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East Meadow Helps Warwick Accelerant Detection K-9s
The East Meadow (Long Island) reserved Engine 611 to run calls forthe Warwick Fire Department in Orange County since June 2022. Thank you East Meadow from the Warwick Fire District.
- Fire News photo by the Warwick FD
- Fire News photo by Joseph C. Sperber

Nassau County Fire Marshal Accelerant Detection Canines, K9 “Pilot” and K-9 “Leah” with handlers, Fire Marshal Investigators Joseph Battaglia and Matt Kerin photographed on December5, 2022, at the Nassau County PSC in Westbury. Both dogs are Labradorretrievers and had six weeks of intensive training by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) and are nationally certified accelerant detection K-9s. They are members of the ATFNational Response team.