about the author Christina Zeitelhack was born in Munich in 1975. Horses have been the central focus of her life for as long as she can remember.
“A beautiful representation showcasing the variety of Miniature Horse farms from around the world. ”
miniature horses worldwide
AMHA – The American Miniature Horse Association
She learned to ride almost before she could walk. And in one “language” or another, she has always communicated with horses, understood them and known them on a level beyond simple comprehension.
Johnny Robb, Director of Marketing AMHR – American Miniature Horse Registry
“I am really impressed, what a beautiful collection of horse and human interest. Any small equine enthusiast will cherish this collector-quality volume for a lifetime. A pleasure to read, this literary work is a unique visual voyage into the world of the Miniature Horse… No library, display cabinet or coffee table should be without a copy of this photojournalistic work of art. ” Liz McMillan – International Equine Photographer, equineimagery.com
The following countries are represented
miniature horses
wonderful small equines and the people who breed and promote them around the world. Enjoy this book and as we love to say, Think Big and Go Small! ”
Christina Zeitelhack
Through the photographs, every reader will have the chance to examine their own personal tastes and objectives as a breeder. In the interest of horse lovers everywhere, the images in this book will help give you a closer look at the true nature of the Miniature Horse. The readers of this book have an opportunity to admire many of the world's most beautiful horses, as well as to study their lineage which gives insight into many breeding programmes around the globe. A handsome tribute to the beauty – both physical and spiritual – of these magnificent creatures, this volume is a comprehensive work to be treasured by horse and animal lovers of all ages.
Today there are 20 Miniature Horses and 10 American Shetlands on her farm. From time to time she imports new horses of both breeds to add new lines to her breeding programmes. Some of us are born with a passion; a knowing in their hearts what they were put on this earth for, some discover their “calling in life” as a young adult; others still don't discover what gives meaning to their life until later in adulthood. Contact the author at: www.miniaturehorses.de
On 280 pages you will see beautiful horses living on farms around the world. This book takes you on a trip around the world to explore different types of Miniature Horses and interesting farm backgrounds. You travel from country to country, showing off some of the world's best equines.
“We are very pleased that this book has been produced to bring attention to these
Her passion has been the Arabian horses. She showed extensively on the Arabian circuit and won several Championships. At the age of 13 she showed her Arabian stallion in halter classes and won every time. It was her own bred straight Egyptian stallion Mohamed by a direct Nazeer daughter, who was imported from Egypt. She was growing up with this beautiful horse on her parents’ farm and spent most of her time as a child with him. He was her best friend till he died. He was that once-in-a-lifetime gift. He was her riding and show stallion. After his death the breeding of the Arabians ended at the farm. Although her passion for the horses never wavered, she started breeding and showing with American Shetland Ponies followed by Miniature Horses. She visited farms and shows in the US.
Christina Zeitelhack
world trip
finest facts from breeders around the world
miniature horses worldwide
miniature horses worldwide
Photographer Amie Anderson Andreas Maschke Christina Zeitelhack Frida Erixon Joanna Jonientz Liz McMillan Sandy Revard Shannon Troglauer Washburn Photography
Author Christina Zeitelhack
Intro Prologue Author
Prologue from the Publisher
Germany 6
Bavarian Miniature Horses GestĂźt Moritzberg Kuisl Miniatures
USA 78 82 90
Finest Facts
Lithuania Miniature Farm
Canada First Knight Miniatures
30 34
Finland Fly High Miniatures
114 120
Iowa Century Farm Miniat. Horses Timberview Miniature Appal.
Wisconsin LOT-SA-FUN Miniat. Horses
192 196
Kansas Windemere Farm
Kentucky JSW Farm Nostalgia Farm
204 208
Louisiana Wisteria Mini Horse Ranch
Maryland Wooded Acres Miniatures
Michigan Abria Miniatures
France Adonis Mini Horses Elevage de la Buise Les Minis de Bel Air Maryhorse Miniatures Modello Horse Farm So Chic Miniatures
Spain 40
Made in Spain
Sweden 46 50 56 60 64 72
Simplicity Miniature Horses
Northern Ireland Kwaimoon Miniature Horses
264 268
Indiana Vermilyea Farms
England Donabi UK Hailstone Miniature Horses
104 108
New Zealand Sheokes Miniatures
California Cascata Farm
Denmark Marielund Miniatures
Utah Little r Minis
Arkansas Erica’s Tiny Trotters
Washington Lymrick Farm Mountain Meadows Miniat.
Netherlands Schuwacht Stables Miniatures Stal Hazelberg TF American Miniature Horse Stables Whistle Mountain Miniatures
238 246 252
Delaware Reece Family Miniatures
Australia Lindan Park
Texas El Rancho Loco Miniatures Oasis Miniature Horses Shortview Stud Farm
Arizona Lost Spoke Ranch, LLC
Switzerland Arura Miniature Horses 154 Buechbuehl Miniature Horses 160
Prologue from the Publisher
Credits Imprint
Missouri LTD Quarter & Miniat. Horses 224 North Dakota Triple K Miniatures
Oregon Scott Creek Miniat. Horses
Page 6
Christina Zeitelhack
finest facts from breeders around the world
On 280 pages you will see beautiful horses living on farms around the world. This book takes you on a trip around the world to explore different types of Miniature Horses and interesting farm backgrounds. You travel from country to country, showing off some of the world's best equines. All these ingredients together result in this book being a very unique one. A perfect gift for someone special.
Prologue Author
The creation of this photo book is not as easy at it might seem. Different skills have to be brought together, the needs of the various farm owners have to be met and the necessary knowledge you wish to portray has to be acquired. Through the photographs, every reader will have the chance to examine their own personal tastes and objectives as a breeder. In the interest of horse lovers everywhere, the images in this book will help give you a closer look at the true nature of the Miniature Horse. The readers of this book have an opportunity to admire many of the world's most beautiful horses, as well as to study their lineage which gives insight into many breeding programmes around the globe. A handsome tribute to the beauty – both physical and spiritual – of these magnificent creatures, this volume is a comprehensive work to be treasured by horse and animal lovers of all ages. Without Carsten Knopf (Service Crew – EDITION Verlag) and his support the whole project would not have been possible. I am grateful to each of the photographers, especially Liz McMillan, without their work this book wouldn't have been possible. Let us take you on a trip around this small world, where we will tell you the stories behind the photos, the horses, the farms and the people who love them. Sit back and enjoy a photographical thrill and adventure…
Christina Zeitelhack
finest facts
finest facts australia
finest facts germany (deutschland)
Germany · Page 90
kuisl miniatures location and owner Kuisl Miniatures is a family horse farm located in the centre of Germany near Dortmund. Joerg Kuisl got into Miniature Horses when he saw one on the web, fell in love and had to have one. As you know you can't have just one. Berlin
”We are a small breeding farm, all of our horses are handled everyday. We enjoy having the minis, and the babies are lots of fun. We believe the horses are great for families and teach so much to our children.”
breeding programme
Joerg Kuisl has specialized in breeding high-quality small Miniatures under 30" with a variety of bloodlines, colours, good conformation and temperament. The horses are performance horses are with good breeding, brains, as well as being beautiful. All of the horses to start out with a great pedigree of documented award winners or producers. Joerg Kuisl started in 2008 with 2 stallions and has 5 selected mares that are Champion and World Champion bred. The grey stallion Beloveds Imperial Dream Creation is a gorgeous, big, easy-going young guy. Dream lives up to his name, he is a dream to own! Dream is a direct son of the legendary stallion, NFC Egyptian Kings Creation and out of a daughter of Dream Merchant. Dream’s pedigree includes multiple World Champions and Grand Champions! This stallion is a pleasure to handle and be around. Joerg Kuisl and his team are looking forwad to see what he puts on the ground next year with all the mares they< bred to him.
The second stallion on the farm and most recent import at Kuisl Miniatures is SRF Noble Flaire. He has an awesome bronze gold buckskin colour accentuated by many dark points of black. He is only 29" small and moves like a dream! His sire Little Kings Buck Echo retired from the show ring after his win in 1994. He went out with a bang! To add to his already numerous Champion wins, Echo won the AMHA National Grand Champion Senior Stallion title.
Breeding Farm · Kuisl Miniatures
He is sired by one of the most well-known Miniature Horses in the world today, Boones Little Buckeroo. Buckeroo holds the unequalled record of winning 3 AMHA National Grand Champion Senior Stallion titles, and is truly the “Sire of Sires”. Noble Flaire is a multiple National Champion AMHA and AMHR Formal Pleasure Driving and Viceroy horse. He won 2005 National Top Three Open Park Harness – Under 2005 National Grand Champion Open Park Harness Stake. He has produced show quality halter babies that have World Class bloodlines for performance. He is passing on his beautiful head, conformation, and great disposition to his babies. His bloodlines include some of the all-time great foundation… His combination of Foundation breeding is a rare find, and he shows great promise of producing some Foundation Greats himself. The broodmares have been imported from the US and surely a few more will follow. At present there is a nice variety in bloodlines and colour. Grosshill EKs Top This is a double Egyptian King bred. This small silver dapple mare is by the World Champion NFC Egyptian Kings Top Account. Her dam is a National Top Ten. She is by Flying W Farms Little Boy Blue. Champions all over her pedigree! As Joerg Kuisl says: “We think Top This will live up to her pedigree as she is a pretty mover, a lovely producer and has a super sweet disposition. So we are sure to have a great addition to our breeding programme and it is planned to breed her to our NFC Egyptian Kings Creation son.”
finest facts united states of america
USA 路 Page 170
lost spoke ranch, llc location and owner
breeding programme
Lost Spoke Ranch is a small breeding ranch located in Benson, Arizona. Benson is a little town of about 8,000 people that is about 40 miles east of Tucson, Arizona. This ranch usually maintains a herd of approximately 40 horses at an altitude of about 4,200 feet maintaining a comfortable temperature range throughout the year.
Tommy and Dawn Thompson had a lofty dream of producing a new breeding of Miniature Appaloosa type horses that would be competitive in the showring in the top halter classes. Loud Miniature Appaloosa types did well in colour classes but Tommy and Dawn Thompson wanted to take the breeding of these colourful Appaloosa types a
The owners of Lost Spoke Ranch are Tommy and Dawn Thompson. Dawn Thompson has been involved with horses since she was 12 years old being brought up with the POA (Ponies Of America) organization. Her first horse (Navajo Js Sunoco) was a stallion that she started, trained and showed herself. When Tommy and Dawn Thompson got married, Dawn introduced Tommy to the world of equines and showed him the finer points of picking quality horses.
For some years Tommy and Dawn Thompson bred and showed Quarter Horses, they are lifetime members of AQHA. One day while working in Rome, New York, in 1993, there was a programme on TV that presented Miniature Horses of Winner Circle. That show was the programme that started it all for them in the world of Miniatures. It was a time before the Internet and Dawn Thompson wrote over 600 letters and mailed them to various breeders for information on these little ones. Lost Spoke Miniature Horse Ranch was born.
Breeding Farm · Lost Spoke Ranch, LLC
step further. This meant to also improve the conformation to show how this Miniature type could be sought by all breeders for any breeding programme. As of this writing the current culmination of this effort is seen in the stallion known as Catch (Lost Spokes Winter Dream Catcher) with his 6 World and National titles in colour and halter, to date so far. Catch may be the first Leopard Appaloosa type that earned a Hall Of Fame in Halter as a two year old stallion. Catch’s Sire, Lost Spokes Winter Hawk, was the product of JTR Loud and Clear and JTR Spotted Horses Exotica. Catch’s Dam, Southbrookes Cinnamon Spice, is the result of Flying W Farms Warbonnet and Hobby Horses Chiefs Lady. Lost Spoke wanted to take the colourful and excellent conformational background of JTR Loud and Clear and cross it with the beautiful head and excellent conformation of Catch’s Dam, who is affectionately known as Mums. The result was beyond any expectations. The consequence is to continually move this Miniature Horse type to even higher expectations. The bloodlines that created this renowned stallion, Catch, are to be crossed with those of several other recent World/National Champions which include but are not limited to the offspring of First Knights Lord of the Ring, Prince Tennessee Monashee, First Knights Breaking All The Rules, Mountain Meadows Amir Al Ahmar aka Prince, and other recent and first generation halter champions.
USA · Page 172
Lost Spoke Ranch also continues to maintain Catch’s dam and her Falabella bred daughters in their breeding programme. These girls were the result of crossing Mums with Grosshills El Hombre Falabella aka Hombre. Hombre is a tiny 28" Falabella stallion that has another beautiful head and wonderful disposition in the pasture. His Argentinean background added stamina and robustness to the breeding programme. Lost Spokes Bambi Kiss aka Bambster, picture herein, is out of one of these Mums daughters, Lost Spoke Kiss From A Rose. Bambster did very well at her first showing at the World, with two reserve World Championships and several World Top Fives. To name some of the great broodmares: The beautiful black mare Conders Miss Ocala aka Miss O (First Knights Breaking All the Rules x Cascadas Midnight Blue) is a 2008 AMHA Top Ten Honour Roll and twice 2007 AMHA World Champion Junior Mare. The bay SunBreaks Latte Tyme (Celebrations Tennessee Tyme x R CS Naomi). She was 2006 AMHA Reserve World Champion Mare, AMHA World Top Ten Honour Roll, Yearling Mares 28" to 30". 2008 marked the third year since Lost Spoke Ranch entered into the showring with their Miniature Horses. During that show year alone, their horses won 4 National Champion titles, 2 World Champion titles, 2 Reserve World Champion titles, 11 Top Five Champion titles and 4 Top Ten Champion titles.
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USA · Page 174
Catch Lightning Miss O Catch Legend Bambster
The years to come should be extremely exciting for Lost Spoke Ranch and Miniature Appaloosa types around the world as the new challenges are to be encountered. Dawn and Tommy expect to take their breeding programme into the next phase being the performance arena. Catch is making his introduction into the Driving world in 2009 for the beginning of the performance phase for Lost Spoke Ranch. There are a couple of other horses waiting in the “wings” for their time in the harness driving arena, one of them being Lost Spokes Lightning Strike aka Lightning. He is a miniature few cap Appaloosa type, with the propensity to produce a lot of colour. Lightning has a heart and style with a lot of presence that few miniature homozygous Appaloosa types have to offer. He is another to look for in the show arena along with his up and coming colourful offspring.
breeder contact LOST SPOKE RANCH, LLC Dawn and Tommy Thompson 25345 Castlerock Kennel Drive Benson, Arizona 85602 United States Phone 001.520. 4 015 710 lostspokeranch@theriver.com www.lostspokeranch.com
philosophy The original philosophy of Lost Spoke Ranch was to find different bloodlines that would help improve the Miniature Appaloosa type conformation and to help in “toning down” some of the coarseness noted with this breed type. That goal is being achieved as seen with Catch and other Lost Spoke Ranch offspring. The current focus is to reduce the herd size to the immediate bloodlines that not only created Catch and his siblings but other current champion lines that are renowned for their contributions to the enhancement of the Miniature Horse. The intent is to continually improve with the introduction of new bloodline combinations that are proven not only in the showring but also in the “breeding shed”. Any breeding programme has to continually evolve if the intent is to improve the breed, be it halter or performance. That does not mean staying with the bloodlines of yesterday but taking advantage of the fantastic job several other breeding farms/ranches programmes have done. It means taking the best combinations of these breeding programmes and utilize with their breeding goals. That is the main guideline for Lost Spoke Ranch.
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Lot-Sa-Funs Tru Look At Me Flabys Wonder Man Sugar Creeks Tru Luvs Flamboyant Lot-Sa-Funs Truely Mite T Fine Lot-Sa-Funs Tru Snap Shot Shakira Davis (Granddaughter) and Lot-Sa-Funs Tru B-Boppin Baby
breeder contact LOT-SA-FUN MINIATURE HORSES Michele Halverson W12463 820th Ave. River Falls, Wisconsin 54022 United States Phone 001.715.4 265 666 lotsafunminis@pressenter.com www.lotsafunminiaturehorses.com
USA · Page 276
chosen to compliment the daughters of Flabys Wonder Man. Flamboyant carries some of the oldest foundation bloodlines in the Miniature Horse world. His bloodlines are all bond breeding. In 2003 he was awarded three National Top Ten driving championships and a Top Ten in Get of Sire. He has numerous National Champion level get in both AMHA and AMHR, which are excelling in both halter and driving. His get pose some of the most sought-after high stepping leg action for the showring today. Two outstanding mares are the base of Michele’s successful breeding programme. Jandts Tak A With Tha, one of the first mares arriving at the ranch who was in foal to Boones Little Andy. Tak A with Tha delivered a breathtaking filly, which started her love for the Andy bloodline; which is still part of the bloodlines included in her programme today. Most of the Tak A With Tha beautiful daughters have remained at the ranch to continually enhance Michele’s breeding programme. You should come and see them! Tak A With Tha was bred mostly to Flabys Wonder Man because the cross was so outstanding Michele did not want to switch. She is now retired from foaling, but continues her life with a legacy left behind of her beautiful daughters and sons, many that were National Champion horses. Tak A With Tha and most of her offspring are featured in the books Outstanding Miniature Horse Mares and Stallions – Past and Present by Pat Elder.
Michele’s second mare came a few years later, Martins Chorus Girl Leo, who is the other foundation mare to her breeding programme. As a weanling and yearling, Chorus Girl was shown by Ray Zoercher and then purchased to add to the Lot-Sa-Fun Miniature Horse breeding programme. This has proven to be another winning combination with Flabys Wonder Man, this mare has been bred to Wonder Man exclusively, because these foals are hard to beat. Only a few of her daughters have been sold, the rest remain at her ranch after they have claimed their National Champion Top Ten titles. Chorus Girl and her offspring are featured in the book and Outstanding Miniature Horse Mares – Past and Present. Other mares include bloodlines from L & D Scout, Boones Little Andy, Rhotens Little Dandy, Flying W Farms Legionaire, Gold Melody Boy and Whittmack Mickey Mouse. These lines complement each other and add refinement and animation in the Miniature Horse like no other.
philosophy Michele’s success has not only been in the showring but in fulfilling her customers’ expectations about Miniature Horses with honesty and integrity. Their belief is quality over quantity and Michele breeds for intelligence, beauty, elegance and athleticism. She enjoys each day with these horses, breeding, foaling and caring for this exceptional breed. She feels blessed to have this opportunity to contribute to the American Miniature Horse.
Concept and Design Carsten Knopf Text Christina Zeitelhack Photos A. Anderson, A. Maschke, C. Zeitelhack, F. Erixon, J. Jonientz, L. McMillan, S. Revard, S. Troglauer, Washburn Photography Cover Painting Tracey Shivak-Anderson Maps and Graphics Service Crew – Print & Digital e. K. Layout Service Crew – Print & Digital e. K. Proofreading Texterei und Lektorei Michael Köhler (Frankfurt/Germany)
Contact Service Crew – Print & Digital e. K. Friedrichstraße 10a · D-76476 Bischweier · Germany Phone 0049.(0)7222.968 969-0 mail@servicecrew.de · www.servicecrew.de Service Crew – EDITION Verlag is an imprint of the Service Crew – Print & Digital e. K. advertising agency. edition@servicecrew.de · www.edition.servicecrew.de
© 2009 Service Crew – EDITION Verlag and Christina Zeitelhack All rights reserved. ISBN 978-3-9810640-1-8 Publisher Service Crew – EDITION Verlag First Printing, 2009 Printed in Germany