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Firehouse Expo Preview
Three groups of sessions will be offered between 80800-1230. There will be a break for lunch and then the opening ceremonies will begin at 1400. The day then will transition to the exhibit floor, where there will be a welcome reception, a Tailboard Talk and a roundtable.
New Classes
“Incident Command: Defining the Expectation.” “Engine Company Operations at Apartment Fires.” “RIT? FAST? RIC? WHO?” “Flying into a New Era: Building a Drone Program and Utilization in the Fire Service.”
Firehouse Expo will offer special programs for volunteer firefighters with a special discounted rate of $75 registration for either Wednesday or Friday. And don’t miss “CPR for the Volunteer Fire Service," and “AFG Strategies for Success.”

Lessons Learned
Attendees of Firehouse Expo in 2022 requested more classes/speakers that concentrate on lessons learned and that p rovide examination of close calls and fireground incidents. “Out of Air, Can YOU Make It to Safety?” and “I Was Not Ready for This!”
Pre-conference Workshops
Our in-depth pre-conference workshops will allow participants to take a deep dive into leadership, tactics and the human side of firefighting, among other topics.
This new class conference includes several “Thru-the-Lock, the Not-So Forcible Entry Method.”
One of the many tasks firefighters must be proficient in is forcible entry. The Thru-the-Lock method of forcible entry con- serves property damage while obtaining the goal of gaining entry. This method is utilized when life safety and property conservation come together to make access to buildings and homes for a vast array of incident responses. When seconds count and lives hang in the balance, it takes trained professionals to do their job and get it done right. Thru-the-Lock has proven effective to access patients, making entry for water flow activation, as well as maintaining door control for smoke conditions. An additional benefit of Thru-theLock is the ability to secure the entry point upon termination of the incident. Thru-the-Lock is a skill every firefighter needs in their proverbial toolbox.
Fire departments across the country face many challenges in the post-COVID-19 era, including leadership changes, culture issues and exhaustion, which all can bring down morale in firefighters
Find the full list of pre-conference workshops here: firehouseexpo.com/2023/workshops.
You must preregister for these four- and eight-hour workshops, so do it today.