22 minute read
The Red Knights Motorcycle Club NY26 will be collecting Teddy Bears for The Town of Brookhaven Interface on November 20, 2022. Registration will be at 1030. KSU at 1200 noon. Attention: New starting location will be the Terryville FD, Station 3 on Canal Road. The escorted ride ends with a great lunch at Painters Restaurant, 416 South Country Road, Brookhaven NY11719.
Sponsors and vendors waned: Phone 631-905-9802. Email rkmcny26@gmail.com. Lunch Sponsor $250 each: Logo on back of t-shirt, $100 each…Deadline for logo on shirt is November 1. This is an annual event.
The Teddy Bears will be given out to children. It's a wonderful day to give back to those in need. Over the years we have collected thousands of Teddy Bears and made cash donations. Even if you don't ride a motorcycle come down to the event. In the event of bad weather, meet at Painters Restaurant. Bring a Bear!
Thanks for your help, Jim Brown, President, RKMC NY26
The Central Islip Fire Department will be holding its annual fire prevention week open house on Friday, October 14, 2022, from 1800 to 2100. This annual event will be held at CIFD Station 2 at 110 Wheeler Road, in Central Islip.
There will be many fire prevention displays and demonstrations, a free child ID program, as well as many giveaways and fire safety educational materials. All are invited to this informative and fun-filled evening.
For more information call 631-484-0612, or e-mail us at fireprevention@centralislipfd.com.
Visit our website at www.centralislipfd.com.
The Annual Dinner and Firefighter of the Year presentation of the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen’s Association will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at the Centereach Fire Department, located at 9 South Washington Avenue, Centereach.
The event begins at 1800 with appetizers, (beer, wine, and soda included) followed by the installation of officers, dinner, and the Suffolk County Firefighter of the Year presentations for 2022.
The cost is $65 per person. Tickets are limited, so please order your tickets as soon as possible.
Please visit our website at www.scvfaonline.org for the dinner application and journal advertisement application.
For further information, email: SuffolkSecretary@gmail.com.
The Nassau County Firefighters wounded Warrior 5th Annual OWW Bowling Tournament will be held on Sunday, October 9, 2022, at Herrill Lanes, 465 Herrick Road, New Hyde Park.
Bowling starts at 1300, registration at 1200. Four-person teams at $120 per team. The event is open to the first 36 teams registered. Sanctioned Average and League Averages are accepted. Trophy for the winning team and medals for the top three teams.
There will be 50/50 raffles, Brackets & Pots, and beer and food specials. All proceeds go to NC Operation Wounded Warriors.
For information: Jerry Keating, 917-682-8087; JKEA111@aol.com, or John Willers, 516-351-6236; HOOKMAN175@optonline.net.

NYS Junior Championship Drill
July 21, 2022
Place Team Points 1stBay Shore Jr. Redskins 27 2ndLindenhurst Jr. Snails 24 3rdBlue Point Jr.
Mighty Midgets 23.5 4thHagerman Junior Gamblers23 5thCentral Islip Jr. Hoboes 19
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

Riders of Fire MC Donate to Stony Brook Burn Center

The Riders of Fire Motorcycle Club recently donated $1,000 to the Stony Brook Burn Center. The Riders of Fire MC were represented by President George DeMasi, Vice-President Gio ‘Cheech’Chiarelli and members. The Burn Centerwas represented by President Dawn Meyer, Vice-President Francis Fragola and Dr. Sandoval, the Directorof the Burn Center.
- Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Baldwin Hybrid Charity Drill
July 1, 2022
Place Team Points 1st Westbury Turtles 18 2ndBellmore Ballbreakers 14 3rd Bayville Oak Neckers 13 4th Seaford Inmates 7 5th Lynbrook Tumblers 5

- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

(Continued on next page)

Baldwin Hybrid Charity Drill...continued from previous page

Joe Hunter Memorial Drill
June 30, 2022
Place Team Points 1st North Lindenhurst Piston Knockers 29 2ndCentral Islip Hoboes 21.5 3rd Islip Wolves 20.5 4th Hagerman Gamblers 12.5 5th West Hempstead Westerners 7.5 5th North Bellmore Rinky Dinks 7.5
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

NYS Championship Drill
August 20, 2022
Place Team Points 1stIslip Wolves 21 2ndWest Sayville
Flying Dutchmen 17 3rdCentral Islip Hoboes16 4thNorth Lindenhurst
Piston Knockers 14 5thHagerman Gamblers8
- Fire News photos by Kim Versheck

NYS Championship Drill...continued from previous page

Looking Back
Coram - 2017

On November10, 2017, the Coram Fire Department responded fora garage fire on BeecherStreet. Mutual aid was requested from Medford, MillerPlace, Terryville, Yaphank, Selden and Gordon Heights. - Fire News photo by Jim Dunn
Great Neck - 2017

On November12, 2017, the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department responded to a carfire at the intersection of Northern Boulevard and Allen Drive in Great Neck. - Fire News photo by Lee Genser

Westbury 2017
On Christmas Eve 2017, Westbury firefighters performed a three-engine water relay and stretched over2000 feet of fiveinch supply line to put out a large mulch fire. The fire was in a field off Hitchcock Lane in Old Westbury. - Fire News photo by K2MPhotography.com

6th Battalion Installation
On the morning of May 22, 2022, the Nassau County Sixth Battalion held an installation at the Coral House in Baldwin. George Kern of the Seaford Fire Department was installed as the Chairman of the Sixth Battalion. Carey Welt of the East Meadow Fire Department and Thomas Fitzsimmons of the Massapequa Fire Department were installed as the ViceChairman and Secretary, respectively. Paul Wilders of the North Merrick Fire Department was recognized at this year’s event forhaving recently served as the Chairman of the Sixth Battalion. - Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com

Uniondale Wetdown
On August 28, 2022, Uniondale Protection Company 4 of the Uniondale Fire Department held a dedication and wetdown ceremony forLadder754. The rig, a 2020 Seagrave Aerialscope with a 95-foot ladder, pump, fiveinch feederline, and handlines, is the first of its kind. Uniondale ex-Chief and Company 4 seniorman Stephen Doherty were the Masters of Ceremony forthe event and had the opportunity to christen the rig with the breaking of a champagne bottle. Priorto taking delivery of the current Ladder754 the company was using a 2002 Sutphen which now serves with the Manorville Fire Department. Congratulations to the company on the new Ladder754 and good luck to the officers and members who will be using it. - Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com

Page 74, Fire News, October2022 Family Corner

Halesite Chief and Son
Halesite Fire Department’s Second Assistant Chief Mike Conforti is pictured with his son Austin, 2, enjoying the Greenlawn Fireman’s Fair. - Fire News photo by Steve Silverman

East Farmingdale Fire Company Station 2 members at a recent fire on Johnson Street. Chaufferex-Chief Mike Kilbridge, Sr., exChief Joe Iuzzini, FirefighterMark Kilbridge, Captain Mike Kilbridge, Jr., FirefighterMatt Kilbridge. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza
Ex-Chief and 47-yearmemberBill Irving of the Greenlawn Fire Department is seen with his grandson James Patrick ‘JP’Early, who is five-years old. - Fire News photo by Steve Silverman

West Hempstead Westerners Wedding
On June 17 2022, Matthew Sinatro of the West Hempstead Fire Department Westerners was married. The Westerners Drill Team sent the couple off in style with some help from a neighboring department. Thanks to all who helped make the wedding special. The Westerners Drill Team wishes Cristina and Matthew Sinatro many years of happiness. - Fire News photo by Bill D’Alessandro

Youth Squad of the Yearto Bay Shore/Brightwaters
On August 6, 2022, FASNYpresented the Youth Squad of the YearAward to the Bay Shore/Brightwaters Rescue Ambulance Youth Squad fortheiroutstanding commitment to the program and community involvement. Presenting the award were Eugene Perry 2nd VicePresident, Frank Guarino Director, Keith Vella FASNYYouth Fire and Bob Sutton, President of Suffolk County Association of Firefighters. - Fire News photo by Jim Dunn

Suffolk Recognizes Dispatchers

In recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, Suffolk County FRES CommissionerPatrick Beckley, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone and Suffolk County Police Chief of Department Robert Waring recognized three FRES dispatchers and one SCPD emergency complaint operatorfortheiroutstanding work in assisting with three separate baby deliveries earlierthis year. Within a span of 11 days, Emergency Service Dispatcher(ESD) Anna Stark assisted with a delivery of a baby boy in DeerPark, ESD Marlo VanHouten and ECO Regina Gregorwich jointly assisted with the delivery of a baby boy in Terryville, and ESD Joseph Wixted assisted with the delivery of a baby in Ridge. - Fire News photo by Peter Guaraldi, PIO, SCFRES

Red Knights Bike Blessing
The Red Knights MC 25 recently held theirannual bike blessing to benefit the Suffolk County VolunteerFirefighters Burn Center. Overthe past 16 years the Red Knights raised over$165,000. The officers and members want to thank the community forthe support in making this year’s donation a great success. -Fire News photos by Ron Monteleone

New LadderforElmont
On June 4, 2022, Hook and LadderCompany 2 of the Elmont Fire Department held a dedication forthe new Ladder708. The new 708 is a 2021 Ferrara Inferno 102-foot Rearmount Aerial and is the eighth aerial forthe company. Although 708 has been in service since March, the commissioners officially handed overthe keys to the company at the ceremony. Aftera few remarks by the commissioners, the chiefs office, and company representatives, the truck was officially christened by the company’s seniormost memberFirefighterCaldara. Congratulations and best of luck to LadderCompany 2 with the new apparatus! - Fire News photos by Over The Edge Photography

NYS Drill Team Parade

The New York State Drill Team Parade was hosted by the North Bellmore Fire Department. Marchers and equipment marched down Bellmore Avenue. -Fire News photos by Steve Takacs and Kim Versheck

Manhasset-Lakeville & Great Neck Win

Members of the Manhasset-Lakeville and Great Neck fire departments pose with theiraward-winning apparatus following the Glasstown Antique Fire Brigade Musterat Wheaton Village in Millville, New Jersey, on August 21, 2022. The apparatus won the Chiefs Award and will be featured on the plaques and T-shirts for next year's muster. - Fire News photo by Dennis C. Sharpe
Northwell’s Crisis Management iPad Winner
At the 2022 Long Island Fire & EMS Expo Northwell Health's Crisis Management Incident Response Team (CMIRT) raffled off an iPad as a show of their appreciation forthe first respondercommunity. The lucky winnerwas John Burnell from the West Babylon Fire Department! Mr. Burnell (pictured holding his new iPad) recently had the opportunity to stop by the CMIRToffice to learn more about what we do and the classes we offer. CMIRTlooks forward to continuing to give back to the first respondercommunity by hosting a variety of free classes! - Photo provided by Northwell’s Crisis
Management Incident Response Team

Eaton’s Neck Honors 50 YearMember

The Eaton’s Neck Fire Department recently recognized ex-Chief and formerCommissionerArthurAngst forhis 50 years of dedicated service. Angst served as Chief of the Department from 1979 to 1980, and was presented with an award honoring his service by the Eaton’s Neck chiefs. Pictured from left, are First Assistant Chief John Pokorny, Second Assistant Chief Mike Pinto, Artie Angst and Chief PeterHluboky, Jr. - Fire News photo by Steve Silverman
50 Years of Service in Flanders

FASNYand the Flanders Fire Department PioneerCompany 2 awarded Joseph Cavaluzzi (left) and Michael Spano proclamations fortheir50 years of service at Company 2’s annual dinnerheld at Oakland Restaurant in Hampton Bays. Joseph Cavaluzzi joined the Flanders Fire Department in 1969 and Michael Spano in 1970. Due to Covid, celebrations were put on hold until this year. - Fire News photo provided by the Flanders FD
Annual Fire Chaplains Training Conference 2022

The NYSAFC held their Annual Training Conference at the Comfort Inn and Suites, East Greenbush, NY. It was an informative conference with training from the Four Chaplains Foundation, NYS Office of Mental Health, and Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Fire Prevention and Control. Chief Chaplain Thomas With gave the Association’s annual welcome. The Annual Memorial Service, and, Annual Dinner were also conducted during the Conference. Every day started with a time of prayers and devotions. The theme of the 2022 Conference was the “Four Chaplains.”
On Sunday evening, we had Chaplain Refresher Training, conducted by Executive Secretary William Miles, with assistance from Association 2nd Deputy Joseph McCarthy. This all took place during a power outage, which occurred when a local sub-station suffered an explosion.
Monday began with a short welcome by Chief Chaplain Thomas With. He introduced Rev. Gary Holden, Senior Chaplain of the Four Chaplains Foundation. Rev. Holden’s training presentation of the day was “Introduction to Being a Fire Chaplain.”
The spouses were treated to a bus trip to the Bowman Orchards in Rexford. Association Director Chaplain Kevin Bowman and his wife Martha, organized the spouses outing. Also, past Chief Chaplain, Rev. Leon Van Wie, was presented with his past Chief Chaplain’s Badge and a plaque of grateful appreciation for his dedication and devotion as Chief Chaplain from 2020 to 2022.
After a brief meeting of the association on Tuesday morning, training started with Steven Moskowitz, MSW, NYS Office of Mental Health, with subjects on “Psychological First Aid - Responding to Extreme Stress,” a review of “NYS Project Hope” and “NYS Disasters and Mental Health Response.” Steven is the Director of the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response.
On Tuesday evening, we held our Annual Memorial Service at the Fuller Road Fire Department. firehouse in Colonie, followed by dinner. The conference theme was based on the Four Chaplains and how our Association of Fire Chaplains had their humble beginnings. Our Memorial Address was given by Rev. Gary Holden. Also, during the Annual Memorial Service, Father Donald Rutherford, Major General (Chief Chaplain; ret.), of the US Army Chaplains, helped honor the Four Chaplains. He did so by lighting four separate candles during the association’s Joint Necrology reading of our deceased members, and, the Four Chaplains who gave up their life vests on February 3, 1943, the night the SS Dochester, a US Army transport, was hit by a torpedo and sank in the Atlantic.
During the dinner we also had Father Donald Rutherford, speak on the Four Chaplains. He also displayed his Bronze Star medal and other items of interest from his US Army position as Chief Chaplain. We also had a display, with explanation, of the “The Table set for One,” by American Legion Post 42, Chatham, Auxiliary President Barbara Fischer. Chief Chaplain Thomas With also presented identical plaques to Rev. Gary Holden, of the Four Chaplains Foundation, and to Senior Minister Lynn Bodden, of the First Reformed Church of Schenectady. Lt. Charles V. Poling, one of the Four Chaplains, was a Pastor at the First Reformed Church of Schenectady.
Please go to our Association’s website of NYSAFC.org for more historical information on the Four Chaplains. Also, please visit the Four Chaplains Memorial Foundation website at fourchaplains.org, to read on how the Four Chaplains legacy is continued every day.

We concluded our conference on Wednesday with training on “Cancer in the NYS Fire Service,” by Fire Protection Specialist Timothy Graves, DHSES, Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Interested at joining the Association? Please contact Executive Secretary William Miles at: nysafc@gmail.com. - Fire News story courtesy of the New
York State Association of Fire Chaplains
Centerport 124th Installation of Officers

The Centerport Fire Department installed their officers for 2022 at the 124th Annual Installation Dinner held at the Water's Edge. The Chief Officers installed are Chief of Department Andrew Heglund, First Assistant Chief Kyle McLaughlin and Second Assistant Chief Daniel Gunther. The Deputy Chiefs are Chaplain Paul Heglund, Medical Dr. Jack Geffken and PIO/Photographer Steve Silverman.
The Company officers installed are: Engine Company No. 1 Captain William DeSantis, First Lieutenant Nicholas Malico, Second Lieutenant Michael Gunther. Engine Company No. 2 - Captain Andrew Stevenson, Lieutenant Kevin Reilly. Eagle Truck Company - Captain Brian Ciafardoni, First Lieutenant Nicholas Feeley, Second Lieutenant Matthew Pribyl. Rescue Squad - Captain Walter Lawrence, Lieutenant Brianna Simpson. Fire Police - Captain John Knoph, Lieutenant Cliff Raynor.
The Harry Burr Memorial Award for answering the most alarms was presented to Ex-Chief James Feeley. The Company Member of the Year Awards were presented to: Eagle Truck - Ex-Chief Robert Ciafardoni, Engine Co. One - Ex-Chief Brian Mark, Engine Co. 2 - Brian Terry, Rescue Squad - Adrienne Mehl and Justin McNally, Fire Police - Sam Jones.
- Fire News story by Steve Silverman, photos courtesy Centerport FD


Members of the first due engine from Hicksville at a recent working fire in Roslyn. - Fire News photo by Over The Edge Photography

Brentwood Fire Department Wanderers Band at the Port Jefferson Fourth of July parade. - Fire News photo by Richard Dia

Members of the Great Neck Vigilant Fire Company on a mutual aid to a second alarm in the Great Neck Alert’s district. - Fire News photo by K2MPhotography.com

Members of Manhasset-Lakeville Company 2 aftera recent fire in Port Washington. - Fire News photo by Over The Edge Photography Members of the Wantagh Fire Department at a July 26, 2022, house fire on Wolkow Avenue. - Fire News photo by K2MPhotography.com

Members from the Westhampton Beach Fire Department. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Members from the Nesconset Fire Department get together aftera recent worker. - Fire News photo by Ron Monteleone

Members of the Melrose Fire Company and Freeport Hose 2 Lieutenant Madigan afterthe dedication of Engine 214. - Fire News photo by Over The Edge Photography
Obituary Roslyn Highland’s Robert Larsen
On June 7, 2022, the Roslyn Highlands Fire Company laid to rest ex-Chief Robert Larsen. A 58-year member of the company, ex-Chief Larsen died on May 29, 2022. He was 88.
Ex-Chief Larsen served as Chief of Department from 1976 to 1977. He was an active member of the Highlanders Drill Team and a life member of the New York State Volunteer Firemen’s Parade and Drill Team Captains’ Association.
Our condolences to the family, friends and members of Roslyn Highlands Fire Company on their loss.
- Fire News photos by Over The Edge Photography


Selden’s James Spatafora

The Selden Fire Department announced that James ‘Spats’Spatafora passed away on September 6, 2022. He was 62.
Spats joined the Selden Fire Department in 1978, In his 45-year career, he rose to the rank of Captain of Heavy Rescue Company 4 and later was elected and served as Fire Commissioner. He has served many roles in the fire department and took the lead of numerous committees without hesitation, running many events and functions over the years. His love for the fire department ran deep and his passion to give back and help other brothers in need always was at the forefront. Spats fought hard, and his spirit and soul will forever roam the halls of the Selden Fire Department. Rest easy Brother, we got it from here.
In lieu of flowers, the family kindly asks that donations be made to: The VFoundation for Cancer Research, 14600 Weston Parkway, Cary, NC 27513. - Copy by William Cotty Chief of Department, Selden FD; photos by Ron Monteleone