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AAA/CAA Partner Information Program
Reach industry leading travel planners through investment in our training and materials distribution program. Finger Lakes Regional Travel Guide Distribution
Hundreds of AAA/CAA offices west of the Mississippi are some of the largest distributors of the Finger Lakes Regional Travel Guide.
Finger Lakes Training Curriculum
Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance provides AAA and CAA offices with training materials annually to inform agents of attractions, restaurants, retail, outdoor adventure, historic, natural and cultural landmark opportunities for visitors. Program partners may offer notable updates from their business to be included in presentations.
Partner Materials Distribution
Program partner brochures will be directly mailed to each participating AAA/CAA club office. Reorder forms will be included in packaging so club offices can take advantage of restocking throughout the year.
The AAA/CAA program connects your organization to travel hubs in New England, Ohio, the Mid-Atlantic, extending across the United States and reaching into Canada.
Quarterly Email Updates to AAA Offices
FLTA sends quarterly newsletters to over 900 AAA/CAA contacts, updating agents on seasonal events and new developments, and reminding them to reorder partner materials.
Additional Benefits
Business listing and 150-word description on FingerLakes.org AAA Partner Program Page. Opportunity to participate in additional training calls and webinars as requested by AAA/CAA offices.