Volante Launch Issue - Feb 2015

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100 NOT OUT:







JAGUAR E-TYPES from EAGLE For the world’s most spectacular choice of cars currently for sale, ranging from original low mileage classics, to our uniquely upgraded, sports equipped examples, including the Speedster, visit our website!WWW"EAGLEGB"COM!or call!Henry Pearman!on!#$%&'!%(#)**


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SALEH AL HAMAD AL MANA CO. (Exclusive Agent) Main Showroom: Salwa: Tel: 4428 3366 Showroom Timings: 8:00am to 9:00pm (Sat-Thu); 4:00pm to 9:00pm (Fri).

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100 Not oUt:


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the MeAstRo:


Cover image: Noble M600, shot by GF Williams, courtesy of Romans International. www.romansinternational.com



o few things in life are as capable of producing such a visceral response in people as that of WKH DXWRPRELOH (YHQ WKH PRVW KXPEOH XELTXLWRXV SURGXFWLRQ OLQH PRGHO FDQ VWRNH WKH ÀUHV RI SDVVLRQ 0D\EH EHFDXVH LW LV D ÀUVW FDU UHSUHVHQWLQJ LQGHSHQGHQFH DQG IUHHGRP IURP WKH bonds of parental reliance. Perhaps because it belongs to a best friend or a favoured relative, holding within its steel frame a lifetime of fond memories. My uncle’s Austin Allegro Estate, for instance, was a terrible car, but I still have happy recollections of my brother and I, as children, travelling to the beach sitting in its capacious boot. While we can all IHHO VRPHWKLQJ IRU RXU UXQ RI WKH PLOO PRWRUFDU WKHUH LV VRPHWKLQJ LQÀQLWHO\ PRUH VSHFLDO ZKHQ RQH WKLQNV RI WKH JODPRURXV OX[XULRXV DQG VSRUW\ PDUTXHV \RX ZLOO ÀQG ZLWKLQ WKHVH SDJHV Like the Noble M600: a rarity on the roads of Britain and practically mythical the world over, given LWV DQQXDO SURGXFWLRQ RI MXVW FDUV 7KDW·V ÀYH VKRUW RI ZKDW 5ROOV 5R\FH·V *RRGZRRG SODQW RXWSXWV LQ D GD\ EXW QR OHVV ORYH LV SXW LQWR EXLOGLQJ FDUV OLNH WKH *KRVW 6HULHV ,, ZKLFK ZH URDG WHVW RQ WKH streets of London. 5ROOV 5R\FH ZDV DW WKH YDQJXDUG RI WKH PRWRULQJ UHYROXWLRQ DV ZDV IDEOHG ,WDOLDQ PDQXIDFWXUHU Maserati, which last year enjoyed its 100th anniversary. To celebrate, we get behind the wheel of “Il Tridente’s” Centennial special editions in the mountains of Oman. 7KRVH DUH MXVW WKH ÀUVW GULYHV <RX·OO DOVR HQMR\ UDOO\LQJ D FODVVLF 0HUFHGHV %HQ] 6/ DV ZHOO DV ZLWQHVVLQJ WKH SRZHU RI WKH %XJDWWL 6XSHU 6SRUW LQ WKH KLOOV RI $QGDOXVLD D FDU WKDW 3LHUUH +HQU\ 5DSKDQHO WRRN WR D ZRUOG UHFRUG VSHHG +H LV IHDWXUHG DV RQH RI RXU ´'ULYHQ 0HQµ DORQJVLGH WKH maestro himself, Juan Manuel Fangio. <RX·OO DOVR ÀQG IHDWXUHV GHGLFDWHG WR HSLF MRXUQH\V JUHDW GULYLQJ URDGV ÀQH WDLORULQJ JURRPLQJ books and big boys toys. As it says on the cover, this is a journal for the gentleman driver; a reference point for the modern motoring man, the inaugural edition of which, I admit to being very proud of. 6R LQGXOJH PH LI \RX ZLOO DV , LQYLWH \RX LQ WR VLW DPRQJVW WKH SDQWKHRQ RI DXWRPRWLYH JUHDWV WKDW make driving dreams a reality; to a place where style, luxury and adventure all mingle with the scent of rubber and petrol, all played out against a turbo-charged soundtrack. :HOFRPH WR WKH ÀUVW LVVXH RI Volante. JAMES MCCARTHY, REGIONAL MANAGING EDITOR V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

| I gn i t i o n | C o n t e n t s |

Issue 01


FIRST GEAR 20| Columnist - The Boss: Peter Boutwood, MD of Noble


21 | Columnist - The Rake: Jeremy Hackett on buying a suit 22 | Columnist - The Racer: Mohamed Abu Issa talks Dakar 24 | News 32 | Calendar 34 | Gear The best bits of kit for car & driver ff



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THE NEW NISSAN PATROL CONQUER YOUR LUXURIOUS SIDE One look is good, but a double take is what we all want in life. Patrol’s premium interior and refined exterior means you are always the one that others are looking out for. The Hero of all terrains in life Stylish New Look | Premium Interior | Advanced Technology




SALEH AL HAMAD AL MANA CO. (Exclusive Agent) Main Showroom: Salwa: Tel: 4428 3333, Al Sadd Showroom: Tel: 4444 1334, Bin Omran Showroom: Tel: 4488 8618 Showroom Timings: 8:00am to 9:00pm (Sat-Thu); 4:00pm to 9:00pm (Fri).

| I gn i t i o n | C o n t e n t s |


THE GARAGE 38 | First Drive Noble M600


44 | First Drive Maserati’s Centennial Models 50 | First Drive Rolls-Royce Ghost Series II


56 | Classic Mercedes 280SL 62 | Dream Car Bugatti Veyron Super Sport GRAND TOURISMO 68 | Route Book - Borders, Bullets & Bikes: across Lebanon on a Harley 73 | Great Driving Roads - Jebel Hafeet’s mountain road in the UAE 76 | Something For The Weekend 78 | Rev Counter - MB&F, L’Epée’s stellar clock and Chopard’s Mille Miglia 82 | Fitting Room

DRIVEN MEN 88 | The Maestro: Juan Manuel Fangio 93 | Pierre-Henry Raphanel THE CLUBHOUSE 98 | Automobilia: big boys’ toys 100 | Books: The best motoring reads EXHAUST NOTE 103 | Contributors

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first gear

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Peter Boutwood, Managing Director of Noble Automotive explains the reasoning behind his “analogue” supercar.



s a low-volume British manufacturer of supercars, we have turned our lack of scale into a strength by striving to stand out as a tiny business from the loud crowd of thoroughbreds that dominate the supercar market. 0DNLQJ MXVW FDUV D \HDU JLYHV XV the exclusivity collectors yearn for, but ZKLOH RXU ELJJHU PRUH KLJK SURÀOH competitors use the lure of their badges and pedigree, we have had to develop our niche in other ways. When we began work on the M600, we knew we had to offer something genuinely different to put us on the map. Not only was it to be a car that enthusiasts would love; it had to appeal to a segment outside the mainstream. Then it struck us that the tradition of the analogue supercar — something that didn’t rely on computer DVVLVWDQFH DQG SXW WKH GULYHU ÀUVW ³ KDG largely disappeared from the market. We felt that was our opportunity. We wanted to bring the car back to the driver while still delivering a wholly modern and enticing package. We yearned to go back

to basics but still make a supercar that would stand up to the most advanced models available. In doing so, we knew the big guys would not follow our route because this market is too small for them to chase for any great rewards, but for us it LV VLJQLÀFDQW I penned the initial drawings of the car. In my career, which has taken me from sketching garments in the early days, to designing Formula 1 race livery, I have learnt to look at things with a craftsman’s eye. I’m not an engineer,but I am an ex-racing driver, so I know what a car should do. There’s an old saying in design that if it looks right, it probably is right; and we were spot on with the M600 right at the start. People always look at horsepower, but power doesn’t always make a car go TXLFNHU , WKLQN DLUÁRZ LV PRUH LPSRUWDQW and that’s why I designed our car to be incredibly slippery. More powerful cars might hit an air wall that stops them going faster, whereas ours slips through the air, and that’s the secret behind its remarkable top speed. It has gained quite a following. 0\ ROG IULHQG 'DPRQ +LOO ZKR , XVHG WR V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

race with in Formula 3, isn’t a huge fan of cars these days—he doesn’t drive fast RU ÁDVK\ FDUV DQ\PRUH³EXW KH ORYHG WKH M600 because he’s an analogue man who appreciates a driver’s car with the tactility RI D PDQXDO JHDU FKDQJH +H·V WKH VRUW RI guy who would be interested in the M600. We would dearly love to grow our market in the Middle East, and we plan to attend a couple of motor shows there over the next year. To be frank, the car right now probably won’t appeal to most drivers in the region because it’s a manual, though we will be launching a new paddle-shift YHUVLRQ LQ WKH PLGGOH RI Peter Boutwood was talking to Richard Whitehead.

I’ m not an engIneer , but I am an ex - racIng drIver , so I know what a car should do .

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British style icon, Jeremy Hackett, offers up some sartorial advice for buying a suit.



have said it many times before, but every chap should have a navy blue EOD]HU ,W GRHVQ·W KDYH WR EH D GRXEOH breasted, brass-buttoned number, it just has to be some sort of blue tailored jacket. It can be cotton, unstructured, one button, two buttons, three buttons, patch pockets, as long as it is navy blue you can dress it up or down with a pair of jeans or JUH\ ÁDQQHOV $V , KDYH VDLG EHIRUH LW LV WKH man’s fashion equivalent of a lady’s black dress. It can take you anywhere and it’s the easiest jacket to wear. The other thing: if you are only going to have one suit, it should probably be navy blue, and buy one good suit instead of three cheap ones. Always remember that a decent suit starts with the shoulder. If the shoulder is right, everything else follows. It’s about getting the right silhouette. It’s the hardest part of a suit to construct; what sort of padding you use makes a great deal of difference, as does how you set the sleeve into the shoulder. It’s pretty skilled work. Obviously, the cloth has to be decent, but it’s also about making sure you’ve got

a lways remember that a decent suIt starts good buttons. Well, it’s all of the little details, really, like working buttons on the cuff of the jacket, that kind of thing. It’s mostly about going for something that’s not obviously a fashion statement. I’m pretty old-fashioned about suits, really. I grew up VHOOLQJ WKHP LQ WKH V DQG 6DYLOH 5RZ taught me a lot about a good suit. If you’re getting your suit tailor-made, DGG D ELW RI ÁDLU ZLWK WXUQHG EDFN FXIIV <RX GRQ·W VHH WKHP RIWHQ EHFDXVH LW·V GLIÀFXOW WR do on a ready-made suit. I like it, particularly on a jacket that’s quite plain, it just stops it looking like an average, off-the-peg suit. A double-cuff shirt is also a must, too, in my opinion. Men get so few opportunities to ZHDU MHZHOOHU\ DQG D QLFH SDLU RI FXIÁLQNV PDWFKHG WR WKH ZDWFK VLOYHU FXIÁLQNV VWHHO bracelet - just looks great. But, a word of warning, you can ruin a good suit by wearing it incorrectly. Always be sure to fasten the correct buttons on the jacket. 6RPHWKLQJ WKDW UHDOO\ DQQR\V PH LV people doing the wrong buttons up on WKHLU VXLWV 6R RIWHQ \RX VHH D FKDS ZLWK D three-button suit and all three buttons are Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

wIth the shoulder . I f the shoulder Is rIght , everythIng else follows . done up. Either that or they have a twobutton suit and both buttons, or just the bottom one, is done up. It just irritates me, and I see it so often on television with newscasters and politicians who should really know better. If it’s got three buttons, either fasten the top two, or just the middle one. With a two-button jacket, you should leave the bottom one undone. Finally, always buy good shoes. I have an expression that my father gave me, which was: “I am too poor to buy cheap shoes.” I think that is a really good line and makes an awful lot of sense. It’s also a very good excuse for buying expensive shoes. Jeremy Hackett is the founder of Hackett London, a men’s luxury clothing and accessories brand that currently operates 77 stores in 16 countries. He was talking to James McCarthy.

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Qatar’s Quad-biking Wunderkind, Mohamed Abu Issa, on the challenges of the gruelling Dakar Rally.



y the time you read this, I will probably be somewhere in the Andes, half way through P\ VHFRQG JUXHOOLQJ 'DNDU 5DOO\ :KLOH , ZDV UHDOO\ KDSS\ ZLWK P\ performance last year, just missing out on a podium spot, I am far happier with the preparation I have done for this race and hopefully it will be paying off as you scan the page. Last year was a test race, this year I have been training much harder and my nutritionist has been at my side every minute of the day, monitoring what I eat, what I drink and how much training I get in each day. I have been close to ten to 15 hours of training a week, I have lost eight kilos since last year; I’m eating a lot better. I have been on a very strict diet plan so I’m entering this race in much better place both mentally and physically. Obviously, the bike will play a huge SDUW /DVW \HDU·V PDFKLQH ZDV DPD]LQJ :H had one of the best machines, I think, on WKH 'DNDU 7KLV \HDU , ZLOO EH UXQQLQJ D more powerful engine in order to give me the extra edge that I need.

0\ ELNH WKLV \HDU LV D +RQGD 75; 700 with completely reinforced frame. I have a bespoke steering column, seat and tyres specially made by Maxis. The rear axle is strengthened and my shocks are FXVWRP EXLOW E\ 5HLJHU WKH\ DUH WKH EHVW suspension in the world, they have a smart system that can sense if you are in the air or if you’re on the ground, so they react differently. I think that they are the best set of shocks I’ve ever tried and I don’t WKLQN , FDQ UDFH 'DNDU ZLWKRXW WKHP 7KH cooling system of the bike is completely PRGLÀHG DQG WKH HQJLQH LV EXLOW IURP scratch. I’ll be travelling with at least three bikes’ worth of spares as, between stages, SURYLGHG \RX ÀQLVK \RX FDQ UHSODFH anything but the chassis. This year there are going to be one or two challenges I’ll face that I didn’t come up against last year. Because I’ll be pushing more than I was last year (I was nursing a broken wrist), I’ll be consuming a lot more energy and cumulative fatigue throughout the stages could be an issue. I need to really calculate where I should push and where V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

I should rest, in order for me to save as much energy as I can. Also, this year we have four Andes mountain crossings, which will take me 5,000 meters above sea level, so altitude - something that I’m not used to - is going to be problem. I need to be well-rested the day before and not be tired when I make the ascent. Another challenge will be the change in temperature. It’s one I faced last year and I will face again twice as much during the additional mountain crossings. For me the heat was not an issue last year. It was an issue for other riders, but the -5°C is what hits me hardest. It’s very cold anyway, but when you’re hammering along at speeds of 130km/h, it can be painfully so. 6R DV , VDLG HDUOLHU ZKLOH \RX·UH UHDGLQJ this in the comfort of your home, think of me battling windchill, altitude sickness and fatigue on the back of a quad somewhere up a mountain. But don’t worry, I’ll be enjoying every minute, just as I’ll enjoy standing on that podium at the end. Mohamed was talking to James McCarthy

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5(7851 2) 7+( ‘BACH

Rappers delight as the ultimate in ostentatious luxury is set to ride again, this time as part of the Mecedes line-up.


oubtless, there were a few billionaires distraught DW 'DLPOHU·V DQQRXQFHPHQW ZD\ EDFN LQ WKDW WKH Maybach brand was being UHWLUHG LQ 7KH XOWLPDWH LQ over-the-top rear seat luxury, base prices across the range VWDUWHG DW 86 IRU WKH Maybach 57 limousine and ÀQLVKLQJ DW PLOOLRQ IRU WKH semi-convertible Landaulet. +RZHYHU WKH PDUTXH RQO\ shipped 3,000 cars between DQG While the brand found favour with rappers and ostentatious music producers, being essentially an extended ZKHHO EDVH 0HUFHGHV 6 &ODVV packed with gimmicky tech and ridiculously expensive interior trim was not enough to enable it to compete with the likes of 5ROOV 5R\FH DQG %HQWOH\ +RZHYHU WKH ELJ QHZV in November last year was WKDW 'DLPOHU DQQRXQFHG the revival of the Maybach marque as Mercedes-

Maybach, and this time the company isn’t dressing up the emperor in a new suit, stating IURP WKH RII WKDW WKH QHZ 6 will be an ultra-luxury edition of the aforementioned (previously) top of the range Mercedes. $ORQJVLGH 0HUFHGHV $0* Mercedes-Maybach will be subbrand of the “three-pointed-star” that it hopes will “provide both prestige and exclusivity” and it will be aimed at customers “for whom status is important.” As well as handcrafted,

THE NEW MERCEDESMAYBACH S600 WILL TARGET CUSTOMERS “FOR WHOM STATUS IS IMPORTANT.” FXVWRPLVHG 5REEH %HUNLQJ FKDPSDJQH ÁXWHV SDQRUDPLF sliding sunroof with “sky control” (glass that can be switched from clear to dark at the touch of a button), electric roller blinds,

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%XUPHVWHU ' VXUURXQG VRXQG system and perfumed and ionised air circulation, Merc is also claiming it will be the world’s quietest production sedan. While we will reserve judgement on that, we have no doubt it will be one of the most spacious, with its ÀWWHG DV VWDQGUG UHFOLQLQJ executive seats that come with an “energising massage function,” supposedly based on hot stone massage techniques. 7KH 0HUFHGHV 0D\EDFK 6 which is slated for an April release, will employ a 6.0-litre 9 EL WXUER HQJLQH WKDW FDQ GHOLYHU KS D WRS VSHHG RI PSK DQG D TXRWHG ÀYH VHFRQG sprint to 60mph from a standing start. That should be enough to KDXO WKRVH FDUDW JROG VSLQQLQJ rims (and the two-plus ton kerb weight of the car) from A to B. 3ULFLQJ IRU WKH QHZ 6 ZDV QRW forthcoming at the LA Motor 6KRZ ZKHQ WKH FDU ZDV XQYHLOHG but as the saying goes, if you have to ask... www.mbusa.com

LAGONDA TARAF UNVEILED IN DUBAI November also saw the resurrection of another legendary automotive brand when Aston Martin CEO, Dr Andy Palmer, unveiled a new Lagonda “super saloon” in Dubai. The Lagonda, which is being built in a strictly limited numbers,

and only for customers in the Middle East, will be known by the moniker Lagonda Taraf, a word which broadly translates from the Arabic as “opulent.” The new saloon, which, like the Maybach, will have a 6.0-litre V12 under the bonnet, draws its inspiration from the highly sought-after 1976 William Towns-designed Lagonda, which ceased production in 1990, and will be hand-made in a dedicated building at Aston’s Warwickshire factory - the same one in which the bonkers One-77 hypercar was created. Sales will be by invitation only, with precise pricing details remaining confidential. However, we have it on good authority that the base cost of the new luxo-barge be around $780,000 and will rise from there, depending on the bespoke accoutrements that will be specified by the customer. For instance, a 24-carat white gold Lagonda badge for the front of the car will empty the wallet to the tune of $55,000. With unprecedented levels of customisation available, Aston Martin expects its “Q” bespoke team to very busy. While the Lagonda will only be available to Middle Eastern customers, they will not be limited to just this region, those lucky enough to get invited to buy one can purchase it for their pad in Mayfair, too, should they so wish. Wherever it ends up being parked, the first privileged owners can expect to take delivery of their Taraf by the end of the first quarter of this year.




he most expensive Jensen ever SURGXFHG WKH -HQVHQ )) 6LOYHU 6ODPPLQJWRQ ZDV XQYHLOHG DW WKH 8. &ODVVLF 0RWRU 6KRZ E\ 8. EDVHG UHVWRUDWLRQ DQG KRW URGGLQJ FRPSDQ\ %DYDUH] With a coated bare metal shell, a low-slung dragster stance and bulging supercharger, which, in concert with the Jensen’s Chrysler 9 SURPLVHV D WKHRUHWLFDO 1,000bhp, the company has transformed a rust-ridden barnÀQG LQWR WKH PRVW SRZHUIXO DQG most expensive Jensen ever built. Every part which could be

rescued from the neglected original matching numbers car, was saved; those which could not were replicated and manufactured by %DYDUH] ZKLFK WRRN WZR \HDUV WR turn what was left of the Jensen

into, arguably, one of the most ferocious four-wheel drive grand tourers on the planet. 7KH )) 6LOYHU 6ODPLQJWRQ LV YDOXHG DW DURXQG DQG according to the company, will need

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to be de-tuned to be made road legal. As a spokesperson for the company QRWHG ´%DYDUH] FRXOG PDNH WKH 1,000bhp work, but even hot-rodders need to be sensible at times.” www.bavarez.co.uk ff

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DPERUJKLQL DQG 5HLWHU Engineering have been UDFLQJ WRJHWKHU LQ WKH *7 VHULHV VLQFH ,Q WKDW WLPH the team has created some seriously sinister looking race cars. None, however, are as scary looking as this beast. It’s called the Extenso QLFNQDPHG 5 (; DQG it’s based on the outgoing *DOODUGR 8QOLNH WKH *DOODUGR )/ *7 LW LV UHSODFLQJ WKH new one is lighter, wider and (undoubtedly) faster. The car gets a serious

facelift from front to back. The aluminum side panels have been UHSODFHG ZLWK FDUERQ ÀEUH WKH rear axle width is increased by 13cms to ensure the maximum SRVVLEOH FDU ZLGWK RI FP increasing handling performance as a result. The massive rear wing and new front and rear splitters deliver the necessary downforce to keep this track-devouring demon on the tarmac. The drivetrain also gets a racing reboot with new camshafts DQG 0DKOH SLVWRQV WKDW 5HLWHU claims, will also reduce fuel

consumption and increase longterm reliability. At this point, you may be asking yourself “why upgrade D *DOODUGR LQVWHDG RI WKH QHZ +XUDFiQ"µ *RRG TXHVWLRQ 2YHU WR FRPSDQ\ RZQHU +DQV 5HLWHU ´,Q D VLPLODU ZD\ WR WKH aviation industry, we build on affordable evolutionary steps in car development and forgo revolutionary changes,” he H[SODLQV ´5HOLDELOLW\ DQG ORQJHYLW\ have absolute priority. ´:LWK WKH QHZ 5 (; RXU customers will not only be

attuned to future performance OHYHOV HDUO\ LQ EXW ZLOO DOVR know that they have received a proven and reliable product.” :LWK FDUV EXLOW RYHU race wins and more than 400 podium results to its name, the Bavarian tuning house clearly knows what it’s doing. 5HLWHU (QJLQHHULQJ ZLOO produce ten of these terrifyingORRNLQJ *DOODUGR 5 (; PRGHOV which gentleman drivers and semi-pro racers can get their mitts RQ IRU D PHUH www.reiter-engineering.com




Fancy owning an ultra rare McLaren F1? Well Rowan Atkinson has decided it’s “the right time” to sell his 650hp daily driver. Atkinson, a renowned petrol head, bought the car new in 1997 and since then he’s put 41,000 miles on it — an astounding figure for one of only 64 road going F1s ever made. The car cost the Mr Bean and Johnny English star about $750,000 new and, despite having to be rebuilt by McLaren at a cost of $1.3m after a pretty horrific crash, London luxury car sellers, Taylor & Crawley, reckon they can get around $12m for the car.

The first Ferrari Sergio has been delivered to its new owner, the SBH Royal Auto Gallery in the UAE, at Abu Dhabi’s Yas Marina Circuit, which is home to the Ferrari World theme park. Designed by Pininfarina, just six of this incredibly limited edition roadster are being built. The car was created to celebrate the spirit and core values of the historic coachbuilder in the 60th anniversary year of its collaboration with the Prancing Horse. Needless to say, Sergio was the only possible choice of name for the model, in homage to great Sergio Pininfarina, who sealed the unique, longstanding partnership with Ferrari.

Aston Martin together with EON Productions, the producers of the James Bond film franchise, unveiled Bond’s stunning new car, the Aston Martin DB10, on the 007 stage at Pinewood Studios. James Bond will once again drive an Aston Martin in his 24th on-screen adventure, entitled Spectre, which will hit cinemas on November 6th. On this occasion, it will be a model developed specifically for the film and built in-house. Celebrating the brand’s half century with Bond, which started with the iconic DB5, the DB10 gives a glimpse into the future design direction for Aston Martin. ff


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rom movies to mobile phones, even a potato salad, crowd funding is becoming D YLDEOH PHWKRG RI ÀQDQFLQJ IRU EXVLQHVVHV looking to raise essential capital, so why not PRWRUVSRUW UDFLQJ WHDPV" %URRNVSHHG %HQWOH\ 5DFLQJ &OXE KDV been set up to bring the “privateer spirit” of Bentley back to Endurance racing using Brookspeed’s racing pedigree and total passion for the Bentley marque and its &RQWLQHQWDO *7 7KHUH LV SUHFHGHQW %%5& %UDEKDP DQG more recently Caterham F1 have succeeded in raising enough money to return to F1 in $EX 'KDEL

7KH WHDP DLPV WR ÀQG PHPEHUV WR VKDUH LQ WKH SXUFKDVH DQG RZQHUVKLS RI D %HQWOH\ *7 UDFHFDU VFKHGXOHG WR FDPSDLJQ LQ WKH %ULWLVK *7 &KDPSLRQVKLS DQG VHOHFWHG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO events. The tiered membership program offered by Brookspeed will provide investors with a range of options, including the type of access to the inner workings of a race team and ownership privileges normally reserved for major sponsors,

F1 TEAMS GET STRAIGHT TO WORK FOR 2015 The chequered flag had barely been returned to the cupboard in Abu Dhabi, following the season finale at the Yas Marina Circuit, before the F1 cars were back out the next day to get a head start on 2015. The official three-day, post-season test was a weird mix of winddown relief from jaded team personnel who were forced to hang back, combined with first day nerves, as it also gave potential new F1 drivers their big chance to impress. While he wasn’t allowed to jump into a car, or even wear his new

senior team members and manufacturers. Privateers, gentleman drivers and hobbyists pitching in to race Bentleys at internationallyDFFODLPHG HQGXURV" :H·UH SUHWW\ VXUH WKDW : 2 would have approved. For further information and details of how WR JHW LQYROYHG ZLWK %URRNVSHHG %HQWOH\ 5DFLQJ Club visit the website below. www.brookspeedbentley.com

uniform, as he was technically still employed by Red Bull Racing, fourtime world champion Sebastian Vettel took the chance to hang out with his new Ferrari buddies on pit wall, shaking hands with some of the guys who will be working with him next year as he replaces Fernando Alonso at the Scuderia. With no drive confirmed at the time, Alonso was busily preparing himself for another big race the following weekend in Dubai, a 24-hour gokart race, and he seemed quite at ease focusing on his 13.5bhp lawnmower engine while everyone else speculated on his Formula One future. One thing is for certain in 2015 however, and that’s the return of Honda to the sport with McLaren, and the new car made a brief debut lasting all of three laps, before stopping on track and being towed back to the garage. The romantics of the sport will no doubt be hoping for a return to the era of Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost who were the last duo to race McLaren-Hondas a quarter of a century ago. With a provisional calendar of 21 races announced including a TBC return for Korea, teams will have their work cut out to include the extra race. However hearts were temporarily sent into a spin following rumours that Qatar may also join the F1 circus from next year, though it seemed Bernie Ecclestone – the master of divide and conquer politics – was up to his usual antics. Most agree that two rounds in the Middle East, with the fourth round in Bahrain scheduled for April 19 and the final race at Abu Dhabi in November, is enough for the region at the moment. ff

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DVVHU $O $WWL\DK GRPLQDWHG WKH 'DNDU 5DOO\ WR VHFXUH D IDPRXV VHFRQG title, leading the race from the second day. Along with co-driver Matthieu Baumel, the pair never relinquished their grip on the lead, posting the fastest times on six stages of the JUXHOOLQJ 6RXWK $PHULFDQ HQGXUR 7KH GXR stretched their advantage over the course of the 5,600-mile, 14-day rally, to eventually win by a massive 35 minute time advantage over their FORVHVW ULYDOV IURP *LQLHO GH 9LOOLHUV DQG 'LUN YRQ =LW]HZLW] 7KH ÀQDO VWDJH RI WKH UDOO\ ZDV VKRUWHQHG to just 34 kilometres from the planned 174, due to heavy rainfall damaging the roads. For Al-Attiyah and his co-pilot, it meant taking DV IHZ ULVNV DV SRVVLEOH DQG ÀQLVKLQJ WKH stage, before embarking on the extended road section back to Buenos Aires, where, at 3pm ORFDO WLPH WKH\ FURVVHG WKH ÀQLVK WR VHDO WKH memorable win. For Baumel, it was a particularly special PRPHQW DV WKLV ZDV QRW RQO\ KLV ÀUVW 'DNDU win, but his 39th birthday. Al-Attiyah’s latest success means that he MRLQV D YHU\ H[FOXVLYH FOXE RI PXOWLSOH 'DNDU winners in the car category, populated by 5HQp 0HWJH $UL 9DWDQHQ 3LHUUH /DUWLJXH -HDQ /RXLV 6FKOHVVHU +LURVKL 0DVXRND

DQG 6WpSKDQH 3HWHUKDQVHO ,Q IDFW 1DVVHU·V dominant performance this year echoes that RI 9DWDQHQ LQ H[DFWO\ \HDUV DJR ZKHQ KH ZDV IDVWHVW RQ WKH ÀUVW VWDJH DQG QHYHU ORVW the lead until the end. “From the start of the rally I always said that I wanted to make this a special present for Matthieu and now we have succeeded,” $O $WWL\DK VDLG ´7KLV 'DNDU KDV EHHQ percent perfect for us. The car, the navigation, the team and the tyres could not have been better. “This victory means a huge amount to me.


| Fir s t G e ar | N ew s |

BENTLEY FINALLY NAMES SUV CONCEPT If, in the last couple of years, there has been one subject that has divided the motoring community, it was Bentley’s SUV concept. The divisive luxury 4WD caused consternation amongst the Bentley purists, drew derision from the motoring press and gained plaudits from the GCC and China, where cash deposits dropped as thick and fast as Snowstorm Juno. After some design tweaking, the polarising people carrier is likely to be unveiled at Geneva, sporting the equally divisive moniker, The Bentayga.

MCLAREN SPECIAL OPS ADDS NEW TIER THE DUO STRETCHED THEIR ADVANTAGE OVER THE COURSE OF THE 5,600-MILE RALLY TO CLAIM A MASSIVE 35 MINUTE TIME ADVANTAGE OVER THEIR CLOSEST RIVALS From the start my feeling was that we were completely under control, but of course I could not relax for a second as we have seen in the past that anything can happen.”

McLaren Special Operations (MSO) has announced the newly-established “MSO Defined” division. This forms the first of five tiers of personalisation and support offered by MSO, catering for the customisation needs of all McLaren customers, and joins MSO Bespoke, specialising in one-off models; MSO Limited, producing limited-edition series production cars; MSO Heritage, focused on the maintenance and storage of historic cars; and MSO Programmes which includes the McLaren P1 GTR. “Every McLaren is unique,” explains Paul Mackenzie, Executive Director of McLaren Special Operations, “but now, with MSO Defined, we are enabling our customers to truly express themselves through their vehicles.”

SENNA’S FIRST F1 CAR FOR SALE Cars International is offering collectors the opportunity to buy into a significant piece of Motor-racing History by owning the very car which launched Ayrton Senna’s F1 career and in which he collected his first World Championship points. The TG183B was raced by privateer F1 team Toleman during the 1983/84 F1 season. Chassis no.5 made its debut in Brazil and was the car Senna drove at Kyalami and scored his first world championship point. Now available for sale with full documentation and exceptional provenance of its unique place in F1 history, interested parties should contact Cars International on: +44 (0) 1488 71029


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NEW FORD GT WOWS DETROIT AUTO SHOW Ford has unveiled an all-new ultra-high-performance GT, which its says is one of more than 12 new performance vehicles set to join the company’s line-up by 2020.

Slated to begin production in 2016, the GT hits the road in select global markets to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ford GT race cars’ 1-2-3 podium finish at the 1966 24 Hours of Le Mans. The all-new GT supercar features rear-wheel drive, a midmounted engine and a sleek, aerodynamic, two-door coupe body shell that can be accessed by two upswinging doors. It is propelled by what Ford claims is the most powerful EcoBoost production engine ever – a next-generation 3.5-litre twin-turbocharged V6 powerplant capable of producing more than 600 horsepower. The GT makes extensive use of lightweight materials, including carbon fibre and aluminium which Ford claims will not only help to deliver outstanding acceleration and handling, but will provide a proving ground for technologies and materials that will trickle down to all cars in the Ford line-up.



KH )HVWLYDO RI 6SHHG ZKLFK FHOHEUDWHV WKH very best from the past and present of motoring and motor sport, will be held between -XQH WK DQG WK Alongside the overall theme of “Fast DQG )HDUOHVV 5DFLQJ RQ WKH (GJH µ WKH )HVWLYDO RI 6SHHG ZLOO DOVR FHOHEUDWH WKH 90th anniversary of the motor racing’s inaugural World Championship, won by Alfa 5RPHR DQG PDUN \HDUV VLQFH +RQGD·V maiden grand prix victory as the Japanese manufacturer returns to Formula 1 with 0F/DUHQ LQ The event will also pay tribute to the 60th DQQLYHUVDU\ RI WZR VHQVDWLRQDO YLFWRULHV 6LU 6WLUOLQJ 0RVV DQG 'HQLV -HQNLQVRQ·V WULXPSK RQ WKH 0LOOH 0LJOLD DQG WKH ÀUVW SRVW ZDU grand prix win for an all-British line-up; Tony %URRNV LQ D &RQQDXJKW DW 6\UDFXVH 6SRUWV FDU OHJHQG 'HUHN %HOO ZLOO EH KRQRXUHG DV PDUNV WKH WK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI WKH ÀUVW RI KLV ÀYH /H 0DQV +RXUV wins, which came behind the wheel of a Mirage-Ford. 7KH *RRGZRRG 5HYLYDO ÀUPO\ HVWDEOLVKHG

as the world’s largest and most popular motor racing and vintage culture event, will take place EHWZHHQ 6HSWHPEHU WK DQG WK HQVXULQJ neither event will clash with the Formula 1 World Championship calendar. 7KH 5HYLYDO ZLOO SD\ WULEXWH WR WKH OHJHQGDU\ driver, engineer and racing car constructor, Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

Bruce McLaren, with a special parade of vehicles associated with his career. Tickets and hospitality packages for both events are on general sale, as are a limited number of tickets for the 73rd Members’ Meeting, which ZLOO EH KHOG RQ 0DUFK VW DQG QG www.goodwood.com


| Fir s t G e ar | C a l e n da r |

1.North American International Motor Show




WHEN: 12 - 25 JANUARY WHERE: DETROIT, USA Head to Detroit, Michigan and experience the next generation of transportation though innovative design at NAIAS 2015. See more than 500 vehicles on display, representing some of the world’s most important brands at the country’s largest and most influential automotive showcase.

2.Performance Car Show 2015


WHEN: 8 - 11 JANUARY WHERE: BIRMINGHAM, UK The automotive year kicks off with the leading UK exhibition dedicated to enthusiasts of sports and performance cars taking place Birmingham NEC. Visitors can meet leading tuning companies, see the latest performance road cars, speak to club members, watch precision driving displays and take part in driving experiences at the Live Action Arena.




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3.Bonhams Grand Palais Auction WHEN: 5 FEBRUARY WHERE: PARIS, FRANCE WHAT: With some incredible vehicles already confirmed, the first major classic car auction of 2015 is likely to set a high bar for the year to come. Among the “one-of-akind” vehicles on offer is a Harley Davidson FLSTC 103 Heritage Softail Classic

signed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to charity.

www.bonhams.com/ auctions/22528

4.85th Geneva International Motor Show WHEN: 5 - 15 MARCH WHERE: GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Possibly the biggest and most eagerly anticipated motoring event of the year, the eyes of the motoring world will be focused on the amazing concepts, the technological innovations and the wonderful automotive curios that remain unique to this annual event. Geneva’s motor show is widely considered to be the ultimate gauge of the health of the global automotive market as well as the place where the roadmap of the car’s future is regularly re-written.




5.5th Qatar Motor Show WHEN: 6 - 10 FEBRUARY WHERE: DOHA, QATAR The landmark fifth edition of the Qatar Motor Show promises to be bigger and better than ever, with a larger space within the Qatar National Convention Centre to fit the increasing number of both visitors and exhibitors expected. According to the organisers The show will highlight the most creative car designs and the latest technology used in the automotive industry.

International motor shows, classic car meets, auctions and motor sport events that shape the industry and fuel our petrol-driven passion are happening all over the world, all of the time. Here’s Volante’s pick of the places to be this month.

www.qatarmotorshow.gov.qa Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5


| Fir s t G e ar | Ge a r |

the best bits of kit FOR CAR AND DRIVER



DVHG RQ D GHVLJQ ÀUVW XVHG E\ SLORWV LQ WKH V WKHVH Á\LQJ goggles feature a leather face mask, adjustable nose bridge, polished chrome frame and 3mm clear laminated glass lenses. Ideal for a spin in your Morgan Three-Wheeler, your Bentley Blower or just watching The Battle of Britain on TV.



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hile classic cars may look fantastic, they often suffer from very analogue problems, such as unreliable gauges. This little GHYLFH ZKLFK LV EXLOW WR RUGHU DQG ÀWWHG LQ FRQMXQFWLRQ ZLWK DQ array of sensors, allows drivers to accurately monitor critical engine outputs at a glance, as well logging trip data and delivering service reminders. It can also act as a rally computer, making it an essential bit of classic car kit. www.gaugepilot.uk ff

V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

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| Fir s t G e ar | Ge a r |



or those spontaneous weekend adventures, you can be sure to get all your necessities into this beautiful holdall from the Italian leather mavens DW 3DYRQL +HDY\ GXW\ fabric, cotton-lined and reinforced with beautiful “Crocodile stamped” calf leather, this stylish bag ZLOO JLYH \RX \HDUV RI ÀUVW class travelling pleasure www.tagheuer.com



QFH \RX·UH VXLWHG XS LQ \RXU 7$* +HXHU MDFNHW \RX QHHG WR complete the look with a pair of these chic sunnies, as favoured by the man himself. Persol has decided to celebrate the actor by reODXQFKLQJ KLV IDYRXULWH V DV D VSHFLDO 6WHYH 0F4XHHQ HGLWLRQ www.persol.com

a n Ideal accessory to get just the rIght look astrIde your beautIful vIntage bIke





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the garage

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| Th e G a ra ge | N o bl e M 60 0 |


THE NOBLE ART OF SPEED Volante gets behind the wheel of Britain’s boutique supercar, The Noble M600 ff

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| Th e G a ra ge | N o bl e M 60 0 |



he explosion mattered little to the villagers of Enderby, its deafening crash washing down the tunnel of hedgerows and white-painted cottages at the side of the lane. The hunched old PDQ LQ DQ RYHUFRDW MXVW WXJJHG KLV ÁDW FDS GRZQ WLJKWHU WR VDYH LW from the jet wash; his dog didn’t even break its scamper. )XUWKHU DORQJ WKH WHHQDJH JLUO ZLWK D SUDP ZDV DOVR REOLYLRXV ÀUVW WR WKH unholy scream of cylinders as we approached, then to the dissipating boom DPLG WKH RUDQJH EOXU WKDW SDVVHG KHU KHU PLQG QR GRXEW IRFXVHG RQ WKH ÀVK supper she would order from the chippy around the corner. -XVW OLNH WKH UHVLGHQWV RI IDU RII ZDU ]RQHV ZKHUH HDFK EDQJ DQG ERRP provides the terrifying soundtrack to their days, the the villagers of Enderby in England’s east Midlands are inured to the deafening cry of the Noble M600, though its vibrations jar the foundations of their homes with regularity. It is seen, felt and heard almost daily in the hands of the test drivers and potential buyers who power it through Enderby’s picturesque and leafy lanes. By contrast, inside what is quite possibly Britain’s fastest production car, it is impossible to temper the sheer exhilaration it provides. Even Peter Boutwood, Noble’s managing director and the man who knows this savage supercar best, FDQQRW KLGH D JOLQW RI MR\ IURP KLV H\HV DV ZH VODP DQ HSLF ÀIWK WR WKLUG JHDU FKDQJH WR EULQJ RXU VSHHG EDFN GRZQ WR GRXEOH ÀJXUHV ³ PLOHV SHU KRXU WKDW is — the one concession we make for this tiny settlement not far from Noble’s home, a small industrial unit on the outskirts of Leicester. Are there any speed traps round here, I ask Boutwood. “No, though the

police really like us; we sometimes give them a car to take out,” he replies. 5HVHPEOLQJ D WKUHH ZD\ K\EULG RI JHQWOHPDQ UDFHU VHPL VDQH VFLHQWLVW DQG QHZ URPDQWLF VWDU RI WKH 6SDQGDX %DOOHW HUD %RXWZRRG KDV HYLGHQWO\ JLYHQ PXFK RI KLV RZQ '1$ WR WKH 0 ·V JHQRPH +LV DSSDUHQW HFFHQWULFLW\ LV well matched with England’s answer to the exotica that traditionally hails from northern Italy, which he claims the M600 can beat by most metrics you choose. +H KDV D SRLQW 0DGH DOPRVW HQWLUHO\ IURP FDUERQ ÀEUH DQG ZHLJKLQJ LQ DW NJ WKH 1REOH·V ULGLFXORXVO\ OLJKW SRZHU WR ZHLJKW UDWLR RI EKS SHU WRQQH KHOSV WDNH LW WR PSK LQ WKUHH VHFRQGV ÁDW DQG PSK LQ MXVW under 30 seconds. Its performance and top speed, estimated at around PSK VWDFN XS LPSUHVVLYHO\ DJDLQVW WKH /DPERUJKLQL $YHQWDGRU ZKLOH EORZLQJ WKH )HUUDUL ,WDOLD RII WKH EODFN WRS “What makes this car so special, so different from the others is the way the driver can control every element of it,” explains Boutwood. “It’s analogue. While other cars might have all the bells and whistles of technology to, some might say, get in the way of the driving, the M600 gives you complete control. We don’t want it to do the driving for you.” At that moment, as if by illustration, the rear end shimmies momentarily and satisfyingly through a tight left corner as the lane rounds a copse, before a tap on the gas snaps it out with stunning precision. In the spirit RI DQDORJXH 1REOH UHIXVHV WR RIIHU $%6 DUJXLQJ WKDW VXFK D V\VWHP ZRXOG rob the brakes of feel; and with near perfect balance on all four wheels, and extraordinary manners — again, just like Boutwood — there is little need IRU DQ\ HOHFWURQLF LQWHUUXSWLRQ 0DQ\ RZQHUV ZLOO ÁLS WKH OLWWOH UHG VZLWFK RQ WKH FHQWUH FRQVROH ³ D ÀULQJ EXWWRQ WDNHQ IURP DQ 5$) 7RUQDGR ÀJKWHU MHW ³ WR WXUQ RII WKH WUDFWLRQ FRQWURO IRU DGGHG ORO] Noble began life in 1999 as the manufacturer of mid-engined rear-wheel GULYH VSRUWV FDUV %\ LWV IRXQGHU /HH 1REOH D %ULWLVK DXWRPRWLYH GHVLJQHU who had left Ascari to develop his sports car philosophy under his own name, had departed the company and Boutwood began work on the M600 as a successor to the highly lauded M400 after its production run of just 75 units. 7KH 0 LVQ·W PDGH LQ PXFK JUHDWHU YROXPH ZLWK RQO\ PRGHOV built each year by a staff of 15. Boutwood hopes to see annual production LQFUHDVH WR D PDVVLYH FDUV LQ WKH QHDU IXWXUH %HFDXVH RI WKLV WLQ\ YROXPH the company has to run extremely lean. 7KH FDU LV KDQG EXLOW DQG XVHV D OLWUH <DPDKD GHULYHG 9ROYR 9 HQJLQH ZLWK WZLQ *DUUHWW WXUERFKDUJHUV HTXLSSHG ZLWK YDULDEOH ERRVW 7KLV setup will produce anything between 450 and 650bhp depending on how you feel and the position of a big red switch on the dash. ff

No frills, just speed The cabin may be spartan, but the Noble is about driving, not frippery.


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| Th e G a ra ge | N o bl e M 60 0 |

As with previous Nobles, the M600 uses a mid-engined space-frame steel chassis, which Boutwood says is as strong and rigid as those of his rivals, with double wishbones at each corner and coil-over dampers for its primary suspension. The engine and entire transaxle sit massively forwards on the chassis. Its steel brakes come with six-pot callipers at the front and four at the rear, and have been designed by British braking specialist Alcon. Britain has over recent years gone through something of a supercar renaissance, with the likes of Bentley and McLaren gaining the attention of enthusiasts around the world who would traditionally look no further than (PLOLD 5RPDJQD LQ ,WDO\ IRU WKHLU À[ RI IDVW This trend has continued through Noble, which along with the the soonWR EH UHERUQ 795 DGG D FRPSOHWHO\ GLIIHUHQW DQG TXLUN\ GLPHQVLRQ WR ZKDW has become a beautifully sanitised quest to provide the latest technology and most sumptuous luxury at the fastest of speeds. It is not as if the M600 is in any way shabby and lacking of creature comforts like, say, a Caterham. While there is hot and cold running leather throughout the unexpectedly capacitive cabin, the gauges and switchgear are KRXVHG LQ D VKLPPHULQJ JUH\ VHD RI FDUERQ ÀEUH ³ VRPHWKLQJ YLHZHG DV EDVLF LQ PRVW FDUV RU DV DQ H[SHQVLYH H[WUD LQ D %HQWOH\ 7KHUH LV QR *36 DQG the stereo is the type you could pick up on eBay. What the company has done is concentrate on performance and driving pleasure while adding just enough in the way / AT A GLANCE of trim and features to maintain the interest of NOBLE M600 its well-heeled clientele. Noble has innovated Engine: 4439cc 60-degree Volvo B8444S through operational V8 w/ twin variable boost turbochargers HIÀFLHQF\ QRW JDGJHWV Power: Driver selectable, 450bhp DQG JL]PRV EHFDXVH LW 650bhp @ 7000rpm cannot call on supremely Transmission: 6-speed manual wealthy backers like Weight: 1,250kg 9RONVZDJHQ *URXS Performance: Top speed 225mph; RU 0F/DUHQ 5DFLQJ WR 0-60 in 3.0 sec Price: $312,000 provide funds for the next great reveal. Whether by design or by chance, Noble has chosen to boost the strengths of existing components by using its network of suppliers and tuners to turn tried and tested technology into a wholly contemporary sum of its parts. %HKLQG WKH ZKHHO RI WKH 0 \RX ÀQG \RX GRQ·W PLVV WKLQJV OLNH ÁDSS\ SDGGOHV DQG $%6 \RX GRQ·W KDQNHU IRU ODXQFK FRQWURO RU UDFH VHWWLQJV \RX just feel like you’re driving how driving was meant to be — doing it for the sheer joy of it, inside one hell of an entertainer. ,Q WKH HQG LW LV LWV UDZ EUDLQ PDQJOLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH WKDW GHÀQHV WKH 0 and certainly not its looks. That isn’t to say the Noble is an ugly speedling by any means; rather it doesn’t nearly impose itself the way a Pagani would, nor does it attempt to recreate the visual drama of a Lamborghini. Just as a British soap star will often lack the glamour of her American counterpart, Blighty’s super cars do not tend towards the misty-eyed design language of WKHLU JOREDO FRPSHWLWRUV ³ WKH 0F/DUHQ & LV DQRWKHU WHVWDPHQW WR WKLV It is fortuitous that the Noble is best viewed from behind, as this is the GLUHFWLRQ IURP ZKLFK PRVW ZLOO JD]H RQ LW $ERYH D EDQN RI URXQG WDLO OLJKWV and deep, curving sill, the rear clamshell opens up to a vast expanse of space. Engineers haven’t attempted to cram an engine into a tight space here; instead the block, manifold, tubes, rods and components can stretch out over a huge area. This swathe is the secret behind the M600’s remarkable

poise: the engine, gearbox and entire transaxle sit so far forwards in the chassis that there’s still plenty of space for another power source. The front end, however, could best be described as tidy. While it would FHUWDLQO\ PHULW D VHFRQG JODQFH LW GRHVQ·W UHDOO\ ÀW LQWR DQ\ FDWHJRU\ RI UHWUR contemporary or futuristic; and it’s only when the face is taken in context ZLWK D JOLPSVH RI WKH ÁDUHG ÁDQNV ZLWK WKHLU GHHS DLU LQWDNHV GRHV DQ\ UHDO aggression come through. Though it lacks any great visual spectacle, there is one big feature on WKH 0 WKDW HQVXUHV LWV FRQWLQXHG GHVLUDELOLW\ WKH RYHUVL]HG FURZQ ORJR on the rear and the gaudy yellow badge bearing the name of its maker on WKH ERQQHW :LWK MXVW D FRXSOH RI GR]HQ PRGHOV SURGXFHG VR IDU WKH 1REOH name possesses the sort of cachet that comes with something that’s in high demand and low supply. In the Middle East, for example, there is only one M600 in the open, which was sold last year to a buyer in Bahrain. 7KLV VQRE YDOXH LV RQO\ KHLJKWHQHG E\ LWV SULFH WDJ ZKLFK immediately helps it appeal to collectors keen to add a high-performance %ULWLVK FXULRVLW\ WR WKHLU YDVW DVVRUWPHQWV RI ,WDOLDQ ÀQHU\ The villagers of Enderby certainly aren’t snobs but they still never seem to complain about the sweet, sweet roar of the M600 when it blasts past on a daily basis. Maybe instead they are harking back to a time when all cars, like their village and the Noble, were beautifully analogue.

Volante would like to thank Orenda Supercars for helping to source images for this feature. Orenda Supercars are the main dealer for Noble Automotive in the UK and can be contacted via the company’s website www.orendasupercars.com

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IN CELEBRATION of Maserati’s 100th birthday, we take its specially-produced Centennial Edition cars to Oman for speedy jaunt through the Hajar Mountains.


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| T h e G a ra ge | M a s e ra t i |



RU 0DVHUDWL·V WK ELUWKGD\ ² RIÀFLDOO\ WLWOHG WKHLU Centennial, but which I had rather cleverly renamed the Maser-Party – the wonderful people of Modena decided to laugh in the face of custom and tradition by supplying the gifts themselves; giving its venerating public not just one, but two new offerings. Maybe they don’t understand birthdays in Italy. Or maybe they’re just lovely. Whatever the reason, I was in no mood to argue: special HGLWLRQ YHUVLRQV RI ERWK WKH *UDQ7XULVPR DQG *UDQ&DEULR ZDV DOO RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ , QHHGHG WR KHDU 3OXV , ÀJXUHG there’d probably be some cake, so count me in. What followed, however, was not entirely what I was expecting. 6WXPEOLQJ WRZDUG WKH DUULYDOV JDWH EOHDU\ H\HG DQG VHPL conscious - my tiny suitcase careering from one inanimate object to another as its driver struggled to control anything beyond an upright position - my surroundings seemed to be more-or-less in order; commonplace, typical. Before too

long I was able to leave customs behind me and I began scouring the crowd, looking for somebody who looked like WKH\ ZHUH ORRNLQJ IRU PH +DYLQJ QHYHU EHIRUH PHW WKLV part is always a bit tricky, but suddenly and seemingly from nowhere, the pretty girl tasked with accompanying me from the airport to the hotel is at my side. My morning breath didn’t appreciate her close proximity. A few seconds later, neither did her nostrils. We departed the hustle bustle of the airport and I clambered into my designated incarnation of ´OX[XU\ VSRUWV DQG VW\OHµ IRU WKH ÀQDO OHJ RI P\ MRXUQH\ 6R far, so normal. 6DXQWHULQJ WKURXJK WKH JUHHQ WUHH OLQHG VWUHHWV SDVW WKH picturesque whitewashed low-rise buildings and towards the downtown waterfront area - all of which were surrounded E\ PDMHVWLF PRXQWDLQ VFHQHU\ ² LV ZKHQ P\ VXVSLFLRQV ÀUVW EHFDPH SLTXHG KRZHYHU +DG P\ SODQH EHHQ GLYHUWHG DQG WKH\ KDGQ·W ERWKHUHG WR WHOO PH" +RZ ORQJ KDG , EHHQ DVOHHS XS WKHUH" $QG ZKHUH RQ HDUWK KDG , EHHQ GLYHUWHG WR" %XW no, the pretty girl was there, just like she was supposed to be. This must be the right place. I batted away the ludicrous thought and turned back to the window. But as more and ff

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more of the stunning landscape skipped past, I couldn’t help but wonder. The reason for my incredulity lay, quite simply, in the fact that Oman was already offering far more beauty than I could have expected; than I could have imagined. I was therefore convinced that I was no longer in the 0LGGOH (DVW 7KH 0LGGOH (DVW LV ÁDW , NQHZ LW ,·G VHHQ WKH SLFWXUHV ,·G UHDG the books. I’d watched the relevant documentaries. I’d even lived in Qatar. Actually, I still did live in Qatar. There is no way you could convince me that WKLV EUHDWKWDNLQJ PLOLHX ZDV LQ DQ\ ZD\ DNLQ WR WKH ÁDWODQGV , KDG OHIW EHKLQG just one hour earlier. I hadn’t seen a hill for two years but here, they were HYHU\ZKHUH $QG PRXQWDLQV +LOOV DQG PRXQWDLQV <RX FDQ·W VXGGHQO\ VQHDN a bunch of mountains by me and expect me to take it in my stride. I’m from :DOHV , NQRZ ZKDW D PRXQWDLQ LV 6RPHWKLQJ ZDV VHULRXVO\ DPLVV Thinking back to my earlier trudge through the airport – my legs a little heavier than usual - everything did feel like it had taken place in a dreamlike KD]H OLNH , KDGQ·W TXLWH DZRNHQ IURP P\ VKRUW QDS LQ WKH VN\ 0\ H\HV felt like they were constantly trying to catch up with the background that seemed to be moving too fast. Even at the laborious and ridiculous-looking wedding-march pace I’d adopted, my legs were moving faster than my brain could comprehend. When halting completely, everything suddenly caught up with my consciousness; where previously it’d felt a second or two behind proceedings. About twenty minutes into the journey, and with no letup of the hilly terrain in sight, I’d made up my mind: it was a conspiracy. An enormous 0DVHUDWL PDFKLQDWLRQ DQG WKH\ ZHUH DOO LQ RQ LW , PHDQ KRZ GLIÀFXOW FRXOG LW EH" 7KH PRPHQW ,·G VWHSSHG LQWR 'HSDUWXUHV DW +DPDG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Airport I’d relinquished practically all control over the situation. My luggage: taken from me. Easily redirected. The plane: never destined for Oman in WKH ÀUVW SODFH $ FOHYHU UXVH E\ WKH DLUOLQH 0\ IRRG SUHSDUHG DQG VHUYHG E\ WKH ZHOFRPLQJ VW &ODVV ÁLJKW DWWHQGDQW 2QH JURXQG XS VOHHSLQJ WDEOHW DQG 5REHUW·V \RXU PRWKHU·V EURWKHU 7KH URDG VLJQV WHPSRUDULO\ FRYHUHG :KHUH LW XVHG WR VD\ $UFDGLD QRZ SODLQO\ 0XVFDW :H·YH DOO VHHQ 7KH 7UXPDQ 6KRZ enough times to be the correct amount of paranoid. As we reach our destination, I reluctantly bid adieu to the safe-haven of the impeccable Quattroporte that had brought me here (though I now suspected my driver was probably a robot) and cautiously approached the UHFHSWLRQ WR WKH VWXQQLQJ 6KDQJUL /D %DUU $O -LVVDK $O +XVQ KRWHO :DV LW a coincidence that the lyrics currently rolling around my head were: “On D GDUN GHVHUW KLJKZD\ FRRO ZLQG LQ P\ KDLU«"µ , FKHFNHG LQ RQFH DJDLQ surrendering control over my belongings – where would they end up this WLPH" DQG MRLQHG WKH ZHOFRPLQJ SDUW\ RI IHOORZ MRXUQDOLVWV DQG 0DVHUDWL UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV , QDUURZHG P\ JD]H DQG ORRNHG VXVSLFLRXVO\ IURP RQH WR the other, trying to decipher which of them was the most likely to crack XQGHU FURVV H[DPLQDWLRQ ´:HOFRPH WR 2PDQµ EHOORZHG WKH ORYHO\ .DULQ +DIHUNRUQ 0DVHUDWL·V 'LUHFWRU RI 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV LQ KHU WKLFN *HUPDQ accent. Clearly, she was in on it too. Probably the ring-leader, if anything. 7KLV SDUW RI WKH WULS LV UHVHUYHG VSHFLÀFDOO\ IRU DSSHWLWH ZKHWWLQJ DQG they didn’t disappoint. As part of the celebration, we had been promised full access to the Maserati range in its entirety; meaning an indulgent ten cars were available in total. But as we each peered through the ornate, FDWKHGUDO VW\OH ZLQGRZV HYHU\ERG\ KDG WKHLU HDJHU H\HV WUDLQHG ÀUPO\ on the same two. When I awoke the following morning, I was still convinced that I wasn’t in Oman, but I no longer cared. I’d opened my eyes and found myself submersed within what might possibly be the most elaborate mirage ever ZLWQHVVHG E\ PDQ +HUH ZKHUH WKH PDVVLYH +DMDU PRXQWDLQ UDQJH PHHWV WKH D]XUH VHD DQG KLGHV MXVW HQRXJK RI WKH VWDUN GHVHUW ZLWKRXW


concealing it entirely, a dramatic backdrop is formed for this expansive, three-hotel complex. Feeling energised, refreshed and ready for action, I headed to the lobby area where I was greeted by an emergent purr of Maserati muscle. There ZHUH 4XDWWURSRUWHV DQG *KLEOLV RQ RIIHU EXW WKH\ GLGQ·W JHW WKH EORRG ÁRZLQJ 1RW OLNH WKH VSHFLDO HGLWLRQ *UDQ7XULVPR DQG *UDQ&DEULR FRXOG :KHQ ÀQDOO\ , ZDV WRVVHG WKH NH\V ZKLFK LQH[SOLFDEO\ ZHLJKHG URXJKO\ WKH VDPH DV RQH RI WKH LQFK IRUJHG DOOR\ ZKHHOV VXIÀFH WR VD\ WKH WKURZ nearly took me out) my exhilaration went in to overdrive. I darted to the 5RVVR 0DJPD *7 QRW DQ XQFRRO QDPH IRU D FRORXU ,·OO JLYH WKHP WKDW DQG settled into the leather sports seat. As expected, the loud pedal was very loud indeed. One depression pinned me to my seat and earned a stern telling off from our driving coordinator. 5LJKWO\ VR , PD\ DGG DV , ZDV VWLOO LQ WKH FDU SDUN DW WKH WLPH , EHKDYHG myself for the subsequent 30 seconds and then my foot almost involuntarily became uncontrollably heavy the very moment the hotel was no longer a IHDWXUH LQ P\ UHDU YLHZ $QG WKHQ VXGGHQO\ GpMj YX 0\ H\HV ZHUH RQFH again trying desperately to catch up with the surroundings as they struggled to fathom such speeds on these slender and sinuous roads. Thankfully, this

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time, I was wide awake. And I needed to be. The talk our way into the spectacular delineation / AT A GLANCE UDZ SRZHU RI WKH PSK VSHFLDO HGLWLRQ 0& RI WKH *UDQ&DEULR 'XVN ZDV GHVFHQGLQJ DQG 6WUDGDOH·V EKS OLWUH 9 FRXSOHG ZLWK WKH our shadows elongated, making a mockery of MASERATI CENTENNIAL unforgiving course, would surely have punished our normally-proportioned human bodies: the GRANTOURISMO MC me otherwise. This was equal part thrilling and perfect time to parade this head-turning terrifying. There was that same song again “This open-top. Engine: 90-degree 4,691cc, 4.7-litre V8 Power / Torque: 460hp @ 7,000rpm / FRXOG EH KHDYHQ RU WKLV FRXOG EH +HOO µ $QG With the previous lesson learned, we 520Nm @ 4,750 RPM yet despite this dichotomy, not to mention the behaved ourselves all the way down the exit Transmission: 6-speed ZF Autotomatic inescapably clunky gear-change, I couldn’t quite ramp, but as the saying almost goes: out of with hydraulic torque converter ÀQG WKH UHVROYH WR WDNH WKH GDPQ WKLQJ EDFN sight, out of trouble, and it wasn’t long before Weight: 1,800kg Eventually, with the 30 minutes I’d been ZH ZHUH H[SHULHQFLQJ WKH PDJQLÀFHQW 9 JURZO Performance: Top speed 188mph; allotted a long-time in the past, and with my echo and bounce off the rocky corridors. 0-60 in 4.5 sec nerves now frayed beyond recognition, I To my delight, the man I’d commandeered Price: $165,000 meandered back to the hotel for yet another IRU WKLV ÀQDO MDXQW KDG EHHQ D UHVLGHQW RI UHSULPDQG 7R P\ GLVPD\ LW EULHÁ\ DSSHDUHG this Arabian Peninsula for eight or so years, as though karma would be administering the punishment, as my overmeaning the lesser-known routes were ours for the taking, and even in LQGXOJHQFH ZLWK WKH 6WUDGR DOPRVW FRVW PH WKH FKDQFH WR H[SHULHQFH WKH WKHVH VSDUVHO\ SRSXODWHG EDFN URDGV WKLV ÀQH H[DPSOH RI DXWRPRWLYH FDEULROHW 5DWKHU DXVSLFLRXVO\ KRZHYHU D IXOO PLQXWHV DIWHU ZH ZHUH WROG GHVLJQ ZDV VWLOO VHOÀVKO\ JUDEELQJ HYHU\ PRUVHO RI DWWHQWLRQ ,W KRXVHV WKH our access to the cars had culminated; a friend and I managed to sweetsame 460bhp, 4.7 litre engine but, as one would expect of a convertible, it ff Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5


| D r i ve n Me n | Fe a t u re |

suffers in top-end speed (179mph) while it packs slightly less punch than the coupe, reaching 60mph after 4.9 seconds, versus the spritely 4.5 of the KDUG WRS 6WLOO LI \RX·YH SOXPSHG IRU WKH *UDQ&DEULR FKDQFHV DUH \RX·UH not going to get too bogged down by the statistics. This car is all about WKH WKHDWUH DQG 0DVHUDWL ZDV GRLQJ D ÀQH MRE RI GHOLYHULQJ H[DFWO\ WKDW After the cars were returned and they’d ticked themselves cool, our attention turned to the evenings’ entertainment which we were told, rather cryptically, would take place “on or near the beach” but that no more information could be divulged: we’d all have to basically, “wait and see.” Though, we were offered one additional hint in the form RI WKH GUHVV FRGH EHDFK FKLF 'HVSLWH IXULRXV *RRJOLQJ WKLV VHUYHG only to confuse me further. Thankfully, I wasn’t alone. The ridicule was reserved, rather harshly, for the one guy who’d turned up in shorts. ´'UHVV VKRUWV µ JUDQWHG %XW VKRUWV QRQHWKHOHVV 6HYHUDO OLEHUWLHV ZHUH WDNHQ / AT A GLANCE when the refreshments began to flow, and with them bad decisions that I later came to MASERATI CENTENNIAL regret as I wondered aimlessly GRANCABRIO MC through the hotel’s labyrinth of Engine: 90-degree 4,691cc, corridors. If memory serves me 4.7-litre V8 correctly, it was at some point Power / Torque: 460hp @ during my 75-minute search 7,000rpm / 520Nm @ 4,750 RPM for the non-existent room Transmission: 6-speed ZF P\ DFWXDO URRP LW WXUQV Autotomatic with hydraulic out, was the almost identically torque converter QDPHG WKDW , GHWHUPLQHG Weight: 1,973kg I’d stumbled into a very literal Performance: Top speed 179mph; version of the metaphor 0-60 in 4.9 sec Price: $182,000 penned by The Eagles. Panic set in shortly after.

The following morning and the magic of this wondrous place continued as I was compassionately spared the headache I was expecting and probably deserved (eventually locating my room and scrambling into bed may have had VRPH SDUW WR SOD\ LQ WKLV 6WLOO LW ZDV WLPH WR HVFDSH DQG DV , DSSURDFKHG WKH desk with my suitcase traipsing behind me, dread sat in my stomach like a lead ball. Walsh and Felder’s guitar interplay drew nearer and nearer within my LQQHU MXNHER[ ZKLOH +HQOH\·V UDVS\ ÁXLG WHQRU JUHZ ORXGHU DQG ORXGHU ´<RX can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.” This isn’t going to end well. Within seconds however, the receptionist had handed me my passport, thanked me for my stay and allowed me to vacate without a hitch. I was right, it hadn’t ended well: I was free to depart and suddenly, I wished I wasn’t allowed to.

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| T h e G a ra ge | Ro l l s -Royc e |



eauty is not just skin deep. Trust me, I know from my experiences in front of the bathroom mirror each morning. Equally, this statement can be DSSOLHG WR WKH VSHFWDFXODU 5ROOV 5R\FH *KRVW VHULHV ,, WKH ORQJ DZDLWHG VHTXHO WR WKH PDUTXH·V ´%DE\ 5ROOHU µ ZKLFK ODXQFKHG LQ For the naysayers, who will undoubtedly dismiss this new iteration as just a cosmetic facelift, I can equivocally say it’s foolish to judge this book by its cover. While it may look like a sedate, slowSDFHG WRPH ZKDW \RX DFWXDOO\ JHW ZKHQ \RX ÁLS SDVW WKH DOO QHZ front cover, is a rip-roaring, roller coaster of erudite brilliance and superlative composition. In fact, it’s bit of a love story. <RX NQRZ WKH VRUW ER\ IURP WKH ZURQJ VLGH RI WKH WUDFNV meets car, boy doesn’t really hit it off with car, car goes away DQG ÀQGV LWVHOI ER\ EXPSV LQWR FDU \HDUV ODWHU LQ VSUDZOLQJ metropolis, boy falls in love with car and they drive off into the sunset. It’s an age old tale, and it starts among the clouds, RQ DQ XQVHDVRQDEO\ ZDUP 6HSWHPEHU GD\ LQ /RQGRQ


SPIRIT OF THE CITY Managing Editor, James McCarthy, travels to London and finally falls in love with the RollsRoyce Ghost.

The morning fog hangs wearily over the British capital’s ÀQDQFLDO GLVWULFW RQ WKH WK ÁRRU RI 7KH 6KDUG WKH HYHU YLYDFLRXV 5LFKDUG &DUWHU *OREDO 0DUNHWLQJ 'LUHFWRU IRU 5ROOV 5R\FH KROGV FRXUW DW WKH KHDG RI D ORQJ WDEOH DURXQG ZKLFK VLW WKH ÀQHVW VFULEHV WKDW WKH 0LGGOH (DVW $IULFD DQG 6RXWK $PHULFD FDQ PXVWHU $QG PH $OO RI XV VLW LQ UDSW DWWHQWLRQ DV KH DQQRXQFHV LQ KLV FOLSSHG 6RXWK $IULFDQ timbre, “Today, ladies and gentlemen, you will experience SRZHU OLNH QR RWKHU WKDW RI WKH *KRVW VHULHV ,, µ Outside, only the tips of London’s tallest spires can be seen poking through the ethereal mist that swirls around the building’s observation deck, adding an eerie sense of theatre WR WKH ZKROH RFFDVLRQ ´<RXU URXWH µ KH SURFODLPV ´ZLOO take you to the beautiful kent countryside, where you will stop for lunch before returning, through central London, to 7KH 6KDUG (QMR\ WKH GD\ µ , ORRN DW WKH YHQHUDEOH 5LFKDUG :KLWHKHDG P\ GULYLQJ partner for the day, who, like me, is slightly worse for wear after a night enjoying the libatious hospitality of the world’s premiere automotive brand. Without a moment’s hesitation, , QRPLQDWH KLP DV WKH GHVLJQDWHG GULYHU IRU WKH ÀUVW OHJ DW ff


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| T h e G a ra ge | Ro l l s -Royc e |

WKH KHOP RI 5ROOV 5R\FH·V ODWHVW OX[R EDUJH At the foot of Europe’s tallest building, we inspect our steed. The aesthetic enhancements are subtle; a new front KHDGOLJKW GHVLJQ JLYHV WKH *KRVW ,, D PRUH SXUSRVHIXO expression, the “waft line” sits slightly further forward to offer a visually more dynamic stance along with the re-sculpted bumpers, while a recessed “jet stream” in the DOXPLQLXP ERQQHW IRUPV D ZDNH EHKLQG WKH HYHU ÁHHWLQJ 6SLULW RI (FVWDV\ ´<HV µ , WKLQN WR P\VHOI ´LW·V LPSRVLQJ DQG beautiful in a ‘that’s a nice mountain’ kind of way, but there has to be more to it than just that.” :H DUH WR EH FKDXIIHXUHG IRU WKH ÀUVW VHFWLRQ RI WKH URXWH DQG ZH FOLPE WKURXJK WKH LQÀQLWHO\ FRRO FRDFK GRRUV ÀQGLQJ RXUVHOYHV LQVLGH WKH IDPLOLDU FRVVHWHG VXUURXQGLQJV RI D 5ROOV 5R\FH 7KH FDELQ VPHOOV RI ÀQH OHDWKHU DQG ZRRG ,W LV , LPDJLQH ZKDW D +ROODQG +ROODQG ULÁH IHHOV OLNH DOO WKH WLPH UHVWLQJ VQXJO\ LQ WKH SHUIHFWO\ ÀWWHG UHFHVV RI DQ exquisitely crafted gun case, though, I don’t think they have two-inch deep lambswool carpeting or picnic tables. As we cruise over Tower Bridge, I remain set in my belief that this LV WKH SXUSRVH RI D 5ROOV 5R\FH ´VDORRQµ WR EH GULYHQ LQ glorious comfort past the grubby 99-percent. An oasis of FDOP LQ D EXV\ PHWURSROLV 6R ZK\ WKHQ ZRXOG \RX FKRRVH D *KRVW ,, RYHU D 3KDQWRP" 3ULFH" , GRXEW LW QR GHFLVLRQ WR SXUFKDVH DQ\ )O\LQJ /DG\ LV DQ HFRQRPLF RQH 6L]H" 7KHQ ZK\ WKH ([WHQGHG :KHHO %DVH HGLWLRQ *KRVW" I continue to ruminate on this, long after Mr. Whitehead has taken the wheel and I am ensconced in the newlyGHVLJQHG IURQW VHDWV DV KH SURSHOV XV WRZDUGV ´7KH *DUGHQ of England.” While the ride is, as one would expect from a 5ROOHU ´ZDIW\ µ , FDQ VWLOO IHHO WKH FDU KRZHYHU LPSHUFHSWLEO\ moving at speed. That doesn’t happen in a Phantom, and P\ LQWHUHVW LV SLTXHG 5LFKDUG QRWHV LQ EHWZHHQ H[WROOLQJ the merits of the oft-maligned safari suit, that being on LQFK ZKHHOV ZHDULQJ UXQ ÁDW W\UHV LV OLNHO\ WR KDYH VRPH effect on the usually impeccable ride quality but, having had my encounter with the Wraith a year ago in Vienna, I sense LWV SUHVHQFH LQ WKH QHZ *KRVW I’m not wrong, either. After some sleuthing during lunch, , DP WROG WKDW XQGHUQHDWK WKH *KRVW ,, DUH UH HQJLQHHUHG front and rear suspension struts and adjusted dampers that LQFUHDVH WKH GULYLQJ SHUIRUPDQFH HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ ÀWWHG LQ WDQGHP ZLWK DQ DOO QHZ ´'\QDPLF 3DFNDJH µ ,I , KDG EHHQ sitting in the back, I would have experienced the same rear-seat ride quality as before, if not better, thanks to new hydraulic rear axle bearings. Mr. Whitehead would know, as he assumes the role of a retired 1970s rock star, opting for the rear of the cabin while I take control. I wouldn’t mind so much if he didn’t insist on calling me “peasant” every time a pedestrian comes within earshot of the lowered window. The immediately obvious evolution on the driver’s side of the car is the absence of the yacht-like steering wheel. In LWV SODFH , ÀQG D WKLFNHU PRUH ´UDFLHUµ HIIRUW VLPLODU DJDLQ to that of the Wraith, along with the same touch-pad rotary FRQWUROOHU IRU WKH LQIRWDLQPHQW V\VWHP DQG LQFK +' ff

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| T h e G a ra ge | Ro l l s -Royc e |

The Cosseted interior of the Ghost II: Amidst the scent of fine leather and rich wood, you find an oasis of calm.

screen. That’s not the only clever tech that has found its way LQWR WKH *KRVW ,, HLWKHU 7KLV ODWHVW PRGHO EHQHÀWV IURP WKH LQHYLWDEOH DGGLWLRQ RI 5ROOV 5R\FH·V IDQWDVWLFDOO\ RPQLSRWHQW 6DWHOOLWH $LGHG 7UDQVPLVVLRQ V\VWHP ZKLFK PDQDJHV WKH seamless eight-speed automatic gearbox by seeing the road ahead and ensuring it holds the correct gear. Coupled with the epic - and immediate - power delivery RI WKH YDVW 9 HQJLQH WKURZLQJ WKH *KRVW ,, DURXQG WKH A-roads in the heart of the sunny English countryside, I am suddenly transported back to the Wraith, and the thrill RI ÀQDOO\ GULYLQJ D 5ROOV 5R\FH WKDW ZDQWHG WR EH GULYHQ 8QOLNH LWV SUHGHFHVVRU \RX GRQ·W IHHO FRPSOHWHO\ GHWDFKHG IURP WKH URDG LQ WKH *KRVW ,, \RX JHW D KLQW RI WKDW WZR and-a-half tonne weight every time you lean into a corner; it’s still not as tactile as its fastback brother, but it is a much more engaging driving experience than its forebear. There are still un-nerving moments with the sheer scale of the FDU WKRXJK , RIWHQ ÀQG P\VHOI D OLWWOH WRR IDU WR WKH OHIW fearing that one of the several horse boxes or rural buses that come careering around the corners towards me, are JRLQJ WR OHDYH WKHLU OLYHU\ GRZQ WKH ULJKW ÁDQN RI WKH FDU ,·P SLORWLQJ LQ WKH RSSRVLWH GLUHFWLRQ In fact (and this where my reticence begins to wane), it LV ZKHQ ZH ÀQDOO\ ÀQG RXUVHOYHV EDFN LQ WKH ELJ FLW\ WKDW , IHHO WKH *KRVW ,, UHDOO\ FRPH LQWR LWV HOHPHQW , ÀQDOO\ JHW LW 7KLV IRRW E\ VL[ DQG D KDOI IRRW EHKHPRWK ZKLFK , had struggled to fully reconcile on narrow country roads, suddenly seems to shrink around me. 'ULYLQJ LQ /RQGRQ LV QRW DOZD\V DQ HDV\ WDVN LQ D 0LQL Cooper, so the idea of entering the snaking, congested streets of Britain’s Capital in a car with the proportions akin WR WKDW RI D 5R\DO 1DY\ IULJDWH ZDV GDXQWLQJ WR VD\ WKH OHDVW EXW QHJRWLDWLQJ P\ ZD\ WR 7KH 6KDUG DW UXVK KRXU SURYHV




ROLLS-ROYCE GHOST II Engine: 6,592cc V12 twin-turbo Power: 563bhp @ 5250rpm Transmission: 8-speed Automatic Tourque: 780Nm Weight: 2,490kg Performance: Top speed 155mph; 0-60 in 4.7 sec Price: $337,600 (approx)

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WR EH VXUSULVLQJO\ HDV\ 7KHUH LV RI FRXUVH WKH 5ROOV 5R\FH factor; most of the road-going proletariat will, either in deference or out of respect, give way to you. Except for bus drivers. They remain a hateful, soulless bunch. 7KH *KRVW ,, RIIHUV LWV GULYHU D FHUWDLQ DPRXQW RI hierarchical immunity as it serenely pushes its way through the throng with a contented ease. I don’t know if I would have had such an effortless experience behind the wheel RI D 3KDQWRP EXW WKH *KRVW ,, LV DV PXFK DW KRPH RQ D crowded city street as it is swanning through the new-money suburbs at speed. By the time I pull into the hotel, I have ZDUPHG WR WKH EDE\ 5ROOV , ÀQG P\VHOI UHOXFWDQW WR DOLJKW from the driver’s seat, partly because Whitehead is insisting that I open his door for him, but mostly because it has made PH IHHO OLNH D 5ROOV 5R\FH LV VXSSRVHG WR PDNH RQH IHHO Like a million dollars. It has completely won me over and DQVZHUHG P\ HDUOLHU TXHVWLRQ RI ´ZK\"µ , ZDV DOZD\V D OLWWOH XQFRQYLQFHG E\ WKH RULJLQDO 5ROOV 5R\FH *KRVW ,W ZDVQ·W D 3KDQWRP D FDU PRUH RSXOHQWO\ DSSRLQWHG than a rapper’s private jet - and since the launch of the Wraith, not as much of a driver’s car as it could have been. It is often the case with most great works that a sequel will rarely capture the imagination of its intended audience LQ WKH VDPH ZD\ DV LWV SUHGHFHVVRU EXW WKH *KRVW ,, LV DQ exception. It actually eclipses the original. I understand this VHFRQG LQVWDOPHQW PXFK EHWWHU DQG DV D UHVXOW WKH *KRVW·V SODFH LQ WKH 5ROOV 5R\FH FDQRQ The Phantom is to be driven in, while the Wraith just ZDQWV WR EH GULYHQ 7KH *KRVW LV ÀQDOO\ ZLWK WKH VHULHV ,, WKH SHUIHFW FRPSURPLVH EHWZHHQ WKHP ERWK 6R OLNH DQ\ JRRG ORYH VWRU\ WKLV UHZULWH RI WKH *KRVW VFULSW HQVXUHV WKDW anyone who parts with the money for one of these bespoke cars, is sure to drive happily ever after.

TheoÐore Bruce


24th October 2015, Melbourne Australia 4


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Motorsport success - and most certainly its enjoyment - is reliant on the symbiosis of man and machine, performing in perfect harmony. Ian Crammond and his 1968 Merc 280SL have that sort of relationship. Here he waxes lyrical on what makes his three-pointed star such a special kind of classic rally car. 56

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| The G a ra ge | M e rc e de s 280 SL |



VWDQGDUG FDU 7KHUH DUH QR HQJLQH PRGLÀFDWLRQV DW DOO 7KH VKRFN DEVRUEHUV EUDNHV JHDU UDWLRV ÀQDO GULYH DQG wheels are all standard. We use towing air bags in the suspension to help level the car, and it does have a hefty aluminium sump-guard, but that’s it. 6FUDWFK WKH VXUIDFH RI DQ\ ULYDO DQG \RX·OO OLNHO\ ÀQG IXOO house engines, uprated brakes, racing clutches, all manner of low ratio gearboxes, limited slip differentials, and of FRXUVH Á\ RII KDQGEUDNHV RI RQH NLQG RU DQRWKHU IRU those all important handbrake turns. We have a handbrake but it’s on the wrong side of the car (Mercedes put them all on the left and didn’t convert that for rhd cars) so I can’t use it at all when wearing full harness seat belts.

,V LW UHDOO\ DQ DXWRPDWLF"µ /RRNLQJ DW WKH ERRW OLG WKDW·V WKH ÀUVW TXHVWLRQ SHRSOH DOZD\V DVN DERXW WKH UDOO\ FDU \RX VHH SLFWXUHG 1RW IRU WKH ÀUVW time, I patiently explain that it is, then add that it is really no great disadvantage, because the auto weighs only 13kgs more than a manual box, is stronger, and is lower geared to compensate for the weight. Not only that, but it doesn’t miss gears like a human. Oh, and it’s not an automatic in the modern sense of the word, either. 7KDW·V EHFDXVH EDFN ZKHQ WKLV 0HUFHGHV %HQ] 6/ ZDV PDGH 0HUFHGHV VWLOO GLG WKLQJV GLIIHUHQWO\ +\GUDXOLF FRXSOLQJ DXWRPDWLFV EDQJHG LQ JHDUV OLNH D UDFLQJ change – no “slush boxes” with smooth torque converters WKHQ 7KLV DXWRPDWLF WKH ÀUVW ÀWWHG WR DQ 6/ 0HUFHGHV ZLOO spin its wheels changing into third gear on a damp surface. <RX FDQ DFWXDOO\ GULYH LW DV \RX ZRXOG D V FDU ZLWK D SUH selector gearbox; selecting the gear you are going to want QH[W ZKLOH KDUG RQ WKH SRZHU WKHQ HQJDJLQJ LW ZLWK D ÁH[ of the right ankle when the time comes. Arrive at a tight hairpin and the technique is: push the gearlever forward through the straight gate into WZR ZKLFK UHVWULFWV WKH JHDUV XVHG WR ÀUVW RU VHFRQG freewheel into the apex on the brakes, sense the car become loose at the rear, then apply full power. If done DW WKH ULJKW PRPHQW WKLV SLFNV XS ÀUVW JHDU URWDWHV WKH car and sets you off up the road at an appropriate rate of knots, changing into second as you keep your foot hard down. Now select third, wait for the revs to rise LQ VHFRQG OLIW LQÀQLWHVLPDOO\ DQG WKLUG JHDU ZLOO HQJDJH Odd, perhaps, but you get used to it. Apply the power too early in that hairpin, though, and you’ll understeer into the bushes... The incredulity doesn’t stop there, because this is that rarest of rally cars; mechanically, a completely showroom-

“w hIle testIng , mercedes engIneer rudolf uhlenhaut In an earlIer model mercedes

230sl lapped wIthIn 0.2 seconds of f ferrarI works drIver mIke parkes In a 3- lItre ferrarI 250gt berlInetta ...”

Which, trust me, you need to wear when this car is cornering quickly, because it does roll a little. For the same reason, and to improve safety, I replaced the VWDQGDUG ORZ EDFN VHDWV ZLWK KLJK EDFNHG 5HFDURV $ ÀUH H[WLQJXLVKHU DQG D UROO RYHU EDU WKDW ZDV PDGH WR PHDVXUH E\ 6DIHW\ 'HYLFHV HDFK RI WKHVH FDUV LV KDQG made, so the roll-over bar is bespoke to the exact car – I ZDV WROG ZKHQ LW ZDV EHLQJ PDGH WKDW QR WZR 6/V DUH exactly the same in dimensions) complete the safety ff Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5


picture. It’s certainly comforting to know the latter is there when we run the car on a summer event without its heavy hardtop. 6R ZKDW PDNHV WKLV D JRRG UDOO\ FDU" :HOO WKH WKLQJV other people say gives a clue. Pulling up at a time control on a wet day the marshal will say to your navigator ´DQ\WKLQJ JRRG RQ WKH UDGLR"µ RU ´UDOO\LQJ LQ FRPIRUW today, I see.” To a point, they are right. We can hold a conversation, it’s a comfortable place to sit all day (the events I do, and most longer daylight rallies, run 9am to 6pm, roughly, with maybe a coffee and a short sandwich break at lunchtime) and the car does actually have VXVSHQVLRQ XQOLNH VRPH RI LWV URFN KDUG FRPSHWLWRUV 6R you don’t get as tired as you do in some cars. The longer the event, the bigger the advantage this gives - perhaps it’s one reason, along with their strength, why these cars are a popular choice on marathon, continent-crushing classic car rallies. Not only this, but it has a decent amount of power and torque, is not as heavy as you would think (just over a ton and a quarter) and handles surprisingly well. It has power steering too, and the manoeuvrability surprises many people – straight six engines make for a balanced chassis and allow a very tight turning circle. 7KDW OLWUH SRZHUSODQW SXOOV VWURQJO\ DERYH 3,000rpm and puts out about 170bhp. In a straight line, RQFH PRYLQJ DERYH PSK WKHUH LV QRW D JUHDW GHDO WR choose between this and a period mid-sixties Porsche 911 on acceleration, though the Porsche with its rear-biased weight distribution has a big advantage off the line and as the lighter car, is more nimble. The Mercedes, though, has far better brakes. The result is a car that will live with most other rides on dry tarmac, yielding to more nimble rivals only on very slow, twisty tests over muddy ground. And yes, we do get some of those – these events combine a road rally based on regularity sections, where your precision as a crew is valued above sheer speed, and driving tests on private land, where speed matters. It all adds up, I have to admit, to an unusual rally car, EXW DIWHU ÀIWHHQ \HDUV RI GULYLQJ PLQH LQ FRPSHWLWLRQV WKURXJKRXW WKH 8. DQG RQ RFFDVLRQ IXUWKHU DÀHOG LW LV P\ UDOO\ FDU 6R PXFK VR WKDW ,·G SUREDEO\ QRZ KDYH GLIÀFXOW\ DGDSWLQJ WR D PDQXDO JHDUER[ )RU RQH WKLQJ EHLQJ D VWDOO DV , DP , ZRXOG KDYH GLIÀFXOW\ UDLVLQJ P\ OHJ to reach the clutch pedal – the W113 was not a large car and taller drivers quickly notice this. Not for us the acres of space in a Mercedes saloon of the same period, such DV WKH 6(E ZLWK LWV PXFK ORQJHU ZKHHOEDVH 6R KRZ GLG VXFK D WUHDVXUHG FODVVLF EHFRPH D UDOO\ FDU" ,W ZDV RULJLQDOO\ D URDG FDU RI FRXUVH SXUFKDVHG E\ a sponsor as a press car in which reporters might follow D FODVVLF UDOO\ , ZDV LQYROYHG ZLWK WKH &ODVVLF 0DOWV 6L[ 'D\ 5HOLDELOLW\ 7ULDO ZKLFK UDQ LQ 6FRWODQG ,W OD\ XQXVHG until I plucked up the courage to ask if I could put an old friend in the driving seat, and we did the event with me



1968 W113 MErCEdEs-BENz 280sL Engine: M130 2778 cc straight six cylinder. Bosch mechanical fuel injection. Power/torque: 170bhp @ 5750 rpm / 180 lbs ft @ 4500 rpm. Transmission Four-speed automatic Brakes: Dual circuit disc brakes all round, power assisted Steering: Recirculating ball, power assisted Suspension: Front: double wishbones, coil springs, anti roll bar Rear: Swing axle, radius arms, compensating spring, coil springs Weight: 1,360 kgs without hardtop (49kgs) Performance: Top Speed 124mph. 0-100 kph (0-62mph) 9.1 seconds. Value today: £50£150,000 depending on condition

QDYLJDWLQJ ÀQLVKLQJ UHVSHFWDEO\ KLJK XS WKH RUGHU 7KDW old friend was works Mercedes driver Tony Fowkes. Tony DOPRVW ZRQ WKH /RQGRQ 6\GQH\ PDUDWKRQ UDOO\ LQ and went on to be a mainstay of the works Mercedes UDOO\ WHDP LQ 6/& FRXSHV +H KDG QRW WKRXJK GULYHQ D 6/ RI WKLV YLQWDJH EHIRUH DQG VHHLQJ WKH FDU SXW through its paces by Tony inspired me to have a go. I had taken part in night road rallies as a navigator in the early ‘70s, before moving on to drive in sprint and KLOOFOLPE HYHQWV ÀQLVKLQJ ÀIWK LQ WKH %ULWLVK $XWRPRELOH 5DFLQJ &OXE·V 1DWLRQDO +LOOFOLPE &KDPSLRQVKLS LQ V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

Now, I decided, it was time to try and buy the Mercedes to try my hand at classic rallying as a driver. The car became mine in time to compete on the &ODVVLF 0DOWV LQ ZKHQ ZH HYHQWXDOO\ ÀQLVKHG MXVW outside the top ten after a small but costly navigational HUURU , WKHQ ZRQ WKH /RQGRQ ² /LVERQ HYHQW LQ but such long distance events were too expensive in both money and time for me to contemplate on a regular basis, so instead I turned my attention to a national series of FODVVLF URDG UDOOLHV UXQ E\ WKH UHVSHFWHG +LVWRULF 5DOO\ &DU 5HJLVWHU +5&5 D %ULWLVK FOXE IRU RZQHUV RI FODVVLF

UDOO\ FDUV &RPSULVLQJ EHWZHHQ QLQH DQG D GR]HQ GD\OLJKW road rallies annually, this series covers the length and breadth of England and Wales. ,QLWLDO IRUD\V LQ ODWH ZHUH UHZDUGHG ZLWK D couple of top ten placings, but these successes were hard to replicate over the next few seasons. It was clear that I needed to settle with a leading navigator if we were to challenge the leading crews, who were rallying every month and could draw on a bank of experience VRPHWKLQJ \RX ÀQG LQ DQ\ VSRUW RI FRXUVH ,Q , UDQ LQWR 1LJHO 5DHEXUQ D IHOORZ &DPEULGJH ff Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5


| T h e G a ra ge | M e rc e de s 280 SL |

graduate who is a few years older than me, is highly respected in British rallying circles, and is a former %ULWLVK 5DOO\ &KDPSLRQ ZLWK :LOO 6SDUURZ LQ D ZRUNV '79 9DX[KDOO LQ , KDG PHW 1LJHO RQO\ WZLFH when I suggested we should tackle together an event UXQ E\ 2[IRUG 8QLYHUVLW\ 0RWRU &OXE FDOOHG WKH 7DUJD 5XVWLFDQD RULJLQDOO\ D QLJKW UDOO\ EXW QRZ D URXQG RI WKH SRSXODU +5&5 URDG UDOO\ VHULHV 6WDUWLQJ QXPEHU ZH ÀQLVKHG VHFRQG RYHUDOO DQG YHU\ QHDUO\ ZRQ ,W ZDV FOHDU that an effective partnership could be forged. Over the next few seasons, Nigel and I did one or WZR HYHQWV HDFK \HDU QRWDEO\ ZLQQLQJ WKH WRXJK 5RVV 7UDGHUV &ODVVLF 7RXU LQ DQG SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU D VWULQJ of second and third place results. We regularly found RXUVHOYHV DPRQJ WKH 8.·V WRS WHQ FUHZV ,Q DQG DJDLQ LQ , ZDV DEOH WR GR HQRXJK RI WKH VHDVRQ QDYLJDWHG E\ 1LJHO DQG WKH HTXDOO\ WDOHQWHG $QG\ *LEVRQ WR ÀQLVK LQ WKH WRS ÀYH GULYHUV RYHUDOO LQ WKH QDWLRQDO Championship. This, remember, against a host of fully rally-prepared Porsche 911s, Ford Escorts and Mini




HrCr CLuBMANs rALLy CHAMpIoNsHIp 2015 Tour of Cheshire, March 7 North Yorkshire Classic, March 29 Ilkley Jubilee, April 12 Leukaemia, May 16 Hughes, May 31 East Anglian Classic, June 20 Ross Traders, July 18 St Wilfrids, August 9 Vale of Clwyd Classic, Sept 5 Best 6 results count

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Coopers. Nigel has since been forced by ill health to retire, but these are good memories. 2YHU WKH \HDUV WKH 6/ KDV VXIIHUHG LWV IDLU VKDUH RI PLVKDSV EXW KDV UHFRUGHG RQO\ WZR QRQ ÀQLVKHV RQ ERWK occasions caused by a bolt working loose rather than a mechanical failure. The fabled Mercedes build quality and reliability was sorely tested on the toughest Welsh event in WKH VHULHV LQ ZKHQ WKH RUJDQLVHUV LQFOXGHG D SDUWLFXODUO\ rough section of forest with a vicious bump right at the HQG :H KLW LW KDUG DV GLG PRVW FUHZV 'ULYLQJ RXW RI WKH forest, we encountered a Mini crew levering the fan off their radiator, after the engine had jumped forward, while all we had to content with was a dislocated horn. Being a Mercedes, though, the car has two, so it didn’t hamper our performance too much. 'XULQJ WKLV WLPH OLNH DOO HDUO\ 6/V WKH FDU KDV QRZ ULVHQ in value, to the point at which I doubt I will be able to risk rallying it for much longer. We won’t be retiring her just yet, though, it’s too much fun and cars like this were made to be driven hard – even with an Automatic ‘box.

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| T h e G a ra ge | B u ga t t i |




RGHUQ VSRUWV FDUV ÀW LQWR IRXU GLVWLQFW categories. The “Attainable” are the likes of the Porsche Boxster or Jaguar F-type. The next step is the “Aspirational,” which include the ilk of the )HUUDUL RU WKH /DPERUJKLQL +XUDFDQ 7KHUH DUH WKH ´*UDLOµ FDUV WKH $YHQWDGRUV WKH ) %HUOLQHWWDV DQG WKH 0HUFHGHV $0* 6/6 %XW WKHQ WKHUH DUH WKH ´8QLFRUQV µ WKH WRS HFKHORQ 7KH UDUHVW RI WKHP DOO Within this petrol-fuelled pantheon, the hallowed halls HFKR WR WKH VRXQGV RI WKH .RHQLJVHJJ $JHUD $VWRQ 0DUWLQ·V One-77, the McLaren F1, the LaFerrari and, of course, the record-shattering Bugatti Veyron. :KDW LV OHIW WR VD\ DERXW WKH 9H\URQ" :HOO DSDUW IURP the obvious discussion about the, frankly, freakish statistics of the car, all that myself and respected former Motoring Editor at The National .HYLQ +DFNHWW FRXOG PXVWHU ZHQW something along the lines of what would happen if it ZHUH WR PDWH ZLWK DQ $VWRQ 0DUWLQ '%6 7KH GLVWXUELQJ conclusion of that conversion, however, shall forever remain unpublished. But, even among the gods, there must be a hierarchy, DQG LQ WKH 9H\URQ FDQRQ LW LV WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW WKDW UXOHV the roost. A car which, quite unbelievably, is better than LWV JDPH FKDQJLQJ SUHGHFHVVRU 6RPHKRZ WKH ERIÀQV DW Molsheim managed to make the perfect car better, stronger and very much faster. It was not a task that Bugatti undertook lightly and, if the company is to be believed, not in response to the loss of the Veyron’s crown as the fastest and most powerful production FDU WR 86 EDVHG KREE\LVW FDU PDNHU 6KHOE\ 6XSHUFDUV· 66& 8OWLPDWH $HUR $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH FRPSDQ\ LW ZDV LQ IDFW D response to customer feedback - requests from owners who wanted a more raw and less cosseted supercar experience and, when your customers are shelling out in excess of two million bucks a motor, you listen to what they have to say. Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

6R WKH HQJLQHHUV VHW DERXW WKHLU WDVN ZLWK DSORPE +RZHYHU WKH\ GLGQ·W WDNH WKH RIW WUDYHOOHG URXWH DORQJ with Porsche and Bentley and just start ripping out seats and stereo systems. Tackling the problem pragmatically, the re-engineering of a Veyron took on a much more holistic approach. Firstly, weight had to be shed, and even though the car is VWLOO D KHIW\ WRQQHV WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW KDV VOLPPHG GRZQ E\ DURXQG NJ WKURXJK WKH WKH LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI DQ DOO QHZ FDUERQ ÀEUH PRQRFRTXH DQG H[WHQVLYH XVH RI WKH super-light material for the body shell. To improve the aerodynamics of the car, the signature bulging airscoops that fed the mammoth engine have been replaced with an engine cover featuring two “NACA” airducts. While a functional necessity, they give the car its new aesthetically sleek fastback look and, coupled with a sportier double diffuser and centrally arranged exhaust V\VWHP PHDQV WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW ORRNV LWV EHVW IURP WKH DQJOH that most people will only ever see it - screaming away from them in a cloud of dust. 6LPLODUO\ WKH H[SDQGHG DQG UHVKDSHG DLU LQWDNHV DW WKH snout of the car deliver a more aggressive and menacing “come on if you think you are man enough” stance, suggesting to those looking at the car in a rear view mirror WKDW WKH\ ZLOO EH DUULYLQJ KRPH WR ÀQG WKH IDPLO\ SHW mangled into a bubbling pot on the stove if they don’t move aside and let it pass. 8QGHU WKH UH GHVLJQHG KRRG WKH F\OLQGHU PRQVWHU engine remains outwardly familiar, but inside beats a heart reinforced with four enlarged turbochargers, each one ZRUNLQJ LQ FRQFHUW WR VTXHH]H DQ H[WUD KRUVHSRZHU EKS RXW RI WKH UHGHVLJQHG HQJLQH EULQJLQJ WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW·V WRWDO WR EUD\LQJ VWDOOLRQV All of that, however, was just speed farming. It was down to the men with the Apple Macs and white coats to create the ultimate driving machine by embarking on such nittygritty work as slightly raising the main-spring, developing stronger stabilisers and new shock absorbers, as well as remapping the various electronic control systems. The result was a car so powerful that it destroyed the ff


| T h e G a ra ge | B u ga t t i |



BugAttI VEyroN supEr sport Engine: 8-litre quad-turbocharged W16 Power: 1,200bhp Transmission: Dual-clutch 7-Speed DSG Sequential Tourque: 1,500Nm Weight: 1,888kg Performance: Top speed 258mph; 0-62 in 2.2 sec Price: $2.7m (approx)


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VSHHG UHFRUG IRU D SURGXFWLRQ FDU LQ under the stewardship of Bugatti’s Pilote 2IÀFLHO 3LHUUH +HQUL 5DSKDQHO ZKR FORFNHG up an average speed of no less than 431km/h at VW’s Ehra-Lessian test facility. And, for one day, among the rolling cordovanhued hills of Andaluçia, it was to be all mine. My ride wasn’t to be the psychotic-looking black and orange beast that catapulted itself into the record books that fateful June day, but a less ostentatious two-tone variation in clear blue lacquered carbon and aluminium. +RZHYHU HYHQ ZLWKRXW WKH H[WUHPH SDLQW job, the car still exuded an air of barely-veiled malevolence, chiding the onlooker to step inside and set the monster free. It is a car that, when seen in the metal, has a presence. I was contemplating this as veteran supercar test driver, Loris Bicocchi, cheerfully shook me from my reverie by explaining that he had mapped out some roads that would give the car a full workout and leave me giggling like a schoolgirl, at the same time dropping the Bugatti ORJR HPEOD]RQHG NH\ LQWR P\ HDJHU SDZ DQG gesturing to the driving seat. Nothing can prepare you for the feeling you JHW ZKHQ \RX ÀUVW VLW LQ WKH FRFNSLW RI D %XJDWWL Veyron and, I am glad to report that, the heady EX]] FUHDWHG E\ WKH VPHOO RI ÀQH OHDWKHU DQG WKH sense of power you feel sat behind the wheel does not diminish the second time you do it either. While no different in layout to the standard car, WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW RIIHUV DQ DEXQGDQFH RI FDUERQ ÀEUH WULP FUDIWHG VWLWFKLQJ RI WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW moniker in the headrests and the addition of Alcantara to the steering wheel, making the moment an even more tactile experience. This concerto of sight, smell and touch reaches its crashing crescendo when you turn the leather-bound key and press the smooth, round DQG LQYLWLQJ ´6WDUWµ EXWWRQ WKDW LQMHFWV OLIH LQWR that behemoth of an engine. The initial growl, with its rumbling bass note, is complimented by the top note harmonics of the high pitched MHW ÀJKWHU ZKLQH DV WKH : SRZHUSODQW VWDUWV sucking in life-giving air through the massive intakes in the roof. With this wonderfully dramatic overture playing out in the background, I pull the car away from the curb (or lack thereof, as every road in WKH DUHD VHHPLQJO\ KDV D FDUERQ ÀEUH ERG\ZRUN crunching four-inch, rough-edged step into the JUDYHO DQG RQWR WKH RSHQ 6SDQLVK FRXQWU\ URDGV If the opening credits promise a great deal, equally, the main feature does not disappoint with WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW RIIHULQJ D QRWLFHDEO\ PRUH ff

| D r i ve n Me n | Fe a t u re |

Record Breaker Somehow, the boffins at Molsheim managed to make the Veyron better, stronger and very, very much faster.


| T h e G a ra ge | B u ga t t i |

precise control of the wheels and a greater interaction between the tyres (which, incidentally, FRVW (XURV D VHW DQG WKH DOO ZKHHO GULYH system. The result of which is more responsive steering and a rather epiphanic driving experience. The ride is undoubtedly harder, but when careering into tight corners, there is no pitch or UROO DQG YHU\ OLWWOH XQGHUVWHHU ,W LV OLNH D 6SDFH Invader moving from one lane to the next and is as tight in the corners as a hipster’s trousers. And, even though you can really feel the 1.4g of lateral acceleration as you enter the corner, and the 1,500 Newton metres of tourque as you exit, at no point do you ever feel that you are not fully in control. 'ULYLQJ WKURXJK VFHQHU\ UHPLQLVFHQW RI D &OLQW (DVWZRRG 6SDJKHWWL :HVWHUQ WKH URXWH took in sweeping mountain vistas and, with a 1,100 metre climb up narrow roads littered with KDLUSLQ EHQGV WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW ZDV QR PXOH With its awesome acceleration into the apex of each turn, coupled with gargantuan stopping power of the ultra responsive carbon ceramic brakes, the Bugatti stuck to the road with and swinging into a long sweeping turn at speed seemingly little effort. 'URSSLQJ GRZQ WKH RWKHU VLGH RI WKH had me grinning like a madman. For this is not an exercise in speed. The facemountains, small whitewashed Andaluçian villages ZHUH WUHDWHG WR OLQJHULQJ YLHZV RI WKH 6XSHU melting acceleration of the car is well-documented, 6SRUW DV RQFH DJDLQ WKH 9H\URQ SURYHG WKDW LW LV and I am one of those lucky enough to have had the opportunity to experience the brutal forces at a supercar for the everyman, coping as well with work in a Veyron doing in excess of 300km/h. No, manouvrability at low-speeds, as it does at the high IRU PH LW ZDV DERXW KRZ WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW GULYHV end of the readout. The only noticeable problem about the handling of this awesome car, and what with the car, when driving slowly in built-up areas, it feels like to give it the beans into a hairpin and is its propensity to attract attention. come out screaming with joy on the other side. Though unlike most supercars it attracts not Fortunately, I got just that. And, while I am jealousy and spite, but admiration and joyous VWLOO D OLWWOH KD]\ RQ WKH GHWDLOV VRPHKRZ WKH recognition that people are in the presence of guys at Bugatti, who set the acme of automotive greatness. Every time the Veyron came to a halt, LW ZDV OLNH D VFHQH IURP 7KH +LOOV +DYH (\HV HQJLQHHULQJ ÀYH \HDUV DJR YHU\ KLJK LQGHHG KDYH somehow, for one last heroic push of an eraas hordes of onlookers would descend, out GHÀQLQJ VXSHUFDU PDQDJHG WR UDLVH WKH SHDN of nowhere, upon the car from all directions, higher still. camera phones in hand, to gawp and take pictures. With the air of someone clearly used to the attention, Loris would affably chat away with the admirers, while the technicians would look on with paternal pride. Once clear of the villages, the road opened up, skirting a huge lake. The placid, glass-like surface of the water was disturbed only by ducks taking WR WKH DLU WR HVFDSH WKH EDZOLQJ RI WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW·V HQJLQH DV , ÀQDOO\ JRW WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR plant my foot in the carpet and experience the VKHHU MR\ WKDW LV D %XJDWWL LQ IXOO ÁLJKW Admittedly, I didn’t open the taps quite DV PXFK DV , PDQDJHG WR LQ WKH *UDQG 6SRUW ZKHQ , GURYH LW LQ 'RKD EXW HYHQ WKH IRUFH RI DFFHOHUDWLQJ WR NP K EHIRUH EUDNLQJ VOLJKWO\


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They say that a star always burns brightest EHIRUH LW ÀQDOO\ EOLQNV RXW RI H[LVWHQFH DQG WKH %XJDWWL 9H\URQ 6XSHU 6SRUW LV WKH HDUWKERXQG embodiment of the theory. That, in itself, is tinged with a poignant touch of sadness. 7KH UHDOLW\ LV WKDW LQ WKLV FRVW GHÀQHG HUD RI eco responsibility, this is probably the last time ZLOO HYHU VHH WKH OLNHV RI WKH %XJDWWL 9H\URQ <HV there will always be faster cars, there will always EH H[WUHPH FDUV FUDFN RQ +HQQHVV\ EXW WKHUH will never be another Veyron. A dream chased so relentlessly, with such demanding criteria; designed to be the most perfect automobile you can buy for \RXU WZR PLOOLRQ SOXV 'ROODUV DQG EXLOW ZLWK D ORYH and affection rarely seen in this mass-produced, quantity-over-quality age of manufacturing. What’s more, they didn’t just do it once and rest RQ WKHLU ODXUHOV DV WKH 6XSHU 6SRUW ZLOO IRUHYHU DWWHVW If anyone out there reading this owns one, or perhaps more, of these spectacular automobiles, I urge you to do is not to lock them away in garage to collect dust or to treat them as assets to accrue LQ YDOXH 'RQ·W OHDYH LW WR XV OXFN\ IHZ MRXUQDOLVWV to keep the Veyron alive for the masses through the words and pictures on a page. The legend is in your hands; it is your duty to drive them as they were meant to be driven and let the world around you revel in the sound and sight of the world’s fastest production car bearing down in the rear-view mirror, opening the heavens as it roars past and leaving elation WUDLOLQJ LQ LWV ZDNH DV LW VSHHGV RII ÀQDOO\ LQWR the sunset...

grand tourismo

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| G ra n d To u r i s m o | Ro u t e B o o k |


Borders & Bikes

richard Whitehead takes an epic journey across Lebanon on the back of a Harley davidson PICTURES: HARLEY DAVIDSON


quickly came to terms with turning 40 last year. In the spirit of growing old gratefully, In the few short months since the Big Four-Zero bell tolled, I realise how I have come to appreciate things better now than I did when I was younger.

“I’ve spent time wielding a primeval Royal Enfield Bullet across India, but I’d never done anything to prepare myself for the weight, power and poise of a Harley.”

I crave to be myself, to have the freedom to suit myself and the means to HQMR\ P\VHOI DQG ZKHQ WKH UHDOLVDWLRQ ÀUVW KLW PH LW ZDV QXPELQJ ,W FRXOG have easily provoked a mild midlife crisis, but realising fortuna audaces juvat, I TXLFNO\ JRW RQ D +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ 6KRUWO\ DIWHU WKH ELJ ELUWKGD\ , ZDV VHQW DQ LQYLWDWLRQ WR MRLQ +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ DQG RI WKHLU FORVHVW 0LGGOH (DVWHUQ IULHQGV RQ D WKUHH GD\ WRXU RI /HEDQRQ 7KH WULS ZRXOG IHDWXUH WKH IXOO PRGHO UDQJH DQG DOO , had to do was turn up and enjoy the ride. This was just the ticket for a forties newbie: a kick-ass man’s ride on DPD]LQJ PRWRUF\FOHV WKURXJK JORULRXV FRXQWU\VLGH ZKLOH HDWLQJ LQFUHGLEOH food, enjoying tremendous hospitality and making some good friends on the way. More than that, I was about to sample some real freedom — the sort of thing Easy Rider preaches. I’m not what you would call an able biker, not on proper machines anyway. I’ve been on umpteen scooters and spent a good few thousand NLORPHWUHV ZLHOGLQJ D SULPHYDO 5R\DO (QÀHOG %XOOHW DFURVV ,QGLD EXW ,·G never done anything to prepare myself for the weight, power and poise of D +DUOH\ $W UHYHLOOH LQ %HLUXW DQG ZLWK D FRKRUW RI ULGHUV IURP WKH *XOI DQG WKH /HYDQW DVVHPEOLQJ LQ D FDU SDUN QHDU WR /H *UH\ KRWHO , ZDV IHHOLQJ D OLWWOH QHUYRXV 2ZLQJ WR D PLVKDS RQ P\ ÁLJKW , ZDV QRW ZHDULQJ WKH XVXDO ELNHU·V OHDWKHU DQG GHQLP LQVWHDG , ZDV LQ ORDIHUV D ÁHHFH DQG EHLJH WURXVHUV , vowed then never to take off my helmet again to reveal my true face. ff

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| G ra n d To u r i s m o | Ro u t e B o o k |

Already the atmosphere was pulsing, the syllables of ha-bi-bi hanging WKH DLU DV DOO WKH ROG +DUOH\ FRPUDGHV PHW RQFH DJDLQ DIWHU DEVHQFHV WKDW KDG spanned from many years to just the night before. $V , UHJDUGHG WKH JUL]]OHG IDFHV DQG JUH\LQJ EHDUGV RI WKH +DUOH\ RZQHUV on the event, I realised I looked just like them, in a manner of speaking. I KDG MRLQHG +DUOH\·V WDUJHW PDUNHW SURIHVVLRQDO FRPIRUWDEOH PLGGOH FODVV IRUW\ DQG ÀIW\ VRPHWKLQJV ZLWK D SHQFKDQW IRU OHDWKHU DQG H[WUHPHO\ JRRG hair genes. :DV , FRPIRUWDEOH ZLWK WKLV VFHQDULR" :HUH WKHVH SHRSOH QRZ P\ SHHUV" I’d never thought of myself as professional before. 0\ ULGH ZDV WR VWDUW ZLWK ZDV WKH )DW %RE P\ ÀUVW HYHU +DUOH\ $ SUHVV colleague more familiar with bikes gave me a few tips: use the bike’s wild torque to ease you around tight corners, remember the gearing is quite wide. 6WDQGLQJ WKHUH LQ P\ EURZQ WURXVHUV , ZDV PRUH FRQVFLRXV RI MXVW VWD\LQJ on the thing. :REEOLQJ DW ÀUVW EXW WKHQ JHWWLQJ WKH KDQJ RI WKH )DW %RE·V EDODQFH E\ the time we ascended Mount Lebanon, I was starting to love the bike. The %RE W\SLÀHV ZK\ PLGGOH FODVV PHQ SOXPS IRU D +DUOH\ ZKHQ WKH\ UHDFK a certain age. For a start, it looks the part, especially in its optional “sand camo denim” matt colour scheme and with its “surly attitude,” according WR +DUOH\ 7KH ELNH·V DLU FRROHG LQFK HQJLQH +DUOH\ VWLOO GHDOV LQ LQFKHV ³ 1.7-litres in new money) picks up quickly and offers sublimely easy gearing. ,W LV DOVR HPLQHQWO\ IRUJLYLQJ HVSHFLDOO\ IRU D ÀUVW WLPH +DUOH\ ULGHU EXW LW still has the muscle, grunt and the throbbing exhaust rant one expects from DQ\ PHPEHU RI WKH +' FROOHFWLRQ As our bodies age, and our capacity to learn new things goes south like our navels, it is important that a new bike handles this easily while looking WKH SDUW ,W·V DOVR YHU\ FRPIRUWDEOH HYHQ IRU WKRVH IHHOLQJ WKH ÀUVW ÁXVK RI ROG DJH 8QOLNH D FUDPSHG VFRRWHU RU VSRUWV ELNH ZKLFK \RX KXJ WLJKW IRU dear life, you sit on a Fat Bob like it’s a comfy chair, with your back straight, your legs stretched forward and your weight centred on your hips. It also RIIHUV DQ XQKLQGHUHG GHJUHH YLHZ RI \RXU VXUURXQGLQJV ZLWKRXW PDNLQJ you crane your neck. This is especially useful when you have to watch out for assailants, as we found later. Lebanon has never really gained a reputation for the quality of its road surfaces, and heading northeast, it quickly began to crumble and fray. /HDGLQJ WKH SDFN DW WKH WLPH P\ UROH ZDV WR ÀQG WKH EHVW OLQHV WKURXJK some sheer-drop hairpins, while avoiding the crevasses disguised as potholes DQG WKH LQVDQH RQFRPLQJ WUDIÀF DPLG WKH FROG FKLOO RI D PRXQWDLQWRS 7KLV was sheer technical riding on a precision instrument; it could have been terrifying at times but the Fat Bob was really easy. In all honesty, this stage of the ride was quite emotionally uncomfortable. I felt like I was being judged by the leather fur balls behind me with every misshift marked by their disapproval, and the state and the shape of the road GLGQ·W KHOS , QHHGQ·W KDYH ZRUULHG EHFDXVH LW WXUQHG RXW ÀQH LQ WKH HQG LW was just the next day that would prove much more embarrassing. 1RZ RQ DQ 8OWUD *OLGH ³ WKH 8OWUD /LPLWHG /RZ WR JLYH LW LWV SURSHU name — a colossus of a motorcycle with wrap-around front, seating for two, loads of luggage room and a banging stereo that together weighs as PXFK DV DQ $ LW IHHOV DEVROXWHO\ HQRUPRXV EXW DW WKH VDPH WLPH LW·V DV QLPEOH DV D 5DOHLJK 6WULNHU “When you set out to improve the most respected touring machine on earth, you don’t take shortcuts and you sure as hell don’t accept any limits,” VD\V +DUOH\ DERXW WKH ELNH D VWDWHPHQW VXLWDEO\ ZHLJKW\ IRU WKH PRWRUF\FOH it describes. ff


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“They’re shooting at the bikes!” As the call comes across on the two-way radio, the report from the gunpowder can be heard, cracking like a bullwhip.”

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| G ra n d To u r i s m o | Ro u t e B o o k |

%HJLQQLQJ WKH GD\ RQ ZHOO VXUIDFHG URDGV WKH *OLGH IHHOV H[FHSWLRQDO DQG ZDIWV DV HIIRUWOHVVO\ DV D 5ROOHU :LWK P\ L3KRQH SOXJJHG LQWR WKH VWHUHR WKH tunes sound sweet and I know this is going to be a very good day. $QG LW ZDV LI \RX GHÀQH D JRRG GD\ DV WRSSOLQJ \RXU ELNH ZKHQ LW·V at a standstill as the stereo pumps out Saturday Night Fever in front of 500 judgemental bikers. It was a schoolboy error, and a bit of a brown-trouser moment for me, if I’m honest. In mitigation the road, rising quickly at the foot of more mountains, had turned into little more than a path, and I wasn’t used to a bike that weighs almost as much as a car. Luckily, my comrades didn’t see me hitching a ride in a support truck. There ZDV QR ZD\ , ZDV JRLQJ WR JHW WKH 8OWUD XS WKLV SDWK VR , DGPLWWHG GHIHDW *HWWLQJ EDFN RQ DIWHU D SHULRG RI FKDVWH UHÁHFWLRQ P\ QHZ ELNH ZDV WKH 9 5RG SHUKDSV WKH PRVW FRQWURYHUVLDO PRWRUF\FOH +DUOH\ KDV HYHU SURGXFHG RQ DFFRXQW RI LWV ZDWHU FRROHG OLWUH HQJLQH DV RSSRVHG WR +'·V WUDGLWLRQDO air-cooled setup) and its sporty demeanour. And now I am purring. 7KH 9 5RG·V KRUVHSRZHU ³ PDVVLYH E\ FXVWRP ELNH VWDQGDUGV ³ LV GHOLYHUHG YHU\ GLIIHUHQWO\ WR RWKHU +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ PRGHOV ZKLOH LWV WLJKWHU gearing takes some time to get used to, but helps massively on Lebanon’s winding mountain roads. Then, while we stop for a break in the last few hundred metres of the deep south of Lebanon, we hear shots ringing out. “Tell Marwan they’re shooting at the bikes!” As the call comes across on the two-way radio, the report from the gunpowder can be heard, cracking like a bullwhip. In the near distance ahead of us is Israel, while we are in an area under WKH LQWHQVH JD]H RI +L]EROODK RSHUDWLYHV DQG ZKHUH IHZ IRUHLJQHUV KDYH been allowed in recent years. Between the two sides is brown scrubland bisected by a barbed wire fence. As the shots ring out, I am posing for a photo by the side the road, then a passing local rugby-tackles me. I have been standing on the edge of a PLQHÀHOG KH FKLGHV /XFNLO\ 0DUZDQ WKH RZQHU RI /HEDQRQ·V +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ GHDOHUVKLS LV well connected in this beautiful and largely lawless country. Within a couple RI PLQXWHV D ZKLWH 81 DUPRXUHG WUXFN DSSURDFKHV WR EULQJ WKH H[FLWHPHQW to a close. It’s not what you know, but who you know in the Levant, and Marwan knows them all. 5LGLQJ DW WKH KHDG RI WKH JURXS 0DUZDQ·V IULHQGV /HEDQRQ·V SROLFH supremo and an army colonel, lead the way, but still their towering presence doesn’t always guarantee safety. Just the days before, as we charged out of Beirut with the police outriders, one driver refused to budge, emphasising his annoyance by waving a handgun in a cop’s face. 7KH QH[W GD\ RQ D URDG SDVW D 6\ULDQ UHIXJHH FDPS D +DUOH\ ULGHU ZDV shot at by a kid with a BB gun. Later on we took lunch in the heart of the OXVK %HND·D YDOOH\ OHVV WKDQ KRXUV ODWHU WKH DUHD KDG WXUQHG LQWR D ZDU ]RQH BBC World would report afterwards, following an advance by the Al 4D·HGD DIÀOLDWH WKH $O 1XVUD IURQW LQWR WKH DUHD -XVW ZHHNV EHIRUH ,VLV KDG made an incursion not far away. Faced with such situations, you have to chill out and get on with things. <RX MXVW FOLPE RQ \RXU +DUOH\ ULGH OLNH WKH ZLQG DQG JHW XVHG WR WKH madness. That is the charm of Lebanon, which takes you over immediately. That’s also the joy of riding a big American custom bike because it leaves you to feel free and invincible. )RU PH WKH 9 5RG ZDV D UHYHODWLRQ 1RW RQO\ KDG LW EHHQ EOHVVHG ZLWK good looks and impeccable response, it was also perfectly shaped for my reasonably tall frame, it had phenomenal pick-up and its roar was a blend of honey and rage. The water-cooled model does it for me. I have no place for traditionalist biker sentiments.

$IWHU WKUHH GD\V LQ /HEDQRQ RQ D YDULHW\ RI +DUOH\V , KDG FRPH RI DJH again. I was 40 and proud of my freedom and in awe of my new perspective RQ OLIH +DUOH\ KDG QR VPDOO UROH WR SOD\ LQ WKLV WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ DQG , JXHVV this is why so many bankers, media types and company directors continue to MRLQ WKH +DUOH\ IDPLO\ RQFH WKH\ DUH FRPIRUWDEOH LQ OLIH 'RQ·W OHW WKH SLFWXUHV IRRO \RX WKHVH KLUVXWH EHDVWV DUH XVXDOO\ PLOG mannered professionals during the course of the week, then they throw on the leathers to start their weekend double lives. I am now one of these beasts. I’m still just waiting for my leathers to arrive back home before I, too, can look the part.

V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

Staying Alive Harley-Davidson’s Ultra Glide is a colossus of a bike, that weighs as much as an A380, but feels as nimble as a BMX and looks spectacular. Except when you fall off it listening to the Bee Gees...

| G ra n d To u r i s m o | Gre a t D r iv in g Ro a ds |

GPS 24° 06’ 40.29’’ N, 55° 45’ 21.91’’ E

JEBEL HAfEEt MouNtAIN roAd, uAE ff

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| G ra n d To u r i s m o | Gre a t D r iv in g Ro a ds |

Volante takes you on a twisting trip up one of the Gulf region’s most heart-palpitating parkways: Jebel Hafeet. Words: Steve Paugh


t spreads itself out at the precipice of a 4,000-foot high mountain range. 6WUHWFKLQJ RYHU PLOHV WKH VXUIDFH RI LWV ÁDZOHVVO\ PDQLFXUHG VNLQ shifts, slinks and slices around 60 thrilling corners and hairpin turns. This is not the world’s largest roller-coaster or its newest Olympic EREVOHG FRXUVH 7KLV LV 7KH -HEHO +DIHHW 0RXQWDLQ 3DVV TXLWH SRVVLEO\ WKH most exciting driving road on the face of the planet. ([SHUWO\ FDUYHG LQ WKH -HEHO +DIHHW PRXQWDLQ ZLWK DOO RI WKH DUWLVWU\ RI a rolling calligraphic verse, the serpentine shape of the road undulates in the poetic curvature of the written Arabic language. That shapely relation is QRW WKH RQO\ VLPLODULW\ ZLWK WKH *XOI ·V KHULWDJH 7KH PRXQWDLQ UDQJH ZKLFK VOLWKHUV EHWZHHQ WKH ERUGHU RI WKH 8QLWHG $UDE (PLUDWHV DQG WKH 6XOWDQDWH of Oman, is one of the region’s most popular natural attractions thanks to its rolling peaks and valleys, bubbling streams and placid mountain lakes, gushing hot water springs and localised eco-system, which includes a blanket of rich greenery and a menagerie of wildlife. 2QH RI WKH EHVW ZD\V WR VHH -HEHO +DIHHW KRZHYHU LV QRW WR PHDQGHU introspectively at an art-gallery pace, but to take it in at shutter-quick speeds, GHYRXULQJ LWV VDQGEODVWHG SUHVHQFH LQ D EOXU RI PRWLRQ -HEHO +DIHHW URDG has been described by many world-class drivers as the best driving road in existence and is regularly spotlighted in a diversity of media, such as famous automotive websites like Edmunds.com and on popular television programmes like Fifth Gear. Probably its greatest recent claim to fame was when it acted as a host for the globally celebrated show Top Gear, wherein its hosts, Jeremy &ODUNVRQ -DPHV 0D\ DQG 5LFKDUG +DPPRQG IDPRXVO\ VNLGGHG DURXQG LWV swerves in the majestic power of three Bugatti Veyrons. That’s like tracing golden writing with a diamond-tipped pencil! :KLOH LW LV JHQHUDOO\ DFNQRZOHGJHG WKDW WKH URDG ZDV EXLOW LQ KRZ or why it was actually built is still shrouded in mystery. Allegedly costing hundreds of millions of dollars to build, it was most likely laid to give local DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO VSHHGVWHUV DQ H[FXVH WR FRPH WR WKH 8$( DQG WHVW WKH pedal-to-the-metal mettle of their newest big boy toys. Luckily, that is exactly what the road provides: a ride that is completely unique, gapingly beautiful and, because of the uncharacteristic amount of maintenance constantly being done to the road, unbelievably smooth. The road seems to know how to keep itself interesting, merging fast-paced straights with more technically interesting twists and turns. Fortunately, it is still not as well known as some other highways and E\ZD\V DQG WKLV PHDQV WKDW WKH WKUHH ODQHV RI WUDIÀF DUH XVXDOO\ FOHDU 2I course, that also means that there is a growing population of bikers (both motor and push-pedal), so be careful as you race full-throttle to conquer its sometimes perilous peaks. -HEHO +DIHHW LV RQH RI WKRVH UDUH JHPV WKDW \RX FRPH DFURVV ZKLOH exploring the region. For motoring enthusiasts in particular, it is like the +RSH 'LDPRQG RI IUHHZD\V $V \RX UDFH WKURXJK WKH JKRVWV RI HYDSRUDWLRQ dancing on the summer tarmac, and are whisked away to another world of PRWRULQJ SOHDVXUH ZH JXDUDQWHH WKDW \RX ZLOO DJUHH WKDW -HEHO +DIHHW LV TXLWH OLWHUDOO\ D +LJKZD\ WR +HDYHQ


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| G ra n d Tour i s m o | So m e t h in g Fo r T h e We e ke n d |

GROOMING GORGEOUS! A little grooming goes a long way, as does a well-manicured gent. Let Volante guide you to the essential kit for the modern man.







RU \HDUV )ORULV RI /RQGRQ KDV EHHQ FUHDWLQJ XQLTXH DQG luxurious fragrances for men of stature. By appointment to the %ULWLVK 5R\DOW\ WKH IDPLO\ SHUIXPHU KDV SOLHG LWV WUDGH RXW RI WKH same charming boutique since it’s inception in 1730. Floris’ spot on /RQGRQ·V -HUP\Q 6WUHHW QXPEHU LQVSLUHG WKH QDPH RI RQH RI LWV PRVW WLPHOHVV DQG SRSXODU PDOH RIIHULQJV )ORULV 1R ZKLFK ZDV D favourite of author Ian Fleming who bestowed his love of the scent onto his most famous creation, James Bond. Of the perfume house’s more contemporary fragrances, though, our personal favourite here at Volante LV WKH ]HVW\ 6DQWDO ZKLFK RSHQV ZLWK FULVS EHUJDPRW and lemon cut through with fresh notes of green grass and a spicy blend of black peppercorns, clove bud, green cardamom and nutmeg. The warmth of the spices merges with lavender, as the sensual woody notes of sandalwood, cedarwood, patchouli and vetiver unfold and are augmented by the oriental base notes of frankincense, musk and vanilla. It’s a striking, yet subtle fragrance and, as Floris is not yet widely available in the region, is guaranteed to garner a few admiring glances as you waft past. ZZZ ÁRULVORQGRQ FRP



On the subject of one’s whiskers, those of us who often sport heroic moustaches usually require some kind of pomade to keep them up to snuff. There is none finer than Captain Fawcett’s Exhibition Strength Moustache Wax. Guaranteed to help the folically fecund gent maintain a stiff upper lip regardless, this “firm hold” wax, with it’s spicy sandalwood scent, ensures that your tips will stay perky, even in the Gulf’s sweltering humidity. In fact, our managing editor swears by it during the month of “Movember,” employing this very product to preen his verdant lip rug (if you don’t believe us, check out his Instagram account www.instagram.com/ byjamesmccarthy). Just shave off a little of the wax with the top of your thumbnail, warm it up by rubbing it between thumb and forefinger and apply from root to tip. The good Captain also produces a range of other waxes and grooming oils for moustaches and beards, as well as shaving gift sets and combs to help tame your fine facial topiary.


V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

ACCESSORISE ALL AREAS With these head turning links, you’re sure to make a bold statement of sartorial superiority every time you flash a bit of cuff.



KHQ LW FRPHV WR ´SUHVVLQJ WKH ÁHVKµ RU “rubbing elbows” at high society shindigs, ZRPHQ DUH ZHOO FDWHUHG IRU LQ WKH ÁDVK\ DFFHVVRU\ department while many well-heeled gents can only FUDFN RQH RII DW WKH ZULVW RIWHQ RSWLQJ IRU D ÀQH ZDWFK +RZHYHU LQ WKH VWDFNHG GHFN RI SUHFLRXV MHZHOOHU\ DQG KDXWH KRURORJ\ -DFRE &R LV TXLWH WKH FDUG .QRZQ IRU LWV RII NLOWHU VDUWRULDO VW\OHV WKH brand has made quite the name for itself in asserting mastery over the beauty in complication, whether in reference to a timepiece or in the multifaceted phantasmagoria of its men’s jewellery. For society chaps that prefer to show a little cuff, some of Jacob

&R ·V PRVW FDSWLYDWLQJ SLHFHV DUH LWV FXIÁLQNV which, in varying collections, have taken the form of FDUDW JROG VNXOOV DQG VHPL SUHFLRXV URXOHWWH WDEOHV 3DUDPRXQW WR DOO RI WKHVH KRZHYHU DUH WKH -DFRE &R &DQDU\ 'LDPRQG &XIÁLQNV 7KH RSXOHQFH RI WKHVH RUQDPHQWV EHJLQV ZLWK DQ FDUDW ZKLWH JROG frame that is decorated with almost 11 carats of white GLDPRQGV DOO VXUURXQGLQJ D FHQWUHSLHFH RI FDUDW canary yellow diamonds. Altogether, that makes these one-of-a-kind wrist wreaths the most expensive FXIÁLQNV LQ WKH ZRUOG ZLWK DQ DVNLQJ SULFH RI JHW WKLV PLOOLRQ D SDLU www.jacobandco.com


Expressing one’s individuality can be difficult in the Gulf, where many of your peers have the same kind of buying power as you. However, thanks to jewellery designer, James de Givenchy and his New York-based company Taffin, you can now truly express your one-off individuality through your solid 18-carat gold cufflinks. Selling for $4,500, de Givenchy will take an impression of your fingerprints, or those of a loved one, in wax and cast them into solid gold links that will be totally unique to the wearer. Equally, de Givenchy says that as they age they become more and more elegant, as the gold acquires a patina and the grooves of the print seemingly deepen, making these the ultimate statement in subtle, elegant and sentimental sartorialism.




eeing an opportunity with birth of the horseless carriage, Alfred 'XQKLOO PDGH KLV QDPH FUHDWLQJ DQG VHOOLQJ DFFRXWUHPHQWV IRU WKH motoring gentleman. As the motorcar has evolved so has the offering of WKLV TXLQWHVVHQWLDOO\ %ULWLVK EUDQG 'HVSLWH D IDU PRUH IDVKLRQ IRUZDUG DSSURDFK 'XQKLOO FRQWLQXHV WR GHOLYHU EHDXWLIXOO\ FUDIWHG IXQFWLRQDO DFFHVVRULHV HVSHFLDOO\ FXIÁLQNV )DU PRUH UHDVRQDEO\ SULFHG EXW DUJXDEO\ more elegant than the other links on this page, these Wireframe Mother RI 3HDUO FXIÁLQNV KLQW DW $OIUHG·V DXWRPRWLYH KLVWRU\ DQG DUH FDSWLYDWLQJ in their simplicity. Crafted from rhodium plated brass and featuring the company’s vintage logo, you can pair these with your business suit or more formal evening attire and feel comfortable that you are looking every inch the urbane chap you think you are. Couple them with one of 'XQKLOO·V UHDVVXULQJO\ SULFH\ OLJKWHUV DQG \RX FDQ EH VXUH WKDW \RXU GDWH will notice your attention to sartorial detail when you show a little cuff whilst leaning in to light her cigarette. www.dunhill.com

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| G ran d To u r i s m o | Rev C o u n t e r |

MB&F, L’Epée in 6WDUÁHHW (QWHUSULVH Bearing an uncanny resemblance to the eponymous space station in the the TV series star trek: deep space Nine, the incredibly striking MB&f-designed Starfleet Machine desk clock is engineered and crafted by L’Epée 1839, Switzerland’s only remaining specialised high-end clock manufacturer.


KH 6WDUÁHHW 0DFKLQH LV REYLRXVO\ LQÁXHQFHG E\ VFLHQFH ÀFWLRQ EXW LW·V unique mechanics and movement, while stellar, are very much created right here on WHUUD ÀUPD. The highly visible, VXSHUODWLYHO\ ÀQLVKHG LQ KRXVH PRYHPHQW features hours and minutes, double retrograde seconds and a power reserve indicator to display the clock’s exceptional 40-day run time. +RXUV DQG PLQXWHV DUH LQGLFDWHG RQ WKH central black dome by hand-polished hands that follow the dome’s curved contours. Behind that, a smaller rotating dome, accompanied by a revolving radar dish, provides an intuitive YLHZ RI UHPDLQLQJ HQHUJ\ ÀYH EDUV LQGLFDWHV the movement is fully wound; one bar means 6WDUÁHHW 0DFKLQH LV UXQQLQJ ORZ %HORZ R·FORFN RQ WKH FHQWUDO KRXU minute dome are the double retrograde seconds in the form of turret-mounted laser cannons. The cannons start in parallel and FURVV RYHU RQH DQRWKHU EHIRUH UDSLGO\ Á\LQJ RXW DJDLQ DQ DFWLRQ PDUNLQJ RII VHFRQG intervals. The red-tipped cannons provide eyecatching visual animation and the regulator has deliberately been placed in full view for all who see it to admire.

2QH RI WKH ELJJHVW FKDOOHQJHV IRU /·(SpH ZDV UHVSHFWLQJ WKH PRYHPHQW FRQÀJXUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG E\ 0% )·V VSDFHFUDIW GHVLJQ /·(SpH·V FDOLEUH IHDWXULQJ ÀYH PDLQ VSULQJ EDUUHOV - usually equips vertically standing clocks. The escapement platform also had to be set KRUL]RQWDOO\ WR EH SURWHFWHG E\ WKH WXUUHW mounted laser cannons. Naturally, the movement RSHUDWHV ZLWK D SUHFLVLRQ WKDW 6WDUÁHHW ZRXOG EH SURXG RI ZLWK 0% ) FODLPLQJ DQ LPSUHVVLYH DFFXUDF\ RI WR PLQXWHV RYHU GD\V 7KH 6WDUÁHHW 0DFKLQH LV OLPLWHG WR SLHFHV LQ GHIHUHQFH WR /·(SpH·V WK anniversary) and is available in “light” or “dark” HGLWLRQV WKH ODWWHU IHVWXULQJ UXWKHQLXP ÀQLVKHG components. Whichever one you choose, we here at Volante think it’s fair to say that this spectacular timepiece will elevate any room and boldly take it to where no man-cave has been before. V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

Time warp: Long before it was creating out-of-thisworld pieces like the Starfleet Machine, L’Epée clocks were reguarly breaking the sound barrier. In 1976, when Concorde entered commercial service, L’Epée wall clocks were chosen to furnish the cabin.

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| G ran d To u r i s m o | Rev C o u n t e r |

ONE in a MiLLE Every year since 1988, Chopard has marked its prestigious role as the official timekeeper of the legendary Mille Miglia by releasing a limited edition chronograph and 2014 proved to be a vintage year.


journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, at least, according to the words of Chinese philosopher, /DR 7]X )RU VRPH IRUWXQDWH SHWURO heads, that 1,000-mile journey is the fabled Italian enduro, the Mille Miglia, while the step in question is the one they take getting into some exotically beautiful sports car from the golden DJHV OLNH D )HUUDUL *72 RU D -DJXDU ;. )RU &KRSDUG WKH ÀUVW VWHS ZDV WR VXSSRUW this legendary street race by becoming it’s RIÀFLDO WLPHNHHSHU EDFN LQ 6LQFH WKHQ WKH 6FKHXIHOH IDPLO\ KDV SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ HYHU\ PLOH UDFH IURP %UHVFLD WR 5RPH DQG EDFN LQ cars of inestimable value, constructed between DQG WKH \HDUV WKH JUXHOOLQJ DQG often deadly, race actually ran competitively) and wearing the latest Chopard Mille Miglia Chronograph watches that are launched annually to accompany each la corsa pìu bella del mondo The most beautiful race in the world. )RU WKH QG RXWLQJ RI WKH FODVVLF FDU jamboree, The Mille Miglia Chronograph 2014 FDUULHV D PRUH GLVWLQFWO\ ,WDOLDQ ÁDYRXU WKDQ DQ\ of its predecessors. With its red tachometric scale and hands, white dial and green minute FLUFOH LW ÁLHV WKH FRORXUV RI WKH QDWLRQ·V ÁDJ This watch is endowed with a strong character and pays tribute to the oldest cars taking part in WKH UDFH WKRVH GDWLQJ IURP WKH V DQG V That is why the usual strap, made in rubber ZLWK D V 'XQORS UDFLQJ W\UH WUHDG PRWLI has been replaced by a version in overstitched Barenia calfskin, reminiscent of the bonnet

straps on the most venerable participants in the race. The red arrow-shaped Mille Miglia logo appears on the dial as well as on the sapphire crystal case-back. 7KH FRQWHPSRUDU\ 0LOOH 0LJOLD ZDWFK LV thus dominated by vintage detailing. The slender FXUVLYH GLDO IRQWV DUH LQVSLUHG E\ WKH V the lugs holding the strap are soldered rather than screwed in and it is equipped with a selfZLQGLQJ FKURQRJUDSK PRYHPHQW 5DGLDWLQJ DQ undeniably masculine aura, the watch is limited WR ZDWFKHV LQ VWHHO DQG LQ URVH JROG While the Mille Miglia race is impressive to watch in terms of the beautiful vehicles taking part, victory is also awarded on the basis of very discerning criteria involving peerless precision and technical mastery. In the same ZD\ WKH 0LOOH 0LJOLD VKLQHV DV PXFK E\ its outward aesthetic appeal as by its rigorous mechanical heart. V o l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

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For those who are looking to up their sartorial game in 2015, but don’t know where to start looking, here are three clothiers - from bespoke to budget -that Volante recommends checking out.



DYLOOH 5RZ LQ /RQGRQ DOZD\V ZDV WKH EHVW SODFH WR EX\ D EHVSRNH VXLW +RZHYHU IRU WKH XQLQLWLDWHG WKH OLNHV RI *LHYHV +DZNHV with its imposing tradition and royal warrants can be somewhat intimidating. Fortunately, for those of you looking for some bespoke gentleman’s tailoring, but without the haughty colonial-era VWXIÀQHVV DQG VQREEHU\ WKH TXLUNLO\ PRQLNHUHG &DG 7KH 'DQG\ LV DW KDQG )RXQGHG DW WKH KHLJKW RI WKH ÀQDQFLDO FULVLV E\ WZR &LW\ RI /RQGRQ EDQNHUV -DPHV 6OHDWHU DQG ,DQ 0HLHUV DIWHU WKH\ ZHUH PDGH UHGXQGDQW &DG 7KH 'DQG\ VWDPSHG LWV PDUN E\ PDQXIDFWXULQJ bespoke suits from quality Italian and English

fabrics and using traditional tailoring methods, EXW IRU FRQVLGHUDEO\ OHVV WKDQ LWV 6DYLOOH 5RZ &RXQWHUSDUWV ,W EHFDPH D EHDFRQ of City fashion for the austere times. 6LQFH WKHQ &DG 7KH 'DQG\ has become the last word in contemporary tailoring, bringing D IUHVK ÁDLU WR WKH &LW\·V VDUWRULDO landscape with an often unique take on classic suit styles and shirt designs - even to the point of stitching a client’s favourite football shirt into the lining of his jacket! www.cadandthedandy.co.uk

The Great British high-street brand may have a shaky reputation among the fashionista youth, but the fact remains that Marks & Spencer’s suit department remains sartorially ontrend. Offering a number of options to fit every budget, they usually boast better quality contruction and materials than some of the their other, trendier, high-street rivals. The collections to really look out for are the “Sartorial,” “Autograph” and “Savile Row Inspired.” Wile each offers elegant cuts and styles, Sartorial offers a slightly more rakish style, while Autograph provides a perfect professional look straight off the rack. Savile Row Inspired is the top end of the range, offering a made-to-measure service and superb quality on a budget. M&S also offers a fantastic range of accessories and essentials to equip any budding city boy, boasting an enviable range of formal shirts from the likes of Jasper Conran and Jeff Banks, as well as a plethora of wellcobbled shoes to match every possible suit cut, cloth and colour




orking on a similar principle of old-school quality with new school thinking is +XEULV 5HHG )RXQGHU %UDGHQ 6FKORVVHU VWDUWHG KLV PDGH WR PHDVXUH WDLORULQJ FRPSDQ\ DIWHU GLVDSSRLQWLQJ H[SHULHQFHV ZLWK PRUH HVWDEOLVKHG WDLORUV 6R XQZLOOLQJ to compromise, he set out to develop a platform where gentlemen could have a truly bespoke suiting experience from the comfort of their homes. Offering some of the best SRVVLEOH IDEULFV +XEULV 5HHG HPSOR\V D WHDP RI VNLOOHG SDVVLRQDWH DQG IDVKLRQ IRUZDUG PDVWHU WDLORUV ZKR FDQ QRW RQO\ FXW D VXLW EXW FUHDWH D VWDWHPHQW 7KH %HVSRNH *DUPHQW Concierge will walk customers through every step of the process, from measuring to FXVWRPLVDWLRQ ÀWWLQJ DQG DGMXVWPHQWV RIIHULQJ D FRPSOHWHO\ SHUVRQDOLVHG VHUYLFH IURP VWDUW WR ÀQLVK :LWK VXLWV UDQJLQJ IURP IURP WR +XEULV 5HHG LV TXLFNO\ becoming the go-to place for anyone new to custom clothing that’s in need of guidance, DQG WKH EHVW ELW" ,W FDQ DOO EH GRQH VLWWLQJ LQ \RXU XQGHUZHDU ZLWK MXVW WKH FOLFN RI D PRXVH www.hubrisreed.com

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ACCESSORY TO MODA The suit may “maketh the man,” but often, it’s the accessories that make the whole thing work. Add a bit of suave to your wardrobe with some statement shirts and ties.



R ÀQLVK RII \RXU RXWÀW ZLWK D ÁRXULVK RU WR DGG D dashing splash of colour to an otherwise dull suit, get yourself some pocket squares. There’s no steadfast rule for choosing a pocket square, it should simply complement your shirt and tie. Equally, there is no right or wrong way to wear it. There are loads of tutorials online to learn how to fold some of the more complex styles, but to give off a nonchalant vibe, just push it into your breast pocket from the centre of the square.




Blaqua is a temple for men who appreciate good clothing design. It specialises in high-quality, colourful shirts, ties, and accessories, with a very 1960s “Mod” feel to them. The shirts themselves are designed in-house, and Blaqua usually produces a new shirt design every few weeks. Typically, only fifty shirts are made, across all sizes, making each of the limited editions quite unique. Sometimes, given the vivid nature of some of the creations, the company pairs its shirts with a matching or suitable tie. The designs are bold and colourful - a lot of floral prints appear - and are ideal for adding a splash of dandy style to an otherwise conservative outfit. For the more introvert among you, Blaqua does produce plain-colour shirts, too, but with signature design elements added to the underside of the collar and cuffs to add that little hint of louche. The shirts are quite pricey, but well worth it for the workmanship, quality and the sartorial statement they make.

www.blaquaonline.co.uk ff

Okay, here at Volante, we’re not too sure about this one; some of us think it’s really cool, the rest are having flashbacks to lowbudget 1990’s Sci-Fi series’ like Quantum Leap. Whatever we may think, the HexTie by Enrique Alejandro Peral is making a bit of a splash on Social Media, garnering many fans of this bold new look. According to the company, the Hex has been inspired by the architecture and attitude of New York, and combines old fashioned elegance with an eclectic, outspoken design. The ties are constructed using a complex marriage of two rigid polymers joined together by a flexible fabric and is currently awaiting a design and utility patent. It is fair to say that the HexTie is definitely redefining what a dress tie should look like and, as every one is assembled by hand to create a unique experience for every HexTie owner, it will certainly ensure your iconoclastic status.


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ver wondered what the difference is between an 2[IRUG DQG D 'HUE\" 2U SRQGHUHG RYHU ZKHQ WR ZHDU D %URJXH RU /RDIHU" :HOO ZH DUH KHUH WR demystify the world of shoes with a simple step-bystep (pardon the pun) guide to men’s footwear.

All shoes shown here are available at www.MrPorter.com

While you might not consider your shoe choice as important as your collar or tie, what shoes you wear says a lot about your style. Take it from the man himself, Mr. Christian Louboutin: “A shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body

language and the way you walk,” he explains. “The way you’re going to move is dictated by your shoes.” There are also some serious do’s and don’ts to acquaint yourself with, so gents, put your feet up and read on.



Not just any old lace-up smart shoes, Oxfords are the most formal of dress shoes and characterised by their closed lacing – the lace flaps are stitched closed at the bottom. They can be plain with a toecap, or detailed with perforations known as brogueing. As a rule of thumb, the sleeker the design, the more dressy the shoe. DO: Wear with a suit to the office, a wedding or to an afterdark soiree. DON’T: Wear with jeans. STYLE CHOICE: John Lobb’s slick black leather Oxfords.


Easy to spot, Monk Straps are defined by the buckled strap that replaces the shoelaces. They come with one or two straps (on occasions three) and in a variety of colours, with or without the cap-toe and wingtips. The strap can be functional or not. DO: Wear with sharp tailoring for a striking finish. DON’T: Mismatch your buckles. Make sure your watch and belt buckle match that of the shoe’s. STYLE CHOICE: John Lobb hand-made, two strap Monk Straps.



Similar to Oxfords, but less formal with an open lace, Derbys have a more rugged appeal and are more of an everyday shoe, suitable for both smart and casual. They come in various colours and styles of leather and material, brogued or not, cap-toed and wing-tipped. DO: Wear with jeans or chinos when your style calls for smart not stuffy. DON’T: Wear with black tie; only with less formal suits. STYLE CHOICE: Paul Smith soft brown leather Derbys.


Brogues are simply leather shoes with perforation details – usually an Oxford or Derby style. The more detailed the brogueing, the less formal the shoe. Wingtips, a stitched "W" pattern on the top of the shoe, are a common brogue detail. DO: Wear with light tailoring or chinos for a preppy finish. DON’T: Wear with black tie. STYLE CHOICE: Tod’s brown suede Brogues.


The least formal of the shoe gang, Loafers are slip-ons and often feature visible stitching around the toe similar to a moccasin. The sleeker and simpler the design and darker the colour, the more formal the shoe. DO: Wear with jeans or cropped trousers for a cool off-duty style. DON’T: Wear with a suit unless you go tie free. STYLE CHOICE: Gucci grey brushed leather horsebit Loafers. ff

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DAPPER NEW YEAR As you make your weary way back to the office after the holiday season, be sure to do so with dapper new look. Cashmere and Merino Wool Sweaters add a little winter chic, while a colourful pocket square adds a rakish touch.

JACKET Saint Laurent at MrPorter. com, POCKET SQUARE Richard James at MrPorter.com, TROUSERS Debenhams, SWEATER Massimo Alba at MrPorter.com, TROUSERS Burberry Prorsum at MrPorter.com, JACKET Boglioli at MrPorter.com, SHIRT Lanvin at MrPorter.com, BELT Marks & Spencer, POCKET SQUARE Etro at MrPorter.com, TROUSERS Richard James at MrPorter.com, SOCKS Paul Smith at MrPorter.com, SOCKS Falke at MrPorter.com, SHOES Berluti “Illusion” Derbys, SWEATER John Smedley at MrPorter.com.

“f ashIon Is about dressIng accordIng to what ’ s fashIonable .

s tyle Is more about beIng yourself .” - O scar de la r enta

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driVen men

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| D r ive n Me n | J u a n M a n u e l Fa n gio |


IL MAESTRO Ask the average spectator who is the greatest racing driver of all time and you’ll get a mixture of Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher and Stirling Moss. Ask Ayrton, Michael or Stirling the same question and they don’t hesitate for a second; Juan Manuel fangio.



W ZDV \HDUV WKLV SDVW 1RYHPEHU VLQFH , HQMR\HG EUHDNIDVW DW -LPP\ Watson’s restaurant in Adelaide, Australia. The food was great, but the reason I remember sitting at the corner table on that third day of November in 1990 had less to do with the menu and everything to do with my hosts. To the casual observer, an elderly couple sitting opposite a teenager was an odd match, but I was there to interview a man his peers simply referred to as “il maestro.” Forget that generations of fans idolised Juan Manuel Fangio as the JUHDWHVW UDFLQJ GULYHU RI DOO WLPH LW ZDV KLV FRPSHWLWRUV OLNH 6WLUOLQJ 0RVV 0LNH +DZWKRUQ DQG 3HWHU &ROOLQV ZKR ORRNHG XS WR KLP WKH PRVW The well dressed, elderly man sitting opposite was none other than J.M. Fangio, a quietly spoken gent who not only survived the most dangerous era of racing, but debuted at an age when many other would have been FRQVLGHULQJ UHWLUHPHQW +H ZHQW RQ WR ZLQ ÀYH ZRUOG FKDPSLRQVKLSV Fifty-four years after his last race, Fangio maintains the greatest winning percentage in Formula One history. I remember he was well dressed, in a casual way, with a tailored blue,

open neck shirt, white chinos and a cream sports jacket. An immaculately folded handkerchief protruded from his top pocket, matching the cravat neatly tied around his neck and tucked into the top of his shirt. :LWK JUD\LQJ VOLFNHG EDFN KDLU WKH WKHQ \HDU ROG·V VWDWXHVTXH ÀJXUH and broad shoulders contradicted a surprisingly humble personality that VPLOHG IUHTXHQWO\ GXULQJ RXU GLVFXVVLRQ +LV H\HV JDYH DZD\ D OLIHWLPH RI stories without needing words, while his softly-spoken, even mousy, voice FRQWUDGLFWHG KLV PDVFXOLQH IUDPH DQG WKH ÀJKWHU SLORW VW\OH VWRULHV KH regaled me with. “In ten years of racing, 30 drivers, most of whom were my friends, were killed behind the wheel,” Fangio said. +LV YRLFH WUDLOHG RII LQ WKDW ZD\ PDQ\ ROG *UDQG 3UL[ GULYHUV GR ZKHQ they talk of friends that will stay forever young and, in some ways, you can almost see a resentment in their eyes when you talk about the safety and ÀQDQFLDO FRPIRUW RI PRGHUQ GD\ UDFHUV “I have very little contact with current drivers, but when I do talk to them, it is not about racing. Modern drivers can retire after winning one world FKDPSLRQVKLS , ZRQ ÀYH FKDPSLRQVKLSV DQG , VWLOO KDG WR JR WR ZRUN µ $IWHU UHWLULQJ DW WKH DJH RI LQ )DQJLR WXUQHG WR VHOOLQJ FDUV and picked up the Argentine Mercedes concession before being appointed SUHVLGHQW RI 0HUFHGHV %HQ] $UJHQWLQD LQ One of six children, Fangio’s parents were hard working Italian ff

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“I have very little contact with current drivers, but when I do talk to them, it is not about racing. Modern drivers can retire after winning one world championship, I won five championships and I still had to go to work.” _ Juan Manuel Fangio

| D r ive n Me n | J u a n M a n u e l Fa n gio |

LPPLJUDQWV IURP WKH $EUX]]L UHJLRQ ZKR VHWWOHG LQ %DOFDUFH $UJHQWLQD DQG VHQW \RXQJ -XDQ RII WR ZRUN DV D PHFKDQLF DW WKH DJH RI LQ ,W was in these formative years that he gained the vital skills he would use to PDJQLÀFHQW HIIHFW GHFDGHV ODWHU WR QXUVH LQMXUHG UDFH FDUV DFURVV ÀQLVK OLQHV all over Europe. )DQJLR·V ÀUVW WDVWH RI UDFLQJ FDPH LQ FURVV FRXQWU\ HQGXUDQFH PDUDWKRQV SLORWLQJ FUXGH VHOI SUHSDUHG 9 )RUGV DURXQG $UJHQWLQD IRU XS WR IRXU weeks at a time. Overcoming astonishing hardships and the death of a close friend in a roll-over accident, Fangio scored many victories before moving WR (XURSH WR EHJLQ *UDQG 3UL[ UDFLQJ DW WKH DJH RI “Most of us who drove quickly were bastards,” his rival and Mercedes WHDP PDWH 6WLUOLQJ 0RVV RQFH VDLG ´EXW , FDQ·W WKLQN RI DQ\ IDFHWV RI Fangio’s character which you wouldn’t like to have in your own,” he added. Moss, who coined nickname “the maestro,” said he loved Fangio like a father. ,Q VHYHQ )RUPXOD 2QH VHDVRQV )DQJLR ZDV ZRUOG FKDPSLRQ ÀYH WLPHV ZLWK IRXU WHDPV DQG D UXQQHU XS WZLFH ,Q KLV ¶ FKDPSLRQVKLS *UDQGV 3UL[ KH VWDUWHG IURP WKH IURQW URZ WLPHV LQFOXGLQJ SROH SRVLWLRQV DQG VHW IDVWHVW UDFH ODSV HQ URXWH WR SRGLXP ÀQLVKHV RI ZKLFK ZHUH YLFWRULHV +H ZRQ WZR FKDPSLRQVKLSV ZLWK 0HUFHGHV %HQ] DQG RQH HDFK IRU $OID 5RPHR 0DVHUDWL DQG )HUUDUL WKRXJK SHUKDSV LW ZDV EHFDXVH KH EHIULHQGHG his mechanics and was never shy to pick up a spanner to help out, that some times those mechanics repaid the favour in a less than scrupulous manner. ´,Q RQH RI WKH ODVW UDFHV RI DW 0RQ]D 0DVHUDWL JDYH PH D YHU\ powerful car which was extremely fast but it was shaking badly at 7,000rpm,” KH WROG PH LQ KLV VTXHDN\ 6SDQLVK ´, DVNHG P\ PHFKDQLFV WR GR VRPHWKLQJ EXW E\ 6DWXUGD\ DIWHUQRRQ WKH YLEUDWLRQ ZDV VWLOO WKHUH DQG , ZDV FRQFHUQHG WKDW LW ZRXOGQ·W EH À[HG in time. They said ‘Fangio, go to sleep, tomorrow your car will be ready without problems.’ ´7KH QH[W GD\ WKH FDU UDQ EHDXWLIXOO\ DQG RYHU ODSV GLFLQJ ZLWK )DULQD and Ascari in Ferraris, and my team mate Marimon, I won. Later, Marimon came over and asked how was my car because his had been shaking badly all day. “It was then that I realised why the paint on the numbers of our cars were wet when we went to the start line. ´&DQ \RX LPDJLQH WKDW KDSSHQLQJ WRGD\"µ ,I WKDW ZDVQ·W HQRXJK DW WKH VHDVRQ HQGLQJ ,WDOLDQ *UDQG 3UL[ RI 1956, Fangio’s Ferrari team mate, Peter Collins, had just 15 laps to complete before being crowned World Champion, but in an act of sportsmanship not fathomable in today’s commercially-driven iteration of the sport, Collins handed over his car to Fangio, who had retired earlier with mechanical troubles, and they shared the six points won for second place. This robbed Collins of his title and gave Fangio a fourth world crown, such was the admiration Collins held for The Maestro. Fangio’s record number of championship wins was not broken until 0LFKDHO 6FKXPDFKHU WRRN KLV VL[WK WLWOH LQ ´)DQJLR LV RQ D OHYHO PXFK KLJKHU WKDQ , VHH P\VHOI µ 6FKXPDFKHU VDLG “What he did stands alone and I have such respect for what he achieved. <RX FDQ·W WDNH D SHUVRQDOLW\ OLNH )DQJLR DQG FRPSDUH KLP ZLWK ZKDW ZH GLG There’s not even the slightest comparison.” It’s no surprise that in the post-war period, Fangio’s fame had made him one of the most recognisable faces and names on the planet, and it was a point which was not lost on those who wanted to make their own headlines. ff


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| D r ive n Me n | J u a n M a n u e l Fa n gio |

2Q )HEUXDU\ )DQJLR ZDV LQ KLV URRP DW WKH +RWHO /LQFROQ in Cuba preparing for his race the next day when his room was stormed by two unmasked gunmen. Bundled into a car, Fangio was kidnapped by pro-Fidel Castro forces and taken to a nondescript house deep in the suburbs. Local police set up roadblocks and were stationed at hospitals and airports, while the other drivers were each assigned a bodyguard. )DQJLR QHYHU PDGH LW WR WKH UDFH DQG DIWHU EHLQJ VKXIÁHG DURXQG WR a number of houses, he remained blindfolded but was allowed to listen to the race on a radio. “They were nice boys and treated me well,” he said as we made our way through breakfast. “It was a point they were making and they never meant any harm. It’s true that I still send them Christmas cards every year and they keep in touch with me,” he added. 5HPDLQLQJ EOLQGIROGHG )DQJLR VDW ZLWK KLV FDSWRUV DQG OLVWHQHG WR their revolutionary plans, “but I didn’t offer much advice as I didn’t want to get involved in the politics.” The captors’ motives were to force the cancellation of the race in an attempt to embarrass the regime of Fulgencio Batista. Fangio was UHOHDVHG XQKDUPHG KRXUV ODWHU 5HWLUHPHQW FDPH DW WKH HQG RI WKDW VHDVRQ ZLWK )DQJLR ERZLQJ out as the defending World Champion, which he won in what he GHVFULEHG DV KLV ÀQHVW KRXU WKH *HUPDQ *UDQG 3UL[ ,W ZDV D FRPHEDFN ÀJKW DW WKH WUHDFKHURXV 1XUEXUJULQJ WKDW PDQ\ today still regard as the greatest drive in F1 history following a botched pitstop by his crew. 'ULYLQJ WKH VDPH RXWGDWHG 0DVHUDWL ) KH UDFHG LQ )DQJLR needed to win but lost nearly a minute – and his lead - to the Ferraris RI 0LNH +DZWKRUQ DQG 3HWHU &ROOLQV LQ WKH SLWV 7KH 2OG 0DQ ÁXQJ KLV ) DURXQG WKH PRVW GDXQWLQJ RI WUDFNV VPDVKLQJ WKH FLUFXLW UHFRUG with every lap and clocking times 11 seconds a lap quicker than his Ferrari rivals. With one lap remaining, Fangio stormed into the lead and, from

being 50 seconds behind, won by just over three seconds. “I felt like I was looking down on myself, watching the race from above, willing my way to what should have been an impossible win. It was a magic feeling,” he reminisced. :LWK ZRUOG FKDPSLRQVKLS *UDQG 3UL[ ZLQV IURP VWDUWV )DQJLR·V ZLQQLQJ SHUFHQWDJH RI UHPDLQV WKH EHVW LQ WKH VSRUW·V history. At the age of 47 “The Maestro” called it a day and returned to his birthplace of Balcarce to establish his motor museum. +H H[SODLQHG ´,W LV EHWWHU WR NHHS P\ WURSKLHV RQ GLVSOD\ WKHUH WKDQ at home, because I would have to clean them myself. In the museum there is someone who spends all his time cleaning them for me. A much EHWWHU LGHD GRQ·W \RX WKLQN"µ -XDQ 0DQXDO )DQJLR SDVVHG DZD\ RQ -XO\ DW WKH DJH RI LQ %XHQRV $LUHV DQG ZDV EXULHG LQ %DOFDUFH +LV SDOO EHDUHUV LQFOXGHG KLV \RXQJHU EURWKHU 7RWR 6WLUOLQJ 0RVV -DFNLH 6WHZDUW DQG FRPSDWULRW UDFHUV -RVH )URLODQ *RQ]DOH] DQG &DUORV 5HXWHPDQQ DV ZHOO DV KLV ODVW ERVV WKH SUHVLGHQW RI 0HUFHGHV %HQ] $UJHQWLQD

FANGIO AND FERRARI )DQJLR DQG (Q]R )HUUDUL QHYHU JRW RQ ,Q )DQJLR PRYHG WR WKH Italian squad after Ascari was killed and, despite winning his fourth title ZLWK WKH 6FXGHULD (Q]R LQVLVWHG LW ZDV KLV FDUV DQG QRW WKH GULYHU WKDW won the title. Fangio was forced to use his team-mate’s car after his suffered mechanical problems in Argentina, Monaco and Italy, yet Ferrari quipped after his star driver moved to arch rival, Maserati; “Fangio did not remain loyal to any marque and used every endeavour to ensure that he would always drive the best car.” 6WLUOLQJ 0RVV ZDV TXLFN WR SRLQW RXW ZK\ )DQJLR ZRQ FKDPSLRQVKLSV ZLWK $OID 5RPHR 0HUFHGHV WZLFH )HUUDUL DQG 0DVHUDWL ´EHFDXVH KH was the best bloody driver! ´7KH FKHDSHVW PHWKRG RI EHFRPLQJ D VXFFHVVIXO *UDQG 3UL[ WHDP was to sign up Fangio.”

“The cheapest method of becoming a successful Grand Prix team was to sign up Fangio.” - Stirling Moss

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| D r ive n Me n | Pie r re -H e n r i R a ph a n e l |


JUST FOR THE RECORD Despite the car being stripped of its title, fighting off pretenders from Shelby Supercars and Hennessy and then having its title re-instated, four-and-ahalf years on, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport remains officially the fastest production car in the world. It’s record-breaking driver and Pilote Officiel for Bugatti, pierre-Henri raphanel, tells VOLANTE just what it felt like to take the Veyron Super Sport to the top of the world.ff Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5


| D r ive n Me n | Pie r re - H e n r i R a ph a n e l |


V: What was going through your mind as you lined up on the track to start the world record run? PHR: :KHQ , VWDUWHG WKH UXQ WKH ÀUVW WKLQJ WKDW SRSSHG LQWR P\ KHDG ZDV “I could die today.” It is always a risk when working at such high speeds. +RZHYHU , KDG IDLWK LQ WKH VDIHW\ IHDWXUHV DQG HQJLQHHULQJ RI WKH FDU DV well as the hours of preparation we had done. I reconciled my worries by thinking of my late Father, who was a car enthusiast and, if anything did go wrong, that I would join him again. But I came back to earth and remembered what I was supposed to be doing and focused my attention on the run and the car. V: What were you most concerned about? PHR: Because of my background in racing I know what it is like to lose control of a car at immense speed and, in some ways, how to deal with that. I once lost control of a car at Le Mans at around 340km/h. A wing fell off and that car started spinning, at that speed the car needs 400 metres to stop. I was very grateful when I walked away without injury, but it plays on your mind. If the same had happened in the Bugatti at the speeds we were WUDYHOOLQJ WKH FDU ZKLFK ZHLJKV WRQQHV ZRXOG UHTXLUH QHDUO\ D NLORPHWUH to come to a halt. That is space we didn’t have. There isn’t always a guard UDLO DQG WKH WUDFN LV LQ WKH PLGGOH RI D *HUPDQ IRUHVW 7KLV NLQG RI H[HUFLVH LV GLIÀFXOW IRU D UDFLQJ GULYHU EHFDXVH , NQRZ ZKDW , DP GRLQJ , LPDJLQH , am in control of the situation and that I am able to adjust important factors RI WKH FDU LI QHFHVVDU\ +RZHYHU ZKHQ \RX DUH WUDYHOOLQJ DW VSHHGV WKDW WDNH \RX GRZQ D WUDFN DW PHWUHV SHU VHFRQG \RX DUH IRUFHG WR UHDOLVH WKDW you are, in fact, just a passenger. If the car has a strange reaction, you don’t want to interfere because it can only make things worse. For instance, one millimetre on the steering can translate in two centimetres on the road, or one centimetre on steering can translate to maybe metres on the road, so even if you want to do something you can’t. It is too fast to control so, basically, you have to rely on your engineers and on your sense as a racing GULYHU <RX DUH HQWHULQJ D UHDOP RI WKH XQNQRZQ DQG LW LV DOZD\V D ULVN


V: How much of the actual run do you remember through the speed and adrenaline? PHR: <RX UHPHPEHU SRLQWV EHFDXVH \RX GR VHYHUDO SUHSDUDWLRQ UXQV WKH GD\ EHIRUH :H GLG WHQ UXQV RYHU NP K <RX DUH DOZD\V OHDUQLQJ WKLQJV about how the car moves and reacts to braking at such speeds. Again it FRPHV GRZQ WR PLOOLPHWUHV <RX NQRZ \RX KDYH WR DSSO\ FHUWDLQ SUHVVXUH to the brakes, but pressing the pedal by a fraction too far can make the car unstable. The car is steady as a rock up to 415km/h which is the limit for the customer models, but after that, in the world record car, as you continue to accelerate it has the very real danger of changing from a car into an DHURSODQH $OO , ZDV WKLQNLQJ ZDV ZLOO WKH JHDUER[ EH RN" :LOO WKH W\UHV EH RN" $QG RI FRXUVH WKHUH LV WKH DGUHQDOLQH RQ WRS RI WKDW 7KH QLJKW EHIRUH I could not sleep because I was so stressed. When I woke up, I looked at the DODUP FORFN DQG LW VDLG , VDLG WR P\VHOI ´WKDW LV WKH ZRUOG UHFRUG ff

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| D r i ve n Me n | Fe a t u re |


| D r ive n Me n | Pie r re - H e n r i R a ph a n e l |

speed.” I went back to sleep and when I woke again, the clock said 4:44 and , WKRXJKW ´7KHUH LV QR ZD\ 7KDW LV LPSRVVLEOH µ 7KH QH[W GD\ RQ P\ ÀUVW UXQ , GLG NLORPHWHUV SHU KRXU 0\ PDLQ FRQFHUQ DV , SXOOHG EDFN LQ WR the pits was that the system had not recorded the speed and I would have to go out and do it again! Then, I could not sleep for two nights after breaking the record because of all the adrenaline still coursing through my body. It comes to a point when your body is so sapped by it, that you say to yourself “I have had enough of speed. I just want to stop now and have some quiet.” V: Did everything go as smoothly as we have all seen on Top Gear, or were there problems? Did the car do anything you didn’t expect it to? PHR: For the world record you have to do two straight lines in both directions. At Ehra-Lessien, nobody has been driving on the tarmac in the anti-clockwise direction, so when we tried it the day before, I am glad we did. The tarmac was reacting differently because after years and years of going around the track in one direction, the surface has become conditioned and all of the stones are worn in that way. It is like when you shave; when you pull the blade downwards it is smooth, but when you go against the grain LW LV PRUH GLIÀFXOW DQG WKHUH LV PRUH IULFWLRQ DQG URXJKQHVV 7KH URDG ZDV WKH VDPH DQG RQ WKH ÀUVW SUDFWLFH DIWHU NP K LW ZDV FDXVLQJ YLEUDWLRQV through the car. As the speed increased it got worse. While there was no real danger, just discomfort from the road, I was glad we discovered the issue EHIRUH WKH DFWXDO UXQ ,W ZDV DFWXDOO\ PXFK PRUH GLIÀFXOW WR PDNH WKH ÀUVW


run, which was slower, in the wrong direction than it was to make the second run, which was faster, but in the normal direction of road use. Also, when we were going the reverse way, we were facing a little bit of wind, which is why we couldn’t achieve the same speed as the clockwise direction. At the end of the straight I found that if I was braking later, I would be protected IURP WKH ZLQG E\ WKH IRUHVW 6R , GHFLGHG WKDW , ZRXOG SXW P\ EUDNLQJ SRLQW later, like 300 metres, just to arrive in this area of forest cover and, protected IURP WKH ZLQG , ZRXOG EH DEOH WR JHW H[WUD VSHHG 6R , GLG WKDW WKH GD\ EHIRUH DQG LW ZDV ZRUNLQJ VR , UHSHDWHG WKDW WKH QH[W GD\ +RZHYHU WR GR WKDW , ZRXOG KDYH WR EUHDN D OLWWOH ELW KDUGHU 6XGGHQO\ WKH FDU ZHQW IURP WKH FHQWUH ODQH WR WKH ULJKW ODQH , ZDV QRW LQ FRQWURO , ZDV EDVLFDOO\ MXVW D SDVVHQJHU 6R WKHUH , DP MXVW looking at the forest and, because we travelling in the opposite direction around the track, there is no guard rail, so I am thinking: “If anything goes wrong here, I am going to create a new road through the trees.” Fortunately I made it and the car got the extra bit of speed we needed. I am quite proud of that. V: What are the chances of an attempt at 480km/h (300mph)? PHR: I am not someone who has the desire to go chasing such things over and over again until I get it right. It was an opportunity that arrives once in a lifetime. I needed to do it. I did it once and I was happy. Bugatti will probably not try it again, that is not their style. Breaking records is obviously a challenge for any company producing products at the limits of performance, but the main thing was always to give the customer a good, reliable and easily drivable everyday car. It just happens to be an everyday car you can break a world record in.

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the clubhouse

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| T h e C l u bh o u s e | Au t o m o bil ia |

AUTOMOBILIA Curios and collectibles that every deserving man-cave should have...



e like video games and gadgets as PXFK DV WKH QH[W JX\ EXW JLYH XV D +RW Wheels track and some sugar, and we’ll be keyed-up for the rest of the week! That’s why ZH·UH VR KDSS\ DERXW WKLV IXOO VL]HG 3RUVFKH 917 replica, which has something a bit more “fun” concealed beneath its hood; namely, D IDLWKIXOO\ UHQGHUHG VFDOH ZRUNLQJ wooden slot car track of the legendary /H 0DQV UDFHZD\ 3ULFHG DW DQG inspired in both presence and colour by the FODVVLF ÀOP Le Mans starring king of cool, 6WHYH 0F4XHHQ WKH ERG\ RI WKLV EHDXWLIXO EHDVW FRPHV FRPSOHWH ZLWK UDFH ZRUQ *7 prototype tires on aluminium three-piece rims and working headlights and taillights. The fun continues on the inside as a button opens the 917 like a treasure chest, revealing a painstakingly articulated reverence for the iconic raceway, representing everything from the Marchal sign on the three-level JUDQGVWDQG RYHU SLW URZ WR WKH FODVVLF 'XQORS WLUH EULGJH 7KLV WUXO\ DPD]LQJ ODERXU RI love will further excite your childlike sense of wonder with its detail, from realistic landscaping and working streetlights to hand-wrought aluminium Armco guardrails with weathered wooden posts. The entire SDFNDJH FRPHV ZLWK OLPLWHG HGLWLRQ VORW cars meticulously designed after the models from 1970-71, including a Porsche 917, )HUUDUL &RGD /XQJD DQG /ROD 7 HDFK of which can be controlled by dual analogue UDFLQJ FRQWUROOHUV 3UHS WKH À]]\ GULQNV Mum... we’re gonna need some energy. www.hammacher.com

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There is no point having a great set of B&W Maserati speakers if you aren’t delivering face-melting audio clarity from your stereo system, which is where this exquisitely made Momentum stereo amplifier from D’Agostino comes in. While it comes highly regarded by audiophiles and industrial design critics, this is definitely a music system for the upscale man-pad. In fact, it brings a whole new meaning to “rich audio” as it costs the same amount as a 2.2-litre diesel Range Rover Evoque. Or three VW Golf GTIs, if you buy the black version. Using ultraefficient copper heat sinks with venturi cooling, 1% metal-film

resistors, 69MHz output transistors, the Momentum consumes less than one watt of power at standby. Which is good if you are struggling to pay your electricity bill after buying one. It’s distinctive power meter, with a separate indicator needle for each channel, makes the device resemble a steampunk steampunk clock. Each Momentum is hand-built and individually tested in D’Agostino’s Arizona facility, and for $43,000, you would expect it to still be delivering spectacular aural pleasure decades after the Evoque has been towed to the scrapyard.








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| T h e C l u bh o u s e | B o o ks |

WORD UP... Being well-read is the mark of a truly cultured gent, so here are a few worthwhile tomes to add to your library of automotive literature.

MCLAREN - THE CARS 1964 - 2008






n these days of the internet and mobile apps, +D\QHV 0DQXDOV PXVW VHHP OLNH D YHU\ DUFKDLF concept to younger generations of petrol head, however, I spent hours as a child poring over WKH +D\QHV ERRNV P\ IDWKHU DQG EURWKHU owned for their respective cars, marvelling at the intricacy of the technical drawings within. This one is no different, when you see past the knowingly ironic “Owners Workshop Manual” in the title, of course. This experienced author has produced an excellent biographical and technical work which covers the entire career VSDQ RI WKH ) GULYHQ WR JORU\ RI FRXUVH E\ Juan Manuel Fangio) from F1 Championships to it’s days as a classic racer. A narrative history RI 0DVHUDWL XS WR WKH LQFHSWLRQ RI WKH ) LQ 1954 kicks off the book and there is a wealth of compelling photographs and information about the iconic Maserati racer contained within the book’s 154 pages, as well as plenty RI WLSV RQ KRZ WR À[ DQG PDLQWDLQ LW VKRXOG \RX HYHU ÀQG \RXUVHOI LQ WKH HQYLDEOH SRVLWLRQ of owning one.


he second in a series of three books detailing the history of McLaren, The &DUV LV D FRPSUHKHQVLYH JXLGH WR HYHU\ FDU IURP %UXFH 0F/DUHQ V ÀUVW $XVWLQ 6HYHQ EDVHG KRWURG WR WKH )RUPXOD One challenger, including all of the road cars, competition vehicles and one-offs in between. Every car described, specced and lavishly photographed in this beautifully presented coffee table book. For motorsport fans, particularly, Taylor’s other book in the series, HQWLWOHG 7KH :LQV DQG FR ZULWWHQ ZLWK 'DYLG Tremayne, enables you to truly appreciate the breadth and depth of McLaren’s footprint in motorsport. No other racing team can lay claim to successes across such a vast spectrum, LQFOXGLQJ )RUPXOD )RUPXOD )RUPXOD Formula A5000, Indy cars, Can-Am and at Le Mans. These books are a must for fans of Formula One and fans of the F1, alike.

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ith news that the world’s most famous spy is to get an Aston all of his own for KLV WK FLQHPDWLF RXWLQJ LW VHHPV SHUWLQHQW WR remember the man who created James Bond. Ian Fleming’s Casino Royale captured the imaginations of post-war readers upon its release in 1953, and still does today. Why, you may ask, are we ZULWLQJ DERXW ÀFWLRQ LQ D PRWRULQJ PDJD]LQH" :HOO QR RQH ZURWH FDU FKDVHV OLNH )OHPLQJ +H was a dyed in the wool petrolhead and covered Le Mans for The Daily Express several times, which is probably why Bond drives a four-and-a-half litre supercharged Bentley in many of his books. The Blower is used in the epic chase sequence in Royale after Vespa is kidnapped, and again in pursuit of +XJR 'UD[ WKURXJK WKH .HQW FRXQWU\VLGH LQ Moonraker. After the Bentley comes to a sticky HQG %RQG FKRRVHV DQ $VWRQ '% 0DUN ,,, RYHU D -DJXDU WR IROORZ $XULF *ROGÀQJHU DFURVV )UDQFH ZKLFK EHFDPH WKH IDPRXV '% LQ WKH 1965 movie, and thus the partnership was born. Solo, by William Boyd, is one of the few posthumous Bond titles to really capture the essence of Fleming, albeit without the latent sexism that litters the pre-women’s lib originals. 6HW LQ %RQG KDV WR ZHLJK XS WKH SURV DQG cons of either a buying a Jensen Interceptor or the Jensen FF, before embarking on a dangerous mission to Africa. The pace, style and characterisation of Solo is so well done, you’ll forget you’re not reading Fleming himself, and there is no greater compliment than that.





he large format of this tome covering the colourful history of “Il Tridente” lends itself very well to some great photography, in lieu of some of the poorly translated prose, and there are some absolute pictorial gems nestled among the pages. The book opens, and closes, with the company’s racing pedigree and VSRUWLQJ SURZHVV IURP WKH HDUO\ GD\V RI $OÀHUL LQ KLV 7LSR ÀQLVKLQJ ZLWK D FRPSUHKHQVLYH run down of every great victory enjoyed by 0DVHUDWL RQ ODQG DQG VHD 2K" <RX GLGQ·W NQRZ WKHUH ZDV D 0DVHUDWL UDFLQJ \DFKW" 1HLWKHU GLG ZH 6R GHVSLWH EHLQJ DQ ´RIÀFLDOµ KLVWRU\ LQ which there is little “meat” and a lot of stuff \RX FDQ ÀQG HOVHZKHUH WKHUH DUH D IHZ OLWWOH titbits to hold the reader’s interest. A Majority of the book, though, is given up to a modelby-model account of the marque’s road-going legacy. With Maserati boasting some of the most beautiful Italian road cars ever made (as well as some real goppers, too, we might add), this is where the real value of this book lays; things like the design sketches of the Bora are a joy, as are the comparisions of the different FRDFKZRUN IRU WKH *7 )RU WKHVH WKLQJV DORQH 0DVHUDWL $ &HQWXU\ RI +LVWRU\ LV worth putting on the coffee table.

In celebration of the centenary of the Spirit of Ecstasy - the legendary motorcar figurine - Rolls-Royce engaged the photographer Rankin to re-imagine the “flying lady” in a contemporary way. Over the course of a year, Rankin captured 100 images, one for every year of the Spirit of Ecstasy's history. Taking inspiration from the original story, which is shrouded in mystery and romance, Rankin incorporated a variety of themes associated with the mascot into his stunning portraits: the beauty of age, power and confidence of femininity. The book offers a series of studies exploring different facets of the ethereal little sculpture, examining the metal, the material, the flow, and the airy elegance of that form to create a timeless and collectable coffee-table book that Rolls-Royce aficionados will love.



r ankIn captured 100 Images , one for every year of the s pIrIt of

e cstasy ’ s hIstory .

Vo l a n t e | Fe br u a r y 20 1 5

hile he became a universal symbol of rebellion in his later years, the young (UQHVWR ´&KHµ *XHYDUD PXFK OLNH DQ\ RWKHU \RXQJ PDQ OXVWHG DIWHU DGYHQWXUH ,Q when he was a promising young medical student hailing from a privileged Argentine family, he decided to up sticks and go gambolling about the 6RXWK $PHULFDQ FRQWLQHQW ZLWK KLV JRRG IULHQG $OEHUWR *UDQDGR RQ WKH EDFN RI D VSOXWWHULQJ 1939 Norton 500cc motorcycle. This is his personal journal of that formative nine-month odyssey, which provides a wonderful insight into the man behind the myth of the enigmatic IUHHGRP ÀJKWHU KH ZDV WR EHFRPH )XOO RI ORFDO colour and rich observation of the country they WUDYHUVH DQG WKH FKDUDFWHUV WKH\ PHHW *XHYDUD is transformed by witnessing the social injustices of exploited mine workers, ostracised lepers and the tattered descendants of a once-great Incan civilisation. Travelling 5,000 miles by motorcycle, steamship, raft, horse, bus and hitchhiking across WKH $QGHV $WDFDPD 'HVHUW DQG WKH $PD]RQ 5LYHU %DVLQ ZKHWKHU \RX DJUHH ZLWK KLV SROLWLFV or not, this is an engaging and entertaining record of a truly epic journey.


| E x h a u s t No t e | C o n t r ibu t o rs |

CONTRIBUTORS “They had holes to fill on every page and jammed in any vaguely newsworthy string of words provided it did not include expletives, which they were apparently saving for their own use around the office.” - Tom Rachman, The Imperfectionists


ith at least half a century’s worth of writing experience between them, we FDQ SURPLVH WKDW WKHVH ÀQH FKDSV WDNH D OLWWOH PRUH FDUH RYHU WKHLU OLWHUDU\ PDFKLQDWLRQV WKDQ WKH SURWDJRQLVWV RI 7RP 5DFKPDQ·V QRYHO :LWK WKDW LQ mind, we encourage you to raise a glass in salute to this league of extraordinary wordsmiths, without whom, this issue of Volante would not have been possible.

IAN CRAMMOND Ian runs a London-based creative consultancy serving the drinks industry. In his spare time, however, he is a fully paid-up petrol head, organising the Three Castles Welsh Classic Trial, which, in its twelve year history, has grown to be one of the most highly regarded PDMRU FODVVLF FDU UDOO\ RI LWV NLQG LQ (XURSH +H GRHVQ·W MXVW VLW RQ WKH VLGHOLQHV WKRXJK +H LV DOVR D FRPSHWLWRU WDNLQJ RQ VRPH RI WKH 8.·V FODVVLF URDG UDOOLHV LQ D FDU WKDW·V IDU WRR H[SHQVLYH WR EH SXQLVKHG LQ VXFK D IDVKLRQ +H LV GULYHQ E\ KLV SDVVLRQ IRU ROG 0HUFHGHV IURP KLV IDLWKIXO &( WR KLV FXUUHQW 6/ %HLQJ · µ tall, he’s fortunate it has a detachable roof.




'DPLHQ RQFH LQWHUYLHZHG )DQJLR 1RWKLQJ further really needs to be said, but it is worth noting that he began writing motorsport columns and assisting with car tests for PDMRU PRWRULQJ PDJD]LQHV DQG QHZVSDSHUV even before he left school at the age of 15. +H ZDV WKH \RXQJHVW IXOO WLPH PRWRULQJ HGLWRU and F1 correspondent of a national broadsheet newspaper - News Corp’s, The Australian DW DJH +H KDV WUDYHOOHG WKH world covering motoring and motor racing at all levels, spearheading the Middle East editions of Autocar and F1 Racing PDJD]LQHV +H LV FXUUHQWO\ D freelance contributor to radio, TV, print media and various websites across WKH 0LGGOH (DVW 6RXWK (DVW $VLD $XVWUDOLD WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DQG (XURSH Most importantly, though, he interviewed Fangio.



5LFKDUG LV DQ DFFRPSOLVKHG ZULWHU DQG hedonist, with a penchant for waxing O\ULFDO DERXW FDUV FLJDUV DQG ZKLVNH\ +H has driven most things on four wheels, a lot of things with two wheels and some that GRQ·W HYHQ KDYH ZKHHOV +H FXW KLV HGLWRULDO teeth at News International in London, where VRPH RI KLV ÀQHVW ZRUN ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ The Sun XQGHU WKH QRPPH GH SOXPH ´'H[WHU /HWFKDORWµ LQ KLV UHJXODU FROXPQ ´'LHGUH·V 3KRWR &DVHERRN µ +H FXUUHQWO\ UHVLGHV LQ 0DOD\VLD DQG ZKHQ he is not watching cricket or modelling safari suits, he plies his trade as D IUHHODQFHU IRU QXPHURXV LQWHUQDWLRQDO PDJD]LQH WLWOHV DQG LV D UHJXODU contributor to The National.

Lee is an engineer by trade, but when he isn’t involved in building the region’s iconic structures, he likes to dip his toe into more OLWHUDU\ ZDWHUV +H UHJXODUO\ ZULWHV DUWLFOHV and features pertaining to his expertise in the construction sector for regional business titles such as TheEdge and Qatar Construction News +RZHYHU WKLV DIIDEOH :HOVKPDQ DQG DYLG sports fan also has a love of luxury cars and has often been called into service to attend international and regional press launches of the likes of Porsche, Bentley and Maserati in the name of our sister title, Sur la Terre Arabia +H ZLOO QRZ EH UHJDOLQJ Volante’s readers with his quick-witted and poetic prose.

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a Journal for the gentleman driVer

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a Journal for the gentleman driVer

DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS Mohamed Jaidah, m.jaidah@firefly-me.com GENERAL MANAGER Joe Marritt j.marritt@firefly-me.com REGIONAL MANAGING EDITOR James McCarthy j.mccarthy@firefly-me.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Helen Louise Carter PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Ronald Alvin Baron INTERNATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Julia Toon, j.toon@firefly-me.com REGIONAL SALES Area Manager, Doha: Chirine Halabi, c.halabi@firefly-me.com Area Manager, UAE: Nesreen Shalaby, n.shalaby@urjuan-me.com Sales Coordinator Masha Ivanova, m.ivanova@firefly-me.com PRINTING & DISTRIBUTION Distribution Manager Azqa Haroon, Logistics Manager Joseph Isaac PRINTER Ali Bin Ali Printing Press, Doha, Qatar PUBLISHER: Firefly Communications, PO Box 11596, Doha, Qatar. Tel: +974 4434 0360 Fax: +974 4434 0359 info@firefly-me.com www.firefly-me.com

©2015 Volante is published as a bi-monthly supplement to Sur la Terre Arabia by Firefly Communications in Qatar and Urjuan Media in the UAE. All material is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole, or in part, without the prior written permission of Firefly Communications or Urjuan Media, is prohibited. All content is believed to be factual at the time of going to print, and contributors’ views are their own derived opinions and not necessarily that of Firefly Communications, Urjuan Media or Volante. No responsibility or liability is accepted by the publishers or editorial staff for any loss occasioned to any individual or company, legally, financially or physically, as a result of any statement, fact, figure or expression of opinion or belief appearing in Volante. The publisher does not officially endorse any advertising or advertorial content for third party products. Photography and image credits, where not otherwise stated, are those of Getty Images and/or Shutterstock and/or Firefly Communications / Urjuan Media, each of which retains their individual copyrights.


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