booking is absolutely free and the service is available 7 days a week/24 hours a day.
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