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Page 12, Fire News, September2021
Palisades Park 2-Alarmer
On July 4, 2021, firefighters arrived at East Columbia Street in Palisades Park to find smoke issuing from a Chinese restaurant in the middle of a two-story taxpayer. Companies stretched two lines to the interiorfinding a fire in the ductwork of the restaurant prompting a second alarm to be transmitted. Multiple trucks opened up and companies were able to contain the fire to the duct work with minorextension. The fire was put undercontrol in about 45 minutes. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda
The 2021 New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference is just around the corner and hopefully you have already registered and selected the training sessions you want to take. If not, there’s no time to delay, register today!
The Conference will kick-off Sunday, September 19, 2021, with an afternoon schedule of training and breakouts followed by our Networking and Awards Reception, Sunday evening. Monday, training starts at 0800 and runs until 1600 with our Exhibit Hall opening at 1630 with our Vendor Reception. Tuesday’s Continental Breakfast will take place in the Exhibit Hall with Training and Breakouts scheduled throughout the day. Our Luncheon will be served adjacent to the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday. Wednesday morning is dedicated to a follow-up presentation on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School shooting in Coral Springs, Florida. Pre-registration is required. REMINDER: NEWVENUE
The 2021 Conference is being held at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center in Atlantic City.

Mount Holly 2-Alarmer
On June 27, 2021, Taskforce 50 units were alerted fora possible apartment fire. Afterinitial units arrived on scene, the address was updated and units had to relocate. Command reported fire in a 2-1/2 story apartment building. All occupants and pets were safely evacuated from the building. The Burlington County Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

Looking Back
Vincentown - 2016

On December16, 2016, Vincentown units were alerted fora house fire on Ridge Road. The fire attack started offensive, but due to rapidly deteriorating conditions, companies switched to defensive. - Fire News photo by Dave Hernandez
Sea Isle - 2016

On February 24, 2016, the Sea Isle Fire Department along with Dennisville Fire and Oceanview Fire were dispatched to Minmar Marine on Old Sea Isle Boulevard formultiple boats on fire. The alarm coincided with abnormal winterthunderstorms that were ripping through the area. - Fire News photo by Robert Macom

Paterson 2015
On May 31, 2015, the Paterson Fire Department responded to McBride Avenue fora house fire and encountered heavy fire conditions in the rearand near-Collyer’s Mansion conditions. The fire eventually went to fouralarms. - Fire News photo by Peter Danzo

Kearny 5-Alarmer
Five alarms were transmitted fora fast-moving fire that destroyed one home and heavily damaged two otherhomes in Kearny on July 18, 2021. The Kearny Fire Department responded at 0900 for911 calls reporting a house fire on Elm Street. KPD units arrived and evacuated the fire building as well as the exposures. Heavy fire was showing from the original fire building and had already spread into both the B and D exposures, similar2-1/2 story frame dwellings separated by alleys. Asecond alarm was immediately requested by command, bringing mutual aid to the scene. Companies worked hard in oppressive humidity to keep the fire from spreading to additional homes. Atotal of five alarms was transmitted bringing companies from throughout Hudson County, as well as Bergen and Essex counties, to the scene and forcover. Two firefighters suffered non-life-threatening injuries and were transported to the hospital, the elderly occupant of the home was transported to the burn unit in unknown condition. The fire was placed undercontrol at 1216, however, companies remained on the scene forseveral more hours. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Kearny Fire Investigation Unit with assistance from the NJ Division of Fire Safety. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo and Michael Saggau, Jr.

New Jersey Forest Fire Service, Division C: (left to right): Al Valentino, Quincy Jones, Ken Badger, Jr., Nick Bleyhl, John Knapp, Larry Birch, Bill Donnelly, (Asst. State Fire Warden and K9 Handler) and Anthony Tobolski, Jr., in the truck (2020). - Fire News photos provided

“Forest Fire Service” by Joseph M. Getsinger2021

Burn Foundation Artist Aided by the NJ Forest Fire Service
For the 41st Year of his partnership with the Burn Foundation and its annual fundraiser at the NJ State Firefighters’Convention in Wildwood, artist Joseph M. Getsinger, wanted to create something unique. Co-worker and firefighter, Rich Dale, suggested a “Wildfire” scene honoring the Forest Fire Service. Over the years Joe’s work has depicted many aspects of emergency response featuring firefighter and their equipment, their history, and various evolutions of the first responder experience. The 2021 painting will be Joe’s first to feature the Forest Fire Service in action.
The Burn Foundation was established in 1973 to provide fundraising for the emerging specialty for the treatment of burn injuries. The foundation was formed with the mission to provide assistance to burn patients, their families and the institutions that treat them. Over the years the four (4) regional Burn Centers at Crozer Chester Medical Center, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Temple University Hospital and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, their patients, families and staff, have all benefited from contributions raised at various events throughout the years. But none is more important than the annual NJ State Firefighters’Convention in Wildwood. Joe Getsinger’s art has been a major influence in the foundation's successful fundraising efforts in Wildwood for 41 years.
To get the ball rolling with this year’s painting, Joe called Assistant State Fire Warden/K9 Handler of the New Jersey Forest Fire Service, William J. Donnelly of Division C Headquarters. Bill responded that he and his crew would be honored to assist the Burn Foundation and the artist. He and his crew knew of Joe's art, some of which is displayed at their headquarters.
In early March of 2020, Getsinger met with Donnelly and his crew and set up a photo shoot in the Mays Landing Forest. The crew was ready with equipment and manpower. Joe learned many facets of the of New Jersey State Forest Firefighters and their expertise, not only in extinguishing fires, but also how to prevent them from spreading.
The scenario for the painting shows a wildfire traveling to the crew’s area of operations and what the Forest Fire Service members do to mitigate its spread. The artist also incorporated the NJ Forest Fire Service airplane shown dropping an extinguishing agent from above and the Fire Tower.
Joe found the photo shoot and exercise a terrific learning experience about the NJ Forest Fire Service and its great group of dedicated professionals.
This yearly art project continues to be sponsored in full by David Russell, President, Fire and Safety Services Ltd., South Plainfield, who has supported the Burn Foundation and the Artist for over 20 years.
This year’s sponsor for the “Forest Fire Service” Collector Pins is First Harvest Credit Union. First Harvest’s President and CEO Ernest Huggard, and Vice President Kenneth Barnshaw were proud to sponsor the collector pin for the third year to support the work of the Burn Foundation. In June 2021, the South Jersey Federal Credit Union’s name was changed to First Harvest Credit Union. Today, First Harvest Credit Union is a diverse, fullservice financial institution serving more than 54,000 members and over 700 employee groups throughout South Jersey. From its original roots in Camden County, the credit union has expanded its presence all the way to the Jersey Shore. Ten full-service locations in New Jersey include the main office in Deptford, New Jersey, along with branches in Camden, Glassboro, Pleasantville, Pennsauken, Voorhees, Mt. Laurel and Vineland. In addition, they service members in Philadelphia and Williamsport, Pennsylvania. You can pick one up at the gates of the Wildwood Firefighters’Convention tents or at the Burn Foundation booth for a $5 donation on September 17 and 18, 2021.
The giclée canvas print, the number one raffle prize, valued at $1500, was created and donated by John Cortese owner of Van Gogh Again Galleries, 1068 Pontiac Road, Drexel Hill, PA, who has donated a giclée canvas to support the Burn Foundation for over 10 years.
The custom framing of the “Forest Fire Service” giclée canvas number 1 was donated by Wil Edwards of Premier Art and Frames, 162 S. Broadway, Pitman, a great place to get quality work at reasonable prices.
Finally, God bless our first responders, nurses, doctors, EMTs, firefighters, police and all who support them in their efforts to stem the effects of Covid-19. We especially pray for the families who have lost loved ones during this pandemic.
We all look forward to seeing everyone in Wildwood this September 17 and 18, 2021.
If any Fire Departments/Companies wish to assist in selling raffle tickets for the limited edition artwork, feel free to contact the artist directly through his e-mail at: jgetsart@aol.com. Checks may be made out to: Burn Foundation. Prints of Joe's work will be raffled off on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 1300.
FireNews.com Fire News, September2021, Page 21 Junk Yard Fuel Tank Fire

Firefighters from Galloway Township responded to Groff’s Junkyard on Clarks Landing Road on August 1, 2021, at approximately 1430, fora report of fuel tanks on fire. Germania Chief Dave Simpkins arrived and requested mutual aid from neighboring Port Republic and advised dispatch “to bring everything.” Firefighters from throughout South Jersey responded with multiple watertenders and pumpers fordrafting and covering empty stations. The scene was cleared at 1830. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Budd Lake CarFire

Recently the Budd Lake Fire Department was alerted fora carfire at the Community Gardens on Wolfe Road. With Car51 at command, Engine 59’s crew took on the single-vehicle fire by stretching theirbumperline and quickly knocking it down. Engine 59 was backed up by Tender57. The fire was confined to the engine compartment and the dash. There were no injuries and crews cleared within a half hour. - Fire News photo by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC

Floods in Long Branch
On July 6, 2021, in the City of Long Branch in the middle of heavy thunderstorms, members of the department were dispatched to several calls for motorists stuck in rising flood waters. Members from fourstations responded along with Uniform Fire Division. Tour1 put the department’s HumVee into service and removed several people from four vehicles in different areas of the city. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’Denton

Westampton Carbon Monoxide Incident
On June 22, 2021, District 27 units were alerted for a possible carbon monoxide incident at Burlington County Central Communications. Upon further investigation, units had measurable levels of carbon monoxide inside the building. Burlington County Central Communications line officers implemented a continuity plan to ensure no delay in emergency communications and dispatch. Three communications employees were transported to local hospitals fortreatment. - Fire News photo by Dave Hernandez

Tabernacle Auto Fire with Extension

On July 17, 2021, Taskforce 43 units were alerted fora reported pick-up truck on fire with exposure to a dwelling. Chief 4310 arrived and reported the fire had extended to the side of the dwelling. Quint 4314 arrived and stretched on the fire. Units from Shamong, Vincentown and Medford assisted. The fire was knocked down quickly with no reported injuries. The Burlington County Fire Marshal’s Office was investigating the cause of the fire. - Fire News photos by Dave Hernandez

FireNews.com Fire News, September2021, Page 25 Truck vs Train in Mount Olive

On the evening of July 7, 2021, Mount Olive Police received a call from New Jersey Transit saying they hit a truck at the Kinney Road crossing but did not know if anyone was inside the truck. Cars 50 and 51 arrived and found the truck driverwas out of the truck but needed medical attention. Rescue 55 secured the truck and EMS transported the driverwith non-life-threatening injuries to Morristown Hospital. The train only had one passengerand three crew members on board and none were hurt. Rescue 55 and Engine 59 remained on scene assisting New Jersey Transit and the tow company with cleanup and removal of the train and truck. - Fire News photos by A/C Kevin J. Maloney; Budd Lake FC

2 Fatalities at Teaneck House Fire
Two people were killed in a fast-moving house fire in Teaneck on July 8, 2021. At approximately 0320 hours, Teaneck crews responded to Arlington Avenue fora house fire. Minutes later, BC Dixon reported heavy fire on the second and third floors of the 2-1/2 story frame dwelling and immediately requested a third alarm, which brought several mutual aid companies directly to the scene, additional companies for coverand a recall of off-duty firefighters. With reports of victims trapped a very aggressive attack was commenced and the main body of fire was knocked down in 10 minutes on the second floor, however, heavy fire broke through the roof and the fire dropped down to the first floorin the walls. Additional handlines were stretched into the attic and first floor. All visible fire was extinguished in just overan hour. The fire was placed undercontrol in approximately 90 minutes. One firefightersuffered burns to his leg and was treated at the burn centerbefore being released, two other firefighters suffered heat exhaustion but did not require transport. The fire was reportely accidental but was underinvestigation by the Teaneck Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s office arson squad. - Fire News photos by Peter Danzo

Fire Engulfs SUVin Lawrence Township

Crews from the Lawrenceville (Station 23) and Slackwood (Station 21) fire companies were called out to extinguish a fire that gutted a compact SUVin Lawrence Township, MercerCounty, on July 17, 2021. The blaze was reported at 1720, not long before a severe thunderstorm swept through the area. Firefighters arrived to find the vehicle engulfed in flames at the bottom of the ramp leading from Interstate 295 south onto Brunswick Pike (Route 1) south. The crew from Lawrenceville’s Rescue 23 attacked the fire using a 1-3/4-inch line. At one point, showers of sparks erupted as waterfrom the hoseline hit magnesium components burning inside the vehicle. Slackwood firefighters supplied tank waterfrom Rescue 21 to help complete extinguishment. - Fire News photos & story by Michael Ratcliffe

Pole on Car
The volunteerfire companies of Farmington and Cardiff responded to Fire Road and Washington Avenue fora report of an MVAwith entrapment. Firefighters arrived to find a single-vehicle crash with a utility pole atop the vehicle. The occupant was extricated quickly and refused treatment but was examined by EMS. The crash was underinvestigation by the Egg Harbor Township Police Department. Also responding were Egg Harbor Township EMS, Atlanticare Paramedics and Atlantic City Electric Company. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Carinto Building in Bridgeton
The City of Bridgeton Fire Department responded to the Rite Aid store at East Broad Street, fora report of a vehicle into a building. Firefighters arrived and investigated and found a vehicle had struck the building causing minorexteriordamage and no injuries to the driver. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe

Up Close & Personal

DC John Robert Catello Sicignano radios orders on the fireground at a July 5, 2021, blaze in Newark. - Fire News photo by Glenn Duda Egg HarborTownship EMTBill Sharpe at a June 6, 2021, MVAat Ridge and Main Avenue standing by while the occupant is extricated. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Courtney Micewicz of the Laurence Harbor Fire Company - Fire News photo by Mark Rosetti

RiverEdge Chief Bill Sanders monitoring activity on the radio at a recent training evolution. Assisting him at the command post is New Milford past-Chief Ross Rhein. - Fire News photo by Chris ‘Doc’Denton
PhotographerKen Badgerat work at an MVAin Egg HarborTownship\ on June 6, 2021. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe