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Those Lost Since 9/11 . . . . . . . . .pages 160 to

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It is our honor to be able to serve the Fire and EMS com- munity through Fire News and to be able to compile this 20th Anniversary Tribute Issue honoring those that died and those that saved count- less lives on September 2001. We also wish to recog- nize those that are still seeing the effects of 9/11 and those that have passed away from 9/11 related cancers and res- piratory illnesses. It has been 20 years since attacks on our country took place in New York City, Washington, DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We hope that as you look at what has been compiled by the photographers, editors and staff at Fire News that we as a country and we as a nation never forget but always remember September 11, 2001. It is the duty of each of us to keep this memory alive for generations to follow and we hope that this special edition helps to assist in this goal in the years to come. We would also like to recognize all of the advertisers and Fire and EMS departments which have made this Special 20th Anniversary Edition possible. Through their generosity we will make contributions to five charities who are contributing in a positive way to families affect- ed by the devastating effects of 9/11. They include: The Terry Farrell Firefighter Fund, Lieutenant Joseph DiBernardo Memorial Foundation, Ray Pfeifer Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network-NY Chapter and the FealGood Foundation. Without hesitation, we thank the Fire News staff who worked around the clock to meet the deadline for this pub- lication. Thank you to Gary Joyce, Dennis Whittam, Barbara Connolly, Marie Trotta and Bryan Lopez in the Editorial and Advertising departments. Additionally, we would like to thank Lynn Sedler, Cliff Chiesa and Greg Jones in the Art Department for their endless time and cre- ativity to make this a very special edition.

It is our honor to be able to serve the Fire and EMS com- munity through Fire News and to be able to compile this 20th Anniversary Tribute Issue honoring those that died and those that saved count- less lives on September 2001. We also wish to recog- nize those that are still seeing the effects of 9/11 and those that have passed away from 9/11 related cancers and res- piratory illnesses. It has been 20 years since attacks on our country took place in New York City, Washington, DC, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We hope that as you look at what has been compiled by the photographers, editors and staff at Fire News that we as a country and we as a nation never forget but always remember September 11, 2001. It is the duty of each of us to keep this memory alive for generations to follow and we hope that this special edition helps to assist in this goal in the years to come. We would also like to recognize all of the advertisers and Fire and EMS departments which have made this Special 20th Anniversary Edition possible. Through their generosity we will make contributions to five charities who are contributing in a positive way to families affect- ed by the devastating effects of 9/11. They include: The Terry Farrell Firefighter Fund, Lieutenant Joseph DiBernardo Memorial Foundation, Ray Pfeifer Foundation, Firefighter Cancer Support Network-NY Chapter and the FealGood Foundation. Without hesitation, we thank the Fire News staff who worked around the clock to meet the deadline for this pub- lication. Thank you to Gary Joyce, Dennis Whittam, Barbara Connolly, Marie Trotta and Bryan Lopez in the Editorial and Advertising departments. Additionally, we would like to thank Lynn Sedler, Cliff Chiesa and Greg Jones in the Art Department for their endless time and cre- ativity to make this a very special edition.

– T The S Sacrifices C Continue ––

LT Henry J Hinton FDNY PO Michael Romano NYPD FF John S Lawless Cambridge FD Patricia ATietjen MD St. Vincent’s

Hospital PO Patrick Dugan NYPD FF Robert Foley FDNY Kenneth Bernsten DOT Joseph F Trimboli U.S Marshalls DET James G Sweeney NYPD PO William Anthony Jr NYPD CO John J Connolly Essex County

DOC FF Joseph K Daly FDNY Chief Walter W Eck Jr NYRRT-1 DET Clifford Acosta NYPD PO Andrew Stromfeld NYPD/ESU Nurse Sandra McCaffrey NYC DOS

Med Div FF James D Shaughnessy FDNY DET Michael J Dye NYPD Trooper Edward T Kiluk NYSP SGT Thomas Byrne NYPD DET Linda Eaton-Lewis NYPD PO Vincent Ricci NYPD LT James J Winters FDNY DET Nicholas F Ortiz NYPD PO William E Phillips NYPD CAPT Eugene LaMastro Union City

FD Richard AGrace Grace Industries DET Michael Guglielmoni NYPD CAPT John J Galvin FDNY Chief Dennis PTortorella

Mamaroneck FD FF Sean D Kenny FDNY James G Dwyer NYTimes Special Agent Russell W D’Entrone

FBI PO Anthony D’Erasmo NYPD Special Agent Louis H Aguirre

United States Custom Service Special Agent Thomas AWischerth

United State Custom Service Special Agent Dennis PMcCarthy

United States Custom Service FF Thomas G Oelkers FDNY SGT Leif Eikeseth Transit Authority Hector R Pena DOT Terence Crowley Certified Movers PO Michael E Teel PAPD Anthony Ammirati Local 3 PO Lawrence Rand PAPD Leslie Robertson Engineer Marc Petrino Local 157 FF Michael Grieco Cronomer VFD FM Robert F Ventolo Port Authority FF Jerry R Brakeman LAFD Stephen Norman SPCA SGT Nathalie Pacifico Brill NYPD PO Claudia DePamphillis

Morrison NYPD PO Steven LRodriguez NYPD Jorge Puente Tullet & Tokyo FF Anthony Malfi FDNY Steven Hirschberg Salvation Army ECO Stephen LRaymond NYS

ECON William Butchart Local 3 Charles J Marchiselli Local 3 George Stanishev Engineer Gary DeAquire Local 262 Herman LeRoy Local 15 James Ackers Carpenter Andres AReyes MTA Timothy C McAlinden Con Edison Raymond W Morton Electrician Louis Reda Local 40 Frederick E Lesto Port Authority Stanley Witas Port Authority FF John Graff FDNY Donald Stevenson Local 2287 PO Richard J Dandurand NYPD/ESU Michael LMustillo Port Authority DET Roland Gray NYPD DET George C Moreno NYPD Oliva B Christian FEMA DET Cornelius J Douglas NYPD John H Huff NDMT REV Winston Clarke NYCERS PO Iraina Stone NYPD SGT Diane Contreras NYPD SGT Nolan Miura NYPD ERG Ross T Dailey II Orange &

Rockland Utilities Ann H Grinnell Red Cross MAJ William F Morrissey NYANG James Staines Oceanside VFD Court Officer Thomas Staines NYS Courts CAPT Joseph PCampbell NYC DOC Thomas J Arlotta Jr Ironworker PO Stanley J Kasper Yonkers PD CAPT Kevin M Busch Coram FD PO Hugh PFlanagan NYPD FF Wayne Goehring FDNY PO Alberto Nieves NYPD James Bradfield Jr Local 580 PO Edward Fitzgerald NYPD FF Edward Leonard NYFire Patrol Christopher Agou

Photo Journalist Frances Egan Dept of Education Peter Taylor NYC Transit DET Matthew Perlungher NCPD SARobert F Sidow FBI EMT Stephenson McCoy FDNY SW Anthony Zaccarelli NYC DOS CO Efrain Rios Jr NYC DOC DET James G Becker NYPD SGT Nathalie C Brill NYPD Corporal Garry J Coppola FEMA Investigator Scott PEnser NYSP SGT James AGeraghty NYPD DET William E Glynn III NYPD PO Onofrio N Martino NYPD Supervisor Alexander J Torres

DCAS PO Hector M Gonzalez NYPD Computer Specialist Paul J

Marimow NYPD Locksmith Seth R Pehr Telecommunication Specialist

Keisha D Gales FBI CAPT William AReimuller

NYFire Patrol Court Officer Richard D Allen NYS

Unified Court System FF Joseph PMitchell FDNY Investigator Anthony B Ashe NYSP Superintendent Timothy ABohanan

NYC TA Doctor Michael E Brown Volunteer LT Eric C Cappelli NYPD Colonel William J DeBlock NYSP LT John ADesimone NYS Unified

Court System PO Miguel AJustino NYPD PO Frank LaGrega Jr NYPD Taxi Driver Alan E Levin NYC Taxi

Limousine Commission Chief of Operations Kevin PNeary

NYS OEM LT Marden C Wolf White Plains FD Frank R Wachausen Local 3 Anna Brown Red Cross Specialist Tony R Taylor FEMA Senior Driver Timothy W Hard

NYSP Investigator Kathleen J Barron NYC

Housing Mechanic Richard B Hatcher DC37 Engineer Petros ALoizides DET Kevin C Meehan NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Taurean E

Williams –Wells NYPD SGT Patrick J Smyth NYPD DET Jose LGuzman NYPD SS Michael J Mooney NYC DOS LT Timothy E Coyne NYPD Thomas N Mazzola Volunteer SGT Christopher M Tully NYPD Timothy PHicks Railroad

Construction FF Bruce T Garcia FDNY FF Stephen J Reilly FDNY PO Dianr M Russini NYPD Supervisor SATodd Spiker FBI FF Bill John Koehler

Hampton Bays FD

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