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Page 18, Fire News, April 2022 Up Close & Personal

Seaford Tower87 crew aftera mutual-aid fire response.

- Submitted by Robin Andino


Firefighters on scene at the

Rittenhouse Industrial Park fire.

- Submitted by Matthew Marsella

Members of the Rehoboth Beach VolunteerFire Company. - Submitted by Chuck Snyder

Millville VolunteerFire Company members on scene of a garage fire in the 34000 block of OmarRoad on January 2, 2022. - Submitted by Anthony Petralia Crews operated on scene of a fatal fire in Dover, recently. - Submitted by Mike Steindl

FireNews.com Fire News, April 2022, Page 19 Blades MVA with


The Blades VolunteerFire Company handled a single-vehicle MVAwith ejection on Seaford Road south of Blades. - Submitted by Jason Hudson, Fire Chief

2 Transported from Coastal Hwy. MVA

Two patients were transported to Beebe Medical Centeron January 14, 2022, from a two-vehicle MVAon Coastal Highway and Sea AirAvenue. Adoorpop was performed to extricate one of the patients. Coastal Highway southbound was shut down for a short time while crews worked. - Submitted by Chuck Snyder

NCC Paramedics Handle MVA with Entrapment

On February 1, 2022, at 0218, New Castle County Paramedics were dispatched to assist Delaware City VolunteerFire Company foran MVAwith entrapment on State Route 1 southbound on the Roth Bridge. Additional resources responded from Port Penn VolunteerFire Company, Odessa Fire Company and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4). One patient was trapped for approximately 30 minutes before being extricated from his vehicle. The patient was flown via State Police aircraft to a local trauma centerin serious condition.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas

Fatal MVA East of Laurel

On January 4, 2022, at 2336, the Laurel Fire Department, Blades VolunteerFire Company, Sussex County EMS and Sussex Technical Rescue were alerted foran MVAwith entrapment involving a tractortraileron Laurel Road, east of Shiloh Church Road. Laurel Fire Chief Jeff Hill responded as 81 Command and arrived to find a vehicle and a bulk feed truck involved in a headon crash. EMS crews arrived and quickly determined the patient was a priority four. With that, it was determined that rescue efforts would be held off until an investigation by the Delaware State Police FAIR team took place.

- Submitted by Michael Lowe

1 Dead, 7 Injured in S. DuPont Hwy. MVA

On February 26, 2022, at 1856, the Harrington Fire Company, along with Kent County EMS and Delaware State Police Aviation, were dispatched to an MVAon South DuPont Highway (Route 13) and Hopkins Cemetery Road. Harrington Police reported multiple subjects trapped and a total of eight patients. Command 50 advised of a Level 1 MCI upon arrival and additional EMS units were added to the call. The Felton Fire Company was then dispatched fortheirRescue and Ambulance. Units began extrication and two subjects were extricated; one was pronounced at the scene and the second was airlifted by Delaware State Police Aviation to a local trauma center. The remaining patients were transported by ambulances to local hospitals. The scene was turned overto the Delaware State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit forfurtherinvestigation. Units on scene: 50 Command, Rescue 50, Engine 50-1, Engine 48-4, Rescue/Engine 48-1, Ambulances C-50, B-48, B-42, B52, KM-5, KM-8, KM-10, DSPAviation Trooper2 and Trooper4, DSPPatrol Units, DSPCRU, Harrington PD, Del-Dot, Fire Police and Medical Examiner. Officerin charge: Fire Chief Robbie Brode. - Submitted by Earl Brode

Page 24, Fire News, April 2022

Denton (MD) WaterRescue

On February 17, 2022, Station 56 was alerted to assist Caroline County (MD) Station 300 on a waterrescue. Brush/Marine Unit 56 made the response underthe command of 1st Assistant Chief Bredin and a crew of four. Arescue was successfully completed by the Maryland State Police Trooper6. - Submitted By Mike Bredin, 1st AC

Millsboro MVA

On an extremely foggy night Millsboro Fire, Rescue, and EMS responded to a two-vehicle MVAat Revel Road and Millsboro Highway known as Phillips Hill.

- Submitted by Larry Gum

NCC Paramedics Respond to MVAwith Medevac

On January 30, 2022, at 1619, New Castle County Paramedics and Delaware State Police Aviation Section (Trooper4) were dispatched to assist Christiana Fire Company fora serious MVAon Sunset Lake Road at Reybold Road. One patient was flown via State Police aircraft to the trauma centerwith serious injuries. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC*EMS Responds to MVA in Townsend

On March 5, 2022, at 1630, New Castle County Paramedics assisted Townsend Fire Company with a serious MVAon DuPont Parkway at Blackbird Landing Road. First arriving units found seven patients with three seriously injured and trapped in a vehicle that was off the roadway and into a retention pond. Additional paramedics responded from Kent County EMS, Delaware State Police Aviation and Christiana Care LifeNet. Ambulances responded from Townsend, Odessa, VolunteerHose Company of Middletown, American Legion Ambulance 64 of Smyrna and Port Penn Fire Company. Fourpatients were transported with one flown to Nemours DuPont Children’s Hospital via Trooper4 and one flown to Christiana Hospital via LifeNet 6-1. Two additional patients were transported by ground. Despite theirinjuries three patients refused service. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Andrewville Road MVA

Rescue 47 and KM8 at a recent MVAinvolving an ATVon Andrewville Road. - Submitted by Tom Williams

Marydel 1-CarMVA

The Marydel Fire Company was alerted foran MVAon Sandy Bend Road on January 25, 2022. First Assistant Chief Bredin arrived to find a single-vehicle off the roadway with one person found, and a utility pole snapped off at the bottom. He requested DEC to the scene Priority 1. Squad 56 underthe command of Chief Short arrived and was requested to secure the vehicle. - Submitted by Mike Bredin, 1st AC

NCC*EMS SeniorCorporal Kenneth Sliney Retires After30 Years With NCC*EMS

On January 8, 2022, Senior Corporal Kenneth Sliney was met with a ceremonial “walk-out” following his final shift after 30-plus years as a paramedic with New Castle County. Atradition in public safety, this event was attended by current paramedics, retired paramedics, fire service partners, educators, NCC officials, Delaware Technical Community College Staff, friends and Ken’s family. New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer was on hand and presented a proclamation to Ken declaring January 8, 2022, as “Kenneth N. Sliney Day” in New Castle County.

Originally from New Hampshire, Ken went to the University of Delaware and obtained a Bachelor of Science in physical education and health and went to work for NCC shortly after. Ken was a founding member of the SWAT/Tactical EMS team and served as its coordinator from 2016 to 2020. Ken was a field training officer helping to guide, mentor and train the next generation of paramedics. Ken’s impressive dependability was highlighted by the use of only three sick days throughout his entire 30-year career. He is a decorated paramedic with numerous commendations including 2019 Paramedic of the Year from the Sons of the American Revolution, many distinguished unit citations, letters of commendation, multiple sudden cardiac arrest save citations and 22 letters of appreciation from the public.

His daughter Meg penned the following: “Thirty years ago, the New Castle County Paramedics had no idea they hit the jackpot when they hired a hockey playing New Englander as a new medic. Since then, Ken has served his community with dedication and the highest level of integrity. He has always led by example and instilled in my siblings and I a strong work ethic, placing an emphasis on our ethical obligation to care for those around us and make the world a better place. Ken has worked tirelessly and has given his whole heart for the past 30 years and for that the New Castle County community will forever be grateful and blessed to have had him caring for those who needed him.”

Congratulations Ken on your retirement and we thank you for touching the lives of thousands over your 30-year career with NCC*EMS! - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedic Capt. Dawn E. Gulezian Retires After35 Years

On March 11, 2022, Captain Gulezian was met with a ceremonial “walk-out” following her final day after 35 years as a paramedic with New Castle County. Atradition in public safety, this event was attended by current paramedics, retired paramedics, police, fire service partners, NCC officials, friends and family. New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer was on hand and presented a proclamation to Captain Gulezian declaring March 11, 2022 as “Dawn E. Gulezian Day” in New Castle County.

Captain Gulezian was hired in September 1986 and graduated from the Medical Center of Delaware as a paramedic in 1987. She has moved through the ranks, becoming the first female Captain in the Division. She held instructor certifications in American Heart Association CPR, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS).

She is also graduate of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Command and Leadership program. As a member of multiple work groups, her most notable was being a founding member of the Delaware Resuscitation Academy; a program modeled after Seattle, Washington’s.

While in field operations, she had assignments at Medic 1 (City of Wilmington), Medic 3 (Newark) and Medic 7 (Cranston Heights). She is a decorated paramedic with three distinguished unit citations, seven sudden cardiac arrest survivor citations, seven unit letters of commendation, two letters of commendation, three letters of appreciation, one letter of achievement and 31 complimentary letters of appreciation from the public. She received a 1996 State of Delaware House of Representatives Tribute for “prompt and heroic actions” at an apartment fire and received a special citation for her work at a house fire with multiple rescues.

Captain Dawn E. Gulezian, EMS-4, Paramedic 595 signs off after 35 years of faithful service to the citizens of New Castle County. Congratulations on your retirement. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC*EMS EMS Crews Get Surprise Visit from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

On January 14, 2022, New Castle County Paramedic First Class Mark Plumley and Paramedic Kristina Shorb along with Hockessin Fire Company Firefighter/EMTKevin Hovis and Firefighter/EMT Eric Larson were dispatched fora subject having chest pain. Immediately, these providers recognized the patient to be suffering from a significant medical condition. During transport, the patient suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. These providers worked to resuscitate the patient by providing CPR, administering cardiac medications and defibrillations. On March 10, 2022, Mr. Michael Comegys and his family took the time to meet and thank these EMTs and paramedics forsaving his life. Meeting patients afterthe fact is a rarity in EMS. These providers spent two hours having lunch and talking with Mr. Comegys and his family about the incident and what he has been able to do since his cardiac arrest. This was truly an amazing day forall involved.

- Submitted by Abigail Haas


New Castle County Paramedics Re-Launch “Vial of Life” Program

New Castle County Paramedics in partnership with Ivira Health and New Castle County Government re-launched the “Vial of L.I.F.E.” program. The “Lifesaving Information ForEmergencies” program was first created in 2000 and was championed by retired paramedic Lorrie Williams. Seeing a need in herresponse area for this information to be available, 3rd Paramedic Academy graduate Paramedic Christina Branca is spearheading the re-launch of the program. The program provides a simple and organized way for participants to provide medical information to first responders in theirtime of need. Vials may be obtained at any New Castle County library, the New Castle County Government Centerorthe New Castle County Public Safety Building. You can also request vials ora presentation about the program by calling 302-395-8184 orsending an email to VialOfLife@newcastlede.gov. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

NCC Paramedics Travel to Baltimore to Honor Three Fallen Firefighters

On February 2, 2022, the New Castle County Paramedic HonorGuard joined honorguard units throughout the country for the memorial service remembering City of Baltimore Fire Department Lieutenant Paul Butrim, Lieutenant Kelsey Sadler and Firefighter/Paramedic Kenneth Lacayo who were killed in the line of duty on January 24 while fighting a row home fire. Othermembers of the EMS Division attended the service to pay respects to the fallen, their families and ourbrothers and sisters in Baltimore. Ourhearts remain with them. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

New Castle County EMS Begins 4th Paramedic Academy

On January 10, 2022, 18 paramedic recruits began theirtraining as part of the 4th New Castle County Paramedic Academy. Recruits began with a threeweek orientation at the Lieutenant Joseph Szczerba Police Academy in Newark where they spent time coming togetheras a cohesive unit and received training on human resources, incident command and system overview topics. The 4th Paramedic Academy is now at the Good Fellowship Ambulance and EMS Training Institute in West Chester, Pennsylvania, where they will undergo a 12-month paramedic program to obtain National Registry Paramedic certification. Good luck to all of our future New Castle County Paramedics as they navigate through this rigorous program. - Submitted by Abigail Haas

Millsboro Hospitality Night Candlelight Vigil forVictims of Little Creek Fire

The Millsboro Fire Company held their annual Hospitality Night recently. Once a yearthe company honors the neighboring mutual aid fire departments and municipal employees. Anight of food, drink and games. Thank you foryour continued support overthe past year. Anothergreat night socializing was had by all.

- Submitted by Larry Gum

The family held a candlelight vigil forthe victims of the deadly Little Creek house fire that occurred on February 6, 2022, and killed two people and injured two others. The event was coordinated with DelDot to close part of Main Street nearthe scene of the fire, forthe community to gathersafely on the sidewalks and street. Approximately 20 active and inactive members showed the fire company’s support to the victim’s family and the community during this time of deep sadness. Several members placed tokens of sympathy at the porch forthe victims. - Submitted by Barry Lais

SCEMS SCEMS Paramedic Debbie Holding Retires

Sussex County EMS Paramedic Debbie Holding retires after over 30 years of service. Debbie was hired on November 18, 1991, as a member of the third Sussex County Paramedic class. She achieved the rank of Paramedic II and served on the SOP, Safety, Welcoming and Chart Review committees during her tenure.

Her future includes spending time with her husband, granddaughters, showing horses and camping. She will continue to work in EMS as an EMTfor the Lewes Fire Department.

Debbie says she has enjoyed her time at SCEMS doing her dream job. “It has been an honor and a privilege to say I am a Sussex County Paramedic. I have met and made a lot of friends whom I will always consider family.”

SCEMS congratulates and thanks Debbie for thirty years of dedicated service and wishes her the best in her retirement. - Submitted by Sharon Wile

The Holloway Terrace Ladies Auxiliary Celebrates Their100th Anniversary

Millsboro EMS Services

Providing 24-hourEMS services today is a majoraccomplishment. With a full-time supervisor, two full-time 24-hourcrews, and around 16 EMTs, Millsboro EMTs drove 115,000 miles last year, and they have increased theirtransport units to four. Hats off to the EMS personnel at Millsboro Fire Company. - Submitted by Larry Gum

Happy 94th Dennard Quillen!

Rehoboth Beach VolunteerFire Company past-Chief, pastPresident and Life Member with 69 years of membership, Dennard Quillen, celebrated his 94th birthday at his home with a visit from past Chiefs Howard Blizzard; Jay Futcher; Leonard Tylecki; Donald Mitchell, Jr.; and Chief Chuck Snyderon January 28, 2022. The officers and membership wish him many more in the future.

- Submitted by Chuck Snyder

Fire News, April 2022, Page 33 Sussex Co. Fire Prevention Poster& Essay Winners

The Sussex County Firefighters Association held its awards program for the 2021 Fire Prevention Poster and Essay Contest on January 23, 2022. Due to Covid concerns the event was split into an event hosted by the Millsboro Fire Company for students in southern Sussex and Milton Fire Department hosted an event for students in northern Sussex.

The county firefighters are appreciative to the schools, local fire prevention committees and parents who made this a success even with the challenges of Covid.

Millsboro Group:

First Row: Zach Swayngin. Second Row: Nathan Rogers, Annabel Pettyjohn, Melissa Davis, Kenna Evans, Abigail Fortney, Illyiah Phillips. Back Row: Charlotte Wilson, Lyla Reese, Maddie Tomlinson, Gia Forston, Coen Moore, and Katherine Malone.

Milton Group:

Back Row: Bradley Tomeski, Bryce Warner, Aidan Wyatt, Brent Mitchell. Front Row: Seren Herd, Julia Reiske, Vivenne Donahue, Raylynn Reynolds, and Joanna Tsoukalas. - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Page 34, Fire News, April 2022 Goodwill’s Williams

Becomes Life Member

Goodwill President Pam Ingle presented Life Membership to Mary Beth Williams on March 3, 2022, at the company meeting. - Submitted by Regina Olliver

County Meeting

New Castle County Meeting at Delaware City Fire Company was presided overby President Tracy Sweetman. It was very nice having an in-person meeting again. - Submitted by Regina Olliver The Sussex County Firefighters Association held its awards program forthe 2021 Fire Prevention Posterand Essay Contest on January 23, 2022. Hosted by the Millsboro Fire Company. Six children from the Laurel Fire District were recognized fortheirefforts. (Back row): Mike Lowe, Laurel Fire Department, Asst. Chief, Charlotte Wilson, Maddie Tomlinson, Coen Moore (Front Row): Kenna Evans, Melissa Davis (not pictured, Brittany RamosMiranda). - Submitted by Michael Lowe

Obituary Laurel Congratulates Winners on Success in Fire Prevention Posterand Essay Contest

Holloway Terrace’s Rose Callahan

The Holloway Terrace Fire Company and Ladies Auxiliary mourns the loss of Rose Callahan, who passed away on March 10, 2022, at the age of 89.

Rose was very active in the 50s and 60s, serving as President of the Holloway Terrace Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary from 1958 to 1959.

- Submitted by Randy Roberts

Laurel Auxiliary Holds Successful Event Supporting the Community

On January 22, 2022, the Laurel Fire Department Auxiliary held a fundraisertitled “Fire and Ice.” Anight of fun, food and music was held with the event’s proceeds being split between the Laurel Fire Department and the Good Ole’Boys Foundation. At the fire department meeting on February 28, auxiliary past-President Ann Hill presented the fire department with check for$6,000. The officers and members of the department would like to thank the auxiliary forits selfless support as well as the Good Ole’Boys for the contributions they make to the community. (Left to right): Laurel Fire Chief Jeff Hill, Auxiliary Past President Ann Hill and President Dick Russell.

TRAINING New MemberTraining

On February 20, 2022, nine of ourFive Points Fire Company’s newermembers were able to attend training at the fire school. They worked on pulling lines, fire tactics, forcible entry and radio communications to interiorcrews. On the following evening crews were taught how to deploy handlines and stretch them to the entry point of the structure on fire. Then they were shown how to properly re-pack hose lines back onto the engine to be ready forthe next emergency. We’re always taking in new members each month. If you’re interested in joining, drop an email to Recruitment@fivepoints17.com formore information. If you’re interested in ourride along program, contact Captain Lopez at ridealong@fivepoints17.com.

- Submitted by Charles Hayes

Rescue Tool Training

On February 22, 2022, Five Points Fire Company with Wilmington Fire Squad 4-B and Battalion 1-B trained on the Holmatro Pentheon rescue tools. Five Points recently purchased the following: two Combi Tools, a cutter, two rams, two Junkyard Dog Stabilizers, two sets of Z struts and Crash Bag with accessories from ESI Equipment. The new equipment should be in service by May. - Submitted by Charles Hayes

Clayton, Kent County Special Ops Training Session

On February 7, 2022, the members of the Clayton Fire Company and the Kent County Special Operations Team conducted a joint training session on the capabilities of the special operations team. The class was more of an awareness class then a hands-on one. The members were shown the special operations response truck and what equipment it carried and what that equipment would be used for. “We are good at responding to fires, caraccidents, and othernormal types of responses even getting the cat out of the tree,” said Chief John Pridemore, “But when it comes to confined space orhigh angle rescues we are a bit out of ourwheelhouse. That is why we meet with the team to review what they can do and how we can assist them on a special operations response. The members were able to place hands on the equipment, and get a feel forwhat they needed to do to assist. During the colder months we try to find new things to train on and to review so when the weathergets betterwe can train outside with hands-on training,” said 1st Assistant Chief Austin Moorehead. - Submitted by Kevin L. Wilson PIO; photo courtesy of Alexis Steele

Holloway Terrace Trains

In March, Holloway Terrace Fire Company members participated in CPR and forcible entry training in an effort to learn new skills and sharpen existing ones. - Submitted by Randy Roberts

TRAINING Millsboro Trains on Live Structure Fire Burn

When possible, training on structures to be demolished allows Millsboro’s newer members to experience a working house fire and provide a refresherforother members on situations critical to firefightersafety. - Submitted by Larry Gum

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