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New Castle County Paramedics Launch Pre-Hospital Whole Blood Initiative

On May 24, 2023, the New Castle County Paramedics officially announced the launch of a cutting-edge pre-hospital initiative in collaboration with the Blood Bank of Delmarva. Paramedics will now be administering low titerO+ whole blood to victims of trauma in hemorrhagic shock who require a blood transfusion. When minutes matter, blood will now be administered immediately instead of waiting until arrival at the emergency department. This initiative involved years of policy development, equipment trials, research, and partnerships. Two units will be deployed 24/7 on two field supervisorunits in the county. Currently both New Castle and Sussex County EMS will participate in the pilot program. This new program would not be possible without the partnerships with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, Delaware Office of Emergency Medical Services, support of New Castle County Government, and the strong working relationship with Sussex County EMS. In the first eight hours following the official announcement, this lifesaving was administered twice to critical patients following traumatic events.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Paramedics Provide Medical Support forAnnual Ice Cream Festival

On June 24, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics joined fire and EMS personnel from New Castle County Office of Emergency Management, Brandywine Hundred Fire Company, Talleyville Fire Company, Claymont Fire Company and Goodwill Fire Company of New Castle to provide medical coverage forthe annual New Castle County Government Ice Cream Festival at the Rockwood Park and Museum in North Wilmington. Thousands of visitors attended the event throughout the day and into the evening, which ended with a fireworks show. It was a great day foreveryone who visited this family-friendly annual event. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

5th NCC Paramedic Academy Participates in Szczerba 5K

On May 4, 2023, the 5th New Castle County Paramedic Academy joined New Castle County Police Academy recruits to run the 10th Annual Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba 5K in Wilmington. Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba, an 18yearveteran of the New Castle County Police Department and a 1985 graduate of Salesianum School, was killed in the line of duty on September16, 2011. To honorhis legacy, Salesianum has established a scholarship in his name. All proceeds of the 5k Run/ Walk benefit this fund. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedic SeniorSergeant Koontz Graduates from Command & Leadership Academy

On May 25, 2023, Sergeant Ruoy L. Koontz was recognized at the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership graduation ceremony in East Windsor, New Jersey. The intense 16-week Command and Leadership program required substantial out-of-class study and group work and was held from January through April 2023. The program’s curriculum was developed through the United States Military Academy at West Point in collaboration with highly experience law enforcement practitioners and specia lists who have tailored the content to public safety. Graduates of the program were from Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The program studies leadership as a science with logic, critical thinking, leadership theory and methodology.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedics Visit Appoqunimink Pre-School

On May 25, 2023, Senior Corporal Leah Reed spent time at the Appoqunimink Pre-School Centerreading to the students and introducing them to the careerof a paramedic. Thank you to the Appoquinimink Pre-School Centerforthe opportunity to spend time with the students.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedic SeniorCorporal Watts Receives Jefferson Award

On May 11, 2023, at a ceremony held at Riverfront Events, New Castle County Paramedic SeniorCorporal Katherine A. Watts was presented with the prestigious Jefferson Award. Katie is a 17yearveteran of the EMS Division and is currently assigned to field operations on EMS Platoon 1. She has dedicated a significant amount of hertime towards providing CPR education to the public, specifically underserved communities. SeniorCorporal Watts has spearheaded the implementation of :Hands-Only” CPR classes developed forNew Castle County Paramedics to train citizens. She also volunteers hertime with Dejavu Safety to provide free CPR training and certification throughout the community.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Three Paramedics Certified in New Castle County

Three New Castle County Paramedic Candidates successfully completed the Delaware Paramedic field certification process. Para-medic Samuel N. Brody, Shane R. Gilbert, and Michael J. Wheeler received theirbadges and paramedic insignia from Chief Logemann at EMS Headquarters on June 12, 2023.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Blood Drive to Support Blood Bank of Delmarva

On June 22, 2023, New Castle County Paramedics were on hand to support the Blood Bank of Delmarva and theirpartnership with New Castle County Government. NCC employees packed the donation site throughout the day, donating blood. This day’s blood drive was especially important due to the recent launch of a cuttingedge pre-hospital low titerO+ whole blood initiative. NCC Paramedics now administerlow titerO+ whole blood to victims of trauma in hemorrhagic shock who require a blood transfusion. When minutes matter, blood will now be administered immediately instead of waiting until arrival at the emergency department.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

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