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Pump Training in Madisonville

Madisonville firefighters take advantage of the nice weatherto get in some pump-training. - Photos courtesy of Madisonville FD

Peer Support Training

Recently, the Henderson Fire Department and Local 2290 hosted the IAFFPeerSupport Training. Training is delivered by two IAFF masterpeersupport instructors. This training was a two-day, 16hour, in-person program. Aftercompleting the training, members have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide support to theirpeers, have a basic understanding of common behavioral health issues affecting the fire service, can serve as a bridge to community resources or behavioral health treatment when indicated, and are able to build or enhance peersupport programs. This class was attended by the Henderson Fire Department, Henderson 911, Evansville Fire Department, Owensboro Fire Department, and Henderson HR. - Photos courtesy of Henderson FD

7 New Team Members forWaterRescue Team

Recently, seven of the Hazard Fire Department’s personnel attended a moving waterrescue technician course taught by the Floyd County Rescue Squad. All members successfully completed the course. This has added seven more technicians to the Hazard staff, fora total of 12 members on the water rescue team. Pictured, rearrow: Joshua Smith, Braeden Ritchie, Jason Combs and Barrett Smith. Front row: Brandon Smith, Doug Beverly, and Rayven Ritchie. - Photo courtesy of Hazard FD

Lexington’s Combat Challenge Team Scores!

Lexington’s Firefighter Combat Challenge Team has returned home from Indianapolis following this past weekend’s competition, and all 10 team members were sporting medals!

Placing first in the Female Relay Team event: Firefighters Sarah McGill, Chelsie Brown, Michelle Spanyer and Erin Lucas.

Placing second in the Team event: Captain John Gerardi, Lieutenant Doug Thompson, Firefighters Josh Spalding, Nathan Bardeen and Andrew Cook.

Placing first in the Over 50 Relay Team event: Firefighter John Barnott (competed with four members from other departments)

Placing seconnd in the Female Individual event: Firefighter Sarah McGill.

Placing 8th in the Individual Overall event: Captain John Gerardi. - Photo courtesy of Lexington FD

Fire News, July/August 2022, Page 21 Teaching the Children

Fire Safety

Members from Engine 18 and the Fire Prevention Bureau spent time this week teaching students at FrayserElementary School about fire safety, firefighting gearand equipment, and one of the most important safety tools foryourhome, smoke alarms! Remember, home owners in the Urban Services District can contact Metro 311 to request a free smoke alarm to be installed in your home. - Photo courtesy of Louisville Division of Fire

Page 22, Fire News, July/August 2022

Company Citation to Engine 9 and EC11, 1st Platoon

ACompany Citation is given to a company that has performed an action of unusual character, competence and initiative in an emergency or non-emergency situation, which substantially contributed to an improved positive outcome. We would like to recognize Lexington’s Engine 9 and EC11, 1st Platoon.

On the morning of January 21, 2021, crews were dispatched to the report of a possible structure fire at 2800 block of Ryan Circle. On arrival, E9 reported nothing showing from a two-story multi-residential building, but as they got closer they observed smoke pushing from underneath the door of one of the apartments. They forced the door and found heavy smoke within, and upgraded the response to a working structure fire and prepared to make entry.

The crew of E9 was familiar with this particular building and this particular resident, having made runs here in the past. While Firefighter Josh Day, the driver of E9, was stretching a line to the building, Captain Warren and Firefighter Spaulding entered the apartment and performed a quick search. They located an unconscious victim behind a bathroom door and quickly removed the patient and handed off the patient to EC11 and quickly went back to work to extinguish the fire with the help of E21.

EC11 started rescue breathing for the patient and began administering a Cyanokit en route to the hospital. The patient had remarkably improved before they arrived at the hospital.

Crews later learned that the patient was intubated upon arrival at the hospital, and after receiving three hyperbaric oxygen treatments, was able to be extubated and later discharged, having made a full recovery. The quick work in locating the victim by E9, coupled with the excellent care she received from EC11, undoubtedly provided this patient with the best chance of survival. - Courtesy of Lexington FD

Successful Golf Fundraiser in Lexington

Recently, the Lexington Fire Department held its annual LFD/FOFGolf Scramble. Attendees had perfect weatherand a great time with everyone. It is always a pleasure to see all of the familiarfaces and the new participants each year. Special shout out to Gibson Bay Golf Course forgraciously hosting the event again. Thanks to the generosity of the players and sponsors for anotherrecord setting year! The money raised at this event benefits the Public Education/Community Services Office to help with outreach in the community. - Photos courtesy of Lexington FD

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