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Fire Chiefs Council of Nassau County Installation

On the night of December15, 2022, the Fire Chiefs Council of Nassau County held a meeting at Uniondale’s Van Ness Fire Station. The meeting began with an opening by FatherCostigan before the Council made a presentation to Steven Klein of the Oceanside Fire Department forthe years he spent as the President of FASNY. John Tassiello of the New Hyde Park Fire Department was recognized as the outgoing President of the Chiefs Council and Jean Laurent of the Uniondale Fire Department was sworn in as the new President. Laurent, an ex-Chief of the Uniondale Fire Department, along with his board was sworn in by Town of Hempstead Councilman and Congressman-elect Anthony D’Esposito. The otherofficers serving alongside President Laurent are First Vice President Tommy Pellegrino (Oceanside), Second Vice President Karen Bendel (Baldwin), and Sergeant at Arms Brian Nolan (Locust Valley). Congratulations to those sworn in and good luck in office!

- Fire News photos by K2MPhotography.com