INCENSES In ancient times, incense was burnt because it was considered the intermediary between sky and earth, able to convey men’s requests and prayers to deities, therefore it was also used in religious practices and for propitiatory purposes. It is the perfect companion for meditation, music, massage, artistic expression and astrological advice. A scented white thread able to make us lose the sense of time and grasp forgotten memories and sensations, in order to reconnect to universal harmony. FIORE D’ORIENTE was founded in 1988, with the aim to revive the Art of the production of natural honey incenses, following the ancient Vedic tradition. Our production laboratory was the first one in the world to be ECOCERT France certified. Incenses, generally used to bring peace and serenity, must be pure, clean and sincere: hence, our work begins from the selection of natural raw materials. The main ingredients of our blends come from the uncontaminated Indian jungle, while the resins come from Indian, Arabic and African arid and desert lands, picked by nomad tribes. All our raw materials are certified and accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets and Analysis Certificates. Our Masalas stand out for the presence of powders of precious woods, essential oils, exclusive spices and resins in the honey blend, that make them unique in terms of aroma and quality and also for their soft and rubbery texture. The Masala is still prepared today as it was 400 years ago, following ancient Vedic teachings, lunar phases, the movement of the Sun and planets and thousands precious tips handed down from tradition.
The ingredients are secretly mixed at different times. During preparation, the masala is stored in terracotta recipients and after 15 days, the mix is ready to be skilfully wrapped by hand, on bamboo sticks. Drying takes up to one week and during those days, the sticks are constantly turned to dry evenly. Once dried, the sticks are immediately packed in precious sealed packs that retain the aromas, conceived over the years, which maintain unaltered the fragrance until consumption. Fiore D’Oriente, in addition to the production of aromatised sticks, is constantly involved in researching new “notes”, new vibrational fragrances, trying to combine tradition and experimentation in line with the principles underlying its choices. Our researches led us to the creation of a series of lines of Vibrational Incenses: the incenses for the Chakra, those for Yoga, Reiki, the Archangels and the “Marco Polo’s Treasures” line. The name was not given randomly. To produce these incenses, we travelled and are still travelling the ancient Incense route. Indeed, the resins used to produce the sticks come from the same areas where the ancient merchants of the Incense Route used to stock up. These extremely ancient resins, in addition to boast the typical properties of every resin, are able to stir old memories, those related to our grandparents, thus connecting us with distant memories for a few moments. Marco Polo’s Treasures is the first incense line in the world to be ECOCERT certified.
Box Incense 4 Inches Terracotta Incense holder
Box Incense 9 Inches
All resins
10 Sticks x 7 - Cod. MB007
15 Sticks - (30gr)
INCENSE ROAD Marco Polo’s Treasures is a line of hand-made entirely natural incenses, certified by ECOCERT. The major ingredients of our paste originate in the pristine Indian jungle, whereas the resins come from the arid desert territories of India, Arabia and Africa and are picked by nomadic tribes. All our raw materials are certified and accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets and Certificates of Analysis. Our incense sticks are used for purification and realignment with our primordial experiences and past ancestral memories.They are an excellent tool for overcoming, albeit for a short time, the space-time barrier. Incense has always been used for prayer, yoga, meditation, purification and religious rituals of every kind and in every place. A stick of incense is a tool that helps us to connect to our Self, to our divinity, as a thought towards our loved ones and it is an offering to God.An incense stick is an integral part of our experience and therefore must be absolutely pure. Usage and Considerations The function of Marco Polo’s Treasures incense is different from that of other aromatic incense. Most of the incense being sold today is designed to perfume the environment, and is thus manufactured with little attention to the effects that the ingredients have on one’s health. Marco Polo’s Treasures incense, however, is made with attention to the beneficial effects that the natural ingredients have on the body, mind and spirit. Marco Polo’s Treasures incense is made exclusively from 100% pure resins and prized woods without the use of chemical or petroleumbased perfumes. This is why the prominent certifying agency Ecocert France has certified the product, authorizing their logo to appear on the packaging. At present there are two general types of incense on the market: One to perfume the environment, and another completely natural
formulation that scents the environment and, moreover, makes use of the curative properties of the resins and woods used in its production. This is the incense that many people wanted but never managed to have because of the widespread use of chemicals. Marco Polo’s Treasures gives you this incense, and a whole different way to use it. We have selected the resins and woods for our incense by examining the characteristics of ingredients in the official European pharmacopoeia. Because the ingredients are natural, this type of incense performs its actions even when one doesn’t perceive the individual components. There are resins like Canarium strictum, Benzoin, or some varieties of Olibanum that don’t have a significant aroma but still carry out their actions in the air and inside us. Other mixtures, composed of woods or resins like Palo Santo, Black Storace or Cinnamon, are much more aromatic. In the natural world, the efficacy of a substance is not related to whether or not it is inherently aromatic. We don’t see the spoken word but we hear it; we don’t see energy but we feel it and see the work it does; the universe holds all the sounds that have been produced, even though we don’t manage to perceive most of them. Our incense works in the same way. We don’t strive to create perfumes for the environment, but to transform the best raw materials into a product to be used for holistic purposes. The fragrance of the first stick of our incense may not be what one expects, but with a bit of faith and time the olfactory sense becomes refined and can better appreciate the aromas. This type of incense was created not to show, but to BE; not to amaze, but to leave one amazed. Our formulations help with purification, concentration, the nervous system, prayer, and introspection.
Expo Plexy 14pcs
Expo Plexy 7pcs
Cod. MP002
Cod. MP001
MARCO POLO’S TREASURES Marco Polo’s Treasures is a line of hand-made entirely natural incenses, certified by ECOCERT. The major ingredients of our paste originate in the pristine Indian jungle, whereas the resins come from the arid desert territories of India, Arabia and Africa and are picked by nomadic tribes. All our raw materials are certified and accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets and Certificates of Analysis. Our incense sticks are used for purification and realignment with our primordial experiences and past ancestral memories. They are an
excellent tool for overcoming, albeit for a short time, the space-time barrier. Incense has always been used for prayer, yoga, meditation, purification and religious rituals of every kind and in every place. A stick of incense is a tool that helps us to connect to our Self, to our divinity, as a thought towards our loved ones and it is an offering to God.An incense stick is an integral part of our experience and therefore must be absolutely pure.
Benzoin Siam
Black Styrax
Styrax Benzoin
Liquidambar Orientalis
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP801
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP815
Provenienza: Lo Styrax benzoin è un albero di notevoli dimensioni (alto fino a venti metri) che vegeta esclusivamente in Asia tropicale. Forma: Resina rossastra che indurisce con l’aria e il sole. Impieghi: In Oriente si ritiene da migliaia d’anni che le fumigazioni prodotte bruciando la Gomma di Benzoino allontanino dalle mura domestiche qualsiasi avversità usato anche come portafortuna. In Cina, fu utilizzata per millenni a scopi medicinali (digestivo, antisettico, etc.). Stimola la Sensualità ed ha un effetto rasserenante.
Origin: A plant with a tall stem that grows in the impenetrable anatolic forests of Marmaris Turkey and South America. Form: Even today production is carried out according to the original procedures: The plant produces a dense resinoid serum. This is combined with the bark of the trunk (previously shredded); the blend is then then buried for a few months. The resulting maceration produces the black. Uses: Having an unmistakable amber and sweet aroma; used for millennia for its optimistic and redeeming properties
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
Canarium Strictum
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP802
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP803
Origin: Sri Lanka Form: Bark Uses: There are many therapeutic properties of cinnamon which were already known in ancient Egypt including antibacterial, antiseptic, stimulant and digestive properties. Cinnamon stimulates the immune system. In Ayurvedic medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine it is used for disorders related to cold, as it has a warming effect. Already in ancient Rome cinnamon was being presented as an aphrodisiac spice by the Romans. Cinnamon is highly aromatic and has a stimulating effect..
Origin: India, a tree that grows up to 40 meters in height, in high altitude. Form: Resin Uses: In Malay language the term Dammar means “light”. The use of this resin has the power to enlighten and brighten dark corners of the soul; useful for combating sadness, melancholy and depression. Calming.
Olibanum Arabia
Machilus Macrantha
Boswellia Carterî Arabia
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP805
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP809
Origin: Machilus Macrantha is a tree that grows in Karnataka forest, southern India. It is called Heaven Tree by the indigenous tribes. Form: Bark and Resin Uses: Very delicate and pleasant aroma.
Origin: From the oldest ports of the Red Sea. The alluring and unmistakable aroma is due to the strict selection of the Boswellia carterî plantations from which it is extracted. Form: Natural resin, brown solid masses resembling sugar. Uses: Used for millennia in purification rites.
Olibanum Etiopia
Olibanum India
Boswellia Rivae
Boswellia Carterî India
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP810
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP807
Origin: Desert highlands of southern Ethiopia (near the region that saw the dawn of Homo sapiens). Form: Natural resin, brown solid masses resembling sugar. Uses: Used for millennia in purification rites.
Origin: India Form: Natural resin, brown solid masses resembling sugar. Uses: Used for millennia, for purification Rites
Olibanum Migiurtino
Palo Santo
Boswellia Frereana
Burserea Graveolens
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP811
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP814
Origin: It has always been known for its surprising ability to thrive on steep rocky walls; this plant is typically found on the gently sloping plateaus on the border between Ethiopia and Somalia. Form: flakes of resin-soaked wood. Uses: Used for millennia in purification rites.
Origin: Ecuador Form: Wood Uses: This tree has been used since ancient times, including by the Incas, as a remedy for spiritual purification and to clear spaces of negative energy. It repels mosquitoes and flies. It is an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant. It harmonises body, mind and spirit and helps restore inner balance. For this reason it is called “the scent of the soul”.
Red Mirrha
Commiphora Myrrha
Santalum Album
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP812
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP816
Origin: A shrub that reaches ten meters in height and grows exclusively in eastern Africa and on the Arabian peninsula. Form: Myrrh is a natural oleoresin and is solidified upon contact with the air and sunlight. Uses: For centuries it has been used as an antiinflammatory and healing remedy. According to ancient ayurvedic medicine, this resin brings inner peace, rejuvenates and revitalises the mind, purifies the aura and dispels distracting factors during times of meditation and prayer.
Origin: Mysore India Form: Wood Uses: Sandalwood has deep spiritual significance. Ancient East Indian cultures believe spaces infused with sandalwood are always protected from the forces of evil. Long recognised for its anti-depressant and aphrodisiac properties, sandalwood is best know for bringing peace to the soul.
Three Kings 10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP813 Ingredients: Sandal, Olibanum, Benzoin, Cinnamomum, Halmadhi, Red Mirrha, Kampuram, Black Storace. Form: Resin –Woods – Spices. Uses: All uses.
MARCO POLO’S HONEY INCENSES The incenses of the Marco Polo’s Honey line are our last wonder. They are made using Raw Honey from the Himalayan jungle, Resins, Herbs and Pure Natural Essential Oils. Ingredients controlled by Ecocert France
Essential Oil - Wood - Resins
Essential Oil - Wood - Resins
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP820
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP821
Lemon Grass
Lavandula Angustifolia
Cymbopogon Flexuosus
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP822
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP823
Orange Spices
Sweet Orange - Cinnamon
Pogostemon Cablin
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP824
10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP825
Vanilla - Cardamomum 10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP826
Neem Citronella
Neem - Citronella - Eucalyptus 10 Sticks (20gr) - Cod. MP827
Natural Origin Home Fragrance Controlled ECOCERT Greenlife - F32600
Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 50-70 minutes Bookmark Included Inside
Cod. IS015
Ingredients Honey, Coconut charcoal powder, Machilus macranta gum, Ailanthus malabarica, Essential Oils and Resins.
Incense has always been considered a medium between Sky and Earth. It is the main component of all artistic and spiritual practices: therefore, it must always be Pure.
The search for natural ingredients leads us to rediscover our origins with the use of raw materials that may be unknown, sometimes. By acknowledging and appreciating the vibrations of these ancient fragrances, we can reconnect to our Roots.
Honey from the Indian jungle, Resins, Precious Woods and Essential Oils coming from uncontaminated areas of the Earth, are the ingredients of our ancient Blend, made at cold temperatures without altering the holistic properties of the medicinal substances, believing that our future is based on the rediscovery of the Past.
Our incenses are completely handcrafted “with no compromises�, respecting men and the nature hosting us.
Lemon Grass
Orange Spice
Palo Santo
Cod. IS001
Cod. IS002
Cod. IS003
Cod. IS004
Cod. IS005
Cod. IS006
Cod. IS007
Ingredients Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minuti
Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Erbe, Oli essenziali, Aromi naturali, Resinoidi, Miele, Bamboo.
Cod. EX002
Shuddi (Purification) - Patanjali talks about “impurities” and the importance to eliminate or reduce impurities and discomforts that affect the body, mind and spirit in order to allow the interior light of our knowledge to shine!
OM (Ohm) – is the most sacred mantra which represents the Hindu religion, it is considered the primordial sound that gave origin to creation. According to Hindu books, Aum mantra is the synthesis and essence of each mantra, prayer, ritual, sacred text, celestial being or Divine aspect.
Samadhi – This stage includes the superior level of spiritual progresses, from the first Samadhi to the Union with Primordial Knowledge in the Home of the Creator. Dharma – The term Dharma derives from Sanskrit root dhr, which translates into English as “providing a base”, or “foundation of reality”, “truth”, “moral obligation”, “fairness”.
Prana – Sanskrit term Prāṇa, literally means vital breath or cosmic energy. According to the Hindu philosophy, all living beings, through breathing, create an inter-exchange between external world and the individual internal world. The inhaled Sanskrit is assimilated by the Chakras through energy channels called Nadi.
Shanti – Sanskrit word Shanti, indicates a state of absolute interior peace and serene imperturbability, characterised by the absence of frenetic thinking-waves (vritti) generated by the mind.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) - Sequence of Hatha Yoga exercises aimed at reaching and maintaining an optimal psycho-physical state. “Keep your face towards the full sun and you won’t see the shadow”.
Natural Champa
Cod. Y1001
Cod. Y1003
Cod. Y1004
Cod. Y1005
Cod. Y1006
Cod. Y1007
Cod. Y1007
Peace and Love
Surya Namaskar
Cod. Y1009
Cod. Y1010
Cod. Y1011
Cod. Y1012
Cod. Y1013
Cod. Y1014
Cod. Y1015
Ingredients Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minuti
Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Erbe, Oli essenziali, Aromi Naturali, Resinoidi, Miele, Bamboo.
Cod. RI001
This line was created with the intent of providing the highest quality of incense, specifically for environments where you play the different treatments, meditations and initiations Reiki. The 7 different natural fragrances aromatherapy characteristics have specific peculiarities harmonizing.
Shin pin-den this refers to the ‘mysterious teaching’. It activates the 3rd level and allows us to connect to the spiritual dimension and cosmic awareness. Gassho this refers to the meditation practiced before Reiki healing treatments to aid with attunement. Gassho means two hands coming together in the prayer pose. Burn this incense to enhance your meditation and deepen your connection to Reiki.
Koo myo is the ‘lightening fire’. Koo is light expansion of the crown chakra and myo is clairvoyance. Koo Myo means Light Buddha. Burning this incense will help to calm the mind, releasing us from obsessive thoughts and fears, and instill clarity, intuition and creativity.
Reiji this is the guidance of spirit, allowing one to listen to their own inner voice and dialogue. Use this incense to attune to your own inner voice.
Sho-den refers to the ‘first teaching’ and links to the physical world. Burning this incense helps us to focus on our physical life and brings a greater sense of self awareness.
Chiryo refers to the treatment itself. Burning this incense will help to ignite decisiveness in everyday activities, helping us to set positive intentions whilst trusting in the Divinity that underpins all creation.
Oku-den this refers to the ‘second teaching’ and helps us to focus on what is called the deeper knowledge. It is based on the understanding that what you give out is returned tenfold.
Shinping Den
Sho Den
Oku Den
Koo Myo
Cod. RI002
Cod. RI003
Cod. RI004
Cod. RI005
Cod. RI006
Cod. RI007
Cod. RI008
Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick Weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minuti
Cod. AI002
Chamuel - It is known also as Archangel of Love and Peace. He works on our heart chakra, on healing and helps us in our relations with our beloved ones, starting from ourselves. He teaches us to appreciate life, to find what’s best for us, the right path, in every field: the most suitable job, collaborators compatible with us, the right gift, he teaches us to root Peace inside our heart in order to feel lucid, confident and able to choose what to let into our life. Gabriel - He is the Archangel of resurrection, transformation, birth that follows every death and communication. He supports those who work in the communication and creative field, like writers, journalists, painters, and all those that diffuse their message worldwide with their talent. He assists every new birth, it will be useful to invoke him when beginning a new project. Moreover, he assists women during pregnancy and birth, children in their early years of life and parents in their amazing and complicated task.
Ingredients Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Erbe, Oli essenziali, Aromi naturali, Resinoidi, Miele, Bamboo.
work concerns sacred geometry: resorting to one of the geometric shapes that he commonly uses, “Metatron’s cube”, he is able to purify our chakras and thin bodies and to increase our concentration skills. Michael - According to tradition, Michael gives us helps, support and courage to deal with changes within ourselves. In fact, Michael can help us to literally eliminate any fear or block that arises between us and the real desires of our soul. We are within his operating range with regards to any type of protection that we may need. Whether physical, spiritual or emotional protection, we can simply invoke him as soon as we feel the slightest fear and he will be ready to defend us with his shield of peace and fiery sword. Raphael - is the Archangel that heals and keeps the Earth and its sons healthy. He helps with utmost pleasure all those that perform a job that deals with traditional and alternative healing and all those who put efforts in healing the planet. Raphael can helps us heal not only physical wounds, but also psychological and emotional ones caused by traumas and painful experiences lived in our young years or during childhood, that may block us sometimes in different spheres of our live, including the spiritual one.
Haniel - His energy is extremely feminine and closely associated to that of the Moon. He can help us being an example of grace and elegance in all those occasions where we wish to stand out, such as a job interview, a presentation or show, the first date... He helps us finding our true passion towards our partner, but also with regards to our job, our interests, in order to re-discover our real sensitivity so that everything that belongs in our life, faithfully reflects who we are.
Uriel - Archangel characterised by a definitely male and authoritative energy. He helps us shading light on our journey in the most complex situation, also when we give in to discouragement and despair. When our heart finally decides to ask for help, Uriel flies in our rescue and comforts us. Uriel can also help us understanding complex concepts and express them at best, a quality that can be extremely useful during exams of any type, since the feeling of being prepared mitigates the stress that is often present during tests.
Metatron - in the Archangels’ kingdom, is a scribe and divine registrar, who keeps trace of anything that happened, happens and will happen on Earth in Akasha’s archives, of which he is the creator and keeper. We can ask for his assistance when we need to help teenagers to face typical problems of their age. Part of Metatron’s
Cod. AI001
Cod. AI003
Cod. AI004
Cod. AI005
Cod. AI006
Cod. AI007
Cod. AI008
Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick Weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minuti
Cod. FE001
Ingredients Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Erbe, Oli essenziali, Aromi naturali, Resinoidi, Miele, Bamboo.
Fairies fly between the Human Reality and the Otherworld as vibrant energy. This energy can manifest itself in different forms and ways. Fairies them selves appreciate scents and colours as a way to be recognized by humans. These incenses, created from the purest, raw materials and made with natural essential oils, capture the essence of these gentle beings... and capture too their curiosity, tempting them to come into our world.
she will answer you only if you need it. Her energy has the power to awaken the sleeping potential of all human beings.
Wish Fairy – This fairy collects people’s desires in precious boxes until the right moment.
Fairy of Truth - This fairy has the gift to reveal the hidden truth. She will help you see truth from falsehood, honesty from deceit. Call on her to protect you from duplicity, traps or illusion. Turn to her when your heart is weighed down with choice or when you need to know the true path to take.
Guardian Fairy - This fairy has the power to protect humans from danger. Her magic sword cuts not through flesh, but through falsehood and ignorance. She wards off Evil and will help at times of change, when strength and courage are needed most. Call upon her in moments of crisis or when you fear physical danger.
Awareness Fairy – This fairy has the gift to bring you from dark to light, she destroys all old forms, embracing new ideas. Fairy of Creativity - She is the patron fairy of the arts - of dance, music, painting and all sensitive activities. The fairy of creativity supports us all to discover our talents. Creative clarity is the reward for those who can see beyond what appears to be, and for those who can´t, she will lead to greater inspiration.
Fairy of Happiness - This fairy is surrounded at all times by a crowd of colourful butterflies. She flies through the world, sprinkling the magic dust of her wings onto humans below. Trust in her when times are hard and when you feel all hope of joy is lost. With her sweet magic and luminous rays she will bring joy to your eyes and smiles to your thoughts.
Fairy of Light - She has the gift to lead you from darkness to light. When worries do not let you sleep or when you must decide what’s best to do, which course to take, call upon this fairy. But remember,
Fairy of Wish Cod. FE007
Fairy of
Fairy of
Fairy of Truth
Cod. FE004
Cod. FE005
Cod. FE008
Cod. FE010
Cod. FE009
Cod. FE006
Fairy of
Fairy of
FAIRY SOAP The Fairy Soaps can be used for bath or shower on all your body.The vegetal soaps are hand made following ancient traditions. The cold soap-making process produces natural glycerine, which makes the soap creamy and emollient. Thanks to the medicinal herbs, the soaked oils, the olive oil (30%) the palm and coconut oils these soaps nourish and hydrate your skin. The Fate Soaps are rich in natural essential oils rich in rebalancing properties. Cod. SA007
Natural Origin Home Fragrance Controlled ECOCERT Greenlife - F32600
Ingredients Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minuti
Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Erbe, Oli essenziali, Aromi naturali, Resinoidi, Miele, Bamboo.
Cod. PN015
PURE NATURAL INCENSE is a line of hand-made enrely natural incenses, controlled by ECOCERT. The major ingredients of our paste originate in the prisne Indian jungle, whereas the resins come from the arid desert territories of India, Arabia and Africa and are picked by nomadic tribes. All our raw materials are cerfied and accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets and Cerficates of Analysis. Our incense sticks are used for purification and realignment with our primordial experiences and past ancestral memories.
Neem Citronella Four Olibanum Fresh Balsamic
They are an excellent tool for overcoming, albeit for a short me, the space-me barrier. Incense has always been used for prayer, yoga, meditation, purification and religious rituals of every kind and in every place. A stick of incense is a tool that helps us to connect to our Self, to our divinity, as a thought towards our loved ones and it is an offering to God. An incense stick is an integral part of our experience and therefore must be absolutely pure.
Heaven Tree
Lemon Grass
Cod. PN009
Cod. PN004
Cod. PN010
Cod. PN011
Cod. PN012
Pure Air
Royal Ambar
Spiritual Guide
Spirit Wood
Vanilla Spice
Cod. PN006
Cod. PN001
Cod. PN007
Cod. PN002
Cod. PN005
Cod. PN014
Cod. PN008
Cod. PN003
Orange and Cinnamom Cod. PN013
Ingredients Size sticks: 9 inch (23 cm) Contents: 10 Sticks - 20 gr. 1 stick weight: g 2,0 Burning Time: 60-80 minutes
Ailanthus malabarica, Coconut shell powder, Sandal powder, Masala powder, Benzoin, Olibanum, Borneol, Herbs, Essential oils, natural aroma, Resinoides, Honey, Bamboo.
Cod. GL030
The classic honey-incense collection is a perfect example of our production. The Masala used for these sticks is a bridge between past and present days. This collection includes both ancient formulas with tens of ingredients and new as well as unique monofloral masala. There are 14 fragrances providing sweet, flower, spice, balsamic,
classic and vibrational scents. They are made only of natural raw materials, wrapped in silver envelopes and packed in our traditional bookmark-tubes to save them fresh. No Benzene, No Toulene, No Xilen, No Petrochimicals.
Lemon Grass
Cod. GL001
Cod. GL002
Cod. GL003
Cod. GL004
Cod. GL005
Cod. GL006
Cod. GL007
Natural Champa
Palo Santo
Cod. GL008
Cod. GL014
Cod. GL009
Cod. GL010
Cod. GL011
Cod. GL012
Cod. GL013
Cod. CY003
Cod. CY001
Voyager is the story of an exploratory virtual journey within our energy system or Chakra System. Each Chakra, from the first to the seventh, tells something of itself and at the same time the “spacecraft” records images and impressions. The music of the seven songs was made respecting each note,the resonance, the rhythm and the musical instruments most related to the Chakra itself. The Chakra Songs suggest only some images referring to our Chakra Sitema, those who wish to can deepen the study with “The Book of Chakras” and “the Chakra Test”.
The “Book of Chakras” is a CD that contains a detailed description in PDF of 280 pages and 3 hours of Audio on the 7 Chakras. The content has been brought in PDF format to be easily read and printed with Acrobat Reader. It is also possible to listen to the chapters dealt with in the book through audio tracks that have been created to help and complete the comprehension of the topics covered.
Cod. CY002
The Chakra Rebalancing System is a completely natural method that favors the rebalancing of the Chakras. To get good results you need to have a correct diagnosis. Our diagnostic tool is the Chakra Test. The program is in 5 languages, it also contains a section full of informative material. The box consists of the “Chakra Test” program in Cd-rom and a beautiful and useful DVD entitled “Easy Yoga exercises for the Chakras”. This DVD offers everyone (even those who are not very young, and those who have little or no previous experience of Yoga) the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from this ancient oriental discipline. In addition to direct action on the reference chakra, a general development of psychomotor skills is ensured, an increase in concentration and resistance to fatigue and disease, serenity of spirit, vitality and excellent physical fitness, harmony, balance and well-being.
Ask for the PDF protocol by sending us an email to info@fioredoriente.com.
THE CHAKRA SYSTEM The Chakra System embodies the energy we use to live, love, work, play, study, meditate and all our daily activities. Each Chakra is linked to specific areas of the brain and parts of the body. The Chakra System is of basic importance to our well-being. Everything will run smoothly when it is balanced but one unbalanced chakra or more will affect our body and mind till it degenerates and leads to complex diseases. We can rebalance a stressed situation only if we identify the stressed or unbalanced Chakra. Based on a long term committment to this ancient holistic discipline based on many years of research and practised expertise Fiore D’Oriente has created a complete Chakra system known as The Chakra Rebalancing System (CRS). CRS is a natural method to fully rebalance the Chakra easily and
effectively. CRS allows you to check and treat your Chakras at home. Fiore D’Oriente Chakra Test and Natural Vibrational Perfumes provide specific information to help you in applying this system. Why should we choose Vibrational Perfumes? Because they have been used for hundreds of years and experiments have proved that pharmaceutical drugs do not rebalance chakras. Chakras may be rebalanced by vibrations, working through attraction and reaction. Master-made perfumes as well as positive thinking prompt good vibrations. But also music, yoga exercises and colors start vibrations. If we know the vibrational range of the unbalanced chakra we shall look for the relative vibration, whatever the source may be. This is all about The Chakra Rebalancing System.
DIAGNOSIS AND METHODS There are several ways to use the Chakra Rebalancing System, including the following: 1 CHAKRA TEST
To have a chakra test is the best and complete way (see Diagnostic Chakra Test)
We can protect or activate the interested chakra depending on the situation (see Suggested Daily Usage)
Simply stand in front of the Chakra Rebalancing System counter display and choose the products based on the color that most attracts us.
SUGGESTED DAILY USAGE Please, read the following suggestions for using Fiore D’Oriente products depending on the circumstances. For example, if you are looking for a new home and this becomes a problem, you should protect the first Chakra and use an Chakra Incense stick, an Chakroil or an appropriate Chakra Soap as detailed in the following.
CHAKRA N°7 - SAHASRARA To increase intuitive perception When you are in doubt When it is hard to identify something precisely To protect from potentially dangerous energies Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°6 - AJNA Attentive and clear mind To study, concentrate and meditate To focus and relax the mind Mental pressure Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°5 - VISHUDDA Communication Public Speaking Arts To understand intuitively symbols, dreams, myths To trust and to be trusted Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°4 - ANAHATA Enjoy the love life and favour meetings For a loving home atmosphere To love and to be loved sincerely Analysis of projects and ideas concerning society To protect oneself from negative feelings To express one’s sensitivity Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°3 - MANIPURA To increase self-esteem To increase one’s effectiveness To get ride of frustration or anger Employment applications or career advancing To take initiative Ability to face difficult situations Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°2 - SWADISTHANA To improve relationships with other people To feel attractive To enhance your sexuality To search for a partner To enhance intuition In game and pleasure situations Inbalance of this chakra
CHAKRA N°1 - MULADHARA Unstable Career Problems at home or with status To make important decisions for the future Expenses and deeds to make Search of stability Sport Training and focus Inbalance of this chakra
Chakroils are the oils of the 7 chakras. These mixtures are prepared after the ancient principles of the natural holistic medicine and are composed of first-quality essential oils mixed with cold pressed jojoba oil. Chakroils vibrations are of great value thanks to the complex preparation process. The constant use of chakroils (2-3
drops where needed with a light massage) harmonizes the energetic system. These oils can be used also under your foot (the first chakra) and on your ankle (the second chakra). Moreover the chakroils can be also used on your forearm in order to give a stable vibration to our psychophysical system (aromatherapy).
Cod. CO004
Cod. CO006
Cod. CO003
Cod. CO002
Cod. CO007
Cod. CO001
Cod. CO005
The Chakra Waters are made of the same vibrational mixtures as the chakroils but they are diluted with alcohol that makes them very deep and etheric. These Waters can be used on your forearms
and/or wrists several times a day. Chakra Waters used together with Chakra Oils cover a wide range of vibrations. 100% Natural.
Cod. CA004
Cod. CA006
Cod. CA003
Cod. CA002
Cod. CA007
Cod. CA001
Cod. CA005
They belong to “The Chakra Rebalancing System” Line. They are massage oils for the body, conceived for Rebalancing the Chakras. After a careful diagnosis carried out with Fiore D’Oriente “Chakra Test”, apply the “Chakra Massage Oil” on the body, rubbing it gently
until complete absorption. Made with Jojoba, the Vibrational Blends of the 7 Chakras at 3%, generate a constant and light vibration to rebalance the Chakra to treat.
Cod. CM004
Cod. CM006
Cod. CM003
Cod. CM002
Cod. CM003
Cod. CM001
Cod. CM005
The rebalancing begins in the morning after we wake up. Let’s start with the right vibration! The Chakra Soaps can be used for bath or shower on all your body. The vegetal chakra soaps are hand made following ancient traditions. The cold soap-making process produces natural glycerine, which makes the soap creamy and
emollient. Thanks to the medicinal herbs, the soaked oils, the olive oil (30%) the palm and coconut oils these soaps nourish and hydrate your skin. The Chakra Soaps are rich in natural essential oils rich in rebalancing properties.
Cod. CS005
Cod. CS007
Cod. CS004
Cod. CS003
Cod. CS008
Cod. CS002
Cod. CS006
CHAKRA INCENSE 20 sticks (40 gr)
We should spend a few hours every day in a place with controlled vibrations. Fiore D’Oriente Incense Sticks are made with reference to the ancient Vedic teachings. The Chakra Incense Sticks are devised for an energetic therapy. Each incense covers the range of vibrations related to its chakra. Inside the package there is a bookmark as a
gift. The constant use of fragrances helps harmonise the energetic system. Incense sticks are made only of 100% natural raw materials Ingredients: honey, rare wood powder, resins, vegetal oils, herbs, essential oils, bamboo.
Mix (3x)
Cod. CX004
Cod. CX006
Cod. CX003
Cod. CX002
Cod. CX007
Cod. CX001
Cod. CX005
21 Sticks Cod. CX010
100% Organic
It is important to keep our Chakras balanced, therefore we must work of multiple aspects, constantly implementing all the resources available: Yoga, Mantra, Statements, Colours, Scents, Foods and Beverages. The Infusions for the Chakras are an excellent tool to rebalance our Energy System. The blends are made exclusively with plants coming from high-quality organic cultivations. Fiore D’Oriente follows the entire production chain, from the seed bank up to the packaging in sealed packs, to preserve them from any contaminations and bring them to us fresh, as just harvested.
The Infusions for the Chakras are available in 100 gr Infusion bags. In the Infusion bags, the leaves dry and shred naturally, retaining most of their properties, differently from Tea Packs, where the leaves are shredded in 1/1.5 mm fragments, losing most of their benefits. The classic filter is certainly the most practical however, if we want to work on ourselves, you should choose the bulk Infusion bags and simply use a strainer or a common teapot. We offer empty Infusion bags of various sizes that you can simply fill and purchase.
Cod. CT001
Cod. CT002
Cod. CT003
Cod. CT004
Cod. CT005
Cod. CT006
Cod. CT007
CHAKRA - IN DEPTH CHAKRA N°1 - MULADHARA MEANING: “meaning,” “root” LOCATION: at the base of the spinal column PHYSICAL CORRELATION: the body as a whole; in particular the adrenal glands, the blood (figurative elements), the articular-skeletal system, the cellular membrane and the epidermis, the teeth and the nails; the nose and the olfactory function, coccygeal plexus, the perineum, the lower and posterior part of the pelvis, the gluteus maximus and the backside of the leg muscles; the feet and in particular the heels; the rectum. EGO: the Ego identifies with the physical body. Animal instinct of survival. ELEMENT: Earth; solid matter. The dominant characteristic of the energy of the 1st Chakra is the “cohesive capacity,” “densifying ability,” “making solid and giving consistency.” COLOUR: predominant: RED; complementary: GREEN ACTIVITY: supports the sense of self-preservation and survival, courage, instinct, contact with the Earth. Has a stimulating effect and increases vitality, health and physical energy. Negative activity includes nervousness, violent behavior, irritability, frustration. OTHER QUALITIES: work, home, shopping, budgeting, livelihood, grounding, stability, solidness, physical activity. Olfactory sense. AREAS OF INTEREST: The body and its well-being, satisfaction of basic needs. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: arthrosis, arthritis, lack of energy, gall stones, weakness, poor posture, knee and back pains, hemorrhoids, car- and sea-sickness, gauntness and obesity, pyorrhea, prostatitis, sciatica, chronic fatigue, constipation. Psychological autarchy, difficulty in learning and in relationships, egoism, stinginess, inability to confront reality, material insecurity, hypotension, lethargy, rejection of change, psychological stagnation, anxiety related to objects. SYMBOLS: square; the base of a column, of a mountain, of a pyramid;
the foundation of a house; tree roots. DREAMS: to dream of being robbed, eating, falling, not finding your things or to find them ruined, to win the lottery, to be closed-in, to dream about cockroaches – worms – snakes, to dream that you can’t move, etc. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: perseverance, stability, patience. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: paralyzing fear and greed REBALANCING FOODS: high protein items, meat, eggs, fish, legumes, fats. YOGIC EXERCISES: VRKSASANA (tree position), UTKATASANA (chair pose), PADANGUSTHASTHITANITAMASANA (squatting position), VAJRASANA (thunderbolt pose) BREATHING: abdominal breathing practice -- lying, standing and sitting, to stimulate and massage the entire area from the pubis to the diaphragm. MASSAGE: apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 1 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: the colour RED, for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: refine your olfactive sense by trying to recognize the odors around you and trying to connect them to the sensations, emotions, and sentiments that they provoke in us. AFFIRMATION: “All my demands are satisfied in harmony with the rhythms of nature.” CHAKROIL: apply Chakroil no. 1 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation.
CHAKRA N°2 - SWADHISTANA MEANING: “Support of the vital breath” LOCATION: sacral plexus, above and behind the genital organs PHYSICAL CORRELATION: genital organs and gonads; gustative function, kidneys; large intestines, body fluids including lymph, interstitial fluid and plasma; lymph glands; 5th lumbar vertebrae; the area below the navel; the front of the legs. Presides over the sex and reproduction functions, the purification and elimination of bodily fluids, and energetic absorption. EGO: The Ego defines itself identifying with the other which functions as a mirror. Movement of the awareness towards the external. Socialization. ELEMENT: Fluids. Dominant characteristic: pulsation-expansion. COLOUR: Predominant: ORANGE; complementary: BLUE. ACTIVITY: Communication, vibrations of joy and wisdom, intensity of feelings, help in the purification at all levels. Expulsion functions (sweat, urine and feces). Sexual communication, procreation, optimism, tolerance, tendency towards hospitality and family life. Self-esteem and acceptance of self, self-motivation and courage. Negative activity includes fanaticism, antisocial behaviour, superiority complex and difficulty with making decisions and taking action. OTHER QUALITIES: Relations, feelings, intuition, play, pleasure, emotion. Sense of taste. AREAS OF INTEREST: Emotions, empathy, physical vitality and undeniable urge to move rhythmically, desire for fusion and continuation and therefore sexuality and reproduction, a need for physical contact and relations, expansion of the self through fantasy and creativity. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: reduced appetite and eating disorders, hair (weakness and falling), cystitis, cellulite, spastic colitis, cramps, reduced or excessive sexual desire, sexual dysfunction in general, lymphatic or renal edema, excessive emotionalism and mood changes, herniated disc, fibroma, phlebitis, hysteria, lumbago, menstrual disturbances, odors (paroxysmal perceptions), orchitis, ovaries (cysts and inflammation), cry, sigh and urinate often, painful testicles, varicocele and varicose veins. Difficulty in
relating to the opposite sex, maniacal jealousy, little or no creativity, blocked emotions, overemotional, difficulty in socializing, inability to choose, narcissism, addictive personality. SYMBOLS: Ascendant moon, half moon, the moon, water and aquatic creatures, vegetation, germination, flow and swimming, mirror, seasonal cycles. DREAMS: Water, springs, liquids, rain, fish, snakes, swamps, mud, the sea, lakes, rivers, ponds, puddles, swimming, floating, taste, lovemaking, forms or faces that attract or repel, feelings of sexual attraction and/or threat, flowers that bloom or fade. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Temperance. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Lustfullness. REBALANCING FOODS: Water, liquids. YOGIC EXERCISES: SALABHASANA (locust pose), SARPASANA (snake pose), BHADRASANA (gracious pose), HASTAPADABADDHASANA (oyster pose). BREATHING: Abdominal breathing practice -- lying, standing and sitting, to stimulate and massage the entire area from the pubis to the diaphragm. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 2 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour ORANGE for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: Cultivate generosity and humility, which are qualities of water. Walk and dance. AFFIRMATION: “My vitality and my emotions run freely, bringing joy and health.” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 2 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation.
CHAKRA N°3 - MANIPURA MEANING: “Circle of the city of jewels,” “lustrous gem.” LOCATION: Navel area, from the epigastric to the hypogastric region. PHYSICAL CORRELATION: Digestive function (in particular the stomach, liver, gall bladder, small intestine, pancreas), solar plexus, diaphragm, voluntary muscles, eyes. EGO: Form, aspect, image, role. The Ego identifies with its appraisal of itself and with its social status. ELEMENT: Fire. The dominant characteristic is expansion and radiance. COLOUR: Predominant: YELLOW. Complementary: VIOLET. ACTIVITY: Joy, inspiration, clarity of judgment, logic, optimism, ability to organize, self-control, awareness. Energy and coordination in the muscles. Negative activity includes stubbornness, cowardice, a tendency to excessively criticize others, conflictual behaviour, egocentrism OTHER QUALITIES: Self-esteem, assertiveness, ability to act effectively, exams, career, reactive force, courage. Overcoming obstacles, anger and frustration. Sense of sight. AREAS OF INTEREST: Combustion (that generates energy), radiance and expansion, higher law; “place” of awakening, desire for immortality and limitlessness. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: Digestive-related problems; pains, disturbances or altered functions of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestines; metabolic disorders. In particular ulcers, pancreatitis, jaundice, diabetes, weak liver. Uneven, reduced or blocked breathing. Vision problems. Inferiority complex, paranoid behaviour, automatic behaviour, megalomania, perfectionism, social phobias, stage fright, fear of being criticized, over-ambition, compulsive-aggressive behaviour, desire to dominate, strong protective mechanisms. SYMBOLS: Inverted triangle, the symbol of earth-fire; fire, in particular the campfire; the column, the stem; the triangle and compass and measuring instruments in general: the lamp; the belt, money; salt; the horn; the ram (animal). DREAMS: Recurring themes on role and form, i.e. on the actual
substantiality and nature of the Ego. For example, working a job that’s not your real one, or having a different role, o performing meritorious and socially valued works, or perhaps the contrary. In this type of dream there is usually something that doesn’t jibe, a sensation of inadequacy. Also, dreams in which your face and body are different from your own and completely unrecognizable, if not actually of the opposite sex, taking exams, being the centre of attention and feeling embarrassed and uneasy. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Prudence, tradition, mirth. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Avarice. REBALANCING FOODS: High-energy foodstuffs, in particulare the glucides (starches, sugars or carbohydrates), fats, coffee, alcohol, stimulants in general. YOGIC EXERCISES: DHANURASANA (bow pose), ARDHA NAVASANA (half-boat pose), PARVOTTANASANA (lying on one side). BREATHING: Abdominal breathing practice -- lying, standing and sitting, to stimulate and massage the entire area from the pubis to the diaphragm. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 3 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour YELLOW for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: Relaxation of the eyes and vision. AFFIRMATION: “Willpower requires awareness. My desires are realized naturally and completely.” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 3 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation. CHAKRA HANDMADE SOAP: Bathe daily with the corresponding soap.
CHAKRA N°4 - ANAHATA MEANING: “Centre of the unborn sound.” LOCATION: At the centre of the thorax, at the level of the physical heart. PHYSICAL CORRELATION: Connected to the cardiac, respiratory and immune functions. Heart, thoracic cage, skin and tactile perception, lungs – bronchial tubes, circulatory system, shoulders – arms -- hands (inner part), thymus, white blood cells. EGO: The Ego manifests as identification with the object of love and love itself, or it’s opposite. The development of 4th Chakra potential puts us in relation with spaces that are normally unconscious, making it possible to transform automatic reactions into creative actions. ELEMENT: Air, gaseous state. COLOUR: Predominant: GREEN; complementary: RED. ACTIVITY: Rest and calm; peaceful, serene and balanced sensations. Harmonious emotions, compassion, unconditional love, generosity, acceptance and forgiveness. Balancing of the nervous system, fever reducing, disinfectant, decongestant. Healing. Negative activity includes envy, stinginess, avarice, jealousy. OTHER QUALITIES: Feeling, love, harmony, social welfare projects, sensibility, neutralization of negative and destructive feelings, dignity, equanimity. Sense of touch. AREAS OF INTEREST: Contact. Unifying force in the greatest sense. Love that expresses the capacity of integration. Penetrate and modify the structures and barriers of the Ego. Unity and alliance with the subtle and hidden forces of the spiritual and natural worlds. Willingness as a vehicle for material energies, and faith for the spiritual ones. Modify reality from inside. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: Allergies, anxiety, asthma, weakened immune system, auto-immune problems, dyspnea, circulatory problems, skin disorders, stroke, heart attack, ischemia. Emotive egoism, indifference, extreme coldness, denial, masochism, alienation, lack of empathy, inability to manage interpersonal relationships, strong self-destructive urges.
SYMBOLS: Six-pointed star; air, clouds, smoke, coloured birds, horizon, open spaces, steady flames, sacred spaces (especially circular ones), sacred caves, large-winged coloured birds. DREAMS: Dreams of flying, running with great ease, being at the top of a hill, mountain or high place, love or the beloved, being in closed and deep place that is very serene and clear, very vivid colours, prophetic dreams about relatives, friends, acquaintances or yourself (as in dreaming that you meet someone and then you really meet them). POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Love, compassion. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Envy, guilt, aversion. REBALANCING FOODS: Vegetables, leafy greens. YOGIC EXERCISES: TRIKONASANA (frontal triangle pose), PARSVATRIKONASANA (lateral triangle pose), MERUDANDAVAKRASANA (spine-bend pose). BREATHING: Thoracic breathing for some minutes each day. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 4 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour GREEN for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: Chant the mantra OM for some minutes each day. AFFIRMATION: “My feelings manifest and expand without encountering obstacles, increasing the good and the beauty in myself and the world.” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 4 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation.
CHAKRA N°5 - VISHUDDA MEANING: “Absolutely pure circle,” “centre of all purity.” LOCATION: Throat, pharyngeal plexus. PHYSICAL CORRELATION: The base of the throat, thyroid and parathyroid, pharyngeal, larynx and trachea, vocal cords, bronchial tube, lung tips, ears, tongue, mouth, facial area up until the eyes, shoulders and upper arms and upper hands. According to the Hatha Yoga tradition, the Vishuddha Chakra is directly related to the sixteen vital points of the body (Adhara). EGO: The Ego manifests as an identification with its own moral image. ELEMENT: Ether (vibration). COLOUR: Predominant: SKY-BLUE; complementary: ORANGE. ACTIVITY: Rest, sleep, surrender. Sincerity, dialogue, expression of one’s feelings and creativity, loyalty, honesty, kindness, tolerance. Anti-inflammatory and calming action, moderately anaesthetizing, refreshing and fever-reducing. Negative activity includes depression, feeling empty, auto commiseration, fear, coldness and indifference. OTHER QUALITIES: Communication, expression, creativity, art, symbolism, dreams, myth, faith, truth, sense of hearing. AREAS OF INTEREST: “Energy of communication” able to act via symbolic expression (word, sign, formula, etc.) as a unifying force between internal and external, beyond all limits of time and space. Express and share emotions, experiences, demands, feelings, affections, thoughts. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: Aphonia, tinnitus and other ear problems, asthma, stuttering, problems with swallowing, mouth, ear, and thyroid problems, sore throat, lockjaw, “lump in the throat,” earache, common cold, hoarseness, sensation of suffocating, tonsillitis, stiff neck, cough, tracheitis. Emotional block, depression, embarrassment, inhibition, indecision, hyper-rationalization, logorrhea, lack of self-control and sincerity, lying, muteness, rigidity, timidness, boasting. SYMBOLS: Empty circle, prayer, Mantra, interior voice, the wave of
vibration, vault (as in architecture), a psychic, an oracle, a mystic. DREAMS: Dreams and visions regarding the human race’s past, or a part of this, or the present or the future. Symbolic, prophetic and revelatory dreams. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Blessing, charity. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Backbiting, insult. REBALANCING FOODS: Fruit, flowers, honey. YOGIC EXERCISES: SARVANGASANA (shoulder stand pose), MATSYASANA (fish pose), SUPTA VAJRASANA (reclining thunderbolt pose), SIMHASANA (lion pose). BREATHING: Practice of clavicular breathing for some minutes each day. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 5 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour SKY BLUE for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: Cultivate sincerity and truth. Write down your thoughts, read out loud, sing, play and listen to music, recite mantra and prayers. The study of symbols is also very useful. AFFIRMATION: “I communicate, I express myself.” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 5 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation. CHAKRA HANDMADE SOAP: Bathe daily with the corresponding soap.
CHAKRA N°6 - AJNA MEANING: “Circle of illuminated power”; “centre of command.” LOCATION: Centre of the head, at the top of the medulla oblongata (bulba) at the height of the forehead. PHYSICAL CORRELATION: Central and peripheral nervous system, hypophysis or pituitary gland, anteriorly with the centre of the eyebrows, the left eye, the bridge of the nose, posteriorly with the medulla oblongata. EGO: The Ego manifests as identification with the functions of the mind. The consciousness expresses itself as comprehension, intuition, extrasensory faculty, psychic creativity, and the Ego manifests identifying with these abilities. COLOUR: Predominant: INDIGO; complementary: YELLOWORANGE. ACTIVITY: Communication with profound mental aspects. Meditation, contact with cosmic energy, concentration, imagination, intuition, calm, equilibrium, synthesis. Negative activity includes vanity, pride, presumption, deceit, fruitless daydreaming. OTHER QUALITIES: Inner vision, lucidity, attention, concentration, mental relaxation, clairvoyance. Sixth sense. AREAS OF INTEREST: Direction and harmonic command of the lower levels. Comprehension (become aware via the direct knowledge or thanks to a logical and/or analog process), intuition (direct knowing, via the channel of the 7th Chakra), discrimination (recognize differences and make choices according to conscience and will), abstraction (mental functioning through symbols, in the absence of sense reference), memory (keep track of past events), extrasensory faculty (access to uncommon space-time dimensions). Ability to relate the internal and the external, the Self and the manifest world. Self-realisation. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: Migraine, difficulty with attention and concentration, ocular tension, tinnitus, blurred vision, labyrinthitis, nervous breakdown, heaviness of the head, vision problems, sinusitis, trembling. Neurosis, nightmares, psychological pathologies in general, confusion, feeling of emptiness. SYMBOLS: Triangle, wings, scales, colours, horns, thunderbolt, light,
eye, trident, head, sanctuary. DREAMS: Dreams and visions regarding the human race’s past, or a part of this, or the present or the future. Prophetic and revealing symbolic dreams. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Hope. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Arrogance. REBALANCING NUTRITION: Subtle prana from the sun’s light. Absorbed through the eyes, the skin and the mucous membranes, the olfactory sense and the breath, mental visualization and the palate during the chewing of food. YOGIC EXERCISES: TRIPADASANA (tripod pose), KAPALASANA (“the skull”), PADMASANA (lotus pose), VAJRASANA (thunderbolt pose) BREATHING: Practice the complete breath for some minutes each day. The complete breath allows the integration of the energy of all the chakras. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 6 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour INDIGO for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. PRACTICE: Practice concentration on a point, an object, a concept or a divine quality. Make a record of coincidences, and exercise your intuitive abilities. AFFIRMATION: “I follow my intuition, which will always show me the best path to follow. I knead my thoughts with the light of truth and they transform into flowers, rainbows and fountains of sparkling light” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 6 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation.
CHAKRA N°7 - SAHASRARA MEANING: “Circle of a thousand petals.” LOCATION: The fontanel, located at the top of the cranium. PHYSICAL CORRELATION: Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, top of the head, right eye, fontanel; central nervous system. EGO: The Ego manifests as an intuitive state and, afterwards, with the complete integration with the external Self. COLOUR: Predominant: VIOLET (WHITE, GOLD); complementary YELLOW. ACTIVITY: Spirituality, calm, decongestion, decompression, reduces inflammation. Contact with the divine and the super-consciousness. Negative activity includes obsession, sense of martyrdom, injustice, intolerance, mental limitation. OTHER QUALITIES: Perception, superior vision, clarity, protection. Unity. Divine grace. Non-attachment. Spiritual purity. AREAS OF INTEREST: Contact with the eternal, the absolute, the metaphysical. Synthesis and maximum exaltation of all the potentials of the other chakras. Through this channel the Ego enters into contact with the Consciousness, but in order to benefit it must transform, let go of its own will and develop the receptive quality of surrender. RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS: Pineal gland disorders, migraine, cerebral inflammation, high blood pressure, brain tumors. Confusion, depression, difficulty in concentrating, disassociation with the body, mental disturbances, problems with equilibrium, phobias, insomnia, instability, hypochondria, memory loss, religious obsession, psychosis, schizophrenia, sense of emptiness, fear of illness and death, trembling, vertigo. SYMBOLS: A point, lotus flower, vortex, apex, sphere, crown, eagle.
DREAMS: Absence of dreams. POSITIVE MENTAL STATE: Faith. NEGATIVE MENTAL STATE: Sloth. REBALANCING NUTRITION: Divine energy (through connection and meditation). YOGIC EXERCISES: All the inverted positions affect the 7th chakra, SIRSASANA in particular. All the positions that promote an “earthsky” alignment of the spinal column favour the integration of the 1st and 7th chakra with all the others. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: In a seated position, in VAJRASANA or PADMASANA if possible, practice physical stillness and mental silence. Practice deep relaxation in a supine position for at least twenty minutes, daily if possible, or at least once a week. MASSAGE: Apply, or have someone apply, Chakroil no. 6 (diluted in jojoba or almond oil, usually 1:10) by massage on the parts of the body related to the chakra (see the appropriate professional protocol). VISUALIZATION: The colour VIOLET-WHITE-GOLD for some minutes, perhaps with the help of a visual aid. AFFIRMATION: “I am guided by a superior and beneficial force.” “May Your will be done.” CHAKROIL: Apply Chakroil no. 7 sparingly on the wrists and on the specific points of the chakra. CHAKRA INCENSE: Light the corresponding incense periodically, during the related activities, exercises, or meditation. CHAKRA HANDMADE SOAP: Bathe daily with the corresponding soap.
BULK PRECIOUS RESINS AND WOODS Travelling along the Incense Route, we import precious Resins and Woods directly from the countries of origin.
Benzoin Siam
Mysore Sandal
Styrax Benzoin
Santalum Album
Canarium Strictum
Boswellia Rivae
50 gr - Cod. RE001 1Kg - Cod. RE024
25 gr - Cod. RE004 1Kg - Cod. RE024
50 gr - Cod. RE015 1Kg - Cod. RE018
50 gr - Cod. RE009 1Kg - Cod. RE020
Olibanum Arabia
Olibanum Congo
Red Mirrha
Black Styrax
Boswellia Carteri
Commiphora Mirrha
Black Styrax
50 gr - Cod. RE015 1Kg - Cod. RE017
50 gr - Cod. RE030 1Kg - Cod. RE031
50 gr - Cod. RE005 1Kg - Cod. RE022
50 gr - Cod. RE008 1Kg - Cod. RE019
Palo Santo
Pottery Resins Burner
Resins Burner Enamelled
Charcoals Golden Temple
Diameter: 8 cm
Diameter: 12 cm
Cod. CA040
Cod. BR001
Cod. BR002
Bursera Graveolens 15 gr - Cod. RE007 1Kg - Cod. RE027
Olibanum Etiopia
Incense Holder Ganesha Crea h: 10 cm Cod. PO032
Incense Holder Ganesha Big Diameter: 13 cm Cod. PO030
Incense Holder Ganesha Fonte Diameter: 12 cm Cod. PO031
Incense holder Ganesha Leaf Diameter: 14 cm x 9 cm Cod. PO036
Incense Holder Vaso
Incense Holder Ganesha Medium
Diameter: 9 cm - h: 7 cm
Diameter: 10 cm
Incense Holder Ganesha Low
Cod. PO033
Cod. PO034
Diameter: 7 cm Cod. PO035
Incense Holder Enamelled
Incense Holder Fiore D’Oriente
Incense Holder Lotus in Stone
Incense Holder Gondola
Diameter: 11 cm
Diameter: 10 cm
Diameter: 7,5 cm - h: 4cm
Length: 25 cm
Cod. PO038
Cod. PO008
Cod. PO009
Cod. PO007
Thanks from all of us, for the Trust that you have in us, every day.
Discover Life Live A new project shared among free minds: training courses, thoughts, images, music, studies, interviews and researches on holistic, yoga and meditation. Share your experiences with us!
No. 74/ 1, Yeliyur Village 571402, Bangalore - Mysore Highway Mandya - Karnakata , India
info@naturalincensecompany.com Europe: www.naturalincensecompany.com USA: www.naturalincensecompanyusa.com