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Commercial Fire on J.J. Williams Hwy.
On May 18, 2023, the Indian River(80), Millsboro (83), Georgetown (77), Dagsboro (73), and Lewes (82) fire departments were alerted fora commercial structure on John J. Williams Highway between Bulls Eye Lane and Warwick Road. It was reported to be a shirt manufacturing facility with exposures to otherbuildings as well as live overhead lines down. Emergency response units from Indian Riverincluded Tanker80 from the Oak Orchard facility, Engines 80-1, 80-3 and Incident Command 80 from the Long Neck area as well as the Delaware State Fire Police. Additional emergency response units included the Sussex County Paramedics, the Mid Sussex Rescue Squad, the Delaware State Fire Marshall and the Delaware State Police. Othermutual aid companies were utilized for standby including Rehoboth Beach (86) and Laurel (81). Emergency response units deployed fire suppression lines forthe bulk of the suppression activities. Othercrews utilized lines forinteriorattacks as well as the Millsboro aerial unit being deployed. Other specific assignments were establishment of watersupply and watershuttle from nearby hydrants, closure of John J. Williams Highway forthe duration of the incident, notification of the utility service provider, and a request foradditional manpower.
- Submitted by Steven C. Deery, Jr., Past Fire Chief, Indian River FD; and Past President, DSFCA
Bicyclist Hit on Pleasant Valley Road
MVAin Bellemoor
- Submitted by Lawrence Tan
Recently, the Aetna Hose, Hook and LadderCompany was dispatched with the New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Section fora bicyclist struck by a vehicle on Pleasant Valley Road. Fire and EMS personnel arrived to find a 23year-old male in a ditch beside the road afterbeing struck by a van. He was treated forhead, face and extremity injuries before being transported by state police helicopterto the Christiana Hospital Emergency Department.
MVAin Odessa Seriously Injures 2
On June 7, 2023, just after1700, Five Points was alerted foran MVAwith injuries in the 200 block of Westmoreland Avenue in Bellemoor. Unit 178, A-17 and Squad 17 made the response and found a vehicle in the yard which had struck the house. A-17 transported two to the hospital with minorinjuries.
- Submitted by Chuck Hayes
2 Critical in Elkton Road MVA
On May 17, 2023, at 0051, New Castle County Paramedics, VolunteerHose of Middletown, and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4) were dispatched to assist Odessa Fire Company fora serious MVAin the 400 block of Brick Mill Road. Units arrived to find a single-vehicle collision versus a tree. Two seriously injured patients were treated on scene by EMS personnel. One patient was transported by aviation with a second by ground to a local trauma center.
- Submitted by Abigail Haas
Commons Boulevard MVA
On May 25, 2023, at 2316, New Castle County Paramedics and multiple mutual aid departments were dispatched to assist Wilmington ManorFire Company fora serious MVAon Commons Boulevard at Corporate Circle in New Castle Corporate Commons. Due to the force of the collision, the vehicle was separated into two parts with the driverejected into the roadway. One patient was transported by paramedics aboard a Wilmington Manorambulance to a local trauma centerin critical condition.
- Submitted by Abigail Haas
At 0254 on April 17, 2023, the Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Company was dispatched to assist Singerly Fire Company at a serious MVAwith subjects reported trapped on Elkton Road in Cecil County (MD). Squad 9 and Quint 10 arrived as rescue personnel from Singerly were completing the extrication of two criticallyinjured patients. Aetna units were cleared from the incident at 0331 hours.
- Submitted by Lawrence Tan
Farmington MC MVA
Station 47 along with Ambulances A-50 and C-50, KM5, KM8, KM10, and Trooper2 responded to an MVAinvolving a motorcycle. One patient was transported by ground and one patient was transported by Trooper2. - Submitted by Tom Williams