1 minute read
Multi-Company Training
DVFAPresident’s message by Ken Ryder
continued from page 6
If it takes legislation to “fix” this than so be it! If it take s legislation to provide “our Adequate Sustainable Funding stream” then so be it! The funding systems we have are not adequate for operations in today’s Delaware Fire Service. What we do and the services we provide a re not free!
We have to be ADEQUATELYFUNDED to provide the appropriate and proper responses that the general public wants and expects and that our government agencies mandate us to do.
Our goal is to find workable solutions in tandem with our local, county and state partners. We are all in this together. Failure is not an option for the volunteer fire service!
In closing, I hope I’ve made some points about our financial distress. I’ll end with a quote that I adopted many years ago, I’m not the author but I try to apply it to my daily life. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the thi ngs I can and wisdom to know the difference.”
I hope this provides a good read and something to reflect upon.