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Up Close & Personal
Page 14, Fire News, December2022 Up Close and Personal
Rehoboth Beach firefighters training recently on various different evolutions. - Submitted by Chuck Snyder

NCC Annual Public Safety Recruitment Day at the Christiana Mall. - Submitted by Abigail Haas On September17, 2022, the final fitness testing session was held as part of the application process forthe 5th Paramedic Academy. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Afirefighterat a working trailerfire in Harrington.
- Submitted by Earl Brode

Rehoboth Beach firefighters training recently on various evolutions.
- Submitted by Chuck Snyder

2 Medevac’d from Laurel MVA
On October26, 2022, Laurel Fire Department, Sharptown (MD) Fire Department and Sussex County EMS responded foran MVAwith entrapment on Old Sharptown Road. Chief Jeff Hill responded as 81 Command. Rescue Engine 14 arrived and Sharptown Chief Billy White assumed Operations. The vehicle had rolled overthree times, hit a pole and the transformerhad dropped on the vehicle. One subject was ejected and transferred by Sharptown EMS to Delaware Trooper2. Asecond victim was inside the vehicle but extrication was delayed due to the vehicle possibly in contact with charged powerlines. Delmarva Powershut down the live powerlines. The second patient was removed from the scene by Maryland Trooper4. - Submitted by Michael Lowe
MVAWith Entrapment in Odessa Critically Injures One
On November3, 2022, at 1348, Odessa Fire Company, New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Aviation Trooper4 were dispatched foran MVA with entrapment on DuPont Parkway at Marl Pit Road. Due to one patient reported heavily trapped, additional units responded from Port Penn Volunteer Fire Company and VolunteerHose Company of Middletown. One patient was extricated in just under30 minutes and transported via Trooper4 with NCC paramedics on board, to a local trauma center. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Ejection and More at Warrington Road MVA
Firefighters from Rehoboth Beach, along with Sussex EMS, responded to single-vehicle MVAon Warrington Road at 1430 on October7, 2022. One patient was ejected from the vehicle and was transported to Beebe Medical Centerin Lewes. The pickup involved continued on afterthe person was ejected forapproximately 500 feet, crossing a yard and striking two fences before coming to a stop afterhitting a porch and a Sussex County generator at a sewerpumping station.
- Submitted by Chuck Snyder
Rolloverin Newport Sends One to Hospital
On September4, 2022, Minquas Fire Company of Newport and New Castle County Paramedics were dispatched foran MVAwith rolloverin the unit block of Lynbrook Road in the Gordy Estates neighborhood. The residential area and small streets made the extrication work difficult. Emergency personnel quickly extricated the patient who was transported by paramedics on board a Minquas Fire Company ambulance with serious injuries. - Submitted by Christopher Johnson

Fire News, December2022, Page 17 MVAWith Entrapment in Newark

On September14, 2022, at 1231, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, Christiana Fire Company, New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Trooper4 were dispatched fora serious MVAwith entrapment in the 1800 block of Waters Edge Drive at Waters Edge Condominiums. One patient was confirmed heavily trapped in the vehicle, requiring rescue crews from Aetna and Christiana Fire Company to work forover50 minutes to extricate the driver. The patient was flown by paramedics on board the Delaware State Police aircraft to a local trauma centerin critical condition. - Submitted by Abigail Haas and Lawrence E. Tan
Page 18, Fire News, December2022
Motorcycle MVA in Newport

On September29, 2022, at 1339, New Castle County Paramedics and Minquas Fire Company of Newport were dispatched foran MVAinvolving a motorcycle. One patient was treated by paramedics and BLS providers from Newport and transported in serious condition to a local trauma center. - Submitted by Abigail Haas On October11, 2022, at 0856, the Harrington Fire Company and Kent County EMS responded to the intersection of Farmington Road and Fairgrounds Road fora report of a vehicle accident. Units arrived to a two-vehicle accident with two subjects suffering from non-life-threatening injuries. Both subjects were transported by ambulance to local hospitals. - Submitted by Earl Brode
Train Derailment

On October13, 2022, Squad 25 and 256 responded to the report of a train derailment that released chemicals onto the tracks. Upon arrival, it was determined that the derailed train cars were not carrying any material and the scene was turned overto DelDOT. - Submitted by Talleyville FC
MVAwith Bus

2 Injured in Harrington 2-CarMVA

MVARequires Medevac

AMedevac helicopterlanded nearEast Redden Road to airlift a driverof a vehicle that went off Route 113 northbound and into the woods on September17th 2022. - Submitted by Stephen Chapis
Rehoboth Beach 2-CarMVA

Rehoboth Beach VolunteerFire Company members responded to a two-vehicle MVAon John J. Williams Highway nearJolyns Way on September29, 2022, at approximately 1045. Arriving units found two vehicles damaged, with one overturned and two patients needing EMS care. The dooron the overturned vehicle was removed foreasieraccess to the patient who was not trapped. DSP Trooper2 was utilized to transport one of the patients. SCEMS also assisted with patient care. Units cleared afterabout an hour. - Submitted by Chuck Snyder

TRAINING Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach firefighters training recently on various different evolutions. - Submitted by Chuck Snyder
NCC Paramedics Among First in Country to Utilize Point of Care Ultrasound
New Castle County Paramedics have been granted approval by the Delaware Office of EMS to conduct a pilot program utilizing Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) during certain cardiac arrest situations in the field. Ultrasound is currently only used by approximately four percent of EMS systems in the country. The pilot project will focus on cardiac arrest patients, in one specific rhythm, to determine the best course of treatment. The goal is to identify patients with mechanical cardiac activity in cardiac arrest situations.
All New Castle County Paramedics spent the past five months training on this procedure which uses a small handheld ultrasound device connected to an iPad. The device will be carried on field supervisor vehicles. Metrics will be tracked and reported back to the Office of Emergency Medical Services over the course of the pilot project. The project will continue throughout 2022 and last 6-12 months. - Submitted by Abigail Haas