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Southampton Swears in Officers

The 2023 Southampton Fire Department officers were sworn in on January 12, 2023, at Southampton Village Hall. Emanuel ‘Manny’ Escobarwas sworn in as Chief of Department. Richard Fowlerwas sworn in as 2nd Assistant Chief. First Assistant Chief Polis Walkerwas not present. Company officers were also sworn in. Many family members and department members were present to watch the swearing in ceremony. - Fire News photo by Chris Brenner, Southampton FD, PIO

McArdle Honored

At the January 2023 meeting of the Town of Babylon Chiefs Association, West Babylon ex-Chief Pete McArdle was presented a plaque in recognition of his time as President from 2020 to 2022. He was also presented proclamations from town, county and state dignitaries. In attendance was his wife Ellen who was presented a bouquet of flowers. (Left to right) : President Rob Waegerle, NYS Assemblyman Mike Durso, SC LegislatorKevin McCaffrey, Ellen McArdle, ex-Chief Pete McArdle, Town of Babylon Supv. Rich Schaffer, Councilman Terrence McSweeney and SC Legislature Tom Donnelly. - Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

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