The new 911
Porsche identity
Strength 6 Exterior design 12 Interior design 16 Engineering 18 The 911 Carrera models 20
Temperament 36 Engines 38 Transmission 48 Chassis and body 54
Safety 76 Comfort 84
Motorsport 108 114 Environment
Personalisation 120 Panorama 134
911 identity
Technical data
Index 142
enthusiastic courageousStrengthliberated direct determined spirited mature
Strength | The new 911
Many legends look to the past. This one looks to the future. The 911.
It’s time to look forward. Because,
For us, heritage and future are inseparably
that the answer is ‘yes’, which is why
hood concept on the Cabriolet models,
traditionally, the 911 has always had
linked. Of course, we could simply
almost every component in the latest
with the further enhanced Porsche Traction
an eye to the future. Our own engineering tradition is evident
have made a capable sports car, but this
generation 911 is new. This is our
Management (PTM) active all-wheel drive,
wouldn’t have been a Porsche, and
approach to the preservation of tradition.
and an interior that combines sophisticated
certainly not a 911.
It is precisely how we respond to the
ergonomics and sporty comfort.
from the ‘Dr. Ing.’ in our company name.
passion for the sports car and do justice
Also from our racing victories, now total
Our identity is the 911. This is especially
to the 911 legend, and always with
ling more than 30,000. Not just feats
true, even in the 21st century. Instantly
tomorrow in mind.
of heroism any longer, but responsibility
recognisable and originally engineered
for the future of the sports car and for
for the racetrack, it continues to stir the
We have achieved this with a future-
practicality, form and function. For us,
the environment. Then there is the 911’s
emotions today, just as it did in 1963.
oriented design and a longer wheelbase,
these are not contradictions, but our moti
with refined engines that consume less
vation. We are referring to Intelligent Performance.
reputation as an iconic sports car. How
All of that is what defines us. In short, it is the way in which we combine tradition and innovation, performance and everyday
ever, this reputation means nothing
Yet, is that enough to move forward?
fuel but deliver more power, with efficiency-
unless we continue to breathe new life
Above all, is it enough for you? Don’t we
enhancing technologies such as auto
into old ideas.
need to break the stranglehold of tradi
start/stop, thermal management and
Our identity can be accurately described
tion once in a while before it one day
electrical system recuperation, with an
by many words, and by one number.
stifles innovation altogether? We believe
intelligent lightweight body and a new The 911. Porsche identity.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 8
Strength | The 911
Identity is a combination of disposition, personality and heritage. In our attempt to understand it, we tend to compare differences. This is equally true in the case of the 911 Carrera models. With defining attributes such as performance, efficiency, style and comfort, they reveal a character of their own and fulfil your individual expectations – not just of any sports car, but of a 911.
Strength | Exterior design
Can you imagine a face without an expression? Exterior design.
Every child recognises a 911, but can its
only those who change will remain true
To show you what we mean, we should
and agility are just some of the benefits
identity be described in words? It can, by
to themselves – and we’ve changed.
start by looking at the car’s exterior.
these refinements bring.
proportions and contours. The roof line
Our designers and engineers speak
driving stability and cornering dynamics.
The silhouette is therefore typically 911
tapers down into the rear. The wings are
guardedly about the 911 evolution.
Overhangs are short at the front and rear,
and typical in terms of its development,
higher than the front lid and, at the rear,
Meanwhile, they continually manage to
making the 911 look even more compact
which will now be described in more detail.
they add muscle. They give the 911 its
take great strides forward with innova
and agile.
distinctive expression and leave you in
tions motivated by the principle that
no doubt as to its temperament.
these should be functional and perfectly
The sporty overall impression is emphasised
compatible. The result is a harmonious
by the roof line, which is lower than that of
The overall appearance is low, wide and
overall concept that makes the 911 a
the previous model, and by the wider track
sleek. Typically 911.
sports car fit for the 21st century.
at the front – 46 mm on the 911 Carrera
Indeed, the Porsche 911 Carrera has
models and 52 mm on the 911 Carrera S
So, is everything just the same as it has
already won the prestigious ‘red dot
models. On the new Carrera all-wheel-drive
been since 1963? Yes, and no. After all,
award: product design 2012’ for its
models, the body has also been widened
unique functional and emotive design.
at the rear by 44 mm. Increased traction
looking more closely at the use of form,
The longer wheelbase of the 911 improves
Strength | Exterior design
The vehicle architecture, with a wider
Fitted as standard, the Bi-Xenon head
The direction indicators, daytime running
At the rear, everything is clean and
One unmistakable Porsche feature is
The 911 Carrera models and the
Even the logo on the rear has an impor
track at the front axle and the lower roof
lights still have the familiar oval-shaped
lights and position lights are all LEDs and
sharp: the styling, the appearance and
the stainless steel tailpipes. On the
911 Carrera S models are equipped
tant function to perform. It is, after all,
line, gives the front of the 911 a dynamic
surrounds for classic appeal and reveal
are integrated into the separate front light
the effect. This is due not least to the
911 Carrera S models, twin tailpipes
as standard with 19-inch and 20-inch
the hallmark of the Porsche identity.
appearance that is sporty and elegant.
their technically impressive inner work
units. Their slimline design contrasts with
distinct lines and narrow LED taillights
are fitted on both sides. The wide rear
wheels, respectively. Their large dimen
It has also helped us to achieve a low drag
ings. The Porsche Dynamic Light System
that of the rounded headlights. Together
which accentuate the horizontal contour
spoiler is extendable which reduces lift
sions enhance the sporty presence of
In summary, form always follows function.
coefficient of 0.29 for the 911 Carrera.
(PDLS) with dynamic cornering lights
with the two integral air intakes, they
ing of the rear. The illuminated rear
in all driving situations and increases
the 911. The tyres have a large rolling
As a design principle, it couldn’t be more
and speed-sensitive headlight control
make the front of the 911 unmistakable.
light strip on the all-wheel-drive models
driving stability.
circumference for improved comfort
simple, but it’s what makes the 911 a 911.
logic is available as an option.
further enhances the effect.
and performance.
Strength | Interior design
Sporty ergonomics for ordinary driving. Extraordinary comfort for sporty driving. Interior design.
At Porsche, we don’t build everyday
This becomes clearer the moment you
A classic 911 feature is the arrangement
Optimised for the 911 Carrera model
sports cars, we build sports cars for
get in. The longer wheelbase now offers
of the five circular instruments with the
range, it features 12 loudspeakers and
everyday use. How? By understanding
25 mm more leg room in the front than
rev counter in the middle. The contempo
a total output of 821 watts for a perfect
that great agility and maximum comfort
in previous 911 Carrera models, for
rary instrument cluster featuring a high-
spatial sound.
are not mutually exclusive but are, in
resolution 4.6-inch full VGA TFT colour
fact, aspects of a harmonious overall
display enables the driver to view infor
The 911 proves that apparent opposites,
Sportiness in harmony with comfort is
mation from, for example, the new
such as style and engineering or comfort
the theme which is reflected in the clever
adaptive cruise control function or the
and performance, can go hand in hand.
This is especially true of the interior of
ergonomics that characterise the entire
all-wheel-drive display, or to see navi
For us, there is no contradiction and
the 911. Sportiness, functionality and
interior design. The materials used, the
gation instructions.
certainly no need for compromise. After
high-quality materials combine to form a
layout of the controls and their operating
cohesive whole that is conducive to
logic belong to a new generation of
Acoustics are an integral part of the
the existence of opposites, it unites them.
dynamic driving, even during everyday
sports car. Another new design for the
concept, particularly the engine sound.
911 is the ascending centre console.
Available as an option is the Burmester ®
Its intelligent operating concept follows
High-End Surround Sound System.
all, a strong personality does not deny
a clear principle of direct simplicity.
Strength | Engineering
Let’s forget the future for a moment. As we discover it in the present. Engineering.
What use is the engineering of tomorrow
Power is transmitted to the wheels by the
The chassis is also packed with forward-
fuel economy and dynamic performance
when it can be found on the road today?
7-speed manual gearbox with the highest
looking technology. Fitted as standard
and helps to achieve an excellent weight
None. So let’s turn to the here and now.
gear designed specifically with fuel econ
in the 911 Carrera S and 911 Carrera S
to power ratio of 4.7 kg/kW (3.5 kg/hp)
omy in mind or, optionally, by efficiency-
Cabriolet, Porsche Torque Vectoring
for the 911 Carrera S, for example.
The engines, as you would expect, are
enhanced Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK),
(PTV) increases dynamic performance.
characterised by six horizontally opposed
which offers gear changes with no inter
Available as an option for the S models,
cylinders. The 3.4-litre engine in the
ruption in the flow of power.
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)
911 Carrera models produces 257 kW
The future of the sports car begins now.
improves dynamic performance further
(350 hp); in the 911 Carrera S models,
On the 911 Carrera all-wheel-drive
still. Dynamic engine mounts, available
the 3.8-litre engine develops 294 kW
models, the enhanced Porsche Traction
as an option for all models, provide per
(400 hp). All variants are equipped with
Management (PTM) distributes the power
ceptibly more precise handling – and
direct fuel injection (DFI) and VarioCam
to the wheels according to weather and
not just when cornering.
Plus for increased power and compara
road conditions. Handling is even more
tively low fuel consumption.
poised, particularly when the car is being
The 911 has a lightweight composite
driven to its limits. As a result, you are
construction in aluminium and steel.
safer not just in the wet and snow, but
Used extensively and in just the right
also when adopting a sporty driving style.
places, lightweight aluminium improves
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 18
Strength | The 911 Carrera
Meetings, conferences, business lunches. How about some leisure in between? The 911 Carrera.
In the 21st century, we find ourselves
Tradition and innovation blend seamlessly
the car accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h
a sound which is typically Porsche. The
caught between all kinds of opposites on
together in the rear-mounted 3.4-litre
in 4.8 seconds and reaches a top speed
19-inch Carrera wheels are fitted as
a daily basis: between the demands of
flat-six engine thanks to its downsized
of 289 km/h.
standard and improve driving stability
our work life and our private life, between
capacity. Despite the reduced displace
the real world and virtual reality. How can
ment, the engine is capable of delivering
The 911 Carrera generates powerful
they all be reconciled? With a strong iden
even more power to the road than its
forces, which are transmitted precisely
tity and a sports car that has incorporated
3.6-litre predecessor.
and directly to the wheels by the 7-speed
the form of black four-piston monobloc
manual gearbox. As with the optional PDK,
aluminium fixed calipers, Porsche Stability
The figures speak for themselves.
gears 1 to 6 have a sports ratio, while
Management (PSM) and Bi-Xenon head
The maximum power of 257 kW (350 hp)
7th gear has a long ratio for reduced fuel
lights, shows that sportiness and safety
are a prime example. The 911 Carrera is
is available at 7,400 rpm and the maxi
consumption. The SPORT button, which
are not mutually exclusive.
equipped as standard with direct fuel
mum torque of 390 Nm is generated
is fitted as standard, makes it possible to
injection (DFI) and VarioCam Plus for high
at 5,600 rpm. Yet, in conjunction with
select an even more responsive engine
Sport, moderation, everyday practicality
power, high torque, efficient combustion
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), fuel
and transmission setup.
and style. Four key themes, one unifying
and, as a result, comparatively low fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions have been
reduced by 16 % compared with the
In terms of form and function, the single
previous model. Even more impressively,
tailpipes are especially imposing and emit
many contradictory notions since 1963. Sportiness and everyday practicality
and performance. Sports car technology as standard, in
concept: the 911 Carrera.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 20
Strength | The 911 Carrera S
Its identity emerged on the racetrack. Its home is on the road. The 911 Carrera S.
Nothing defines us more than our heritage.
On figures alone, the 911 Carrera S
You can also feel it, thanks to Porsche
On the subject of safety, the brakes at
It says a lot about who we are. This is
excels, particularly in terms of efficiency.
Active Suspension Management (PASM),
the front of the 911 Carrera S come
particularly true of the 911 Carrera S,
Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
which is fitted as standard, or the optional
equipped with monobloc fixed calipers
which has all the characteristics you would
have been reduced by 15 % compared
PASM sports suspension with even
with six instead of four pistons for im
expect of a sports car whose origin is
with the previous model. This has been
sportier aerodynamics and the ride height
proved braking performance and a
in motorsport.
possible thanks to the auto start/stop
lowered by 20 mm. Or the optional
shorter braking distance. Bi-Xenon head
function, which is available as standard,
Sport Chrono Package and dynamic
lights are standard and the Porsche
An elementary component of its DNA,
and the coasting function in conjunction
engine mounts. Available as standard,
Dynamic Light System (PDLS) is available
therefore, is power in the form of a 3.8-litre
with the optional Porsche Doppelkupp
Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV), or
as an option.
engine with direct fuel injection (DFI) and
lung (PDK).
Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus)
VarioCam Plus. It delivers 294 kW (400 hp)
in conjunction with the optional PDK,
There is no doubt. The 911 Carrera S
at 7,400 rpm, and the maximum torque
It’s not difficult to tell where the
increase traction and driving stability.
knows its roots, and embraces them with
of 440 Nm is achieved at 5,600 rpm. In
911 Carrera S comes from. You can hear
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC),
efficiency, power and sporty performance.
conjunction with the manual gearbox, the
it in the resonant engine sound and you
the active roll stabilisation system, is
sprint from 0 to 100 km/h is completed in
can see it in the twin tailpipes in brushed
available as an option and improves
just 4.5 seconds. Top speed isn’t reached
stainless steel and 20-inch Carrera S
agility, comfort and safety.
until 304 km/h.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 22
Strength | The 911 Carrera Cabriolet
The future of the sports car is wide open again. The 911 Carrera Cabriolet.
Sometimes, the best option is to free
of both appearance and construction.
The performance figures of the
your mind, to look at things from a fresh
It is made from three ultra-lightweight
911 Carrera Cabriolet reflect the ambi
perspective and to explore your own
magnesium elements and is covered in
tious goals achieved by our engineers.
direction, not least when you’ve set
fabric. This saves weight and, not only
The downsized and rear-mounted 3.4-litre
yourself ambitious goals for the future.
does it improve aesthetics, it also reduces
flat-six engine delivers 257 kW (350 hp)
These goals can be achieved by opening
unwanted noise. What you can still hear,
at 7,400 rpm and enables a top speed of
yourself up to new ideas.
however, is the unadulterated sound of
286 km/h. Compared with the previous
your 911. This is the direction explored by the
model, fuel consumption and CO2 emis sions have been reduced by 15 %.
911 Carrera Cabriolet. With forward-
The wind deflector is fitted as standard
looking hood engineering, lightweight
and offers practically draught-free driving
materials and an integrated wind deflector,
and minimal wind noise. Operation could
the basis for a self-assured personality.
it conceives a new kind of freedom and
not be easier. Integrated directly behind
Typified by its courage to adapt and
broadens the appeal of the sports car.
the rear seats, it folds out electrically in
change, it derives pleasure from exploring
just two seconds and remains operable
new directions. After all, the future is
Smooth and firm, light and robust, the
up to a speed of 120 km/h.
wide open.
In summary, this articulate concept forms
design of the hood is impressive in terms
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 24
Strength | The 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Porsche 356, Porsche 550, Porsche Carrera GT: openness has always been a Porsche tradition. The 911 Carrera S Cabriolet.
Open-top driving is integral to Porsche
That explains what motivates us, and
The hood has a crucial role in this respect.
Twin tailpipes in stainless steel also
history. It began back in 1948 with the
this describes what drives the car: the
On the 911, the hood has been funda
make a clear statement. The 20-inch
No. 1. The convertible variant of the
3.8-litre engine with direct fuel injection
mentally revised. Integrated magnesium
Carrera S wheels afford an unobstructed
first 356 became a legend, as did its
(DFI) and VarioCam Plus, which produces
elements make the hood light yet extremely
glimpse of the brake calipers with a
descendent, the Porsche 550 Spyder.
294 kW (400 hp) at 7,400 rpm. The
robust. The hood opens and closes in
red painted finish. As you would expect,
In 1982, the first 911 Carrera model
911 Carrera S Cabriolet completes the
only 13 seconds and is operable up to a
the 911 Cabriolet offers a high level of
in cabriolet form was introduced to the
sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in just
speed of 50 km/h. With the hood closed,
occupant safety and features an effective
road. Two things that all open-top
4.7 seconds and reaches a top speed
the car’s profile is optimised for aerody
roll-over protection concept as well as
Porsche cars have in common are an
of 301 km/h.
namic performance, which explains the
full-size airbags for the driver and front
low drag coefficient of 0.30. Wind noise
urge for sporty acceleration and unlimited driving pleasure. The time has come to
These are impressive performance
carry this tradition on into the future.
figures, founded on the principle that, if
is practically eliminated.
The 911 Carrera S Cabriolet does just
you want to keep moving, you shouldn’t
The integrated wind deflector manipulates
Cabriolet has remained faithful to the
carry unnecessary weight. This is pre
headwind to create ideal conditions.
sporty spirit of its predecessors and is
cisely why the 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Electrically powered and installed directly
ensuring that the legacy lives on in the
incorporates extensive use of lightweight
behind the passenger cell, it provides
21st century.
effective protection against air turbulence.
Without question, the 911 Carrera S
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 26
Strength | The new 911 Carrera 4
When you know your strengths, it’s easy to acquire new ones. The new 911 Carrera 4.
One thing is for certain. When it comes
drive can continually respond to different
intakes, the illuminated rear light strip
Let’s now bring the power of identity
to finding your own strengths, it always
driving situations and precisely distribute
with taillights and parking light function,
to bear on the road. With the aid of the
helps to know who you are and where
drive forces between the front and rear
and distinctive sideskirts.
you come from. Where the 911 is con
axles. Tuned to provide even more poised
cerned, we call this Porsche identity.
and balanced handling during performance
One of its inherent strengths is, of course,
for gears 1 to 6 and a long-ratio 7th
driving, PTM quickly and clearly demon
its engine: the 3.4-litre flat-six power unit
gear for fuel efficiency.
The immense power that is embodied in
strates, especially in the wet and snow,
delivers 257 kW (350 hp) at 7,400 rpm
this strong identity is immediately apparent
what we at Porsche understand by traction.
and accelerates the new 911 Carrera 4
in the new all-wheel-drive 911 Carrera 4.
7-speed manual transmission or the optional PDK. Both feature sports ratios
The 911 has many strengths. The new
from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.9 seconds.
911 Carrera 4, with its superlative traction,
Its enhanced Porsche Traction Management
Expressed in simple terms, the new
Top speed is 285 km/h. One strength
dynamic performance and safety, has
(PTM) converts power directly into motion.
911 Carrera 4 is self-assured. An
may possibly come as a surprise: by
acquired even more. Why not take your
Not in a heavy-handed way, but intelligently.
assuredness that has been assisted by
downsizing the engine, it has been possible
seat behind the wheel and make these
Sensors control the rotational speeds of
engineering and aesthetic details such as
to reduce the fuel consumption and CO2
strengths your own?
all four wheels, the vehicle’s lateral and
the wider body – the rear wings are 44 mm
emissions by up to 15 % compared with
longitudinal acceleration and the steering
wider than those of the Carrera 911 – the
the previous model.
angle. In this way, the active all-wheel
295 mm wide rear tyres, the special air
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 28
Strength | The new 911 Carrera 4S
Switchbacks, hairpins, zigzags, S-bends... There are countless reasons for having intelligent all-wheel drive. The new 911 Carrera 4S.
Steadfastness. Another apparent Porsche
ensures that the car is even more poised
Though the car is practically at one with
start/stop – both fitted as standard – and
contradiction. But whilst it’s true that
and balanced and really comes into its
the ground, it cannot keep still. This is
the ‘coasting’ function of PDK, prove that
sports cars are all about movement, about
own when adopting a sporty driving
unsurprising when it is powered by a
Porsche is continually resolving conflict
surging forwards, it’s even more impor
style or travelling in extreme weather
3.8-litre engine developing 294 kW
ing aims through Intelligent Performance.
tant to stay calm at all times, to act with
(400 hp) at 7,400 rpm. When combined
composure and never rashly. So it’s re
with Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK),
Where safety is concerned, the mono
assuring that you can rely on the handling
At the rear, the car is the personification
this power unit can accelerate the car to
bloc fixed brake calipers at the front
characteristics of the new 911 Carrera 4S.
of road holding, with its 44 mm wider
100 km in just 4.3 seconds. And contin
have six pistons instead of four, whilst
body, wider track and road-hugging
ue up to a maximum speed of 297 km/h.
the brake pads are 10 % larger. The
Particularly dependable is the enhanced
305 mm wide rear wheels. The seamless
Porsche Traction Management (PTM)
horizontal taillight strip continues the
This hasn’t come at the expense of fuel
Proof that, at Porsche, safety is an
active all-wheel-drive system, especially
same styling language. The all-wheel-
consumption and CO2 emissions either.
integral part of performance, not its
when driving the car at the limits of per
drive model is also recognisable from the
Figures for the new 911 Carrera 4S are
polar opposite.
formance. To achieve this, our engineers
front thanks to its dynamically accentuat
up to 13 % lower than those of its prede
have travelled right to the physical bound
ed cooling air intakes in the front end.
cessor. Fuel-efficient technologies, such
Steadfast through and through.
as electrical system recuperation, auto
Corner after corner.
aries – and extended them. PTM now
result is even shorter braking distances.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 30
Strength | The new 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
There’s a lot of emotion in engineering. Such as that unique cornering feel. The new 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet.
It may come as a surprise to you, but
engine developing 257 kW (350 hp) at
(PSM), PTM ensures excellent levels of
There’s a feeling of pride that the fabric
our engineers are very emotional people.
7,400 rpm, which displays superlative per
stability and safety. So you can give free
hood creates the same elegant silhouette
And clear thinkers. There is no conflict
formance. The 0 to 100 km/h sprint is
rein to your emotions. Even in the wet
as that of the 911 Coupé models. The
between these two traits. On the contrary,
completed in 5.1 seconds, for example.
and snow.
powerful proportions – the body that is
they are ideal qualifications for those
And it boasts a top speed of 282 km/h.
tasked with the development of a cabrio
Equally superlative are the fuel consump
The new hood of the 911 Carrera 4
track and 295 mm wide rear tyres – are
let that is more than just a fair-weather
tion and CO2 emissions figures which
Cabriolet is able to adapt to the weather
characteristic of all-wheel-drive design.
car: the new 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet.
are up to 16 % lower than those of the
and your mood in precisely 13 seconds.
All this combines to create that unique
Entirely without contradiction, it com
previous model.
That’s all the time it needs to open or
Porsche cornering feel.
bines the thrills of open-top driving with outstanding road holding.
44 mm wider at the rear, the wider rear
close at road speeds of up to 50 km/h. When it comes to traction, however,
Magnesium support elements make the
We think that it’s better to play out your
composure and reason prevail in the
hood lightweight, yet extremely rigid and
emotions than to conceal them. Because
May we now appeal to your emotions?
form of the further enhanced Porsche
robust. An integral wind deflector is fitted
only a weak character shows no feelings
Here goes. The new 911 Carrera 4
Traction Management (PTM) active all-
as standard. Electrically powered, it
at all. The new 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet.
wheel-drive system. Working together
extends in just two seconds.
Cabriolet is powered by a 3.4-litre flat-six
with Porsche Stability Management
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 32
Strength | The new 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
The strength of identity can be measured after all. In moments of happiness. The new 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet.
Which vital ingredients do you need to
Bringing additional peace of mind are the
The hood of the new 911 Carrera 4S
the car is 44 mm wider at the rear, has
experience moments of true happiness?
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions fig
Cabriolet lets you open up to the open
a wide track and is equipped with wide
It’s our conviction, at least, that you need
ures of the new 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet,
road. The fabric hood featuring magne
rear wheels on 20-inch Carrera S tyres.
impressive road holding. Plus safety,
which are up to 14 % lower than those of
sium elements is lightweight, yet robust
All evidence of that strong identity.
reliability and faith in technology that won’t
the previous model.
and extremely rigid. It opens in just
let you down when you need it most.
13 seconds at road speeds of up to
It’s possible, of course, to describe
Because only when we have peace of
The car’s ‘happiness hub’, however, can
50 km/h. When closed, it shows off an
moments of happiness. But it’s far better
mind are we truly free.
be found in the Porsche Traction Manage
aerodynamically optimised silhouette
to experience them first hand. The new
ment (PTM) active all-wheel-drive control
that has a drag coefficient of just 0.31.
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet.
All these ingredients have been brought
system which has undergone further
Which is also why you can hear hardly
together in the 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet.
refinement. As a result, handling is even
any wind noise.
The car, powered by a 3.8-litre direct
more poised and balanced, particularly
fuel injection (DFI) engine with a maximum
when the car is being driven at its limits.
You can certainly hear the engine though.
output of 294 kW (400 hp) at 7,400 rpm,
This makes controlling the car even easier
The sound is – and remains – unmistaka
sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.7 seconds
and driving much more pleasurable.
bly Porsche. Likewise the dimensions:
and boasts a top speed of 296 km/h.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, refer to pages 139/141. 34
true relaxed
Temperament wild down-to-earth efficient
Temperament | Engines
To give more and take less. That’s Porsche engineering. Engines.
You could ask whether the sports car is
The 911 engines are also unmistakably
In their search for improved efficiency,
Weight is critical to efficiency. This is
still relevant. It would be a good question,
sporty thanks to the SPORT button fitted
our engineers analysed an extensive series
why the engines have a light-alloy
but you might as well ask the same of
as standard. At the push of a button, the
of engine components. Answers were
construction, making them lightweight
engine becomes tuned for a sharper
found, including rapid heating of the
and yet structurally rigid. The result
response and engine dynamics that are
engine and gearbox to normal operating
is comparatively low fuel consumption
even more direct.
temperature after an engine start by the
and a long service life.
The answer to both questions lies in the future or, to be more precise, in the future
thermal management system, improved
of the sports car. In the 911, the future
The 3.4-litre engine of the 911 Carrera
air induction and extremely effective
The engine is the intelligent core of our
is already here. The highly efficient, state-
models demonstrates, therefore, that
direct fuel injection (DFI).
identity. What else could the ‘Dr. Ing.’ in
of-the-art engines make a considerable
performance and efficiency need not be
contribution to the comparatively low fuel
mutually exclusive. Rather, the downsized
The same principle applies to the 3.8-litre
consumption, but their sound is still
engine capacity and increased maximum
engine in the 911 Carrera S models.
unmistakably Porsche.
torque are the intelligent basis by which
There has been no change in displace
power output can be increased in an
ment since the previous model, but
environmentally acceptable and sustain
power output has been increased while
able way. Fuel consumption and CO2
fuel consumption has been reduced by
emissions have been reduced by up to
up to 15 %.
our company name possibly stand for?
16 % compared with the previous model. For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 38
Temperament | Engines
390 Nm
Power (kW)
Torque (Nm)
Engine speed (rpm)
22 23
20 21 29
Engine speed (rpm)
911 Carrera 275 kW (350 hp) at 7,400 rpm, 390 Nm at 5,600 rpm
911 Carrera S models: 294 kW (400 hp) at 7,400 rpm, 440 Nm at 5,600 rpm
For the 911 Carrera with 7-speed manual
The 3.8-litre engine.
gearbox, this means acceleration from The 911 Carrera base models are
0 to 100 km/h in 4.8 seconds and a top
The 911 Carrera S models are powered
from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.3 seconds and
equipped with a 3.4-litre boxer engine
speed of 289 km/h. The new 911 Carrera 4
by a 3.8-litre boxer engine with direct
achieves a top speed of 302 km/h.
with direct fuel injection (DFI) and
accelerates to 100 km/h in 4.9 seconds
fuel injection (DFI) and VarioCam Plus. It
The new Carrera 4S completes the 0 to
VarioCam Plus. It develops 257 kW
and has a top speed of 285 km/h.
produces 294 kW (400 hp) at 7,400 rpm
100 km/h sprint in 4.3 seconds and
(350 hp) at 7,400 rpm and the maximum
and the maximum torque of 440 Nm is
boasts a top speed of 297 km/h.
torque is 390 Nm at 5,600 rpm.
achieved at 5,600 rpm.
28 15
With optional Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), the 911 Carrera S accelerates
10 11
The 3.4-litre engine.
294 kW (400 hp)
440 Nm
257 kW (350 hp)
Power (kW)
Torque (Nm)
3 30
1. High-pressure pump 2. High-pressure injector 3. Ignition rod module 4. Camshaft controller 5. Valve lift adjustment switch valve 6. Switch tappet with integrated valve clearance compensation 7. Intake camshaft 8. Intake valves 9. Valve spring 10. Combustion chamber with Alusil cylinder liner surface 11. Forged aluminium piston 12. Forged connecting rod 13. Crankshaft 14. Water pump 15. Air-conditioning compressor 16. Power steering pump (in conjunction with PDCC) 17. Vibration damper 18. Alternator pulley with freewheel 19. Hydraulic belt tensioner 20. Resonance valve 21. Resonance distributor 22. Resonance valve actuator 23. Intake manifold with integrated sound chamber 24. Electronically controlled throttle valve 25. Oil filter 26. Electronic map-controlled thermostat 27. Vacuum pump 28. Coolant jacket 29. Crankcase breather 30. Timing chain 31. Starter
26 14 1
Engine cross section: 3.8-litre boxer engine
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 40
Temperament | Engines
Not as thirsty as you might think.
Auto start/stop function.
The auto start/stop function may remain
Electrical system recuperation.
inactive under particular circumstances,
Efficiency-enhancing measures.
The auto start/stop function is standard
for example: extreme outside tempera
in the 911 Carrera models.
tures, when the SPORT button is selected
as standard with fuel-saving electrical
or if battery charge is low. It is also pos
system recuperation technology. The
In cars with the manual gearbox, the
sible to deactivate the function manually
vehicle battery is recharged by the alter
engine switches off automatically when,
using a separate button on the centre
nator, predominantly under braking.
for example, you stop at traffic lights,
Under acceleration, on the other hand,
select neutral and release the clutch
the power draw of the alternator is limited
pedal. In cars with Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), the engine switches off whenever
to increase the engine output available
Thermal management.
A widely held belief about motorsport is
you stop and leave your foot on the
that power is the only thing that matters.
brake pedal.
The thermal management system
horsepower alone has never been enough
All audio and communication systems
and gearbox through the intelligent
to win a single race. Much more important
remain switched on and the climate con
manipulation of heat flow.
to us are ideas – ideas that inspire more
trol continues to maintain your selected
From experience, we know better. Extra
The 911 Carrera models are also equipped
for driving. The electrical systems are supplied by the electrical energy stored during the recharging process.
regulates the temperature in the engine
intelligent vehicle concepts and more
temperature. The only differences you
In this way, the engine and gearbox reach
efficient drive systems. The same applies
will notice are the silence at the rear and
their optimum operating temperature
on the road. It’s about getting the most
the fuel saving. As soon as you operate
sooner. As a result, fuel consumption is
out of what you’ve got.
the clutch or release the brake, the
reduced through increased combustion
engine will restart swiftly and smoothly.
efficiency and lubrication performance.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 42
Temperament | Engines
What lies between your home and Le Mans? Advanced engineering as standard. Direct fuel injection (DFI).
VarioCam Plus System.
DFI delivers fuel directly into the combustion
For faster heating of the catalytic converters
chamber with millisecond precision. The
after a cold start and optimum torque in
spray and cone angles of the multi-hole
the upper load range, up to three injection
VarioCam Plus is a two-in-one engine
extremely smooth running and an
injectors have been optimised for torque,
pulses take place per combustion cycle.
concept for adjusting the intake
extraordinary level of tractive power,
camshafts and switching the lift of the
but with a comparatively low level of
intake valves.
fuel consumption.
power output, fuel consumption, emissions and efficient combustion.
DFI improves the internal cooling of
operation to the prevailing conditions. This results in instant acceleration,
the combustion chamber by having the With direct injection, the engine manageÂ
mixture prepared directly in the cylinder.
The system first differentiates between
ment system regulates injection timing
This allows for a higher compression
driver inputs that typify normal,
individually for each cylinder as well as
ratio, which helps to deliver more output
everyday driving and those inputs
the injection rate for each cylinder bank.
at the same time as enhanced engine
that demand maximum performance.
This improves the combustion process
efficiency. Injection is regulated by the
The electronic engine management
and fuel economy.
electronic engine management system
system then seamlessly adapts valve
and emissions are monitored by the Lambda sensors.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 44
Temperament | Engines
Integrated dry-sump lubrication.
Air intake system.
Exhaust system.
Engine management system.
Integrated dry-sump lubrication ensures
The resonance intake system increases
The exhaust system of the 911 Carrera
The EMS SDI 9.1 engine management
a reliable supply of oil even when a
the intake volume by exploiting the fact
models has been redesigned, acoustics
system ensures optimum engine perfor
sporty driving style is adopted. It also
that air oscillates as it passes through
mance at all times. It controls, for
has additional cooling functions.
the intake manifold. The system can
example, the position of the electronic
adjust to engine speed. Benefits of this
The stainless-steel exhaust system com
throttle valve (ETC) – a prerequisite for
The oil tank is located in the engine,
include higher torque at low engine
prises two distinctive and independent
compatibility with the Porsche Stability
thereby eliminating the need for an
speeds and a flatter torque curve. The
exhaust tracts. The catalytic converters
external oil tank, which saves both space
911 Carrera S models operate a two-
heat up rapidly for effective emissions
and weight. To reduce power loss and
stage system.
The entire intake system is made from
A selectable twin-tube sports exhaust
ing points inside the engine as and
lightweight plastic. In the 911 Carrera
system featuring distinctive polished
when required. When demand is low, the
model range, the resonator volume of
stainless-steel tailpipes is available as an
Another function is the cylinder-specific
oil pump is operated at reduced power,
the air filter housing varies with engine
option. Activated by a button, it produces
knock control. Since the cylinders never
thereby saving fuel.
speed to bring added character to the
an even more intensive sports car sound.
all work under exactly the same condi
Single-tube tailpipe on the 911 Carrera
standard. It also regulates all enginerelated functions to achieve optimum
increase efficiency, an electronically controlled oil pump supplies the lubricat
Management (PSM), which comes as
fuel consumption, emissions and power output whatever the driving style.
engine sound, which becomes much more powerful at higher rpm.
tions, the knock control function monitors Twin-tube tailpipe on the 911 Carrera S
each one separately. The ignition point is shifted individually, as and when necessary, to protect the cylinders and pistons at high engine speeds. For compliance with EU standards, the on-board diagnostics detect any faults and defects that may occur in the exhaust and fuel systems and then notify the driver immediately. This also prevents
Twin tailpipe of the sports exhaust system
increased pollutant emissions and unnecessary fuel consumption.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 46
Temperament | Transmission
The long and winding road is where you’d like to be. Sometimes, it pays to take the direct route. Transmission.
The 7-speed manual gearbox.
It’s an exceptional innovation, and not
a gear indicator in the rev counter reminds
only in the sports car segment.
you which gear has been selected. The
Pure, direct, precise. Short shift move
upshift indicator in the instrument cluster
ments and an optimum transition from
The design of this manual gearbox is
one gear to the next. That’s exactly what
based in principle on that of Porsche
helps you actively conserve fuel.
you would expect of a Porsche manual
Doppelkupplung (PDK). Gears 1 to 6 have
Thanks to the elevated centre console,
a sports ratio and top speed is reached
the gear lever is within easy reach –
in 6th gear. The additional 7th gear,
ideal for sporty gear changes.
What you might not have expected is a
however, has a long ratio, which reduces
7-speed manual gearbox that combines
torque and helps to reduce fuel consump
Whether you select a sporty or comfortable
a high level of sporty performance with
tion. Lower engine revs at fast driving
gear, the way you reach your destination
an equally high level of efficiency and
speeds also ensure a high level of comfort
is in your own hands.
offers extra comfort for longer journeys.
on long stretches of road. In addition,
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 48
Temperament | Transmission
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK).
In total, PDK has seven gears at its dis
alternating, non-positive connection
During a gear change, therefore, one
or deactivated), the gear change is opti
automatically and you begin to coast
Another way to reduce fuel consumption is
In short, driving in coasting mode makes
posal. Gears 1 to 6 have a sports ratio
between the two half gearboxes and the
clutch simply opens and the other closes
mised for comfort or for sporty driving.
in neutral until you have reached your
to utilise the coasting function on downhill
a real impact on fuel consumption without
Available as an option for all 911 Carrera
and top speed is reached in 6th gear.
engine by means of two separate input
at the same time, enabling gear changes
desired speed. The moment you engage
gradients that are gentle enough for you
any need for compromise on comfort or
models is 7-speed PDK, featuring
7th gear has a long ratio and helps to
to take place within milliseconds.
With the optional Sport Chrono Package,
the accelerator or brake pedal, PDK
to maintain a constant speed. Efficient on
sporty performance.
manual and automatic modes. It facili
reduce fuel consumption by keeping
PDK is enhanced by the ‘Launch Control’
selects the appropriate gear smoothly
long journeys, such as on the motorway,
tates extremely fast gear changes
engine revs low.
with no interruption in the flow of power,
The flow of power from the engine is
The effect is instant. Driving feels even
and ‘motorsport-derived gearshift strategy’
and seamlessly within a fraction of a
PDK remains ready to respond as swiftly
transmitted through one half gearbox and
sportier and more dynamic, and agility
functions (p. 67).
and precisely as you would expect.
whilst at the same time improving
PDK is essentially two gearboxes in one
one clutch at a time, while the next gear
is increased. Depending on the gearshift
acceleration and fuel efficiency.
and thus requires two clutches. This
is preselected in the second half gearbox.
programme (SPORT button activated
double-clutch arrangement provides an
The ‘coasting’ function available with Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) enables you to save even more fuel where the 4
1 R
5 7
situation allows. The engine is decoupled from the transmission to prevent deceleration caused by engine braking. In this way, optimum use is made of the vehicle’s momentum, allowing it to coast for longer distances. For example, you may want to slow down from 100 to 80 km/h in anticipation of the change of speed limit ahead. As soon as you release the accelerator pedal, PDK deselects the current gear
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK)
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 50
Temperament | Transmission
Far better than a power struggle is power interplay. Porsche Traction Management (PTM).
It is possible to have a lot of power and
Drive power is distributed between the
If, for example, the rear wheels begin
In conjunction with Porsche Stability
yet not be able to move anything. Only
permanently driven rear axle and the
to lose traction under acceleration, a
Management (PSM), PTM helps to ensure
by using your power intelligently will you
front axle by means of the electronically
greater proportion of the drive power
the perfect distribution of drive power for
truly progress – and with consummate
variable multi-plate clutch.
is automatically transmitted to the front
optimum traction in most road scenarios,
axle by a more positive engagement of
whether on long straights, through tight
the multi-plate clutch. In addition, ASR
corners, or on surfaces with different friction coefficients.
ease. The status of the vehicle is continuously Enhanced Porsche Traction Management
monitored so that it is possible to respond
prevents wheel spin by adapting the
(PTM) is standard on all 911 Carrera
to different driving situations. Sensors
engine’s power output. During cornering,
all-wheel-drive models. It is an active all-
are used to collect a range of data, includ
the optimal level of drive power is dis
wheel-drive system with an electronically
ing the rotational speed of all four wheels,
tributed to the front wheels to ensure
variable map-controlled multi-plate clutch,
the lateral and longitudinal acceleration
excellent lateral stability.
automatic brake differential (ABD) and
of the car and the current steering angle.
anti-slip regulation (ASR).
Temperament | Chassis and body
“That can’t be done.” If ever a sentence gave motivation to sports car designers, this is it. Chassis and body.
A solid identity tends to be described
Chassis control systems make a key
Yet, there is still scope for improvement
with words like stability, directness or
contribution to the 911 driving experience
as far as sporty performance is
substance. This might sound a little
and thus to the 911 identity. These
concerned. The optional Sport Chrono
serious but, when it comes to the chassis
include Porsche Stability Management
Package triggers an adrenaline rush
and body, we think that this is entirely
(PSM), Porsche Active Suspension
at the push of a button. Dynamic engine
the right approach.
Management (PASM), which comes as
mounts, until now exclusively reserved
standard in the 911 Carrera S models,
for 911 GT and Turbo models, may not be
The best example is the engineered
Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus).
capable of breaking the laws of physics
design. Indeed, dynamic performance
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)
but they do succeed in exploiting them
and ride comfort fundamentally depend
is additionally available as an option for
to their own advantage – and yours.
on factors such as vehicle weight, body
the 911 Carrera S models.
rigidity, wheelbase, axle construction and steering. With the 911, we challenged our engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible.
Temperament | Chassis and body
Engineered design.
To meet the second requirement, we
magnesium were used extensively in
efficiency is key to reducing the overall
Front and rear axles.
stability, superior handling and reduced
and increase comfort. Lightweight spring
pitching under braking, and the wide
struts further enhance agility.
employed state-of-the-art techniques for
areas such as the roof, underbody, front
weight and, as a result, fuel consumption
The innovative bodyshell of the 911 fulfils
combining various materials in order
end, doors, rear wings and engine com
of the vehicle.
The independent suspension at the front
two structural design requirements: first,
to utilise specific material properties
partment and luggage compartment lids.
excellent driving dynamics due to the
exactly where they are needed.
Magnesium, which is a particularly light
For the driver, this intelligent blend
with longitudinal and transverse links and
The rear axle is equipped with a
body’s extremely high rigidity; second,
track optimises turn-in.
features a lightweight spring-strut axle
The high proportion of aluminium used in the construction of the axles reduces the
weight material, was also selected for
of materials reduces the weight of the
cross members that have been refined
motorsport-derived multi-link suspension
weight of the vehicle and of the unsprung
a vehicle weight saving of up to 65 kg
For the bodyshell, therefore, we used
the cockpit and centre console support
vehicle and offers a high level of comfort
for stiffness. Each front wheel is precisely
and chassis subframe. Refined axle
masses, helping to improve fuel economy,
primarily as a result of the intelligent
very thin, but nevertheless extremely
beam and, in the Cabriolet models,
thanks to excellent vibration-damping
located, ensuring excellent directional
kinematics for improved longitudinal
comfort and agility.
lightweight construction.
rigid, sheets of steel. Aluminium and
the hood shell elements. Such material
characteristics and particularly high com
damping reduce acceleration squat
posite rigidity, an increase in dynamic torsional stiffness of up to 25 % compared with that of the previous model, and even sportier handling despite a further improvement in the weight to power ratio. The longer wheelbase improves comfort as well as straight-line accuracy and driving stability at high speeds and in fast corners.
Aluminium Deep-drawn steels Multiphase steels Super-high-strength micro-alloyed steels Boron-alloyed steels Front axle of the 911 Carrera S
Rear axle of the 911 Carrera S
Temperament | Chassis and body
Open, flexible, independent. The optimum prerequisites for a long-term relationship. Cabriolet technology.
Another benefit is that the hood is
resistant to provide excellent rearward
The interior hood lining is made from
smooth and firm. The fabric remains taut
visibility. A rain channel on the hood
a heat-insulating and sound-absorbing
Our engineers have completely redeveloped
keeping the familiar 911 lines elegant.
carries away water to avoid dripping
material. Consistent interior temperatures
the hood for the 911 Carrera Cabriolet
A triviality? Only if you choose to ignore
when the doors are opened.
and an effective suppression of wind
models. The result is a flexible roof
the impressively low drag coefficient
comprising a glass rear screen and three
of just 0.30 for the 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Electrically powered, the hood is operat
fully, however, even the hood’s sound
individual and integral hood elements,
models. A further feat of Porsche
ed using a button on the centre console
proofing properties are no match for
which are manufactured from magnesium
or via the key remote. It opens or closes
the resonant Porsche sound.
and covered in fabric. This makes the
noise are the perceptible results. Thank
in approximately 13 seconds and remains
hood highly robust and, yet, particularly
The rear screen is made from glass and
operable up to a speed of 50 km/h.
is electrically heated and scratch-
The concertina action ensures optimum protection for the interior lining.
Temperament | Chassis and body
Electrically powered wind deflector.
driving and minimal wind noise with the
in the interior or luggage compartment
top down.
and it is ready for use at all times.
Once again, our engineers have explored new directions, this time in the wind
With the 911, fitting and removing the
For unrestricted open-top driving pleasure,
tunnel. The 911 Carrera Cabriolet models
wind deflector is now a thing of the past
the wind deflector extends or retracts in
are equipped as standard with an
because it is integrated directly into
only 2.0 seconds and can be operated at
electrically powered wind deflector,
the body behind the rear seats. As a
speeds of up to 120 km/h.
which offers practically draught-free
result, it doesn’t take up any extra space
Electrically powered wind deflector
Temperament | Chassis and body
No need to let the laws of physics spoil your fun.
PASM sports suspension.
Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM).
PASM, the electronic damping control
Sensors record the body movements
rating, thereby improving contact
system, is standard in the 911 Carrera S
that accompany powerful acceleration,
between the wheels and the road.
models and available as an option for
braking or uneven road surfaces. In the
When the road surface improves, PASM
the 911 Carrera models. It actively and
911, the number of sensors has been
automatically reverts to the original,
continuously regulates damping forces
increased for improved data acquisition
harder rating. If ‘Normal’ mode is selected
according to driving style and road
and even more efficient control interven
and the driver’s style becomes more
conditions. In addition, the suspension
tions. The PASM control unit evaluates
assertive, PASM automatically switches
is lowered by 10 mm.
the driving conditions and modifies the
to a harder rating. Damping firms up,
damping force on each of the wheels in
and driving stability and road safety are
accordance with the selected mode.
the centre console: ‘Normal’, which is a
In ‘Sport’ mode, the suspension is set to
The results are tangible: increased
blend of performance and comfort, and
a harder damper rating. On uneven roads,
driving stability, improved comfort and
‘Sport’ where the setup is much firmer.
PASM immediately switches to a softer
enhanced performance.
PASM has two modes, which can be
The ride height is 20 mm lower than
extends even further. These not only
with the standard suspension or 10 mm
further reduce lift at the front axle, but
The PASM sports suspension is available
compared with the PASM suspension.
also provide downforce at the rear axle
as an option for the 911 Carrera Coupé
The springs are harder and shorter, and
for improved aerodynamics and even
models in conjunction with 20-inch wheels
the anti-roll bars on the front and rear
better performance.
and Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV) or
axles are stiffer. The front spoiler lip has
Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus).
a more sporty geometry, the rear spoiler
selected using a separate button on
Temperament | Chassis and body
You appreciate directness. But love a few twists and turns.
With the optional Porsche Dynamic
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC).
PDCC is an active anti-roll system that
This effect is achieved with the aid of
The results are improved dynamic
Chassis Control (PDCC) for the S models
suppresses lateral body movement during
hydraulic stabilising actuators in the form
performance and increased ride comfort
of the 911 Carrera, these characteristics
cornering manoeuvres. In addition, it
of cylinders designed to optimise camber.
at all speeds, as well as optimised turn-in
can be further accentuated: the vehicle
minimises the lateral instability of the
Lateral roll is counteracted by forces
and stable load transfer characteristics.
holds the road even better and delivers
vehicle on uneven ground.
generated at each individual wheel, based
even sportier performance.
on steering angle and lateral acceleration.
In simple terms, the tyres and vehicle hold the road better and you can steer through corners faster and in a more relaxed manner. PDCC sets standards for handling
It’s easy, and even makes sense, to carry
performance, ride comfort and driving
on in your usual way, but what happens
pleasure. In the 911, your ‘usual’
if a sudden change of direction leaves
way suddenly becomes the Porsche way.
you thrown off course? Then, it all comes down to personal strength. A Porsche has a clear sense of purpose and is the embodiment of strength. It demonstrates this with sporty and precise handling and excellent road holding.
Rapid cornering in the 911 Carrera without PDCC (illustrative example)
Rapid cornering in the 911 Carrera S with PDCC (illustrative example)
Temperament | Chassis and body
Electromechanical power steering.
electromechanical power steering. Statis
As far as the other 10 % is concerned, we’re
Power steering Plus.
tics show that a car drives in a straight
optimally prepared as the steering system
Another possible definition of efficiency
line 90 % of the time. Unlike conventional
is typically Porsche. It features a variable
is a system that works only when it is
hydraulic pumps, the electric motor uses
steering ratio and responds sensitively
power-steering system, is available as an
needed, and then does so in a particularly
energy only when the steering wheel is
and directly at the same time as providing
option for the 911 Carrera models. At high
effective way. This was the guiding principle for our engineers in the development of the
Power steering Plus, the comfort-enhancing
actually turned. The absence of hydraulic
customary agility, a high level of comfort
speeds, the steering is as firm extreme
fluid also makes the system more
and precisely selected feedback from the
precision while steering comfort remains
beneficial to the environment.
road. Our definition of efficient.
as high. At low speeds, the steering ratio
Every day can be sports day. Additional performance enhancement systems.
of Power steering Plus adjusts for much easier manoeuvring and parking.
SPORT button.
sooner. In addition, coasting mode and the auto start/stop function are automati
Fitted as standard, the SPORT button
cally deactivated. If fitted, the optional
enables you to select a suspension setup
sports exhaust system is also activated
where the emphasis is on either comfort
or sporty performance. At the push of a button, the electronic engine management system switches the engine mapping to
Sport Chrono Package.
offer an even sharper response and engine dynamics that are more direct.
The Sport Chrono Package including dynamic engine mounts is available
In vehicles with Porsche Doppelkupplung
as an option. This integrated system
(PDK), upshifts take place at higher
provides simultaneous enhancement for
engine speeds and downshifts happen
the chassis, engine and transmission.
Temperament | Chassis and body
Dynamic engine mounts.
Included in the package are a performance
On activation of SPORT PLUS mode,
In SPORT PLUS mode, the trigger thresh
In combination with PDK, the Sport
The second function is the ‘motorsport-
display, a digital and an analogue stop
Porsche Active Suspension Management
old for PSM is raised. Agility is perceptibly
Chrono Package has two additional
derived gearshift strategy’. Using this,
watch and the SPORT PLUS button. An
(PASM) and, in the 911 Carrera S models,
enhanced when braking for corners with
functions for a sporty drive that borders
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) is geared
You don’t have to take the 911 onto the
additional display in the steering wheel
optional Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control
PSM, allowing sportier braking and exit
on a motorsport experience. The first
up for extremely short shift times and
and instrument cluster indicates whether
(PDCC) switch to a harder damping set
acceleration. For maximum dexterity, PSM
is ‘Launch Control’, which can be used
the SPORT buttons and Launch Control
ting and offer more direct steering and,
can be set to standby while the car is
have been activated.
therefore, better road holding.
still in SPORT PLUS mode. For safety, it is set to intervene automatically only
Our engineers have solved this problem
field. For the driver, the results are tangi
by enabling the engine mounts to adapt
ble. Handling is perceptibly more stable
their stiffness and damping properties to
under load change conditions and in
racetrack. But you can, more so than
changes in driving style and road surface
fast corners. Whenever a less assertive
optimum shift points for the maximum
ever, because dynamic engine mounts
conditions. This has been achieved by
driving style is adopted, the dynamic
on the track to achieve the best possible
acceleration available. This combination
are now included as part of the Sport
use of a fluid with magnetic properties in
engine mounts provide a higher level of
standing start – a racing start.
of uncompromising and involving perfor
Chrono Package.
interaction with an electrically generated
mance is ideal for the racetrack.
when ABS assistance is required on both the front wheels.
The electronically controlled system mini A key component of the Sport Chrono
mises the oscillations and vibrations of the
Package is the stopwatch mounted on
entire drive train, especially the engine,
the dashboard. In conjunction with the
and combines the benefits of a hard or
optional PCM, a special performance
soft engine mounting arrangement.
display enables you to view, store and evaluate lap times or other driving
A hard engine mounting delivers optimum
times. It shows the total driving time,
dynamic performance because it offers
lap distance, lap number and lap times
the highest degree of handling precision
recorded so far.
possible. Soft engine mounts, on the other hand, minimise oscillations and
A feature of the Sport Chrono Package
vibrations. While comfort is improved on
borrowed from motorsport is the dynamic
uneven road surfaces, this comes at
engine mounts. These exploit the laws
the expense of dynamic performance.
of physics for your own driving pleasure.
Temperament | Chassis and body
The S models are equipped with light-
The large tyre size improves both ride
Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM).
Porsche Stability Management (PSM).
actual direction of travel at any given
optional Sport Chrono Package is selected,
requires ABS assistance. ABS and ABD, however, remain active at all times.
alloy 20-inch Carrera S wheels as
comfort and track performance. Rolling
moment. If the car begins to oversteer or
the PSM threshold is raised to allow a
The 911 Carrera models are equipped
standard. The visual effect is sporty and
resistance, dry braking distances and tyre
Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM) is avail
As standard, the 911 Carrera models are
understeer, PSM applies selective braking
sportier driving style.
with 19-inch Carrera wheels as standard.
dynamic. The tyres are slightly wider
weight are all comparatively low, thereby
able on request. This safety system sends
equipped with enhanced Porsche Stability
on individual wheels to restore stability.
These are lightweight alloys featuring a
to cope with the increased power output
helping to reduce fuel consumption.
warnings to the on-board computer’s
Management (PSM), which maintains sta
classic sporty design. Tyre sizes are
of these models: 245/35 ZR 20 at the
display screen in the event of low tyre
bility even at the limits of dynamic driving
235/40 ZR 19 and 285/35 ZR 19 at the
front, 295/30 ZR 20 at the rear. All-wheel-
A selection of 20-inch wheels is available
pressure or a gradual or sudden loss
performance. Sensors continuously moni
front and rear, respectively. All-wheel-
drive models have 305/30 ZR 20 tyres
in our range of options.
of pressure. The individual pressures
drive models are fitted with even wider
at the rear.
295/35 ZR 19 tyres at the rear.
PSM therefore offers a high level of For an even more dynamic experience,
driving stability and safety combined
Under acceleration on wet or low-grip
you always have the option to deactivate
with extraordinary agility. It’s an
road surfaces, PSM improves traction
PSM. It is automatically reactivated,
apparent contradiction in terms, but an
tor the direction, speed, yaw velocity and
using the automatic brake differential
for your safety, only if you brake harder
intrinsic part of the Porsche identity.
in all four tyres can be displayed in the
lateral acceleration of the car. Using this
(ABD) and anti-slip regulation (ASR).
and either of the front wheels (in SPORT
instrument cluster.
information, PSM is able to calculate the
When the SPORT PLUS mode of the
PLUS mode, both of the front wheels)
19-inch Carrera wheel (standard on the 911 Carrera models)
20-inch Carrera S wheel (standard on the 911 S models)
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet with 20-inch Carrera Classic wheels
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 70
Temperament | Chassis and body
Attack the corners. Maintain good posture. Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV) and Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus).
PTV in conjunction with the manual gear
To be more precise, this means that when
PTV Plus, it is regulated electronically and
box, or PTV Plus with Porsche Doppel-
the car is driven assertively into a corner,
the torque distribution is infinitely varia
kupplung (PDK), are available as options
moderate brake pressure is applied to the
ble. Whichever system is fitted, it interacts
for the 911 Carrera models and standard
inside rear wheel. Consequently, a greater
with Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
in the 911 Carrera S models. Both systems
amount of drive force is distributed to the
to improve driving stability on a range of
actively enhance vehicle dynamics and
outside rear wheel, inducing an additional
surface conditions, including the wet and
stability. Operating in conjunction with a
rotational pulse (yaw movement) around
mechanical (PTV) or electronic (PTV Plus)
the vehicle’s vertical axis. This results in
rear differential lock, they work by
a direct and sporty steering action as the
For the driver, this means remarkable
braking the rear wheels as the situation
car enters the corner.
stability, easier handling and outstanding
traction as well as greater agility at every At low and medium vehicle speeds, PTV
speed with precise steering and stable
As a function of steering angle and steering
and PTV Plus significantly increase agility
load transfer characteristics. What else?
speed, accelerator pedal position, yaw
and steering precision. At high speeds
Unrivalled driving pleasure at every twist
rate and vehicle speed, PTV and PTV Plus
and when accelerating out of corners,
and turn.
are able to improve steering response
the rear differential lock ensures greater
and steering precision by specific braking
driving stability. With PTV, the differential
of the right or left rear wheel.
lock is regulated mechanically; with
discerning foresighted
intuitive uncompromising tenaciousComposure
precise controlled
Composure | Safety
Control, discipline, precision. At Porsche, we take driving pleasure very seriously. Safety.
On the S models, we have fitted larger
and enables a more rapid response and
brakes and more brake pistons to cope
release of the brake even under extreme
Another crucial piece of the Porsche
with the higher engine power of these
loads. The pedal travel is short and
identity is the brakes. We value them as
models. Consequently, they feature red
the biting point precise. The brake discs
highly as we do our engines and chassis.
six-piston monobloc aluminium fixed
are cross-drilled for better performance
They set standards for deceleration and
brake calipers at the front and four-piston
in the wet.
stability, and give the driver the reassur
aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at
ance needed to push the car to the limits
the rear. The brake disc diameter is
Other benefits of the standard braking
of its performance.
340 mm at the front and 330 mm at the
system include the anti-lock braking
rear. The results are enhanced braking
system (ABS), designed to keep deceler
performance and stability.
ation constant. Pedal effort is reduced
The 911 Carrera base models are fitted front and rear with anodised black four-
Standard brake system on the 911 Carrera models
and braking response improved by an
piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers.
On all models, the brake calipers have
8-/9-inch tandem vacuum brake booster.
All brake discs have a diameter of 330 mm.
an enclosed monobloc construction.
In the S models, brake disc cooling is
This makes them tougher but lighter
further enhanced by modified air spoilers.
Standard brake system on the 911 Carrera S models
Composure | Safety
What we’ve discovered from over 30,000 racing victories: Brake later, finish sooner.
From the start, Porsche has been
motor racing and is fitted in cars that
The use of six-piston aluminium monobloc
performance and fuel economy, this
synonymous with motorsport. Ever since
compete in demanding events such as
brake calipers on the front axle and four-
represents a major reduction in unsprung
1948, when we found our identity on
the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup.
piston units at the rear – all finished in
and rotating masses. The consequence
yellow – ensures extremely high brake
of this is better road holding and
the racetrack, we have taken the experi
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB).
ence we have gained and applied it to
The cross-drilled PCCB ceramic brake
forces which, crucially, are exceptionally
increased comfort, particularly on uneven
the road. The optional Porsche Ceramic
discs for the 911 Carrera have a diame
roads, as well as greater agility and
Composite Brake (PCCB) is a fine example.
ter of 350 mm front and rear for even
This brake system has already had to
more formidable braking performance.
cope with the harshest requirements of
improved handling. PCCB enables shorter braking distances in even the toughest road and race
Please note that circuit racing, track
conditions. Excellent fade resistance
day use and other forms of performance
ensures greater balance when slowing
driving can significantly reduce the
from racetrack speeds.
service life of even the most durable brake pads and discs.
The key advantage of PCCB is the extremely low weight of the ceramic
As with conventional high-performance
brake discs, which are approximately
braking systems, we recommend that
50 % lighter than standard discs of similar
all brake components be professionally
design and size. As well as enhancing
inspected and replaced where necessary after every track event.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 78
Composure | Safety
Electric parking brake.
In addition to the central airbag control unit on the transmission tunnel, a pair
The electric parking brake, which you
of impact sensors are located near the
can activate and deactivate manually,
headlights. This allows a crash to be
releases automatically as you pull away.
Porsche Side Impact Protection System (POSIP).
each side. An integral thorax airbag is
Cabriolet roll-over protection concept.
located in each seat side bolster, while the door panels each contain an upwards-
Despite their low weight, the 911 Carrera
Coupé or Cabriolet, the 911 models are
inflating head airbag. Each thorax airbag
Cabriolet models have exemplary torsional
detected and evaluated far sooner and
equipped as standard with the Porsche
has a volume of 10 litres and each head
rigidity and flexural strength. Body flexing
with considerably greater accuracy.
Side Impact Protection System (POSIP).
airbag 15 litres, ensuring excellent pro
is minimal, even on the most poorly sur
With the hill-hold function, you can
It comprises side impact protection ele
tection in the event of a side impact.
faced roads.
pull away without ever rolling back.
ments in the doors and two airbags on
The system automatically detects when
Increased protection is provided by an
the vehicle has come to a halt on an
automatically deploying roll-over protec
uphill gradient requiring intervention.
tion system if the car were to overturn.
PSM then maintains the brake pressure
Two spring-loaded roll-over bars are
at all four wheels to prevent the vehicle
neatly incorporated behind the rear
from moving in the opposite direction.
seats. The roll-over sensor continuously monitors the car’s pitch and roll, contact with the road, as well as lateral and
longitudinal forces. If the car were to overturn, the roll-over bars would be
The 911 Carrera models offer advanced
deployed instantly.
airbag technology in the form of full-size driver and front passenger airbags, which are inflated in two stages depending on the severity and type of accident (e.g. frontal or offset frontal). In less serious accidents, the airbags are only partially inflated, thereby minimising discomfort to the occupants.
Composure | Safety
To see something coming, experience helps. So does forward-looking technology.
The 911 Carrera models are equipped
switch on automatically, alerting following
the vehicle. PDLS takes care of this
Another feature of PDLS is the adverse
as standard with Bi-Xenon headlights
traffic more quickly to a critical situation.
automatically in two stages. Stage 1 is
weather function, activated whenever the
the basic position for driving in city traffic,
rear fog light is switched on. It reduces
including a headlight cleaning system
and dynamic range control. With dipped
The lighting system features an automa
for example. Stage 2 is designed for
the effect of reflection phenomena in
or main beam, the road ahead is
tic switch-off and the ‘Welcome Home’
driving at faster speeds, such as on the
poor visibility conditions to avoid the risk
illuminated more uniformly.
function. It’s good to know what’s around
motorway. Above 130 km/h, the range
of the driver being dazzled.
the next corner or on the way to your
is adapted again.
The LED front light units incorporate
front door.
direction indicators, daytime running lights and position lights.
Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS). Automatic headlight activation is also included as standard. The moment it gets
The Porsche Dynamic Light System
dark, the daytime running lights switch
(PDLS) is available as an option.
off and the dipped beam headlights switch on automatically.
Its dynamic cornering light function swivels the headlights towards the inside
Cutting edge LED technology is also
of a bend, based on steering angle and
used for the taillights, the high-level third
road speed, in order to illuminate more
brake light, the licence plate illumination,
of the road at tight bends and turns.
the rear direction indicators, the rear fog
Put simply, the road ahead is illuminated
light and – on all-wheel-drive models –
the moment you enter a bend.
the rear light strip. LEDs provide better
Front night-time lighting
Rear night-time lighting
illumination and respond more quickly
The system also offers speed-sensitive
to driver input. In the event of sudden
headlight range control. With adaptive
braking, the adaptive LED brake lights
light systems, it is possible for the maxi
begin to pulsate. If the vehicle is braked
mum range of the dipped beams to be
to a halt, the hazard warning lights will
increased as a function of the speed of Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS) cornering lights
Composure | Comfort
Our identity is found under the bonnet, in the design and behind the steering wheel. Comfort.
Driving a 911 is first and foremost about
the feel of the road in the original,
Our materials are high quality with a sporty character. The steering wheel rim,
unadulterated and direct sense. Is it
Engineering and style – and Porsche
door pulls and armrests are in leather, for
possible, then, to mention the 911 and
identity on the inside, as demonstrated
instance. Alcantara has proven its worth
comfort in the same breath? To speak
by the ascending centre console. In
in motorsport and is used as standard
of systems that make driving ‘more
typical Porsche fashion, the use of form
for the rooflining of the Coupé models.
agreeable’, or of materials that feel
follows a basic principle: focus on the
‘pleasant’ to the touch? Good question.
driver. This is why the distance between
In addition to the choice of Black,
the gear lever or selector and steering
Platinum Grey, Luxor Beige and Yachting
wheel is extremely short and the operat
Blue for the interior, there is a wide
be forced to choose one over the other?
ing logic, such as that of the two-zone
range of other personalisation options
Let’s introduce ourselves to the concept
air conditioning system or the suspension
available, including two-tone colour
of sporty comfort – dynamic performance
settings, is clear and uncomplicated.
combinations or special colours and
that maintains composure even when
You shouldn’t have to browse one sub
materials such as carbon, aluminium
pushed to the extreme.
menu after another. You should instead
or high-quality wood.
In reality, however, should anyone really
be able to concentrate on what’s important: the road.
Composure | Comfort
Engineering that takes you forward:
Another element of the Porsche identity
playback combined with an impressive
821 watts, it ensures an incredible audio
optional Porsche Communication
is sound. Fitted as standard, the CDR
spatial sound.
Management (PCM) with navigation
audio system with 7-inch colour touch
module and a high-resolution 7-inch
screen and the Sound Package Plus offer
No system promises such high standards
colour touchscreen. PCM is your
outstanding performance with a total
control centre for audio, navigation and communication functions.
The instrument cluster with a high-
system, and reminds you of your selected
resolution 4.6-inch TFT colour screen
communication and audio settings. You
Sporty not kitsch, practical not fanciful.
provides you with a continuous stream
can also use it to carry out individual
Our patented integral subwoofer enhances
The five circular instruments have one
of data from the on-board computer,
vehicle settings.
in the 911, and fulfils them, as the
the bass performance of both optional
purpose above all: to provide information.
such as trip mileage, journey time or
output of 235 watts. Available as an
optional High-End Surround Sound System
sound systems and also saves weight.
They do so efficiently and accurately.
average fuel consumption. It also dis
option is the BOSE® Surround Sound
from Burmester ®, the bespoke manufac
Typically Porsche.
Their styling is typically Porsche with the
plays the navigation system map, delivers
System with a total output of 445 watts.
turer based in Berlin and one of the most
rev counter exactly where you would
various warnings, including alerts from
In short, it delivers powerful audio
respected premium audio manufacturers
Ergonomics, style and sound. Sports car
expect it to be: in the middle.
the Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM)
worldwide. With a total output of
technology, intelligently combined.
Instruments in the 911 Carrera S with silver-coloured rev counter
TFT display
Composure | Comfort
In the 911, there is a point at which all
Sports steering wheel.
forces come together. The steering wheel
thumbwheels for convenient operation
In conjunction with PDK, the steering
SportDesign steering wheel.
In conjunction with PDK, the steering
and PDK shifts down. When PDK has
Steering wheel heating.
of audio, telephone and navigation
wheels are equipped with two ergonomic
wheel features two gearshift paddles.
been combined with the optional Sport
is the most important interface between
The sports steering wheel is fitted as
functions, TFT display and on-board
gearshift switches enabling you to
As with the sports steering wheel, the
These are made from a strong alloy and
Chrono Package, the left- and right-hand
For increased comfort on cold days,
the driver and the sports car. This is
standard and adjusts up to 40 mm for
computer. On request, the steering
change gear directly from the steering
optional SportDesign steering wheel
are ergonomically located behind the
spokes additionally feature a display
steering wheel heating is available as
why all available steering wheels feature
height and up to 60 mm for reach.
wheel is available in smooth-finish leather,
wheel. With the optional Sport Chrono
is adjustable for both height and reach
left- and right-hand steering wheel
that tells you whether the SPORT,
an option for the sports steering wheel
carbon or mahogany.
and multifunction steering wheels.
a high-grip steering wheel rim in smooth-
Package, the steering wheel also features
and, thanks to its grip mouldings, it’s
spokes. Pull the right-hand paddle and
SPORT PLUS and Launch Control functions
finish leather and offer outstanding
The optional multifunction steering
a display above the airbag module
in safe hands – even on the sportiest
PDK shifts up. Pull the left-hand paddle
have been activated.
ergonomics. A full-size airbag is integrated
wheel has four function buttons and two
to inform you whether the SPORT,
of drives.
as standard.
Sports steering wheel
The heating is operated by a button
SPORT PLUS and Launch Control functions
on the rear of the lower steering wheel
have been activated.
Multifunction steering wheel in conjunction with PDK
SportDesign steering wheel with gearshift paddles
SportDesign steering wheel
Composure | Comfort
The ideal basis for any relationship: Support as well as freedom.
The sports seats in partial leather
Seat heating and ventilation.
Sports bucket seats featuring a folding
Seat heating is available as an option
request. A slipstream effect is produced
ISOFIX child seat preparation including
backrest, integral thorax airbag and
for all seats (except for sports bucket
by active ventilation of the perforated
top tether is available on the rear seats
manual fore/aft adjustment are available
seats). Seats are heated in the squab,
seat centre and backrest and by passive
as standard. On request, we can equip
as optional equipment. The seat shells
the backrest and, for the front seats,
aeration at the side bolsters. This evapo
the front passenger seat with ISOFIX child
are made from glass- and carbon-fibre
the side bolsters.
rates perspiration moisture and therefore
seat preparation and integrate an airbag
reinforced plastic (CFRP) with a carbon
makes for a dry and pleasant seating
deactivation feature.
surface finish.
environment, even in hot weather.
In conjunction with seat heating, we can
have a firmer, sportier padding and offer
the steering wheel, lights, wipers, air
fore/aft adjustment and four-way lumbar
even better lateral support. The backrest
conditioning, door locks, optional PCM,
support. The steering column is also
shell is finished in Silver Grey.
and instrument cluster.
electrically adjustable.
Rear seats. The rear seats are remarkably comforta
are comfortable and provide support
ble for a sports car and the shelf behind
even during performance driving.
In addition, the side bolsters on the seat
offers additional storage space. With
squab and backrest are independently
the backrests folded down, the luggage
Fully electric sports seats.
Adaptive sports seats Plus.
adjustable for added comfort on long
compartment volume in the 911 Carrera
adjustment and mechanical fore/aft
If you don’t want to sacrifice sportiness
The optional adaptive sports seats Plus
journeys and precision lateral support
Coupé models increases to 260 litres
for comfort, the optional fully electric
are the ideal combination of sport
on winding roads. Also included is the
and, with a capacity of 160 litres availa
sports seats offer fully electric adjustment
and comfort. Finished in leather and
personal memory for all seat positions
ble, the 911 Carrera Cabriolet models
of seat height, backrest angle, squab angle,
with side bolsters having a firm, sporty
(apart from the side bolsters) and lumbar
offer plenty of space for luggage, too.
squab depth, fore/aft position, four-way
padding, they also feature shoulder
support on the driver’s side as well as
lumbar support and even the steering
supports for the best possible hold.
the positions of the steering wheel and
They are equipped as standard with electric seat height and backrest
Sports seats Plus. Available as an option are sports seats
Plus in leather with electric seat height
exterior mirrors. The memory function Offering 18-way electric adjustment,
also supports settings for the steering
and backrest adjustment as well as
The integrated memory package supports
the seats can be optimally adapted to
wheel, lights, wipers, air conditioning,
mechanical fore/aft adjustment. The side
the exterior mirrors and all seat positions
meet your needs in terms of seat height,
door locks, optional PCM, and instru
bolsters on the squab and backrest
on the driver’s side as well as settings for
squab and backrest angle, squab length,
ment cluster.
Child seats.*
equip the seats with seat ventilation on
Sports seats.
Sports bucket seats.*
Sports bucket seat
Sports bucket seat folded down
* Child seats must not be used with the sports bucket seats.
Composure | Comfort
Many things have practical qualities. Even more have a sporty function. And some are just extremely convenient.
Adaptive cruise control with Porsche Active Safe (PAS).1)
Additional comfort and convenience features.
front because it is driving more slowly, this is detected by the radar sensor.
other vehicle decelerates further, adaptive
contact with the brake discs. However,
cruise control will continue to reduce
drivers still have to perform heavier
your cruising speed – even down to a halt.
braking themselves.
Available as an option, this cruise control
The system now reduces the speed
function regulates your speed according
of your vehicle at a maximum rate of
For additional safety, if the system
As soon as the road ahead clears again,
to the distance between your vehicle and
3.5 m/sec by restricting the throttle
detects that the distance from the
your vehicle will accelerate back up to
the vehicle in front. A radar sensor moni
or gently applying the brakes, until
vehicle in front is decreasing, it will also
the cruising speed originally set.
tors the road ahead up to a distance of
the distance that you have preset is
prepare your vehicle for braking by
200 m. If you have set a cruising speed
maintained. Your vehicle will now
precharging the braking system so that
If your vehicle approaches the vehicle
but have begun to gain on the vehicle in
continue at a reduced speed. If the
the brake pads are already in light
in front too quickly, Porsche Active Safe
(PAS) will issue audible and visual warn
Climate control.
A demister function keeps the windows
Light design package.
clear in cold weather. In warmer weather,
A customisable delayed switch-off timer
ings. In addition, the system briefly jerks
keeps the daytime running lights, the
the brakes and if necessary initiates
The 911 models feature two-zone auto
a solar sensor helps the climate control
The optional light design package is both
taillights and, where applicable, the
target braking, with any braking pressure
matic climate control as standard with
to detect strong sunlight and automatically
practical and aesthetically appealing.
courtesy lights switched on until you
applied by the driver being increased
an enhanced ventilation effect and sepa
compensate for the comfort of both the
It comprises dimmable LEDs in the over
reach your front door.
within certain system limits.
rate temperature controls for the driver
driver and front passenger.
head console and in the areas of the
and front passenger. The available air
door pulls, door storage compartments,
conditioning modes are gentle, normal and strong.
front footwells and rear seats.
HomeLink® (programmable garage door opener).
This automatic speed control function is
‘Welcome Home’ lighting.
An active carbon filter traps particles,
Cruise control.
available as an option. For greater driver
pollen and odours and an automatic
As an option, it is possible to have
air-recirculation function permanently
a programmable garage door opener
For convenience, particularly at night,
comfort on long stretches of road, cruise control operates in the 30–240 km/h
monitors air quality, reduces humidity
integrated into the overhead console.
the ‘Welcome Home’ lighting function
speed range and is activated using a but
and switches from fresh to recirculated
At the push of a button, it controls up
automatically switches on the LED day
ton on the steering column control stalk.
air when required.
to three different garage doors, lighting
time running lights for a defined period
systems or alarm systems.
whenever the vehicle is opened or closed using the key remote. 1)
Available from November 2012 at the earliest.
Radar sensor of adaptive cruise control
Adaptive cruise control display
Composure | Comfort
Slide/tilt sunroof.
Exterior mirrors and rear-view mirror.
Luggage compartment.
The electrically adjustable slide/tilt sun
Electrically adjustable exterior mirrors
roof is available as optional equipment
are fitted as standard. Electrically folding
An auto-dimming function for the rear-
The luggage compartment volume in the
ParkAssist is fitted as standard in the
911 models is 135 litres – 125 litres on
for all 911 Carrera models. It opens out
exterior mirrors with courtesy lighting
view mirror and exterior mirrors, with
911 Carrera Cabriolet models and is
the 911 Carrera all-wheel-drive models.
available as an option for the 911 Carrera
wards so that it does not interfere with
on both sides of the vehicle are available
headroom. Another advantage of the
as an option. By illuminating the area in
an integrated rain sensor for the wind
The luggage compartment is fully trimmed
Coupé models. Featuring four inconspicuous
screen wipers, is available as an option.
in scratch-resistant materials.
sensors in the rear end, the system
front of the doors, they make it easier to find your way in the dark.
novel design is the large aperture for
audibly alerts the driver to the presence
increased driving pleasure under the
of obstacles detected behind the vehicle.
open sky.
Roof transport system.
The two-position net-type wind deflector
Available as an option for the Coupé
protects against draught and further
models, the roof transport system in
An enhanced version of ParkAssist, with
reduces wind noise.
aluminium is aerodynamically efficient,
four sensors in the front end, is available
very lightweight and easy to fit. A range
as an option. The audible alert is supple
of attachments is available, such as a
mented by a visual warning in the central
roof box, a bike carrier or a ski/snow
display screen, which shows a graphical
board carrier. Maximum roof load is
representation of the vehicle from over
75 kg.
An intermittent warning tone increases in rapidity as the obstacle is approached.
Glass slide/tilt sunroof. The electrically adjustable slide/tilt sun roof is also available in tinted singleglazed safety glass. An integral electric sunblind provides shade from unwanted bright light. It is available in five different colours. The design, headroom and aper ture of the glass roof are identical to those of the regular slide/tilt sunroof. The only difference is that, even when closed, the glass sunroof still gives you that open-to-the-sky feeling.
Composure | Comfort
Porsche Entry & Drive.
luggage compartment lid unlocks. The
Anti-theft protection.
engine can then be started and switched With the optional Porsche Entry & Drive,
Preparation for Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (PVTS).
off using the electronic ignition switch.
All 911 Carrera models are equipped as standard with an immobiliser with in-key
Available as an option, this preparation
As soon as you grab the door handle
To lock the vehicle, you simply press the
transponder and an alarm system with
enables future installation of the Porsche
or approach the luggage compartment,
button on the outside of the door handle.
radar-based interior surveillance. The
Vehicle Tracking System (PVTS) available
the system automatically checks the
Porsche Entry & Drive then locks the
system secures the doors, luggage com
from Porsche Tequipment. The system
encrypted access code on the key. Once
vehicle and activates the engine immobi
partment, passenger compartment and
makes it possible to locate a stolen
the key is validated, the door or the
liser and steering column lock.
ignition lock.
vehicle across most of the countries
you can leave your car key in your pocket.
Identity is to do with where you come from. Sometimes, it’s also to do with where you want to be. Audio and communication.
of Europe. The preparation package includes a special wiring loom and a tilt sensor for the alarm system.
CDR audio system.
On request, the CDR audio system can be combined with the BOSE® Surround
Fitted as standard, the CDR audio system
Sound System or Burmester ® High-End
features a 7-inch colour monitor that also
Surround Sound System.
acts as a touchscreen, giving you quick and easy access to the most important functions and menus. The integrated CD radio supports MP3 playback and features an FM dual tuner with RDS, 30 memory presets, dynamic autostore and speed-sensitive volume control.
CDR audio system
Composure | Comfort
Sound Package Plus.
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including navigation module.
The Sound Package Plus is fitted as
The main feature is the intuitive 7-inch
Radio functions include up to 42 memory
via the USB port. You can also transfer
touchscreen. Alternatively, you can choose
presets and an FM dual tuner frequency
up to 10,000 tracks in MP3 format to
to operate PCM using conventional rotary
diversity with RDS, which continuously
the internal hard drive (or Jukebox)1) of
standard. The system comprises a
Porsche Communication Management
pushbutton controls. With a maximum of
scans in the background for the best
the PCM and play them from there. Pod
separate amplifier with a total output
(PCM) is available as an option for the
five list items per page, the screen dis
signal, and a dynamic autostore.
casts and audiobooks are recognised
of 235 watts, seven amplifier channels
911 models. Powerful, multifunctional
play is very clearly presented. A useful
and nine loudspeakers, all of which
and easy to use, PCM is your control
help function is displayed at the foot of
The DVD-audio drive plays CDs and audio
Further details are available from your
combine to create the perfect interior
centre for audio, navigation and commu
the screen.
DVDs and is MP3-compatible. Audio play
Porsche Centre.
sound experience.
nication functions.
and played and cover art is displayed.
back of video DVDs is also supported. A six-disc CD/DVD autochanger integrated
The navigation module in PCM features
into PCM is available as an option.
a high-speed hard drive and allows you to choose between a 2D display and a 3D
The standard-fitted universal audio inter
perspective. In some regions, it is possi
face (AUX) in the glove compartment
ble to display the terrain (with an overlaid
enables you to connect your iPod ® or
satellite map) and buildings in 3D. Split
any audio source. Recharging is also
screen mode enables you to view two
supported. Once connected, your iPod ®
functions at once, such as the current
or USB stick is then conveniently and
navigation map and a list of symbols that
safely operated via the PCM, the optional
represent the next driving manoeuvre.
multifunction steering wheel or the optional voice control system.
The navigation module also has a dynam ic route guidance function which takes
You can download the performance dis
into account official traffic messages
play data from the Sport Chrono Package
(TMC) and additional traffic flow sensors
and data from the electronic logbook
(TMC Pro).2)
1) 2)
Universal audio interface
Available from November 2012 at the earliest. T MC Pro is currently available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including navigation module
Composure | Comfort
Voice control system.
route distance, date, time, starting
model, this gives access not only to the
Mobile phone preparation.
Online services.3)
location and destination. Data can be
numbers on the SIM card, but also to the
If you require route guidance, need to
downloaded to a USB stick and evaluated
phone’s internal memory. Depending on
To enable a Bluetooth ® connection for
The free AHA Radio app enables you to
make a phone call or want to listen to the
on your home PC using the software
the phone, it can also be controlled using
those mobile phones that only support
listen to internet radio, news feeds, pod
radio, then why not just say so? Almost
supplied. The software fulfils all statutory
PCM, the optional multifunction steering
the Handsfree Profile (HFP),1) an optional
casts and audiobooks on the PCM via
all of the functions of PCM can be con
requirements for automatic logbooks
wheel or the optional voice control system,
mobile phone preparation is available. It
your smartphone. You can also receive
trolled using the optional voice control
as specified by the German revenue
without it ever leaving your pocket.
enables you to leave your mobile phone
local information, e.g. weather reports,
system with word-by-word input. In the
tucked away. The CDR audio system and
in the form of voice announcements.
majority of cases, you can simply say
The telephone module also enables you
PCM are able to control only the basic
Points of Interest can be searched for
the name of the menu item as seen on
to establish a Bluetooth ® link with those
functions of the mobile phone. The GSM
and then transferred to the navigation
mobile phones that only support the
connection is established through the
system as destinations. Internet content
Handsfree Profile (HFP). In this case, the
aerial of the mobile phone.1)
the screen. The voice control system
Telephone module.
understands complete addresses when entered as navigation destinations, as
The optional quadband GSM telephone
GSM connection is always established
well as phonebook entries and the names
module offers convenience and excellent
through the aerial of the mobile phone.1)
of radio stations. Even lists can be
reception. By inserting a SIM card directly
PCM acts as a hands-free system and
browsed by voice command. For added
into the PCM’s integral SIM card reader,
you can leave the mobile phone tucked
convenience, there is no need to ‘train’
calls can be made using the hands-free
the system.
facility. For even more convenience, the
Electronic logbook.
is received via your smartphone but you operate everything from the PCM. Online services can only be used in conjunction
TV tuner.
with the standard-fitted universal audio interface (iPhone) or the optional mobile
The optional TV tuner is capable of
phone preparation or telephone module
receiving unencrypted analogue and
(Android phones). The AHA Radio app can
Bluetooth ® capability of a mobile phone
On request, a cordless handset for the
digital television broadcasts (DVB-T)2)
be obtained from iTunes and the Android
can be used to make calls via the SIM
telephone module is also available. Stored
to provide entertainment between jour
Access Profile (SAP).1) Once automatic
in the centre console storage compartment,
neys. For your safety, the TV picture is switched off while the car is in motion.
pairing is complete, the mobile phone’s
it features a display and keypad. However,
An electronic logbook is available for
aerial is switched off to conserve battery
the handset cannot be used for Bluetooth ®
PCM as an option. It enables automatic
charge and the phone operates via the
links established using the Handsfree
logging on every journey of mileage,
car aerial. Depending on the mobile phone
Profile (HFP).
ee notes on page 130. S In MPEG-2 format. Available from November 2012 at the earliest. 4) In order to use AHA Radio services with the optional telephone module, the HFP function must be activated in PCM. 1)
2) 3)
TV tuner
Composure | Comfort
When you are seeking a sporting challenge, you need the right soundtrack. BOSE ® Surround Sound System.
The sound of a Porsche is a unique char
In combination with Porsche Communica
The BOSE® -patented AudioPilot ® noise
acteristic, and we’re not referring only to
tion Management (PCM), the BOSE®
compensation technology uses a micro
the engine. The optional BOSE Surround
Surround Sound System enables audio
phone to continuously measure the
Sound System was specially developed for
playback of DVDs and is thus able to
ambient noise inside the vehicle and
the 911 and is therefore perfectly tuned
make full use of the impressive sound
adapts music playback instantly and
to the car’s specific interior acoustics.
spectrum of 5.1 digital recordings. Of
automatically so that a consistent sound
course, you can still play other audio
is maintained – whatever the driving
It has a total output of 445 watts and
sources, such as CDs and MP3s, in stereo
comprises 8 amplifier channels, 12 loud
or, at the push of a button, in one of
speakers and a patented integral 100-
the virtual surround modes generated by
The result is a powerful sound and
watt active subwoofer. The combined
BOSE Centerpoint 2.
captivating 360° acoustic experience.
effect is a balanced acoustic pattern that transforms your 911 into a fast-moving
Cue the applause.
concert hall.
Composure | Comfort
An opera in a world of soap operas. Burmester® High-End Surround Sound System.
When two iconic German manufacturers
amplifier, a total diaphragm surface area
The tweeters are ribbon-based air motion
about the visual as it is the audio.
join forces, the result is special. We’re
of more than 1,340 cm², and a frequency
transformers (AMT) that have been
Typically Porsche.
referring to Porsche and Berlin-based
response of 35 Hz to 20 kHz.
designed specifically for the 911. For
Burmester ®, one of the most respected
unmistakably fine, clear and undistorted
manufacturers of high-end audio equip
For the first time in a 911, Burmester ®
high-frequency sound reproduction with
ment worldwide, and the Burmester ®
has introduced the patented integral
excellent level stability. All loudspeaker
High-End Surround Sound System.
subwoofer, which replaces the familiar
housings are perfectly matched and deliver
The technologies behind the system are
separate subwoofer and loudspeaker
superior bass foundation, definition and
based on the finest premium home audio
arrangement of other systems. This saves
impulse accuracy. As yet unequalled
systems Burmester ® has to offer.
weight and has a beneficial impact on
in the 911, the result is a natural and
The system owes its eminence to count
acoustic performance.
richly textured spatial sound even at
less details, and one goal: perfection in sound.
top volume. Crossover technology has been carried over more or less unmodified from the
The pure, sporty design with galvanised
The system has 12 amplifier channels
home audio sector. Analogue and digital
surrounds and Burmester ® logos on
with a total output of more than 821
filters have been optimally defined for
selected loudspeakers make it clear that
watts, 12 loudspeakers including an
their new installation location and finely
the appeal of the Burmester ® High-End
active subwoofer with 300-watt class D
tuned after extensive in-car audio testing.
Surround Sound System is as much
Cue the encore.
optimistic spirited
Responsibility alert agile intelligent
Responsibility | Motorsport
It’s hard to say what’s been our most emotional moment on the racetrack. We have more than 60 years’ worth of them. Motorsport.
To be able to call upon more than 60 years
Victories achieved, for example, with
They enter amateur and top-class racing
For Porsche, what’s even more important
of experience as you battle for every
the Porsche 956 – one of the most suc
events, including the American Le Mans
than a place on the podium is the experi
hundredth of a second out on the track –
cessful race cars of all time. And with
Series and the one-make championships,
ence acquired from racing. And the ideas
that’s what Porsche Motorsport is all
those that continue to show that same
of which there are more than 19, the
and visions that come out of that experi
about. Our driving force is our teams –
potential, such as the 911 GT3 RSR and
Porsche Carrera Cup and the Porsche
ence. All knowledge gained on the race
all those people, from driver to engineer,
the 911 GT3 Cup.
Mobil 1 Supercup being just two. What
track will get transferred as either design
who work tirelessly on racetracks throug
ever the race, there are always new
or test principles to our road cars. Just
hout the world to take us forward. They
Both are race cars that have been
goals in mind. Take, for instance, the
like the exhaust gas turbocharger and
have been realising and living one shared
successful in circuit races, endurance
Le Mans 24 Hour race in 2014. That race
double-clutch transmission technology
dream for generations: Ferry Porsche’s
races, hill climbs and even in rallies.
will see a prototype, designed complete
did, for instance. This close relationship
dream of a car that could be both victori
As successful, in fact, as the brand as
ly from scratch, line up at the start, aim
between the racetrack and the road is
ous on the track and practical on the
a whole. To date, Porsche Motorsport
ing to continue the series of 16 overall
unique and allows every Porsche custom
road. And from that dream, more than
has built more than 3,000 race cars,
victories enjoyed so far at Sarthe.
er to participate – directly or indirectly –
30,000 victories have ensued to date.
over 1,000 of which are still in use today.
in the racing experience. It lets them get a feel for what drives us. Yesterday, today and tomorrow: Spirit. Principles. Vision.
Responsibility | Motorsport
In the early 1990s, Porsche was the
cars and supports private teams with
national GT championships, Porsche
driving force behind the renaissance
further development, technical services
private teams are regular race and
GT cars are pure-bred racing cars.
of international GT motorsport. In the
and the provision of factory drivers.
championship winners.
They must be based on road-registered
meantime, Porsche has established
sports cars and modifications are
successful cooperation with customer
restricted to specific areas.
teams. Porsche supplies the race-ready
Porsche one-make championships.
the use of technically identical racing
At each Porsche one-make championship,
Porsche Carrera Cup Germany.
cars. The result is fiercely contested
Porsche supplies the cars to private teams
Porsche racing drivers are able to indulge
sprints of the highest standard.
in race-ready condition and organises
The Porsche Carrera Cup Germany is the
their passion for motorsport in 20
Based directly on the 911 GT3 RS,
the race series and provides support for
forerunner of all the current one-make
Whether it’s in the Le Mans 24 Hours, the
Porsche one-make championships on
911 GT3 Cup cars compete in races
the drivers, teams and sponsors from
championships in the world. As a partner
ALMS, the International GT Open or at
five continents. The philosophy is one of
as part of high-level racing events.
its trackside position.
series to the DTM (German Touring Car
equal opportunities and fairness through
Masters) – the most prominent touring car series in Germany – it offers an abundance of motorsport thrills and an extremely attractive programme of events.
Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup. The Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup is the world’s fastest international one-make race series. With 11 races in total and an average spectatorship of over 100,000, it is held as part of the supporting programme of the FIA Formula One World Championship. For further information, please visit
Porsche GT-Sport
Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup
Responsibility | Motorsport
Porsche Sport Driving School.
performance? We will help you to
Driving School, you can refine your ability
To find out more go to
Porsche Sports Cup.
regularity rallies to sprints, you can
Porsche Club Sport.
and the numbers keep growing. The
perfect your driving safety as well as
on-road or off-road, on international
At Porsche, we are working not only
your advanced skills and techniques
racetracks or on ice or snow. We will be
In 2012, the Porsche Sports Cup began
bringing your own road-approved Porsche
Porsche Clubs organise a variety of
of the largest and longest established
on the evolution of the sports car, but
step by step.
by your side from the start and, if it is
its eighth season. Six events on five
or a Porsche that has been race-modified.
one-off competitions or full series in
automotive associations in the world.
your aim, we will accompany you through
racetracks, including the Nürburgring,
also on the development of the drivers.
compete in the Porsche Sports Cup by
Porsche Club Organisation is one
which drivers compete in various classes.
Safe driving on the road may be second
Under the supervision of our experienced
every training level on the way to obtain
Hockenheimring and Spa-Francorchamps,
To find out more, please call
Founded in 1952, today there are
nature, but what about mastering control
Porsche instructors in your own car
ing your motorsport licence.
deliver exhilarating excitement. Various
+49 (0)711 911-12384 or go to
640 clubs in 75 countries with a total
+49 (0)711 911-23252 or go to
of a sports car at the limits of sporty
or in one provided by the Porsche Sport
types of race are open for entry. From
membership of approximately 181,000
Porsche Sport Driving School
For further information, please call
Porsche Sports Cup
Responsibility | Environment
Since 1963, we’ve defined the 911 in terms of sporty performance. And we’ve scrutinised it daily for its efficiency-enhancing potential. Porsche and the environment.
We’ve already spoken about our contribu
Porsche has managed to reduce fuel
Here, technological developments are
tion to motorsport. To be more precise,
consumption across all model ranges
carried out with environmental protection
about our responsibility for the future of
by a double-digit percentage compared
in mind. The goal is to enhance perfor
motorsport. We meet this responsibility
with the respective previous model even
mance – but, where possible, not at the
with intelligent technology, unconventional
though performance has been increased.
expense of the environment. We achieve
ideas and optimum performance.
This is made possible by an efficient
this goal with Intelligent Performance, as
drive concept (e.g. DFI and VarioCam
epitomised by the 911.
Our approach to environmental protection
Plus), lightweight construction, optimised
is no different. In an era of intensifying
aerodynamics and low rolling resistance.
debate about global climate change and CO2 emissions, every automotive manu
The environmental management team
facturer is asking what it has to offer
at the Porsche Development Centre
right now. Our answer has long been the
in Weissach aims to demonstrate a high
same: excellent performance at the
level of environmental responsibility.
same time as greater efficiency.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 114
Responsibility | Environment
Exhaust emission control.
of the exhaust gas, while another Lambda
On the ecological side, all materials used
sensor on each cylinder bank monitors
are meticulously selected. All synthetic
Vehicles manufactured by Porsche
pollutant conversion in the respective
components are easily recyclable and each
All Porsche models – including the 911 –
demonstrate that even high-performance
catalytic converter.
material is labelled to facilitate its separa
are designed to operate on fuels with an
tion for recycling. The reduction in the
ethanol content of up to 10 %, e.g. ‘E10’.
sports cars can achieve moderate fuel consumption and exhaust emission
number of plastic variants helps to ensure
Ethanol has a positive impact on the CO2
more efficient recycling. Recycled plastics
balance since the plants grown for the
are used where they meet our exacting
production of this biofuel also absorb
technical requirements.
CO2 from the atmosphere.
In short, the 911 is around 95 % recoverable.
The release of hydrocarbons from the
values in their respective category.
Fuel economy and recycling.
This is achieved, on the one hand, through
Intelligent lightweight construction has
the use of fuel-efficient technologies such
been fundamental to the Porsche identity
as auto start/stop, thermal management,
since 1948, for both technical and
electrical system recuperation, direct fuel
ecological reasons. This forms the basis
injection, VarioCam Plus and, in conjunction
for achieving low fuel consumption
In addition, Porsche uses a high propor
in no small part to the active carbon filter
with optional PDK, coasting mode.
values in conjunction with outstanding
tion of environmentally friendly water-
and the multilayered material from which
based paints. For us, environmental
the fuel tank is made. All fuel lines are
protection does not begin at the end of
made from multilayered plastic, steel or aluminium.
On the other hand, new catalytic convert
fuel system has been minimised thanks
ers developed for the 911 provide efficient
On the technical side, we use a high
a vehicle’s life. It starts at the planning
emission control.
proportion of aluminium, magnesium,
and development stage.
plastics and super-high-strength sheet The stereo Lambda control circuitry
steel. The materials used have been
controls and monitors each cylinder bank
selected for their ability to withstand
separately. For each exhaust tract,
load, yet they are considerably lighter
oxygen sensors regulate the composition
than conventional steel.
For fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and efficiency class, please refer to pages 139/141. 116
Personality mature clearnonconformist perfectionist
Personality | Personalisation
To stand out from the crowd, you need to express individuality. Personalisation options.
The standard specification of the 911
You will find more detailed information on
catalogues and your Porsche Centre will
Carrera models may be second to none,
the following pages and in the separate
be happy to advise you.
but Porsche still gives you the opportu
price list.
nity to customise your car to your own
There are many ways to explore your
taste and to give it the personality
These are not the only ways to style
own direction. The Porsche identity will
needed to make it unmistakable.
your 911 to your personal preference.
never be given an order number, but
How about the personalisation of
there is a number by which it will forever
A variety of customisation options
your car at the factory through Porsche
be epitomised: 911.
is available for both the exterior and
Exclusive, or why not consider our
the interior. We appreciate that nobody
range of aftermarket accessories from
knows better than you how you wish to
Porsche Tequipment? You will find plenty
express your identity.
of inspiring ideas in all the relevant
Personality | Personalisation
Solid exterior colours.
Metallic exterior colours.
Hood colours.
Platinum Silver Metallic
Agate Grey Metallic
Racing Yellow
Aqua Blue Metallic
Basalt Black Metallic
Guards Red
Dark Blue Metallic
Mahogany Metallic
GT Silver Metallic
Anthracite Brown Metallic
Lime Gold Metallic
Special exterior colours.
Cognac Metallic
Personality | Personalisation
Rooflining. 3)
Special colours and two-tone combination interior.1) Leather/soft-touch paint2) in interior colour.
Rooflining. 3)
Leather/soft-touch paint in interior colour.
Rooflining. 3)
Agate Grey
Agate Grey
Agate Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Carrera Red
Carrera Red
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Luxor Beige
Agate Grey and Pebble Grey
Pebble Grey
Agate Grey
Standard interior colours. Leatherette/leather 1)/ soft-touch paint 2) interior colour.
Natural leather interior.1)
See separate price list for recommended colour combinations. Leather finish on dashboard upper section including instrument shroud, front section of dashboard including front passenger airbag cover, steering wheel rim and airbag module, door upper panels, upper section of rear side panels, seat centres, seat bolsters, headrests, back of front seat backrests, front seat bases, door centre panels, centre console side sections, transmission tunnel in rear. 2) Soft-touch paint in interior colour; sun visors and inner door sill guards with film finish in interior colour. 3) Rooflining in Alcantara (Coupé models). 1)
Yachting Blue
Yachting Blue
Black and Platinum Grey
Platinum Grey
Trim strips in a high-gloss finish
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Metallic paint
• • • • • • • •
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK, 7-speed)
• • • • • • • •
Special colours
• • • • • • • •
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
• • • • • • • •
78, 127
Colours to sample
• • • • • • • •
Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM)
• • • • • • • •
PASM sports suspension (20 mm lower) only in conjunction with
• • – – • • – –
Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC)
– • – • – • – •
Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV) with mechanically locking rear
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Trim strips in a high-gloss finish
• • – – • • – –
Porsche Dynamic Light System (PDLS)
• • • • • • • •
Porsche Entry & Drive
• • • • • • • •
Deletion of model designation
‘911’ badge
ParkAssist (rear)
• • • • • • • •
rear differential in conjunction with optional PDK
ParkAssist (front and rear)
• • • • • • • •
Power steering Plus
• • • • • • • •
Rear wiper
• • – – • • – –
Sport Chrono Package
• • • • • • • •
Windscreen with grey top-tint
• • • • • • • •
Sports exhaust system
• • • • • • • •
Automatically dimming exterior and interior mirrors with
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
20-inch Carrera S wheels
• • • • • • • •
Electric slide/tilt sunroof
• • – – • • – –
20-inch Carrera Classic wheels
• • • • • • • •
Electric glass slide/tilt sunroof
• • – – • • – –
20-inch SportDesign wheels
• • • • • • • •
Roof transport system
• • – – • • – –
20-inch SportTechno wheels with full-colour Porsche Crest
• • • • • • • •
Wheel centres with full-colour Porsche Crest
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Electrically folding exterior mirrors including courtesy lighting
I no.
Engine, transmission and chassis.
The vehicles illustrated in the chapter on personalisation may include additional options not featured in this catalogue. For information on these options, please consult your Porsche Centre. For more information on the options featured in this catalogue, please refer to the separate price list.
PTV/PTV Plus and 20-inch wheels
differential in conjunction with manual gearbox
integrated rain sensor
Rear wiper
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
I no.
911 Carrera
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
911 Carrera
Personality | Personalisation
Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus (PTV Plus) with electronically locking
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM) – not available
I number/extra-cost option
standard equipment
available at no extra cost
20-inch Sport Techno wheel
20-inch SportDesign wheel
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
• • • • • • • •
Leather seats in standard colour
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Leather interior package in standard colour
• • • • • • • •
124, 129
Adaptive cruise control incl. Porsche Active Safe (PAS)
• • • • • • • •
Leather interior package in special colour
• • • • • • • •
Preparation for Porsche Vehicle Tracking System (PVTS)
• • • • • • • •
Leather interior package in two-tone combination
• • • • • • • •
Light design package
• • • • • • • •
Leather interior package in natural leather
• • • • • • • •
125, 129
Fully electric sports seats (14-way) with memory package including
• • • • • • • •
90, 128
Leather interior package in colour to sample
• • • • • • • •
Multifunction steering wheel
• • • • • • • •
90, 128
• • • • • • • •
Sports seats Plus (4-way electric)
SportDesign steering wheel
• • • • • • • •
90, 128
• • • • • • • •
Adaptive sports seats Plus (18-way) with memory package including Sports bucket seats
• • • • • • • •
Seat heating
• • • • • • • •
Seat ventilation (only in conjunction with seat heating)
• • • • • • • •
Steering wheel heating
• • • • • • • •
Fire extinguisher
• • • • • • • •
Smoking package
Floor mats
• • • • • • • •
ISOFIX child seat preparation for front passenger seat
• • • • • • • •
Rev counter dial face in black
Cruise control 1)
electric steering column adjustment
Fully electric sports seat
I no.
Interior: leather.
HomeLink ® (programmable garage door opener)
Sports seat
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
I no.
911 Carrera
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
911 Carrera
Personality | Personalisation
Leather interior package in Luxor Beige
electric steering column adjustment
Sports seat Plus
Adaptive sports seat Plus
1) 2)
Available from November 2012 at the earliest. In conjunction with a two-tone leather interior package, floor mats are in the darker interior colour.
– not available
I number/extra-cost option
standard equipment
available at no extra cost
Leather interior package in Espresso
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
911 Carrera
Personality | Personalisation
I no.
Audio and communication options. Porsche Communication Management (PCM) including navigation module 1)
• • • • • • • •
Electronic logbook
• • • • • • • •
Voice control system
• • • • • • • •
Telephone module
• • • • • • • •
Cordless handset for telephone module 2), 3), 4)
• • • • • • • •
Mobile phone preparation 3), 4)
• • • • • • • •
BOSE Surround Sound System
• • • • • • • •
Burmester High-End Surround Sound System
• • • • • • • •
Six-disc CD/DVD autochanger
• • • • • • • •
TV tuner
• • • • • • • •
Online Services
• • • • • • • •
2) 2)
2), 3)
BOSE® Surround Sound System
2), 5)
May be incompatible with some copy-protected CDs. Only in conjunction with PCM. 3) M obile phone preparation or telephone module in HFP mode: The use of a mobile phone inside a car may cause an increase in the interior electro magnetic field strength and, accordingly, in the electromagnetic radiation to which passengers are exposed. If a cradle is used to mount the mobile phone, the field strength in the passenger compartment can be reduced because your phone can be connected up to the external aerial (feature depends on how specific mobile phones connect to the cradle). For information about the availability of a cradle for your mobile phone, please contact an independent accessories retailer. The use of the telephone module for PCM via Bluetooth ® SAP connection or with inserted SIM card prevents exposure to electromagnetic radiation as only the car’s external aerial is ever used. 4) For information on compatible mobile phones, please visit or contact your Porsche Centre. 5) For receiving analogue and digital television signals (DVB-T) (where available). 1)
Porsche Exclusive A distinctive identity is another form of exclusivity.
options in the separate Porsche Exclusive
Aesthetically and technically, inside
911 catalogue.
and outside, using fine materials
Burmester ® High-End Surround Sound System
even before it leaves the factory.
With the range of options featured in this
and with customary Porsche quality.
about Porsche Exclusive that you may have. Please note that delivery times may be extended for certain Porsche Exclusive
Either your Porsche Centre or the
customer centre in Zuffenhausen
catalogue, you can make your Porsche even more special. Introducing Porsche
Our overriding principle? That your car
(tel. +49 (0)711 911-25977, email:
Exclusive. Have your vehicle individually
is uniquely handcrafted to your taste.
and exclusively tailored to your wishes
You will find a wide range of design
will be happy to answer any questions 131
Personality | Personalisation
Porsche Car Configurator
Factory collection
Create your own identity.
The first time that you drive your new
and precision goes into everything we
and history. Here, you can visit the
of our instructors. Hone your skills
Porsche will be a truly special moment.
do. You can then take time to reflect on
Porsche Museum to experience and
on-road on the FIA-certified test circuit
Taste, personality, style. You decide how
Nevertheless, you can make it even more
your experience over a leisurely lunch
learn about every aspect of the Porsche
or off-road in a Porsche off-roader on
to refine the new 911 Carrera to your
special with Porsche factory collection.
and look forward to the high point of
marque, with legendary models from a
our very own off-road track.
personal preference. With the Porsche
Come and collect your Porsche in
the day: taking delivery of your Porsche.
sports car history spanning over 60 years.
Car Configurator, you can see the result
Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen or Leipzig and
Our specialists will take their time to
instantly on your computer. Just four
be the one to take it to its rightful place:
explain everything about your new car
Or, if you would prefer your factory
please contact your Porsche Centre
simple steps are all it takes to create
on the road.
in as much detail as you wish.
collection to be a little more on the
to arrange a collection date. We will be
sporty side, visit our production location
happy to assist in the planning of your
the Porsche of your dreams. The Config
If you do opt for the factory collection,
urator allows you to select and deselect
Before this, we invite you behind the
That leaves you with just one more
in Leipzig. Your first driving experience
trip. You will also be given information
your options with ease, the price being
scenes of the Porsche production
thing to decide: from which factory
will be a test drive in a Porsche model
on the formalities, legal or otherwise,
calculated instantly every time. All equip
process. As part of a guided factory
to collect your Porsche? Stuttgart-
identical to the one you purchased
to be completed before you can take
ment and selections can be displayed in
tour, you will see how much passion
Zuffenhausen is steeped in tradition
and under the expert supervision of one
3D to provide you with an excellent over view of your chosen car. You can also view your configuration from all angles, save it and print it out directly. To access the Porsche Car Configurator and find out more about the captivating power of Porsche, please visit
Porsche Centres
Porsche Assistance
Porsche Financial Services
Porsche Exclusive
Porsche Tequipment
Driver’s Selection by Porsche Design
Porsche Online
Your Porsche Centre can assist you with
Enjoy peace of mind with our exclusive
Our range of financial services is innova
Realise your vision of the perfect Porsche
Personalise your Porsche at any time
With products ranging from fashion and
For all the latest news and information
every aspect of purchasing and owning
breakdown and accident recovery service.
tive and specially tailored to the needs of
with our factory customisation programme.
after purchase with the Tequipment
accessories to tailored luggage, this
from Porsche, go to
your Porsche. You will also find a wide
Membership is free when you buy a new
Porsche owners. Products range from
From styling enhancements to performance
range of approved accessories. Perfectly
unique collection combines quality and
range of products and services, including
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upgrades, all modifications are uniquely
matched to your vehicle and covered in
style with everyday practicality.
vehicle insurance and the Porsche Card.
handcrafted for your Porsche.
full by your original vehicle warranty.
2. Porsche Sport Driving School
Porsche Clubs
Porsche Museum
genuine Porsche parts and accessories.
Porsche Approved
Porsche Classic
So that our vehicles remain reliable and
Your specialist source for genuine Porsche
Our bi-monthly magazine for Porsche
Porsche Driving Experience 1. Porsche Travel Club.
Develop your skill and explore your
Since the first Porsche Club was founded
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venues, call +49 (0)711 911-23364.
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cial exhibits presented in an atmosphere
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the Porsche Approved warranty.
You can obtain the latest brochures for Porsche Exclusive, Porsche Tequipment, Driver’s Selection by Porsche Design and Porsche Driving Experience from your Porsche Centre.
traditional formal
911 identity functional fascinating agile Dr. Ing.
Technical data. 911 Carrera / 911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S / 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
911 Carrera
911 Carrera Cabriolet
911 Carrera S
911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Unladen (DIN)
1,380 kg / 1,400 kg
1,450 kg / 1,470 kg
1,395 kg / 1,415 kg
1,465 kg / 1,485 kg
Unladen (EC)
1,455 kg / 1,475 kg
1,525 kg / 1,545 kg
1,470 kg / 1,490 kg
1,540 kg / 1,560 kg
Permissible gross weight
1,795 kg / 1,815 kg
1,850 kg / 1,870 kg
1,830 kg / 1,850 kg
1,885 kg / 1,905 kg
3,436 cm3
3,800 cm3
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Max. power (DIN)
257 kW (350 hp)
294 kW (400 hp)
Top speed
289 km/h / 287 km/h
286 km/h / 284 km/h
304 km/h / 302 km/h
301 km/h / 299 km/h
at rpm
0–100 km/h
4.8 secs / 4.6 secs
5.0 secs / 4.8 secs
4.5 secs / 4.3 secs
4.7 secs / 4.5 secs
Max. torque
390 Nm
440 Nm
at rpm
Sport Chrono Package (with PDK) 0–100 km/h – / 4.4 secs
– / 4.6 secs
– / 4.1 secs
– / 4.3 secs
Compression ratio
12.5 : 1
12.5 : 1
0–160 km/h
Rear-wheel drive
Rear-wheel drive
Manual gearbox
PDK (optional)
Chassis Front axle
McPherson strut suspension
McPherson strut suspension
Rear axle
Multi-link suspension
Multi-link suspension
Variable steering ratio, power-assisted (electromechanical)
Variable steering ratio, power-assisted (electromechanical)
Turning circle
11.1 m
11.1 m
Four-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers front and rear,
Six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front, four-piston
discs internally vented and cross-drilled
10.8 secs / 10.4 secs
9.4 secs / 9.0 secs
9.8 secs / 9.4secs
Sport Chrono Package (with PDK) 0–160 km/h – / 9.7 secs
10.4 secs / 10.0 secs
– / 10.1 secs
– / 8.7 secs
– / 9.1 secs
Flexibility (80–120 km/h) in 5th gear
6.4 secs / –
6.7 secs / –
5.9 secs / –
6.2 secs / –
Overtaking acceleration (80–120 km)
– / 2.8 secs
– / 2.9 secs
– / 2.4 secs
– / 2.5 secs
Fuel consumption/emissions
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Urban in l/100 km
12.8 / 11.2
13.1 / 11.4
13.8 / 12.2
14.1 / 12.4
Extra urban in l/100 km
6.8 / 6.5
7.0 / 6.7
7.1 / 6.7
7.2 / 6.9 9.7 / 8.9
Combined in l/100 km
9.0 / 8.2
9.2 / 8.4
9.5 / 8.7
CO2 emissions g/km
212 / 194
217 / 198
224 / 205
229 / 210
Efficiency class3)
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Efficiency class (Germany)
G / F
G / F
G / G
G / G
aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at rear, discs internally vented
Efficiency class (Switzerland)
G / G
G / G
G / G
G / G
and cross-drilled
Porsche Stability Management (PSM) including ABS
Porsche Stability Management (PSM) including ABS
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
with additional brake functions
with additional brake functions
1,808 mm
1,808 mm
1,808 mm
1,808 mm
Standard wheels
Front: 8.5 J x 19 ET 54, Rear: 11 J x 19 ET 69
Front: 8.5 J x 20 ET 51, Rear: 11 J x 20 ET 70
1,303 mm
1,299 mm
1,295 mm
1,292 mm
Standard tyres
Front: 235/40 ZR 19, Rear: 285/35 ZR 19
Front: 245/35 ZR 20, Rear: 295/30 ZR 20
Vehicle stability system
eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant EC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard specification only. Optional equipment increases this figure. The figure given includes 68 kg for the driver and 7 kg for luggage. W Data determined in the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) in accordance with the Euro 5 (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) measurement method. The figures do not refer to an individual vehicle nor do they constitute part of the offer. They are intended solely as a means of comparing different types of vehicle. You can obtain further information about individual vehicles from your Porsche Centre. Fuel consumption calculated for vehicles with standard specification only. A vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO2 emissions depend not only on its efficient use of fuel but also on driving style and other non-technical factors. Actual consumption and performance may vary with items of optional equipment. 3) Valid in countries listed only. 1)
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
Luggage compartment volume
135 litres
135 litres
135 litres
135 litres
Tank capacity (refill volume)
64 litres
64 litres
64 litres
64 litres
Drag coefficient
(German Car Manufacturers’ Assoc.)
911 Carrera 4 / 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S / 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
911 Carrera 4S
911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
Unladen (DIN)
1,430 kg / 1,450 kg
1,500 kg / 1,520 kg
1,445 kg / 1,465 kg
1,515 kg / 1,535 kg
Unladen (EC)
3,436 cm
1,505 kg / 1,525 kg
1,575 kg / 1,595 kg
1,520 kg / 1,540 kg
1,590 kg / 1,610 kg
Max. power (DIN)
257 kW (350 hp)
294 kW (400 hp)
Permissible gross weight
1,845 kg / 1,865 kg
1,900 kg / 1,920 kg
1,875 kg / 1,895 kg
1,935 kg / 1,955 kg
at rpm
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Max. torque
390 Nm
440 Nm
at rpm
Top speed
285 km/h / 283 km/h
282 km/h / 280 km/h
299 km/h / 297 km/h
296 km/h / 294 km/h
Compression ratio
12.5 : 1
12.5 : 1
0–100 km/h
4.9 secs / 4.7 secs
5.1 secs / 4.9 secs
4.5 secs / 4.3 secs
4.7 secs / 4.5 secs
Sport Chrono Package (with PDK) 0–100 km/h – / 4.5 secs
– / 4.7 secs
– / 4.1 secs
– / 4.3 secs
All-wheel drive
All-wheel drive
0–160 km/h
Manual gearbox
PDK (optional)
3,800 cm
911 Carrera 4
11.0 secs / 10.6 secs
9.6 secs / 9.2 secs
10.0 secs / 9.6 secs
Sport Chrono Package (with PDK) 0–160 km/h – / 9.9 secs
10.6 secs / 10.2 secs
– / 10.3 secs
– / 8.9 secs
– / 9.3 secs
Flexibility (80–120 km/h), in 5th gear
6.5 secs / –
6.8 secs / –
6.0 secs/ –
6.3 secs / –
Overtaking acceleration (80–120 km/h)
– / 2.9 secs
– / 3.1 secs
– / 2.5 secs
– / 2.7 secs
Fuel consumption/emissions
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Urban in l/100 km
13.2 / 11.7
13.5 / 11.9
14.2 / 12.7
14.4 / 12.9
Extra urban in l/100 km
7.1 / 6.8
7.2 / 6.9
7.5 / 7.0
7.6 / 7.1
Combined in in l/100 km
9.3 / 8.6
9.5 / 8.7
9.9 / 9.1
10.0 / 9.2
CO2 emissions g/km
219 / 203
224 / 205
234 / 215
236 / 217
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Manual / PDK
Front axle
McPherson strut suspension
McPherson strut suspension
Rear axle
Multi-link suspension
Multi-link suspension
Variable steering ratio, power-assisted (electromechanical)
Variable steering ratio, power-assisted (electromechanical)
Turning circle
11.1 m
11.1 m
Four-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers front and rear,
Six-piston aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at front, four-piston
discs internally vented and and cross-drilled
aluminium monobloc fixed calipers at rear, discs internally vented
Efficiency class3)
and cross-drilled
Efficiency class (Germany)
G / F
G / F
G / G
G / G
G / G
G/ G
G / G
G / G
Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
Porsche Stability Management (PSM)
Efficiency class (Switzerland)
including ABS with additional brake functions
including ABS with additional brake functions
Standard wheels
Front: 8.5 J X 19 ET 54, Rear: 11 J X 19 ET 48
Front: 8.5 J X 20 ET 51, Rear: 11 J X 20 ET 52
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
4,491 mm
Standard tyres
Front: 235/40 ZR 19, Rear: 295/35 ZR 19
Front: 245/35 ZR 20, Rear: 305/30 ZR 20
1,852 mm
1,852 mm
1,852 mm
1,852 mm
1,304 mm
1,300 mm
1,296 mm
1,294 mm
Vehicle stability system
eight is calculated in accordance with the relevant EC Directives and is valid for vehicles with standard specification only. Optional equipment increases this figure. The figure given includes 68 kg for the driver and 7 kg for luggage. W Data determined in the NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) in accordance with the Euro 5 (715/2007/EC and 692/2008/EC) measurement method. The figures do not refer to an individual vehicle nor do they constitute part of the offer. They are intended solely as a means of comparing different types of vehicle. You can obtain further information about individual vehicles from your Porsche Centre. Fuel consumption calculated for vehicles with standard specification only. A vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO2 emissions depend not only on its efficient use of fuel but also on driving style and other non-technical factors. Actual consumption and performance may vary with items of optional equipment. 3) Valid in countries listed only. 1)
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
2,450 mm
Luggage compartment volume
125 litres
125 litres
125 litres
125 litres
(German Car Manufacturers’ Assoc.) Tank capacity (refill volume)
68 litres
68 litres
68 litres
68 litres
Drag coefficient
0.31 141
Index # ‘911’ badge
Coasting 51
Factory collection
Exterior 122
Front axle
Interior 124
Fuel 117
Lights 82
Porsche Active Suspension
Logbook, electronic
Management (PASM)
Luggage compartment
Comfort 84
Fuel consumption
Airbags 80
Communication 97
Fuel system
Manual gearbox
Anti-theft protection
Cruise control
Audio interface, universal
Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB)
Adaptive cruise control
Porsche Communication 48
Rain sensor
Sport Chrono Package
VarioCam Plus system
Rear axle
Voice control system
Rear differential lock
Sports exhaust system
Recycling 117
Sports suspension
Steering 66
‘Welcome Home’ lighting
Steering wheel heating
Wheels 70
Management (PCM)
Roll-over protection
Materials 117
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK)
Roof transport system
Memory package
Porsche Dynamic Chassis 64
SPORT button
81 95, 126
Steering wheels
Wind deflector, electric
AudioPilot ® 102
Auto start/stop function
Direct fuel injection (DFI)
Models 8
Porsche Dynamic Light
Safety 76
SportDesign steering wheel
Dry-sump lubrication, integrated
(programmable garage door opener) 92
Motorsport 108
System (PDLS)
Seat heating
Sports steering wheel
Dynamic engine mounts
Porsche Entry & Drive
Seat ventilation
Stereo Lambda control circuits
B Bi-Xenon headlights
Headlight cleaning system
E Electrical system recuperation
I 43
Brakes 76
Emission control
Burmester ®
Engine management system
Engineered safety design
High-End Surround Sound System
Engines 38
C 46, 117
3.4-litre boxer engine
3.8-litre boxer engine
CD/DVD autochanger
CDR audio system
Exhaust system
Chassis 54 Climate control
BOSE® Surround Sound System
Mobile phone preparation
Body 54
Catalytic converter
114 46
Exterior mirrors and rear-view mirror 95
I numbers
Instruments 87 Intake manifold
Knock control, cylinder-specific
L Leather Light design package
Porsche Side Impact
124, 129
Multifunction steering wheel
Protection System (POSIP)
Adaptive sports seats Plus
Porsche Stability Management (PSM) 71
Child seats
Technical data
Porsche Torque Vectoring (PTV)
Fully electric sports seats
Telephone module
Rear seats
TFT display
Sports seats
Thermal management
Sports seats Plus
Transmission 48
81 72
Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus
(PTV Plus)
Panorama 134
Porsche Traction Management (PTM) 52
ParkAssist 95
Porsche Vehicle Tracking
Trim strip in a high-gloss finish
Parking brake, electric
System (PVTS)
Slide/tilt sunroof
TV tuner
Performance display
Power steering
Slide/tilt sunroof, glass
Tyre Pressure Monitoring (TPM)
Power steering Plus
Sound Package Plus
Personalisation 120
On-board computer Online services
On-board diagnostics
Control (PDCC)
Sports bucket seats
The models featured in this publication
Any reproduction, duplication or
are approved for road use in Germany.
other use is prohibited without the
Some items of equipment are available
prior written consent of
as extra-cost options only. The availability
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.
of models and options may vary from market to market due to local restrictions
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG supports the
and regulations. For information on
use of paper from sustainable forests.
standard and optional equipment, please
This catalogue is printed on paper
consult your Porsche Centre. All informa
made from 100 % PEFC-certified pulp
tion regarding construction, features,
(Programme for the Endorsement of
design, performance, dimensions, weight,
Forest Certification).
fuel consumption and running costs is correct to the best of our knowledge
Porsche, the Porsche Crest, 911,
at the time of going to print (05/12).
Carrera, PCCB, PCM, PSM, PDK,
Porsche reserves the right to alter
Tequipment, Tiptronic and other
specif ications, equipment and delivery
marks are registered trademarks of
scopes without prior notice. Colours
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.
may differ from those illustrated. Errors and omissions excepted.
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Porscheplatz 1
© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2012
70435 Stuttgart
All text, illustrations and other information
in this publication are subject to the
copyright of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Printed in Germany WSLC1301000520 EN/WW