The Brand Stylist Retreat Class of 2017

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This is a story of transformation and of celebration. The story of a group of strong, ambitious and talented women coming together for an experience that will leave a lasting legacy on each of their businesses. A story of camaraderie. Of raising each other up and of mutual support and encouragement. A story of sisterhood, of empowerment and of inspiration. And the creation of a unique community. You are the class of 2017. The guests of the very first Brand Stylist Retreat, an incredible bunch of women I feel honoured to know. Thank you for being a part of this unforgettable experience. I’m so happy to have got to know you some more and had the privillege of helping to facilitate the great things I know you are already implementing in your businesses. I hope that the pages that follow continue to inspire you in your journey and I look forward to welcoming you to Cal Reiet again next year. Warmest

‘Be ing ar ound s uch hones t, na tur ally t alent ed women w h o h a ve a b urning des ir e to b e the b es t t h ey c an. S u ch an ama z ing gro up of s upportive wom en.’ - C az Har ris o n

on ce you ma ke a dec is ion, the universe c ons pi res to make it happen

- ralph wa ldo emer s on

‘S pace to think a nd pro c es s . I’ ve lear ned s o m uc h , not jus t a b o ut my wor k b ut ab out me too.’ - C az Uda ll

‘Le arning that it’ s yo u who c ho os e the c lient s and n ot th e c lients who c hoos e you wa s enli g h t ening .’ - Kay B ea ton

th e brand stylis t retr eat intention #1 | r ememb er y our w orth . you are amaz ing, inc redib le and per fec t f or a se le ct grou p of dis c erning c lients . you a ren’ t ri g h t for e ve ryone . foc us on thos e pro j ects which pla y t o you r stre n gth s a nd make yo ur hea rt s ing.

th e brand s tylis t retr eat intention #2 | re m em b er t h e adv i c e you gave your future s elf. yo u’ ve totally g ot t h is .

th e brand s tylis t retr eat intention #3 | s t ay ins pired. do th e th in gs tha t feed your s oul. a nd remem b er t h at res t i s an e sse n tial par t of b eing a s uc c es s ful entr epreneur.

th e bran d s tylis t retr eat intention #4 | d et ai ls m at t er. craft an exper ience for your c lients that keeps y ou inspire d and s ets you up fo r a gr eat wo r king relat i ons h i p .

th e brand s tylis t retr eat intention #5 | mood b oard more! ste p aw ay fr o m the s c reen, us e our hands more and let th e magic flo w!

th e brand s tylis t retr eat intention #6 | s tay in t ouc h . be in g an e ntrepr eneur c an b e a lo nely plac e at t imes . collaborati on with likeminded a nd s uppo rtiv e f ri ends wh o u n d e rstand your goa ls fo r your b us ines s c an b e inv aluab le.

th e brand stylis t r etrea t intention # 7 | trus t y our in stincts. rememb er that clar ity you had w h i le we were in majorca, sta y tuned in to what r eally matters and c reat e you r bu sin e s s on your terms .

th e brand s tylis t retr eat intention #8 | y ou’ re i n c ont rol. th is is you r b us ines s o n yo ur ter ms . ta ke dec i s ions t h at re fle ct w h at rea lly ma tters to you a nd take y ou c los er t o you r vision for your b us ines s .

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