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Climate Action Week
Climate Action
Making Changes One Step at a Time
Understanding our Carbon Footprint:
What is our carbon footprint?
An individual’s carbon footprint refers to the quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions they create based on their circumstances, lifestyle choices and actions.
Carbon Calculator:
You can calculate your own carbon footprint, your households footprint or the footprint of your business here.
Reduce your energy carbon footprint: 1. Monitor your electricity usage. 2. Turn off appliances instead of leaving them on stand-by. 3. Turn down your heating thermostat by one degree. 4. Set your heating on a timer to avoid the house being heated when no one is home. 5. Turn off radiators when they aren’t needed.
Retrofitting your house to become more energy efficient and better insulated will reduce your household carbon footprint in addition to lowering your long-term heating costs. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland SEAI offer Home Energy Grants for home energy upgrades to make your home warmer and more energy efficient https://www.seai.ie/grants/ home-energy-grants/
Reduce your transport carbon footprint: 1. Choose active travel and walk or cycle 2. Carpool instead of taking multiple vehicles. 3. Choose public transport over driving your own vehicle. Rent a car if you only use it occasionally or car share 4. Offset your carbon emissions when you can. 5. Buying goods in-store rather than online.
Reduce your diet carbon footprint: 1. Cut down on your meat consumption and perhaps have a meet free meal each week 2. Buy local and reduce transport emissions from imported goods. 3. Buy seasonal. 4. Make a weekly meal plan and a grocery list and reduce food waste.
We all have a part to play in helping to tackle climate change. Take climate action by using a carbon calculator and adopting some of these tips. No action is too big or too small!
Climate Action
Dublin Climate Action Week Events for DCAW 2022

Following on from the success of last year’s Dublin Climate Action week the four Dublin Local Authorities in partnership with Dublin’s Energy Agency Codema and the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office CARO held Dublin’s second Climate Action Week (DCAW22), from the 12th – 17th of September.
DCAW22 runs a free in-person and online events run across the Dublin region under the themes of Energy and Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solution and Resource Management.
The aim is to inspire, share knowledge and highlight best practice on climate action while we work towards creating a healthier more sustainable Dublin.
For more information, please visit https://dublinclimatechange.codema. ie/climate-action-week
Women in Sustainability An online discussion on 14 September featuring women helped build a better and brighter future for our country, it’s citizens and our environment. This event recognized and celebrated women’s contributions in the sustainability field of Ireland.
Mini-Climate Festival
A festival on Saturday 17th Sept in Millennium Park was an immersive experience in practical sustainability as audience availed a bike clinics, workshops on composting and food waste, Sustainable fashion tips while soaking up some sun and great music.
Cycling without Age
Cycling Without Age offered a very comfortable cycling experience for passengers and cyclists using Trishaw Bikes. The event at Millenium Park aimed to raise awareness on alternative methods of travel while meeting social needs of older people by providing social connection and inclusion.