2 minute read


I recently checked with my local groundhogs and found that all the seasoned groundhogs had differing opinions on when winter will end. Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of cold weather, while Chuckles and General Beauregard Lee are saying we will have an early spring. Since I am an optimist, I’m betting on an early spring! But, regardless of what our groundhogs think, I am staying prepared for a few more weeks of cold weather.

I grew up in the fire service. I remember my dad hated fighting fires in the cold. He always prepared his rack for winter, which included an extra wool sweater, a wool skull hat and a nylon vest. In 1960, I was a full-fledged buff. In those days I ran to fires and immediately found the Salvation Army truck, which was always present. My adopted job was to retrieve a cardboard box filled with coffee and doughnuts and distribute them to the MPOs, so that the members of the companies had a warm beverage waiting for them when they exited the fire building. I know the members appreciated my gesture offering them coffee and doughnuts provided by the Salvation Army. Truthfully, I miss the dedication of the Salvation Army. With the advancement of technology, we now have Recuperation and Care Units (RAC Units). These units respond to all-hands calls and provide members with cool drinks and cool towels during hot weather and warm drinks during cold weather.

Several times I was asked to run to my father’s company and load up a bag of dry clothing and bring it back to the fire. It didn’t look like fun when I saw firefighters exiting a warm building in wet clothing and standing in freezing temperatures. This changed in the late 60s.

In extreme temperatures, firefighters need protection from both heat and cold at the same incident. While stretching lines and opening up a building, firefighters are exposed to the cold temperatures and, within minutes, they are exposed to extreme heat. Firefighters who are dressed for the cold are likely to become fatigued. It is common for firefighters to be sweating on the inside and covered with ice on the outside. Officers should remind members to stay warm without compromising protection.

Plan and prepare for fighting fires in the winter months. Agood pump operator has a built-in instinct that warns of the dangers of allowing their truck to freeze up. Some departments in cold climates operate with dry pumps. As they arrive on scene they allow water to enter the pump so that it can be out into operation. I recommend that new pump operators speak with a senior pump operator to review cold weather operation. You should also check with the pump manufacturer to see if they have guidelines for operating in cold weather.

Check with Firehouse magazine. Jim Vaughn wrote a great article called, “Preparedness and Training for Cold-Weather Firefighting.” Check out their December 2020 edition.

Let’s hope Punxsutawney Phil is wrong and that springtime is less than six weeks away. In the meantime, stay warm! -


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