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Wantagh Honors 50-YearMembers

On June 4, 2022 Wantagh Hook Ladderand Engine Company 1 held theirannual dinnerat the Milleridge Inn in Jericho. Masterof Ceremonies Mike Lenningeropened the program with the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone. The officers of the company, President Jeff Brown, Vice President Joe Gross Jr., TreasurerBruce Sparke, Financial Secretary Andrew Nordqust, Recording Secretary Danielle Barretta, Corresponding Secretary and the Board of Trustees Bill Gilmor, Joe Gross III, Shawn Eckert, Ed McGuire, Steve Cohen were installed. Also at this dinner, fourmembers were honored for achieving 50 years of service, ex-Chief Joseph Pignataro from Station 3 (who could not attend), exChief Ronald Hunterfrom Headquarters and exCaptains William Wills and Robert Kurtz from Station 5. County and State dignitaries and a representative from FASNYpresented the members with several proclamations thanking them fortheiryears of service to the Wantagh Fire Department.
- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza