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Competition FRI Images
This month’s FRI Images winner!
Congratulations to
André Oosthuysen for his photograph ‘E-One Flametamer’ taken with a Huawei P Smart on automatic settings.
Well done!
André Oosthuysen wins this months prize money of R2000!
Photo description: Quietly hiding in her cave, she awaits the call for action, when she can show of her beauty and skills.
Best rescue, fire or EMS photo wins R2 000!

Fire and Rescue International’s (FRI) monthly photographic competition is open to all its readers and offers you the opportunity of submitting your digital images of fires, fire fighters, disasters, incidents, emergencies and rescues.
• All photographs submitted must be high resolution (minimum 1meg) in jpeg format • Allowed: cropping, curves, levels, colour saturation, contrast, brightness, sharpening but the faithful representation of a natural form, behaviour or phenomenon must be maintained • Not allowed: cloning, merging/photo stitching, layering of two photos into one final frame, special effects digital filters • Fire and Rescue International (FRI) reserves the right to publish (printed or digitally) submitted photographs with acknowledgement to the photographer • Winners will be chosen on the merit of their photograph • The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into afterwards
Entries must include:
Name of photographer Contact details (not for publishing) Email (not for publishing) Name of photograph Brief description of photograph including type of incident Camera, lens and settings used
All entries must be emailed to: